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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 34, no. 865: October 11, 1884

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1042 The Real Estate Record October 11,1884 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. NKW YORK OITY. Oct. 4 One Hundred and Twenty-seventh at, n a, ISO w 3d av, 50 feat front. Daniel Fitz¬ patrick agt Charles H. and Wm. Barton.____ (Feb. 8, 1884).............................S175 00 6 Seventy-second st, Noa, 220 to 232 E„ s a, bet 2d and Sd ava. 125x109.2, Duncan Black agt Annie Fettretch, (Feb. 16, 'd4) 1,831 00 0 Madison av, Nos 6:i8, 640 and ei-,'. n w cor 5Hth St. Pottsville Iron and Steel Co. agt Thomas Kilpatrick, J. M. Ducloa & Co. and V, Y. City Iron Works. (Aue. 27,1884) 4,478 11 61-Eleventh av, n e cor 37th st, 45x100. Stew¬ art « Devlin agt R, and M. Steinhardt. (July 18. 1881)...................■■-■■■• B30 00 7 Hintb av. Noa. I'S? and 239, w a, 50 s 25th st. Lo«i'» Bossert agt Marts Rinaldo. (Sept. fi, 1884).................................1,-SaB 98 7 Fifth av ploza, w a, extdg. fron 5Sth to 59th st 200.10 on plaza X 175 on 50th st and 12,% on 58Ih St. George B. Gillies agt Phyfe & Campbell. (Aug. 26,1881}................7,150 70 e Mott at, No, 181, w 8. bet Broome and Spring sta. Samuel Nevioa agt Micbael Collina and Henry Beinhauer. (Oct, 6, 1884)............... ....................... 2750 10 Greene st. No, Ifi. e e, bet Canal and Grand ata. Sniffln & Masterton apt E, C. Hazard and ano., assignees o£ Henry Adams. (Nov, 29, IBH2)...........................17,950 00 10 Same property. Same agt aame, (Nov, 29, 1882)..............................22,5C0 CO 10 Same propertv. Same agt Henry Adams. (Aug. 81. 1883).........................22,500 00 10 Twenty-third st. No, 42 W., s s. abt 2ro w 5tb av, 25 ft. front, John Elaworlh agt W, Jennlnga Demorest, Drummond & Jones and John Elder, (Sept. 5,1SB4).... 14 95 t Discharged by order of Court. KIWUS COUNTY. October 4 to 10—inclusive. Seventh and Eighth ava and Sixlh and Seventh sta—the block. Howell A Saxtan agt George I. Seney and the Metbodiat Epis¬ copal Hospital, owners, ana George I. Se¬ ney, (May 14, 1881) ................87,500 00 Monroe st. s s, 101.8 e Lewis av. 93.4x100. Michael Hughes agt Henrv C. Biiker, owner,&c. (Oct. 6. 3P81) ................ 350 00 Franklin av. No. ^99, e s, 56 s Hancock at, I7x EO. George S. Jame^ agt Clinton G. Wig¬ gins, owner. &c. (Augl8,ie8fl.......... 64 99 Same property. Same agt Jennie V. Wiggins, owner, and Clinton G. Wiggins, (Aug, 19, 1881)....................................... SI 99 BUILDINGS PROJECTED HEW TORR CITT, SOtlTH OF 14th ST. Eldridge at. No. 143, one five-story brick factory, 25x79.6, tin or gravel roof; cost, $19,000; owner, Peter Reidenbach, 4S Delancey st; archi¬ tect, Wm. Graul, Plan l37ti, BBTwaKM 14th ahd 59th sts, 52d st, Nos, 515, 517 and 519 W., three five-story brick tenem'ts, 25x83.6, tin roofs; cost, each, ¥16,500; owners, Elsworth L. Striker, 308 Wesfc ,52d st, aud John (Juinn, n e cor llth av and 51st 6t; arcbitect, C, F. Ridder, Jr,; builder, not aelected. Flan 13til, Slst st. a s, 3U0 e 1st av, one two-story brick refrigerator building. (50x93, tin roof; cost, $10,000; owner, E. C. Swift, 9 to 31 Devoe av. West Washington Marltet; arcbitect. L. C. Wilber; builder, B. F, Bailey, Plan 1373, 54th st, n 3, 275 w IOth av, two flve-story brick tenem'ta, 35x82, tin roofa; cost, each, *10,000; owner, Jacob New, 109 Grand st; arcbitect, J, H, Valentine. Plau 1384. 58th at, n a, 383 e 10th av, one five-story brick and stone hospital, 50x170, slate and copper roof; cost, SISO.OOO; owners, trustees of Roosevelt Hospital, Jas, Roosevelt, chairman, 31 Finest; arcbitect, John G. Prague, Flan 1375, BETWBEN 59th AND 125TH STEBETS, HA8T OB 5th avknub, let av, □ w cor 70th st. one four-story and attic brick school house, 95x60, tin and slate roof; cost, $1H),000; owner. Citv of New Tork; archi¬ tect, J. N, Stagg. Plan 1360. 84th st, B s, l.'iO w 3d av, one five-story briek tenem't, 35.5x86, tin roof; cost. $20,5011; owner, Geo. Keller, West Farms; architect, Jobn Mcln¬ tyre; builders, Hollister Se Friedlein. Plan 1365. 68th st, n a 210 e 3d av, flve three-story brown stone front dwell]Es, 35x50, tin roofs; cost, each, glO,000; owner, Wm. C. Schermerhorn, 49 West 2Sd at; architect, H. J, Hardenbergh; builder, John Banta, Plan 1377, 68th st, n a, 310 e 3d av, flve three-story brown atone front dwell'gs, 20x50, tin roofs; cost each, $10,000; owner, R. T, Auchmuty, treasurer. 61 University pl; architect and builder, same as last. Plan 1378, Av A, n e cor 75th st, one five-story brick factory, 25x83, tin ronf; cost, |16,000; owner, P. H, McManus, 110 East 91at st; architect, John Brandt, PIanl3S3, Av A, e s, 25 n 75th st, one five-story brick tenem't, 25x83, tin roof; cost, $16,000; owner and architect, same aa laat, Plau 1383. BKTWKBN 69th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8th avenue, 60th st, n s, 175 w 10th av, one five-story brown atone front tenem't, 35x75, tin roof; cost, $13.- OOO; owner, Thotnas Cowman, 513 West 60th st; architect, M, Louis Ungrich; done by day's 70th st, n a, 425 w 9th av, five four-story brown stone front dwell'gs, 31, 20 and 19x58, extensions 13x11, tin roofs; coat, each, $34,000; owner, Henry V, Hamilton, 2078 5th av; architect, J, H, Valentine. Plan 1385. llth av, e s, from 6lst to 62d st, eight flve-story brick tenem'ts and stores, 25x80, tin roofs; cost, each, ¥20,000; owner, Abraham Jonas, 39 Ridge st; architect, G. W. Spitzer, Plan 1369, NORTH OF 125th ST, Croton lane, n s, 150 w 10th av, rear, one two¬ story frame stable and workshop, 2,5x30, tinroof; cost, *375; owner, Samuel Joyce, on premises. Plan 1363. 33d and 24th wards, Courtland av, No, 561, one three-story frame tenem't, 35x56 and 13, tin roof; cost, $5,.50O; owner, Hugh Martin, 565 Courtland av; archi¬ tect, A. Janson; builders, Jaosou & Jaeger, Plan 1359. Sedgwick av, w s, 100 s Morris Dock station, ooe two-story and actio frame dwell'g, 20x30, slate roof; cost, $5,000; owner, Archibald Buchanan, S74 8th av; architect, Chas, Baxter, Plan 1363, Brook av, e s, 25 s 146th at, one two-story frame dwell'g and store, 35x43, tin roof; cost, ¥3,600; owner, Wenzel Kraus, 623 North 3d av; architect, Adolph Pfeiffer; builder, not selected, Pian 1366. Morria av, w s, 53 n 148th st, one three-story brick dvpell'g, 33x46, tin roof; cost, H 000; own¬ er, Carl Hulster, Morris av and 148th st; archi¬ tect, Adolph Pfeiffer. Plan 1367, 149th 8t, u a, 30O w Morris av, one three-story framedwell'g, 25x50, tin roof; cost, $3,4i;0; own¬ er, Edward Farrell, 118th st, bet Sth and Madi¬ son avs; architect, M. Louis Ungrich; done by day's work. Pian 1368, Waverly st, s s, 200 w Monroe av (24'h Ward), two tbree-story fraiiie dwell'gs, 23x50, and one one-story frame carriage house, 14x18, tin and slate roofs; cost, $4,000 and fSOO; owner; Susan Westcott; builders. J, W. Crawford & Son end Jesse Newman. Plan 1379. Madison av, s e cor Williamsbridge road, one threestory frame dwell'g, 25x40, tin roof; cost, $3,000; owner, Elizabeth de Leyer, Williams¬ bridge; architect, W. W. Gardiner; builder, Henry A, Sherwood. Plan 1380, 136ib st, n s, 20O e Sc^uthern Boulevard, one one-story frame stable, 14x12, tin roof; cost, $25; owner, James Clark, oa premises. Plan 1381, 147th st, s s. 300 e Willig av, one two-story frame dwell'g and stable, 25x25, gravel roof; cost, $700; owner, Christian Vorndran, 147th st and Willis av. Plan 1374. 148th st, n s, 275 w Courtland av, one four-story frame tenem't, 25x55.10, tin roof; cost, $8,00li; owner, M. E, Robinson, 70S East 145th st. Plan 1371. 151st st, n s, 300 w 3d av, two three-story frame tenem'ts, 28 and 22x54, tin roofs; ccst, J4,500 ami $3,000; owner, Joseph Messerschmidt, 601 North 3d av; architect. A, Arctander, Plan 1370, College av, No, 483, rear, one onestory frame coal shed, 9x18; cost, 550; owner, Jaraes Hughes, onpremises; builders, John Morran and Charles West, Plan 1373. KISfGS CODNTY. Plan iay7—Broadway, n e cor Park st, one threa- story brick store and tenem't, 35x60, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $9,500; owners aud builers, Jno, L, Gtaus and A, Voltz, 24 Jefferson st; archi¬ tect, John Herr, 139£—Sackett st, n s, 40 e Court st, one three¬ story brick store and dwell'g, 44,4x19, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $3,800; owner, Jas, Cal¬ vert, cor 2d pl and Court st; architect and car¬ penter, Wm, Wilson; mason. Tnos, B. Rutan. 1299—6th av, w s, 35 u 15th sC, one three-story frame (brick fllled) tenem't. 30x48, tin roof; cost, $2,200; owner, Mra, E, Cutlen, 37117th st; archi¬ tect, J. T. Wood, 1300—North 6th st, No. 175. rear, one one-story frame shop, 35x15, tin roof; coat, $300; owner, James Boy an, on premises; builder, Hiram ABerly. 13J1—Jefferson st, a s, 250 w Hamburg av, one threa-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,000; owner. Ana M, Armen¬ dinger, 83 Melrosa st; architect, Henry VoUweil¬ er; builder, Jacob Armendinger. 1302—Locust st, n s, 235 a Broadway, one three¬ story frame (brick filled) store and tenem'c, 25x 55, tin roof; co-'^t, $4,300; owner and builder, George Loeffier, 78 Jefferson st; architect, Henry VoUweiler, 1303—Magnolia st, n s, 50 e Irving av, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x60, tin roof; coat, $4,000; owner, &c,, James Wil¬ liamson, 676 Gates av, 1304—Union st, n s, 212 e 7th av, two three¬ story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 31x48, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, eacb, $10,000; owner, &c,, John Magilligan, 5G Berkeley pl. 1305—Bainbridge st, n s, 178 w Reid av, four two-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 18x40, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $3,500; owner, Kate Acor, 177 Bainbridge at; architect and builder, C. Linken. 1306—Columbia st, w s, 150 s Hamilton av, one three-atory brick store and tenem't, 50x37, tin roof: cost. $5,000; owners, architects and builders, M. Gibbons Sc Son, 55 Rapelyea st. 1307—35th st, s s, 180 e 3d av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 20x53, tin roof; cost, $1,500; own- Ier, John Nicholson, 49 35ih st; buildera, J. C. AQdersQii aofl J. Abraham, 1308—Atlantic av, s s. 310 e Buffalo av, five two-story frame (brick fllled) dwell'ga, 17x36, tin roof; cost, each, $1,400; owner, architect and builder, C, P, Skelton, 1895 Atlantic av. 1309--Boerum st. No. 159, n s, 150 e Graham av, one four-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x60, flat lin roof; cost, $6,000; owner. Barbara Wiicberth, 57 Troutman st: architect, Tb, Engel¬ hardt; builder, Jacob Armendinger. 1310—North 4th st, n e cnr 5th st, rear, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 23x35, tin roof; cost, $2,000; owner and builder, W. H. Wlecke, on premises; architect, A. Herbert, 1311—Ralph av, w a, 18 s Bainbridge st, four threestory frame (brick filled} tenem'ts, 18x43, felt and gravel roof; cost, abt $3,500 each; own¬ er. Elizabeth Phelan, 363 Hart st; arcbitect, F. F. Tbomas, 1312_4th av, n w cor 46th at, one three-story and basement frame (brick fllled) tenem't, 82x 95, flat tin roof; cost, $20,000; owner and arcbi¬ tect, W. A, Fries, 301 44th st, 1313—Rapelye st, n a, 125 e Hamilton av, one fourstory brick tenera't, 20x50, tinroof; cost, ?6,000; owner, Mr. Keegan, 59 Rapelye st; architect, Mr. Hayler; builders, M. Gibbons & Son. 1314_jackson st. No. 100, a s, ICO e Leonard st, one three-story frame (brick filled} tenem't, .'?l,7x50, tin roof; cost, $5,.50ll; owner, Mrs. Pet¬ it, Jr., onpremises; architect, Tb. Englehardt; builder, P. Kunzweiler. 33i5—56th st, a s, 440 w 3d av, one two-story and basement framu dwell'g. 20x32, tin roof; cost, $2,400; owner, John O'Donohue, 16 South st, NewYork; architects and builders, Spence Bros. 1316—56th st, 9 s, 460 w 3d av, one two.story aod basement frame dwell'g, 30x30. tin roof; cost, $!,9.'i0; owner, Franklyn McDonald, 116 Sullivan at, NewYork; architects and builders, Spence Bros. 1317—Arlington pl, s w cor Halaey st, two three-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, one 17,Px47 and one 16.6x47, tin roofa, wooden cornices; cost, eacb. $6,500; owner. Mr. West- lake, 4 Spencer pl; arcbitect, Amzi Hill; builder, D. H. Fowler. 1318—President st. Nos. 37 and 39, s s, 80 e Van Bruntst, one two-story brick church. 40x80, wilh vestry extension, 15x20. tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $8,000; owner. Rev, J, Franaiola, Warren st, near Hicks st; architect. A, Pauli; builders, Francis Connelly and J, G, Curtis, 1319—Franklin av, s w cor Wallabout st, one one and three st:)ry brick moulding mill, 99.1 and 77,3 X 150, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $ 10,000; owner. A, Dugan, 999 Myrtle dv; archi¬ tect, A, S. Hait, 1320—Java at, n s, 275 e Franklin st, two tbree- story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 25x,55, gravel roofs; cost for both, $9,000; owners, Mrs. Nare and ------- Zum, 313 Manhattan av; architect, Fred, Weber; t.uildar, .Tobn Fallon, 1331—-Palmetto st. No, 233, u s. 135 e Hamburg av, one two story frame (brick filledl dweU'g, 35 x2S, tin roof; cost, $1,800; owner, John Meehon, 178 Magnolia st; architect, Ernest Dennis; builders, Chas. E, Baldwin and Owen Dennia, 1333—15th st, n s. 283.4 w 4th av, one three¬ story frame tenem't, 25x50, extension 16x18, tin roof; cost, $5,000; owner, W. H. Conklin, 475X 1st Bt; architect and builder, L H, Herbert, 1333—MB,gnolia st, s s. 175 e Hamburg av, one two-story and basement frame (brick fllled) dwell'g, 35x36, tin roof; cost, $3,000; owner, Owen McSbeiry, 183 Stuyvesant av; architect, Ernest Dennis; builder, P, Bertram. ]324_Greene av. No. 255, n s. 275 e Grand av, one four-story brick double fiat, 44x70, frame and gravel roof. wooden cornice; cost, $13,000; owner, &c., J. N. Smith, 3,^7 Greene av, 1335—Decatur st, s s, 163.11 w Throop av, four three-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 14.7x34, gravel roofs, brick cornices; costforal!. $13,000; owner, Samuel Booth, 50 South Ponland av; architect aud carpenter, W, C, Booth; mason, C. Cameron. 1326—Park av. Nos, 708 and 710, two three¬ story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 35x55, tin roofs;cost, eacb, 84,500; owner, C. F, Tewes, Jr,, cor ,5th and South 1st sts; architect, Th. Engel¬ hardt, 1337—Lewis av, ).?o. 7, e s, 70 n Stockton st. one two-story frame (brick filled) dw ell'g, 35 and 13x35 and 13. tin roof; cost, $1,600: owner, M. Coats, 881J^ Fark av; architect, Th, Engelhardt; builder, J. "Rueger. 1328—Boerum st, Nos. 123 and 125, n s. 150 e Ewen st, one two-story frame (brick filled) atable and dwell'g, 50x98, tin roof; cost, $6,000; owner, George Peth, 116 McKibbin st; architect, Th. Engelhardt; builders, Geo, Deering and J. J. Hopper & Son. j 1329—Seigel st, n s. 800 e Buahwick av, one one-story brick factory, 50x44, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $1,800; owners, Wm, Wall's Sons, Busbwickav and Seigel st; architect, Th. En¬ gelhardt; builder, C. Schurer, 1330—Gwinnett st. No, 145, rear, one two-story frame lodging house, 33x33, tinroof; cost, $1,000; owner, B, J. Starch, on premises; architect, H. VoUweiler, 133[_2d av, a a, 20 u 55th st, one two-story frame dwell'g, 17x28, tin roof; cost, $1,000; owner. M, Ducors, 39th st, near 3d av; architect and carpenter, W. Spence; mason, J. Lee. 1332—De Kalb av, n s, 350 a Myrtle av, one two story frame dwell'g, 25x46, tiu roof; cost, $3,600; owner, Jacob Muller, Throop av; archi tect, F. Holmberg. 1333—Bushwick av, e s. 51 n Grove st. two two-atory and basement frame (brick fllled) _ weU'gs, je.8s4i, tin roof; cost, each, »S,500