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Ilapch 14, 1885 The Record and Guide. 28S cost, $600; owuer, rieurj- Kuoblock, (in premises; architect, Charles Rent/r; builder, Noah 1). Ward. 3X2—Mulberry »t, Nos. 272 and 274, four storj* brick extension, 10x35, and infernal alterations; cost, ------ ; owner, Rev. John F. Keaniej-, •2»3 MlUbeiTy st; architect, J. E. AVare. 38:i—8th av. No. H7. (jue-story brick extension, 16.5x24 tin roof, take out front and rear walls in first stoi-jand put in iron girders, new store front, &c,; cost $'2,000; owner, Jacob (i. C. Taddiken, .332 AVest 46th st; arcliitect, C. F. Ridder, Jr.; builder, not selected. 8x4—Railroad av, N(,. 1314. raise buUding to grade of st; cost, .^1.50; owner, .Tacob AVeiler, 1*248 North M av; builder, Chris-tinn A-oi-ndran. 38.5—1st av, No. -23.52, oue-storj' brick extension, 20x28, tin roof; cost, $800; owner, Hei-man Huber. s e cor 1st av and 12Ist st; architect, Jolm Brandt; builder, C. Haenschen. 386—l^outh 5tli av. No. 57, repaire; cost, ift.500; owuer, Frederick .-Agnte, bv AA'. S. Jarvis, agent, 108 Macdougal st; builder, Maurice Sommere. 387—3d av. No. 2:v4, raise top story 2.6 aud ?ut up new |)artitions; cost, $5(K); owuer, John saacs, on premises; architect, Robert Nickel. 38X—3d st No. 140 AV., raise nttic to full story, new fiat roof; cost, $7(K1; owner, Theodore Bitter- man, on premises; architect, Wm. Graul; builder, John Fitzpatrick. 389—Jane st, Nos. 164 and 166, i-aise two stories, new flat roof, take down and rebuild front wall, and iutenial alterations; cost, $s,uoO; ownere, AVorthen & Aldrich: architect, M. Sne
GI. 7 Traub. Harriet (artificial flowers and feathers, late of .M16 Br, »ad\va,vi, to Jonas W. (Joodnian: prefer¬ ences. $(i.'Jll7. IMPORTANT TO PROPERTY-HOLDERS. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. No. 11^ City Hall. I Nr.w A'ork, .Mar. T, 18S5. (' Notice isgi\eii to (lie owner or owners of all houses and lots affecte'd therel^v, ttiat the following assess¬ ments have been completed and are lodged in the office of tlie Board of Assessors for examination ity all parties Intere.sted. wlio must present their objections in w ritliig. if (ipposed to the same, within thirtv days from .March 7, 1883: REOULATINO, ORADING, KLAOGINO. ETC. No. 1—loth av. from UOth to Manhattans!. [Tn© .'iniits embraced by said assessment include all the houses nnd lots of grrmnd situated as fol¬ lows: No. 1—10th av, both sides, from 110th to .-Vlanhattan st, aod to the extent of one-half the block at tlie intersecting streets. I (>)»jection8 to the following must lie pi-esented with¬ in tliuty days from March 10, 1H«. REGULATING, GRADING, FLAGGING, ETC. No. !—Lexington av, from 102d st to Harlem Ricer. No. 2—Drains for lands bounded on the north by Fordham and Pelham avs, on the south hv Kin(^l)rids:e road, on the east by the South¬ ern Boulevard, and on the west by Arthur st, a4th Ward. [Tlie limits embraced b.v said assessments include all the houses nnd lots of ground situated n.s fol¬ lows: No. I—Lexinffton av, lioth sides, from 102d st to Harlem River, and Ut the extent of oiie-linlf the block at the intersecting streets. No. 'i—Qiiarr.v and Kiiif^sbridge road on lliesoiitli, ('(►lleffe St. Fordham and IVlbain avs on (lie north, both sides of the Southern Boulevard (HI the ea.st. and lioth sides of Arthur si on tbe west, in the 2tth AVard.] <>bjections to the following must be presented 30 days from March 11. IHKi. SEWEB. No. 1—1th av, e s, liet 8-2d and Sii^i sts. [The limits embraced by said a.ssessment include all the houses and lots of ground situate as follows: No. 1—«th av, e s, liet S-M and Kd sts.] The above described lists will be transmitted as pro¬ vided by law to the Board of Revision and Correction of Assessments for conflrmation on the Hth and ]:itli dai's of April eiisiiiii£. APPROA^ED PAPERS. Resolutions passed by the Boord of Aldermen cnll- ln(f for the followinj^ improvements have been signed by the Mayor during the week ending Marcli 7, 1^8,5. •Indicates that the Mayor neither approved nor ob¬ jected thereto, therefore the same became adopted. FENCING VACANT LOTS. 74th st, n 5, IOO w Ist av, abt 175 feet front. ^, 1st av, w s, abt 7'5 n 74tli st, abt 100 feet frcmt. i ----------------4 • »---------------- PR(XREDIX(iS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AFFECTING REAL ESTATE. • Under the different headings indi(^tes that a reso¬ lution has been introduced an(r referred to the appro¬ priate committee, t Indicates that the resolution has ra.s6e'i and has been sent to the Mayor for approval. I*i.ssea (jver the Mayor's veto. New York, ."Warch 0, 1885. REGI'LATING, GRADING, AC 102rt St and 10th av. at expense ot James Hamel.+ l.Wd Bt, trom Sth to »th av.t 14i)th st, from North 3d to Morris av.t 151st st, from North 3d to Railroad av.* PAVING. P2(l St. from Boulevard to Ilth av.» !Bd st, from ?th to flth av.» REPAViyG. AVashington pi, from Macdougal st to 6th av.t HAlNS. 7.5th st, from Boulevard to Ilth av:Croton.* Fordham av, Kingsbridge road to Columbia ar and Monroe st: Croton.* Westchester av. from Prospect avto Bronx River; gas.t Lexington av, from 117th to 118th st: Croton.t Walnut St. from Wake st to .leromeav; gas.t 164th st, bet Morris and Sheridan avs. ) Sheridan av, liet l(;4th and ItiSth sts. rwater.t KiSth st, bet Sheridan and (ierard avs. ) Anthony av, bet Wa\erly and Ash sts. i . ._„,,,,, » Ash st, from Anthonv av east 400 feet. ,>"""■' ISl.st st, bet Boulevard and St. NichoUui a»;)J|-w(MU. ADVERTISED LEGAL 8ALta>" I RBPBREES' SALES TO BE HELD AT THE RXCBAyOR SJti.BS* ROOM, NO. Ill BROADWAV. Ridge st, Nos. 21 and '25. w s, (JO n Broome st, 8fx;.5, two three-storv brick tenem'ts, by S. Krei^ei-. f Arat due $.5,782).............................. M 7th av, n w cnr l»tth st, 124.11x100. vacant, bv Pcott .>;- Mvers. (.Viiif due J3.3.56: prior mort. S2.5.IK10: sold .lone 2S. IHKJ. tor 840.000)........... Valentine eajs e s, 100 s w Clark st, ]00x»4«i.6x ] iiil.-Jx:i:voiu....................................I Valentine fo southerly cor Clark st, 100x8ti6.4x f iw.(i.\;)-$ •'..................................1 )iy K. o, irnett. (Amis due ¥11.984 and $5.7»7, resiiecti.''r. .................................... I'JDth St. n B. ion e Ilth av, 4;xli(l.ll, oue and two- siory frnme buildings, tiy J. T. Bovd. (Amt due Sii.lDO; taxes, ,tc.. 51.065)....................... Worth st, Nos. ;i) nnd HI. n s, abt 48x100, flve- story marble building.......................... Leonard St. Nos. 80 and 82. s s, abt 48x100, five- storv marlile building ...... .................. Nassau st. No. 40, w (>, al)t 28, x abt 07 to Lib¬ erty pi. X abt 15, X —, fonr-story stone front luiilding...................................... Maiden Lane, No. Ifl, n s, abt 23x80, five-story marble )>uilding.............................. John St. No. 22, s s, abt 24x65, four-story brick Ijuilding....................................... Alniden L^ne, No. 4, s s. abt 20x88, five-story stone front building...........................'....... bv C. S. Brown................................... 12tli St. No. 3:^11. II s. 8.) w t.ireenwich st. 18x80.8, three-storv brick dwellg, hv E. H. Ludlow & Co. (Aintdue $4.3:15)......."................... 7Ist st. No. W2, s s, 22 e 4th av, 20.6xil6.5..........I 71st st. No. 1(14, s s, 42.0 e 4tli av. 20.6x90.5.......I 71st st. No. 110, s s, KM e 4th av, 2Ix%.5.........f Three four-storj- st(»ne front dweU'gs..........1 liy J. T. Bovd. (Amt due on each, S;i3,582....... 7.'jtlist. s s, 150 e 4th av, .50xH)-i.'J. briek stable, bv J. T. Boyd. (Amt due Sl6,K71l..................". Lexington a\-. No. 16119, e s, 17.7 n 107th st. 16.8x85, four-.storv stone front dwell-g, by R. V. Harnett. (And due 88,155)............................... Lexington av. No. 1711. e s. 31.3 n 107tb st. I6.8xii.5, four-story stone front dweirg, Itj- R. V. Harnett. (.Vmt due ?9.7lli) .............................. 4iith st, Nos. •iOr< and 208. s s. 105 e 3d av. .30.6x08.9. t>y SberitT, at City Hall. (Sale under execution) North 3d iiv, s w cor l.'Oth st. 25.6x90x25x95. by J. T. B(.vd. (I'aitition sale) ..................... :wthst. No. 448. ss. 168.6 e loth av,-^7x98.9. four- story brick tenem-t, by 1). JI. Seaman. (Amt due f'.'.xao)........................................... Bowery, No. 144. w s. 51 s Broome st. 2«.4.x90x.')()x 87, two-story brick front building and store, )>y E. F. Ravmond. (Partion sale).................. 10th av. No.5-.'8. e s. 49.5 s 40t)i St. 24.8x77.6, three- story )irick front building and t\vo-stor>' brick extension, by R. A'. Hamett. (Partition sale)... 21,vt st. No. 47. n s, 149 w 4th av, 26x98.9, four-story stone front dweil'g, by J. T. Boyd.............*. ;6th St. No. 344. s s, 275 e 2d av, 25x102.2, f(jur- 1 storv stone front dweU'g___ ...............I 76th st. No. .■)42, ss, 2.50 e 2d av, •25xI02.'2, four- f storv stone front dweU'g.....................J bv J. T. Boyd. (Amt due on each. $10,725)..... 6th av, n e cor 86th st, 50x89.2 x irreg. x abt 103.6, i vaoont.......................................... I 80th st, n s. nbt 103.8 e Sth av, alit ,52.8x101.3x51.1 f xliiO,5, vacant .................................J \iv Fairchild & De Walltearss. (Amt due $11.5.194)........................................ I-afavette pl.se s, indef. 8a.:jxll0 ...............i Bowery, ws. indef. 19.4xl08.8'-;ixr.4.8...........) Iiv Sheriff at Citv Hall. (.Sale under execution.. 36th St. No. 215, n 's. 167.6 w 7tll av. •-'3.4.\-75, four-1 story brick dwe"-g........................... I .36th St. No. 217, n s, 191 w 7th av, 23x75. four- I story brick liuilding............................j by SberitT at City Hnll. (Sale uiKler execution.. ltI\GS corxTT. Mar. Heni-y st, n e cor Love lane, 27.6x77.............* Lot in rear of and adj above, 27 6x15.6...........\ by Cole & Murphy, at 319 Fulton st............... 14 Bogart st, s w eor Moore st, 149.5x107.7, by J. Cole, at 389 Fulton st................................... M Sterling pi, s s, 1-24.7 e (ith av, 20x100............) Sterling pi, s s, 1M.7 e 6th av, 20x100.............| Sterling pi, s s, 144.7 e Oth av, 20x100............. " Sterling iil, s s, IM.7 e 6th av, 20x100............ J by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st.......... 14 15th st, n e s, 200 s e 5t)i av, 40x69, by "James Crom¬ bie, ref., at Court Himse......... ............... 14 Monroe st, n e cor Marcj- av, 25x100, by T. A. Ker¬ rigan, at .35 Willoughby .st..................... 16 Myrtle av. No. 497, n s, 25 w Ryerson st, 25x84, four-story brick store and tenem't, by T. A. Ker¬ rigan, at 35 WiUoughby st. (Partition sale)___ 16 High st, n s, indeft, 25x100, right, title, .Src., bv T. .V. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st. (Assignee-s sale)............................................ 16 49tli St. s s, 115 e 3d av, 15x102.2, by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st............1............... 17 Jefferson st, s e cor Ormond pi, i;Wx7J.9. brick church, bv J. Cole, at 389 Fulton st. Mort. gl4,000. IT Butler St. No. 14, s s, 106.3 e Court st, 14xl00x irreg X90.8, three-story hrick dwelPg, by J. Cole, at .3.S0 Fulton st................................... 18 Pulaski St. No. 64, s s, 100 w Marcy av, 25x11X1, two- and-a-half-story frame dweU'g, by T. H. A'ork, ref., at Court House.......................... 18 ISthst, ns, 80 w 4th av, 21x100.................i Sterling pi, s s, 104.7 e lith av, 20x100............f t>yT. A. Kerrigan, nt:i5 Willoughhy st.......... IS Atlantic av. No. 1816, s s, 1.50 e Utica av, 16.8x100, two-.storj- frame dweU'g, by D. Bamett, ref., at Court House ................................ 20 3d av, n e cor 56th st, 100.2x100 .................) 56th St. n s, IOO e .3(1 av. 2-25x11-0.2.................1 by J. Cole, at 389 Fulton st................... 21 LIS PENDENS, KINGS COUNTY. Mar. Wilson st, n w s, 100 s w Lee av, 4Ixl00x—x82.10. i AA'ilson St. n w s, 120 s w Lee av. 21xl00x—x9I.... (' The Williamsburgh Savings Bank agt Menander C. Fitch et al.: att'ys, S. M. & 1). E. Meeker..... 7 Adelphi st, w s, 411.10 s Park av 2.5x100. WiUiam Babbit, kn(»wii as Williain B. Mj-ers. agt Eliza¬ beth H. Baliliit et al.; att'y, ti. C. Brainerd ___ 7 Meeker av. s s, 63 w Graham av, 25x100. Lizzie A. Cavanagh agt Thomas Caveney et al.; partition; att'v. AV. S. Fales......................... 9 JLleutre St. lots 1,38, 141, 14-2, 145, 146, 149 1.52, map] of Sariili A. Suydam property, New Lots, each •,'.->xlOU; also.................................I J'aoa av, lots 244--2.56 same map. each 2.5.X100; also [ Ridgewood a\, s w cor Hale av, 100x200; also___ Ridgewood av, n w cor Haleav, 100x400..........J Edward V. Clark and ano.. exrs. Chester Clark, Hdec'd, agt John H. Boj'nton and S. Vau AVyck, his assignee; amended notice: att'y, S." H. Thaver............................................