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ESTABLISHED ^i/^ARpH 21V^] 868. " Entered at the Postoffice at New Vork, N. Y.,as second-class matter.'" Vol. XXXV.—No. 902. NEW YORK, JUNE 27, 1885. Price, IG Gents. rf H. LUDLOW & CO., ESTABLISHED 1886. AUCTIONEERS, EEAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS, OFFICE, NO. 11 PINE STREET. IT ff. CAMMANN. REAL ESTATE, 1 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. A W. BOO BUT, Jr., REAL ESTATE, 16 EAST 18th ST., - - - NEW YORK. JACOB APPELL, ^ REAL ESTATE BROKER AND HOUSE AGENT. Many owners and trusteea as references. 277 WEST 23d STREET. Y A. CR UIKSHANK & CO., ' ESTABUSHED 1794. REAL ESTATE, Have removed to 176 Broadway. New York. -QICff ARDS & 8A USE, JLL late with E. H. LUDLOW & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS & BROKERS, 2 Pine Strbet and 1130 Broadway. BENJ. Richards. Eduono J. Sause, Jr. Jf JUDSON KILPATRICK, -* • REAL ESTATE BROKER, •* Hoffman Arms," 640 Madison Av., cor. 59th St., N. Y. WM. L. GENIN, Notary Public. Money to Loan on Bond and Mortifage^_____ TJIBBARD & DA VIDSON, -" APPRAISERS, MANAGERS OF ESTATES, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKERS Builders' Insurance a Specialty. 614 LEXINGTON AVENUE, CoR. .53d STREET. rPffOMAS EQAN, J^ LOANS ON BOND & MORTGAGE, 135 and 137 Broadway, Room 11. ILflTCffELL, VANCE & CO., ^'^ GAS nXTUB^a, 836 AJID 838 BaoADTAT, New York. C F. JAYNE & CO., MANAGERS OF ESTATES APPRAISERS AND BROKERS. 273 W. 23d STREET, NEW YORK. 8 F. Jatne. A. M. CnDNiB. TOffNF. B. SMYTff, REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER AND BROKER, No. Ul BROADWAY. TELEPHONE, 380 JOHN T'ERDINAND FISff, -'- Late jAina M. Tatlob, No. 149 BROADWAY, Cor. Liberty Street. ALTERATION, IMPROVEMENT & MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS PROPERTY. W. M. ff. ROOME'S SON, REAL ESTATE AQENT & BROKER, No. 378 Sixth AvDnTX, Nkw Tore. (Masonic Temple Building.) ESTABLISHED 1852. nROOKL YN UP-TOWN HSADQVAR2 BRS. ^ PAUL 0. GRENING. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS Ufflcee, 420 Gates Avenae, and 863 and 1161 Fulton Street. DARTON& WfflTTEMORE, ■*-' REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES, Money to loan in any amotmt on bond and mort¬ gage, at lowest rates and on most favorable terms 106 BROADWAY, Cor. Fine St., New York. T/'ELLY & JONES CO., I\- STEAM HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEERS, Offlces, 75 John St, N. Y., 141 First Av, Pittsburg, Pa. Factory, Erie and Eleventh Streets, Jersey City, N. J. 7 S. CONOVER & CO., '-' • Designers and Manufacturers. OPEN FIRE PLACES, GRATES & FENDERS. MANTELS IN WOOD, SLATE & METAL. Importers of Tiles. 28 and 30 "West 23d Street, - - - New York rOLWELL LEAD CO., ^ PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES, 63 Centre Street and 681 6th Avenue, New York. CAWYER-MAN ILLUMINATING CO. {LIMITED), J Offices in MUTUAL LIFE BUILDING, New York. Furnishesjplant for Arc and Incandescent Electric Lighting. Refers to its plant, one of the LARGEST IN THE UNITED STATES, NOW IN OPERATION IN THE MUTUAL LIFE BUILDING No. Zi Nassau Street. For proposals and information address ' WM. P. SHINN, President. H. R. GARDEN, Secretary. ViTM. ff. JACKSON & CO., ' ' North Bide UNION SQUARE (31 East 17th Street), New York. Designers and Manufacturers of ARTISTIC GRATES, OPEN FIRE-PLACES FENDERS and FIRE-PLACE NOVELTIES In every style. Importere of TILE. Telephone, 21st Street, No. 158. Foundries and Shops, 815 EAST 28th BTRKBT. T)ES2 BRANDS OF ENOLISff AND CONTINENIAL ^ PORTLAND CEMENTS. •' K, B. 4 8.," English. " BURHAM," English. " FEWER,"' German • LAFARGE," French. KEENE'S, Sup. Fine. KEENE'S, Coarse. UME OF TEIL. JOfesON 4 CO.,''Antwerp. _____ _____ _________Imported by JAMES BRAND, TO Beekman Street, New York. }JEW YORK& ROSENDALE CEMENT CO., ■L^ ROSENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT. ^-Warranted superior to any brand of Rosendale Cement manufactiuwi, for use under or out of water Especially adapted where tensile and compressive tests are required. Send for pamphlet on tests and testimonials, showing superior quality of our Oment ________________________________HIRAM SNYDER, Secretary, Offlce, 229 Broadway, New York. CAYLORS PORTLAND CEMENT. ^ STRONGEST, CHEAPEST, BEST AND ALWAYS FRESH. For Sale by all Dealers in Masons' Materials JOHNSON & WILSON, General Agents, "Sole Agents for Styrian Tool Steel for the United States and Clanada." Bend for New Descriptive Pamphlet. No. 91 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YO IK. JDICffARD V. ffARNETTi&CO., AUCmONEERS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 73 LIBERTY STREET, Williamsbtirgh City Fire Insurance Company Bufldlng. _^________" Telephone Call John 204."____________ G EO. R. READ, (Formerly of E. H. Lddlow & Co., REAL ESTATE, 19 NASSAU STREET. Telephone, 442 John. 'VffOMAS& ECKERSON, -*■ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Entire charge taken of Estates. Wallace Buildino, 86 W. SOth Street. Wh. M. Thohas, Jho. O. R. Eoeebsoh Commissioner for the Slates. Notary PubUo. pORTER & CO., REAL ESTATE, No. 77 East 125th St. near 4th Avenue. CCOTT & MYEB8, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 146 Broadway Branch; Northwest corner Madison Av. and 59th St. J A WRENCE, KILD UFF& CO. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 51 LIBERTY STREET. Member Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room JEONARD J. CARPENTER, ^ REAL ESTATE, 56 & 58 East 23d St., Y. M. C. A. Building, AND 1181 3d avenue. Telephone 21st St., 499. Entire charge of property. CCffUYLER & ROACff, *-' 32 LIBERTY STREET, Stone Building. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Builders' Insurance a specialty. Loans Negotiated. AMERICAN FLOOR TILES, ^^ Acknowledged by experts thr best in the world Manufactured by the AJttlJRICAN ENCAUSTIC TILING CO. (LIMITED) Office and Salesrooms, llO West 23d St. Glazed and Enamelled Tilea for Mantels, Hearths, Wainscoting, Bath Rooms, Fumiture and Stove Decorv tions. Telephone 415 Slst 8t. nn ASF 1 JSl WALL (fe SONy J. , TILES of all descriptions for Floors, Walls, Hearths. Fireplaces and Decoration generally. Wood Mantels, Open Fireplaces, Grates, Brass Fenders, Andirons, Etc. Sole Agents for, and only direct Importers of MINTONS' and the CAMPBELL TILE CO.'S TILES 75 & 77 W. 23d STREET (Masonic Temple), N. Y. JOHN TRAOESER, STEAM COPPER WORKS, 447 to 455 West Twenty-sixth Street. MANUF. OF PLUMBER'S (TOPPER WORK. J. O. & T. DIMOND, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS. Established 1852. 209 AND 211 WEST 3.3d STREET, NEW YORK. HYRILLE CARRE A U, REAL ESTATE, Cor. Orand Street and Boi^ery, Under Oriental Bank. Telephone, Spring, 115. Solicits charge of property to rent and sell. ARCHITECTURAL WOOD WORKERS, n HERTS BROTH BRSi. ^"- >m and WIS BROADWAY, N. Y. Factory, 104, 106, 108 and UO East 32d St Dksiqnkrs, Decorators akd FuRNrroRK Hakyrm Interior wood work of every description made from architects' designs. Estimates fumished. Full stock of WOOD MANTELS always on hand