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774 The Record and Guide. July 4, 1885 Gates av, Nos. 197-507. n a. 125 from RIarcv av. White, Potter & Paige Mfg. Co. agt VV. H. Aldrich. (Jan. 23, I8a5)................... 488 00 Jefferson st. s s. 37.(» e St. Nicholas av. Thos. D. Eadie agt Robert and Annie Schneider. (May 22, 1H85)............................ 500 00 Van Brunt St. No. 72. M. Gibbons tt Son agt Margaret Flood etal. (April 14, 18S5).... 101 00 Jefferson st s s. 190 e Throop av, .300x100. Daunat & Pell agt Mark S. Carr and M. S. Stevens. (June 15. 1885) .................1,470 11 St. Marks pl. No. 335, n w cor 4th av. Miniter & Halley agt-----Cooper and P. C. Condit. •June 10, 188^)............................ 65 00 Floyd St. No. 129. Peter McDonough agt J. Mullinand E. Deiguan. (June 6, 1885).... 280 00 Same property. Michael Huglies agt same. (June 6, 1885) ............................ 883 50 Quincj st, n s, 125 w Marcy av, 100x103.3. Hohby & Doody agt Jas. H. Darrow and J. W. Pearce. \June 22. 18SB)............ 877 64 BUILDINGS PROJECTED The first name i3 that of the owner; arH .stands for architect, nVn for mason and b^r for builder. NEW YORK CITY. SOUTH OF 14th street. Hester st, No. 25, five-story and basement brick tenem't with store in ba.sement, 25x81, metal roof; cost, $15,0()0; Rachel Kurzman, ;^83 Grand st; ar't, John B. Snook; b'r, not selected. Plan Kill. Maiden lane. Nos. 138 and 140, five-story brick storehouse and office building, 41.7x42, rear 22, tin roof; cost. ------; John Carle, Jr., 153 Water st; ar't, W. B. Tubby. Plan 102(». Varick st, s e cor King st, five three-story brick stores and dwell'gs, 20 and 20.6x50 and 40, tin rrofs; cost, $10,000; Corporation of Trinity Church, 5 Church st; ar't, Chas. C. Haight; b'rs, Robinson & Wallace and David Hepburn. Plan 005. Waverly pl, w s, 60 n llth st, two three-story brick dwell'gs, 17.6x37.6, tin roofs; cost, each, $6,000; Mrs. Hester A. Gregory, 219 West llth st; ar't, AV. B. Tuthill. Plan 1024. BETWEEN 14th AND 59tH STS. 50th st, s s, 250 e 2tl av, four five-story brick tenem'ts. 25x78, tiu roofs; cost each, $18,000; James T. Meagher, 325 East 123d st; ar'ts. Thorn & Wilson; built by day's work. Plan 1021. between 59th and 125th streets, east of 5th avenue. 60th st, No.' 21 E., four-story and basement brick (stone front) dwelling, *0x70, tin aud slated roof: cost, $26,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Charles Buek & Co., 500 Madison av. Plan l(K)0. 69th st. No. 23 E., four-story and basement brick dwelling, 28x70, tin and slated roof: cost, $4 J,OOD; ow'r, &c., same as last Plan 1001. 69th st. No. 25 E., four-story and basement brick dwell'g. 27x70, tiu roof; cost, $40,000; ow'r, &c., same as last. Plan 1002. tlOth st. No. 27 E., four-story and basement brick dwell'g, 23x58, tin roof; cost, $30,000; ow'r, &c., same as last Plan 1003. 69th st, No. 29 E.. four-story and basement brick dwelling, 22x57.9, tin roof; cost, $26,000; William Openhym. New Jersey; ar'ts, &c., same as last. Plan 1 04. 8Nth st, n s, 51.6 e 3d av, five story brick flat with store, '^0x54, tiu roof; cost, $10,000; John H. Gray, 1564 Park av; ar't, J. Mclntyre; b'r, not Eelected. Plan 1005. S8th st, n s, 74.6 e 3d av, three-story brick work¬ shop, 26x75, tin roof; cost, $4,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last Plan lOOfi. 103d st, 11 w cor 1st av, one-story brick tenem't for four families, 25x100, tin roof; cost $3,000; Johu yimon, l;56 Chrystie st; ar't, A. Arctander. Plan 1023. Av A, s e cor 82d st, five-story bi'ick (stone front) tenem't with store, 25x94, tin roof; cost, $24,000; SteiJhen Pendergast, 1158 2d av; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son; b'rs, Walsh Bros. Plan 1015. 2d av, s w cor 103d st, five-story brick tenem't with store, 25.9x80, tin roof; cost,------; Margaret A. Murray, 315 East 116th st; ar't, A. Spence; b'r. not selected. Plan 1019. 3d av, s w cor 96th st, five-story brick tenem't witn stores, 20x95, tin roof; cost, $3i,0U0; Leo Schlesinger, 128 East 74th st, and Jos. Hecht, 44 East 68th st; ar'ts, Schwarzraann & Buchman. Plan 997. 3d av, w s, 20 s 96th st, three five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 26.lo and 27x80, tin roofs; cost, each, $21,(XI0. ow'r, &c., same as last. Plan 998. 116th st, s s, 84 w 3d av, one-stiry brick store, 16x'25, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $400; Henry J. Metz, 170th st, n e cor Washington av. Plai 1025. Av A, s e cor SOth st, five-story brick factory, 4»).8.x98, tin roof; cost $45,000; Geo. P. Lies, 313 East 17th st; ar'ts, Schwarzmann & Buchman. Plan 1027. Av A, e s, 46.8 s 80th st, five-story brick tenem^t, 27x79, tin roof; cost, $18,000; ow'r and ar'ts, same as last Plan 1028. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8th AVENUE. 63d st, n w cor 9th av, five-story brick flat, 25x r6.5, tin roof; cost $25,0(i0; T. Farley, 402 West 73d st; ar'ts, Thorn & Wilscn; built by day's work. Plan 1012. Odd st, n s, 25 w 9 h av. four tiree-story brick (stone (rout) dwell'gs, IS and 1 txfO, tin roofs; cost, each, $l6,f»0; T. Farley & Stn, 402 West r-^\ st; ar'ts. Tl om & Wilstn; Luilt by day's work. Plan I0i:i. 69th st, s w cor 9th av, five-storv brick flat, 30x 90, tin roof; cost. $45,000; Hugh Blesson, 1362 Lexington av; ai-'t, Wm. Baker; b'r, not selected. Plan 1008. 69th st, s s, 30 w 9th av, four four-story brick (stone front) dwell'gs, three 18x56, and one 16x56, each, to have extension, tin roofs; cost, each, $22.00tl; ow'r and ar't, same as last Plan 1009. 82d st, n s, 100 w 10th av, six three-story brick dwell'gs, 15.6, 17 and 17.6x50, with extensions, tin and slated (fireproof sheathing) roofs; cost, each, $12,000; Richard W. Mvers, 131 East 6'M st; ar't, AVm. Baker; b'r, not selected. Plan 1010. NORTH OF 125th STREET. 7th av, n w cor 134th st. seven three-story bricic dwell'gs, one 18.5, and six 17.9x-15. tin roofs; cost, total, $50,000; Patrick J. O'Brien, 143d st, near Sth av; ar't A. Spence. Plan 1017. 134th st, u s, 65 w 7th .av, two three-story brick dwell'gs. 17.6x45, tin roofs; cost total, $14,000; ow'r aud ar't, same as last. Plan 1018. 23d and 24th wards. Southern Ponlevard, w s, 3(XI n Locust av, two- story frame dwell'g. 18x26, tin roof; cost, $1,500; ow'r and b'r, T. McAuliffe, West Farms; ar't, L. Pierce. Plan 1014. KWd st. n s, 310 e Courtland av, one-story frame stable, 30x24, tin roof; cost, $l,0(tO; Francis Keil, lf« East 53d st; ar't, C. C. Churchill; b'r, L. Falk. Plan 1022. Fleetwood av, n e cor 176th st, two-story brick dwell'g, 41x47. slate roof; cost $9.00(J; August Koelsch, 83S Sixth av; ar't John C. Kerby. Plan 99(>. Mott av, e s, 152 s 149th st, two three-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 14x52, tin roofs; cost, each, $5,000; G. W. Walker, 367 We, 136th st; ar't, W. L. Goetchius. Plan 999. North 3d av, No. 390, two-story brick packing house, 25x106.6 and 96, felt and gravel roof; cost, $7,700; Francis J. Schnugg, 43"^ East H6th st; ar't Robert Day; b'r, Wm. Somerville. Plan lOKt. 3d av, w s, abt 100 s 179th st, two two-story frame dwell'gs, 18x34, tiu roofs; cost, $5,000; Thomas Brown, 126 East 27th st; ar't, C. C. Churchill; b'rs, Jas. McGarity and Louis Falk. Plan 1007. Decatur st,ns, abt500from Southern Boulevard, one-and-a-half-story frame barn, lKx25; cost, $HM); Robert M. Clarke, on premises. Plan 102(). KINGS COUNTY. Plan 938—1st st, ss, 200 e Bond st, one one-story frame office and storage shed, 125x25, gravel roof; cost $1,800; H. K. Gregory, 323 Union st; ar't A. E. White: b'r, C. M. Wliite. 939—37th stf^ s s, 375 e 3d av, one two story frame stable, 18x70, tin roof; cost, $645; John Curran, 89 37th st; ar't and b'r, John H. O'Rourke. 940—Monroe st, s s, 25 e Marcy av, five three- story and basement Connecticut brown stone dwell'gs, 20x45, tin roof, wood and copper cornice; cost, $:29,000; John Hooper, 63 Centre st. New York; ar'ts, AVm. Field & Son; b'r, Paul C. Grening. 911—Broadway, w s, abt 25 s Sumner av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 20x36, tin roof; cost, $4,250; Elizabeth Furman, Broadway and Sumner av; art and b'r, C. A. Le Quesne. 942—]'rospect pl, 2(>l o Utica av, one one-story frame she
63—3d av, n o cor Carroll st, one three-story brick store and dweU'g, 22.6x55, tiu roof, wooden cornice; cosfc, $6,000; Michael Maher, 494 Carroll st: ar't, F. Ryan; b'r. J. R. Anderson. IHit—Schaffer st, 225 e Bushwick av, three two- story frame (brick filled) dweU'gs, 16.8x40, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,0'M): Maria Hopkins, 56 Schaffer st; bV, Jos. Hopkins. 965—Prospecfc av, n s, 100 w 3d av, one one-story frame stable. 13x13, tin rov>f; cost, $75; Mr. Fetch- mann, on premises; ar't, C. E. Sherman. 950; George Demp- hoff, on premises. 1417—2<1 av, No. 891, new show windows; cosfc, $200; Katharine Jantzen, on premises; b'r, T. Ziegler. 1418—Istav, No. 885, new show windows; cost, $250; Catharine Jacoby, on premises; b'r, S. Zieg¬ ler. 1419—Av B, No. 161. new foundation, piers, &o.; cost, $500; Elizabeth Fuller, 277 Ainslie st, Brook¬ lyn; ar't, C. Sturtzkober. 1420—Grand sfc, No. 281, one-story brick exten¬ sion. 12.6x40, tin roof, new sfcore front, internal al¬ terations and connection made with adj buildings; cost, $10.(X)0; J. Lichenstein & Son, 283 Grand st; ar'fc, J. Kastner. 1421—Ulth st, No. 102 E., repairs; cost, $50; W. G. Martin, on premises. 1422—Irving pl. No. 47, fcwc-story brick exten¬ sion, 13.9x11 6, tin roof;cost $1,000; J. Gall, AVest- minster Hotel; ar't, H. J. Hardenbergh; b'rs, J. Banta and J. Hamilt4>n. 142;^—Park row, No. 27. alterations in basement and first story; cost, $3,000; John J. Astor, 21 AVest 26th st; b'r, J. Downey. 1424—36th st No. 413 AV., raised one story, tin roof, new stire front. &c.; co5t, $I,8(X); Michael Hastings, 418 AVest 36th st; a:-'t, A. E. Hudson; b'r, F. O'NeU.