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The Record and guide: v. 36, no. 906: July 25, 1885

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852 1 he Kecord and Cjuide. July 25, 1885 ft2 Same property. R. F. Farrell agt sarae... 8 75 82 Sarae property. Charles Price agt same... 29 75 IS Sixtieth st. No 501t W., n s, 150 w loth av, 25 XlOO.S. Julia Muilalv agt George St<;wart and Henrv Riehl...'..................... 400 00 23 St. Nicholas av. n e cor 124th st, I12.\inO. J. H. Bunnell & Co. agt James Cassidy and George .I. Carey. James Cassidy. individ. as owner, and Wm. H. Moore, a pre¬ tended owner.............................. 103 50 as One Hundred and Thirty-fourth st, Nos. 673. 675 aud 677 E., n s. 175 e Willis av, 45x 100. George D. Schmid agt Theodore F. Sanders, coutractor, and Frederick W. Sanders, owner.......................... 415 00 24 First av. No. 103. w s, bet Oth ami 7th sts. John H. Seaman agt Jacob V. and Peter V. Close................................. 47S 29 24 WaU St. NoM. 01 and 03. s e cor Water st. Wm. McAllister agt E. K. Little & Co., contractors, and .lus. S. Case, owner.. .. 225 00 34 One Hundred and Thirty-fii-st st, No. 249, n s, 2VA e 8th av. 17 feet front. Samuel J. Guthrie agt Samuel C. Hinmau........... 162 00 KIIVGS (OtIi\TY. July 18 Twentieth st. n s, 325 e 7th av. 25x200 to 19th St. Lawrence Hickey agt John Webber, owner, aud J. J. Cody.....................J90I 91 38 Suraner av. No. 144. n w cor Pulaski st, 73x 82. Poultney Slate Works agt Ransom F. Clayton aud Wm. and Walt. Wyeth, owners. &c ............................. 457 50 30 Surf av. Coney Islan^l. Carl Eiber agt The New York & Sea Beach R. R. Co. and D. Groto and R Hoffmann................... 154 00 20 Surf av, Coney Islaud. Ernest Scharlan agt same............................. 189 00 18 Sullivan st. No. 29. Konrad Hosclile agt Henry Spamer. owner, and Jno. Metcalr. 8 00 20 Hamilton av. n w s. at Fort Hamilton. H. J. Skinner agt. Anna Plauder, owner, &c. 847 50 21 South St. cor Washington av, 25.\:60. stand No. 0 Wallabout Market. Wra. Hazzard's Sen & Co. agt James Qviigley, owner. &v. 1.000 10 2i Same locality, stands '.» and 46 Wallabout Market. Same agt same..........'.......1,000 lu 24 WeirHeld st, s s, 137 e Broadway, 208x100. William Burnson agt Cozine & Gascoiue, owners, and Frederick lutherman....... 26 90 — ■' < • »-------------------— SATISFIED SIECUANICS' LIENS. NEW rORK CITY. July 34 Twenty-third st. No. 4 E., s e eor Broadway. James Kennedy agt The Pike Estate, Mrs. Cooper aud Henry W. AVilson. (Oct. 26, 1883).................................. $56 75 34 Same property. Anthony Schwoerer agt the same aad Jeanuette P. Goin. (Nov. 16, 1H83).................................... 593 62 24 Same property. Robert J. Kelly agt same. (Oct. 26, 1883)......................... 74 50 34 Same property. Frederick Adee aud Ben¬ jamin C. Smith agt same. (Oct. 25. imi). 726 22 24 Same property, (irace A. Benedict agt same. (Oct. 19, IHi^i)......................2.504 51 24 Same propert}'. Butler & Constant agt sarae. (Nov. S, lHS;i)...................... 20:j 09 24 Park or 4th av. w s, extdg from 40th to 41st sts, 197.6 on Park av. '^30 on 40th st and 130 ou4Ist st, ''Murray Hill Hotel." E. H. Purdy & Co. agt Hugh Smith, owner. (Feb. 21, I8«5)............................1,465 00 BETWEEN 14th AND 59tH STS. 39th st, n s, 500 w lltb av, one-story brick buUd¬ ing for renderiug purposes, .50x100, tin roof; cost, abt $5,000; Stern & Metzger, 40th st, west of llth av; ar't, John Mclntyre; bV, not selected. Plan 1109. inth st. s s, 46 w 1st av, four-story and bajsement lu-i<-k flat, 34x23, tiu roof; cost, :f:9,()00: Nicholas DulFy, 346 Ea-st 16th .st. Plan 1122. between 59th and i;35th stkeets, east of 5th avenue. 65th st, Nos. 326 aud 3:.'.S K., one-story l)rick stable and uMice, 41x25, thi roof; cost, $S50; Thoma-s F. Lowndes, 244 65th st; ar't, O. McD. Wirz. Plan 1107. rick dweirg.*?, 2(lx.3(), gi-avel roofs; cost, each, #1,0(K_); John 8imon, i;i6 Chrystie st; ar't, A. Arctander. Plan 1124. 2d av, e s, 110th to Ulth st, eight five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25xS6and 85, tin roofs; cost, corner Iniildings, each * 19,000. others, each $17,- 000; Riley lan. two- story frame ofiice aud slee|)ing rooms, -10x26, tin and gravel roof; cost, $3,000; ow'r and a'rt, same as last. Plan 1127. 161th st, n s, KKt w Grove av, two-story and basement framedwell'g, 16.8x40, gi*avel roof; cost, $3,200; Mary E. McCarty, 670 East 143d st; ar't, H. S. Baker. Plan 1113. 173d st, s s. 25 e Monroe av, two-story frame dweU'g, 2ix4i); cost, $2,000; Mary J. Price, 955 Woodruff" av; ar't, C. VVesterfield. Plan 1108. Bathgate av. No. 1878. two and one half story frame store and tenem't, 24x3(>; cost, $3,0(K); Car¬ olina Haas, 1873 Bathgate av: ar't, J. C. Kerby. Plan 1110. *^ Madison av, e s, .58 s Hfith st, two-story frame dwell'g. 30x14x37, tin roofs; cost, $3,000; Cathe¬ rine Heimburger, L819 Noi'th 3d av; ar't, A. Arc- tandei*. Plan 1135. 3dav, e s, 7(» s 167th st, three two-story frame stores and dwell'gs, 16.8x—. gravel roofs; cost, each $1,600; George Shepherd, 323 West 32d st; ar't, J. M. Dunn; b'rs, Jansou & Jaegei'. Plan 1106. ^ Cooper st, e s, 100 s Eniei-son st, two-story frame shed and shop, 30x40, tin roof; cost, $750; <-wr, ar't and b'r, M. McQuade, Inwood, New York City. Plan 1131. Ryder av, s w cor 144th st, three-story brick tenem't, 2.5x4.5, felt and gravel roof; cost, $4,000; Michael O'Neil, 484 East 143d st; ar't, George La Coste. eian 1117. Washington av,e s, 86 n 176th st, three-story bnrk dwell'g, 32x45, deck roof tinned, mansard slated; cost, $10,000; C. A. Becker, Tremont, New York City; ar't, Geo. K. Thompson; b'r. James E. Dolan. Plan 1139. ' North 3d av, w s, 75 s 150th st, one-story frame shop, 19.0x44.3, tin roof; cost, $300; Charles Wer¬ ner. 021 East 150th st; ar't, Adolph Pfeiffer. Plan 1114. KUVGS COUNTY. Plan 105(>—Warren st, river front, one six-story bnck warehouse, 72x315, gravel roof, brick cor¬ nice; cost, $35,000; Jeremiah P. Robin.son. 10.57—Greene st, Nos. 34:5 and 245, two three- story frame tenem'ts^ 17.5 ?vnd 35x50 gravel roofs; cost, each, $3,000; Henry C. Fisher, 119 Norman av; ar't and c'r, C. Dunkhase; m'n, Wm. Fischer. 1058—Dean st, s s, 350 w Rockaway av, one two-story frame dweU'g, 20x28, tin roof; cost $1,400; Wm. Curedall, 122 4th st, E. D.; ar't and b'l-, O. E. Hofses. 1059—McDougal st. No. 151, one one-story frame shop and stable, 13.9x36.3. extension 11.11, tin roof; cost, $90; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Jakob Hei-t- lein, 149 McDougal st. 1(m;0—Sumpter st. No. 311, n s, 75 from Sara¬ toga av, one two-story frame (luick lilled) dweU'g 32x45, tin roof; cost, $2,260: Maggie Edling, 94 Rli^DougaLst; ar't and br, J. Hertlein. 1 —South 5th st, s w oor .'Id st, two brick buildings, one three stfirv anry and basement frame (brick tilled) dweU'g 25x40, tin roof; c(»st, $4,500; John W. Crawford! H5 Woodbine st; b'j-, J. E. Sager. 1067—40th st, s s, 400 w Sth av, one one-story frame dwell'g, 30x30, tin roof; cost, $300; Mary McLaughlin, 49 40th st. South Brooklyn; ar't, M. Brophy; b'r, L. Shafer. 10ti8—South 9th st, No. 338, one three-story and ba-sement brown etone dweU'g, 23x45, tin roof iron cornice; cost, $11,000; Rob't Thomas, 244 South Oth st; b'r, T. Gibbons. 10(;9—Harrison av, No. 183, one one-story frame stable, 10x12, tin roof; cost, $50; Johu Christman, on i)remises; b'r, Mi-. Seling. 1070—Henry st, w s, 90 s Mill or Garnett st, one two-l, n s, 95.9 w Sth av, five two- story and basement brick dweU'gs, 16x36, gravel roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $3,000; George R. Brown, 34 South Portland av; b'r, L. E. Brown. 1080—Troutman st, s s, 120 w St. Nicholas av, one one-story frame dweU'g, 35x25, tin roof; cost, $600; H. Nuss, on premises; ar't, G. HUIeubraud: b'r, H. Henschel. 1081—Devoe st, n s, 312.10 o Bushwick av, one three-story frame (brick tilled) teuem't, 25x.55, tin roof; cost, $3,800; Leopold Fritz, on premises; ar't, G. HiUeubrund; b'rs, A. Annann and C. Buchheit. 1083—St<)ckton st, No. 287, one three-story frame tenem't, 37.9x95, tin roof; cost, $4,000; ow'r and b'r, Andi-ew WiUs, 137 Stockton st; ar't, H, VoU¬ weiler. 1083—Pacific st. No. 1619, n s, 375 w Troy av, one two-story and basement frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 30x36, tiu roof; cost, $3^00; Helen E. Porter, 1615 Pacific st;ai-'t, A. V. Porter; b'r, E. Porter. 1084—Brooklyn av, w s, 25 n Herkimer st, one thi-ec-story brick stable, 76x68, tin or gravel roof wooden comice; cost, $13,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, A.shfield & Sou, 631 St. Marks av. 10.S.5—Kosciusko st, No. 654, bet Broadway and Bushwick av, one one-story frame stable, 18x14, tin roof- cost, $100; S. C. Wood, on premises; ar't, W. J. Wilson. 1086—Linden st., u s, 580 w Central av, one two story frame dweU'g, 18.6x3:3, tin roof; cost, |2,400 ]