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The Record and guide: v. 36, no. 915: September 26, 1885

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September 26, 1885 The Record and Guide. 1063 14*Lexington av, n wcor 81st st, 75x100. Haz¬ ard Powder Co. agt Fred. Correll and Francis McCabe. (Sept. 10, 1885)......... 49 55 14*Lexington av, s w cor 81st st, 75x100. Same agt same. (Sept. II, 1H85).............. 49 65 21*Madison av, w 8, 25.5 s 65th st, 68 front. M. Benner agt Synagogue Bnia Jeshurun and R. Guastivino. (Sept. 3, 1885) ............ 60 00 21*Seventeenth st, Nos. 442 and 444. W. s a, 100 e 10th av. Pat. Hiney agt-----Decker and Thomas McLaughlin. (Sept. 12.1885)..... 20 02 21*Same property. Hugh Byrne agt same— 17 50 21*Same property. Wm. Tenney agt same.. . 15 75 21*Same property. Thos. DonneUy agt same. 10 50 21*Same property. EUen Lawler agt same— 15 75 25 Fourth av, s e cor 113th st. John Askey agt Wm. Henderson and John B. Smith. (Mar. 2, 1885)......................9,000 00 25 Same property. Henry Chenowith agt same. (Mar. 2, 1886)............... 273 57 25 One Hundred and Seventh st, Nos. 100 to 116 E., s e cor 4th av, 230x100.11. Alice Fransmann agt Wm. F. McEntee. (Sept. 24,1885).................................. 874 75 KINGS COUNTY. 'September 19 to 25—inclusive. Macon st, s s, 280 w Throop av. 42x80. Pipe & Hocking agt Simon B. Hershey. E. J. Granger and J. H. White. (Mar. 19, 18a5). 29 77 Macon st, Nos. 226 and 238. Thos. Keenan agt same as last. (Mar. 19, 1885)............... 95 09 Eudson av, Nos. '^31 and 230 w s. 50.8 s Con¬ cord st, 37.7x8'.lx37.1x83. Pitman & Read agt Jos. L. Dougherty. Henry S. and Wm. B. Draper. (Ang. 10. 18S5i................2,025 00 Twenty-third st. No. 214, s s. 225 w 5th av, 2.5x 1<.10'.2. Francis Meehan agt Asel J. Oster- gren J. Sorenson. (Sept. 21,188,5).......... 200 00 Madison st, s s, 170 w Ralph av, 80x100. Pat. H. Hill agt WUey J. Canfield and Howeo Bros. (Mar. 4, 1885) ...................... 58 BO BUILDINGS PROJECTED The first name is that of the oumer; ar^t .stands for architect, m'ji for mason and b^r for builder. Copies of the New Building Law, with Mar¬ ginal Notes, a full Index, and Engravings illus¬ trating the Heights and Thicknesses of Walls, edited by W. J. Fryer, Jr., are for sale at the offlce of The Record and Guide. Price, 75 cents. NEW YORR CITT. SOUTH OF 14th street. Catharine st, Nos. 4,'> and 4.5^^, five-story brick tenement, 27.2x()5.5, rear 27.5, tin roof; cost, $18,000; Joseph C^lass, 221 Madison st; ar't, Wil¬ liara Graul. Plan 1392. Ludlow st, No. 5, five-story brick teuem't, 25..5x 73, tiu roof; cost, $16,000; ow'r and b'r, Patrick H, McMauus, 110 East 91st st. Plau 1385. Mulberry st, No. 180, five-story brick tenera't, 25x54, tin roof; cost, abt ;S;12,()00; Patrick J.Car¬ roll, 12.8 East 122d st. Plan 1397. 12th st. No. 644, e s, on rear, two-story brick stable, 16.8x30, tin roof; cost, $1,200; Chas, Fro¬ mann, Sr., 626 East 12th st; ai*'t, Wm. GraiU, Plan 1403. Mulberry st, Nos. 244 and 246, one five-story and basement brick tenem't, 38.10x39.1, metal roof: cost, $13,000; Mrs. Anna C. Keane, 113 East 34th st; ar't, J. B. Suook; b'r, not selected. Plan 1404. BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STS. 17th st, Nos. 410 and 412 W., two five-story brick tenem'ts, 25x77, tin roofs; cost, each, $13,000; John J. Bm-cheU, 206 East 56th st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Sou. Plan 1399. 17th st, No. 420 W., three-story brick blacksmith shop and tenem't, 25x,')5 on fii'st floor and 45 above, tin roof; cost, $6,000; Mrs. Emily Fuller, 360 West 17th st; ar't, M. H. RoulUer. Plan 1394. 48th st. No. 348 W,, five-story brick tenem't, 25 x84, rear 21, tin roof; cost, $22,000; Wra. Ran¬ kin, 253 West 51st; ar't, Geo. Keister; built by day's work. Plan 1401. 4Sth st. No. 3.50 W., five-story brick tenem't, 25 x84, rear 21, tin roof; cost, $22,000; Edward D. Bertine, 328 West 47th st; ar't, Geo. Keister; built by day's work. Plan 1402. 1st av, n w cor 46th st, one-story brick store, 12 xl5, tin roof; cost, $500; Audrew Icken, 193 6th av, Brooklyn: ar't, Rudolph Norak; b'r, Ber¬ nard Plumb. Plan 1391. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF 5th AVKNUE. lOlst st, n s.'SOO w 1st av, four five-story brick tenem'ts, 25x60, gi'avel roofing; cost, each, $10,- 000; Mary M. Gurnee, 79 Macon st, Brooklyn; b'r, Albert Wilkinson. Plan 1395. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF Sth AVENUE. 63d st, n s, 100 w Otb av, ten three-story and four-story brick dweU'gs, six l6.8x-50 and four 18.9x52.6 for four-story, and 42.10 for three-story, tin roofs; cost, $18,000 and $20,000 each; A. A. Hughes, 2063 Sth av; ar't, W. B. Tuthill. Plan 1387. 74th st, n e cor llth av, nineteen tLu-ee-story brick dweU'gs, 20x52, tin roofs; cost, each, $14,500; Wra. E. D. Stokes. 37 Madison av, and Jacob Lawson, No. 48 Whitehall st; ar't aud b'r, W. J. Merritt. Plan 1389. 79th st, s 3, 150 w 9th av, seven four-story and basement brick and stone dweU'gs, 18, 22 and,24x 54 aud 56, aud extensions, tin, slate and fire-proof¬ ing materials for roofs; cost, each, abt $30,000; Sarauel Colcord, 400 West 79th et: ar't, H. L, Harris; built by (Jay's work. Pto X400. Riverside Drive, e s, 550 n 112d st, on rear of lot, two-story brick .stable, 50x22, tin roof; cost, $10,nuO; Robert G. Gregg. 2015 5th av; ar't, J. Kastner. Plan 1384. 10th av, w s, 40 s 99th st, two-story brick dwell¬ ing. 21.8x50. rear 20,7, tin roof; cost, $4,100; Geo. R. Clark, 99th st, bet 10th av and Boulevard; b'r, C. J. Perry. Plan 1386. north OF 125th street. Lawrence st, b w cor old Broadway, two-story brick tenera't with stores, 25.1x104, tin roof; cost, $12,500; Thomas Huestou. 129th st, cor Boulevard: ar't, R, S. Townsend; b'i*s, Outwater & Felter. Plan 1398. H6th st, n s, 225 w llth av, three-story and basement brick dweU'g for three faniUies, 20x40, tiu roof; cost, $2,.500; John Brown, 146th st, we.-^t of llthav; ar't, Alfred Smith; b'r, not selected. Plan 1393. 23D AND 24th WARDS. Forest av, No. 810, one-story frame stable, 24x SO, tin roof; cost, $200; Cnrl A. Simon, on prem- isee; b'rs, J. Preiser and------Simon. Plan 1396. ' Monroe av, e s, 225 u Columbia st, two two-story frame dwell'gs, 20x28, tin roofs; cost, each, $1,500; Thomas A. Campbell and John Owens; b'r. A, Donohoe. Plan 1388. Washington av, e s, abt 100 s 169th st, one-story fiame factory, 14xlllx36x—; cost, abt $4.50; H. E. Honchin, Washington av aud 169th st; b'r, not selected. Plan 1390. 164th st. s s, 90 w Washington av, foui- two-story frame dweU'gs, 15x40, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,500; ow'r and b'r, Louis Falk, 777 East 1651 h st; ar't, Charles Chtu'chUl; m'n, James McGarity. Av C, w s, 50 u Cedar st, two-story frame tene¬ ment, 2ix.i0, tin roof; cost, $'i,.500; John German- son, 328 West 20th st; ar'ts, Schmidt & Garvin; b'r, not selected. Plan 1405. Mott av, n e cor 151st st, one-story frame office. 24x24, tin roof; cost, $300; ow'r and ar't, George McCord, 322 East 150th st. Plan 1406. Kingsbridge road, e s, abt 400 north of the bridge (Spuyten Duyvil). two two-story frame dweU'gs, 14.9x22, tin roofs; cost, each, $800; Pat¬ rick Stafford, Spuyten Du3n7U; ar't and b'r, An¬ tony Irahoff; m'ns. Sage & WUking. Plan 1407. KINGS COnVTY. Plan 1378—Chauncey st, n s, 175 w Ralph av, one two-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 25x36, tin roof; cost, $1,800; Magdalene Balzey, 105 Mac¬ dougal st; ar't, E. Schraupf; b'r, J. Heerleiu and C. BeuE. 1,379—WaUabout st, s s. 200 w Marcy av, one one-story frame stable and car shed, 150 and lOOx 200, paper roof; cost, $3,000; ow'r and b'r, B. C. R. R. Co., 10 Fulton st; ar't, A. W. Dickie. 1380—27tb st, s s, 273 e 3d av, three two-story frame dweU'gs, 17.4x30, tin roof, paper lining; cost, each, $4..5O0; J. T. Smith-& Co., 272 .52d st; ar't, S. B. Bogert; b'rs, H. J. and W. S. Skinner. 1381—Luquer st, n s, 80 v\' Henry st, one three- storj' brick tenem't, 20x38, tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost, $3,000; ow'r, ar't and m'n, R. E. Top¬ ping, 369 Franklin av; c'r, H. S. Hawkes. 1382—Central av, s e cor Melrose st, two two- story frame stables and shop, lOx'^5, tin roof; cost, $250; Leouard Eppig, 60 Central av; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'r, J. Wagner, Jr. 1383—Floyd st, No. 249, one two-story frame stable. 25x15, gravel roof; cost, $20i); Mr. Bates, on premises; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'rs, H. Eich &Bro, 1384—Nostraud av, e s, 150 n Atlantic av, one three-story brick flat, 25 and 20.f'X60, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $8,000; Geo. Peuniman, 57 Irving pl; ar't, W. M. Coots; b'r, D. H. Fowler. 138,5—Gates av, s s, 150 w vStuyvesant av, four three-story brick stores and tenem'ts, 25x55; tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $7,000; L. P. McGarry, 583 Monroe st; ar't, J. McGarry. 1386—Meeker av. No. 135, n a, 85.7 w Monitor st, one three-story frame {brick filled) dwell'g, 25 x55, tin roof; cost. $4,.500; ow'r and b'r, Henry Bindrim, 133 Meeker av; ar't, Th, Engelhardt. 1387—3d av, n w cor 13th st, one 1 hree-story frame store aud dweU'g, 20x50, and extension 20x 46; tin roof; cost, $4,000; Ed. J. Sherlock. 585 Fulton st; ar't, C. F. Eisenach; b'r. not selected. 1388—Stuyvesant av, w s, extends frora Putnam av to Madison st, ten three-.story and basement and two story and basement brown stone dweU'gs. 20x40, mansard tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $5,000; Kate M. McCormick, 372 South 2d st; ar't, A. Spence; b'r. R. Ferguson. 1389—Park av. No. 662, s s, one one-story frame sbop, 20x12. tin roof; cost, $3(X»; M. Duen-, on premises; ar't, H. VoUweUer; b'r, G. Loeffler. 1390—McKi!;)l>eu st. No, 175, n s, one three-story frame (brick fiUnd) teuem't, 25x5,5, tin roof; cost, $4,(XX); Mr. Korad Schraidd, on premises; ar't, H. VoUweiler; b'r, J. Rueger. 1391—Harrison st, n s, 250 e river front, one one- story brick office, 11.4x20, gravel roof; cost, $400; Greacen «fc Howland, Columbia st and Baltic st; ar't. C. F. Eisenach; b'r, not selected. 1392—Hancock st. No. 182, s s, 360 e Nostrand av, one three-story and basement brown stone dweU'g, 22x45, and extension. 14x14. tin roof, iron cornice; cost. $10,000; ow'r and ar't, R. W. Gleason, 316 South 5th st; c'r, R. B. Ferguson. 1393—Sumpter st, n s, 25 w Howard av, one two-story frame (brick filled) store and dwell'g, 16x50, tin roof; cost, $4,500; Mr. Hale, ou prem¬ ises; ar'ts and c'rs, Ames & Waldron; m'n, E. Sutterhn, 1394~Johnson av, Nos. 360 and 262, a s, 14a e Bushwick av, oue two-story frame shop, 50x36, gravel roof; cost, $1,300; ow'r and b'r, Christ. Keppel, 360 Johnson av; or^t, Th. EageLhardt^i 139.5—Myrtle av, Nos. 1264-1272, s w cor Cedar st, three three-story frame stores and tenera'ts, irregular shape, tin roof; cost, $12,0. 0; ow'r and b'r, Fred'k Herr, 782 Broadway; ar't, Th. En¬ gelhardt. 1S9(J—Gerry st, Nos. 77 and 79, two three-story brick factory and tenera'ts, 25x30, tiu roofs, brick and iron cornices; cost, each, $3,500; ow'r and b'r, A. Meth; ar't, H. VoUweiler. 1397—Palmetto st, s s, 250 e Knickerbocker av, one one^and-a-half-story frame dweU'g, 25x35, tiu roof; cost, $600; Chas. Schaefer, IU MetropoU¬ tan av; ar't, L, Hetzett; b'rs, Cbr. Roser aud A. Wust, ISeS—Decatur st, n s, 2.50 e Reid av, three two- story aud basement browu stone dwell'gs, 16.8x 45, tin roofs, wooden coruices; cost, $4,500; Eli¬ zabeth Phelan, 362 Hart st; ar't, T. F. Thomas; b'r. J. Phelan, 13