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Index TO The Record and Guide. Vol. XXXYII. JANUAEY- -JUNE. 1886. The following semi-annual Index of the Con¬ veyances and Projected Buildings in New York and Kings Counties, as published in The Record AND Guide during the first six months of 1886, will be found of great value to those of our sub¬ scribers who have preserved all the issues of this paper during that period. The utmost care has been taken to keep the Index up to the same perfect standai'd which has characterized it in the past. The pages are given on which all the transfers of realty published in Volume XXXVII. can imme¬ diately be found, and the streets and avenues are so sub-divided that very few references are required. For instance, transfers of property on Bieecker street appear in seventeen issues dui-ing the six months, which in the Index is sub-divided into seven parts, so that the least possible trouble need be incurred, any transfer being found by referring to but three pages, provided it is known between what streets or avenues the property is located. The Projected Buildings are indexed in a similar manner, so that it can be readily ascertained on what streets improvements have been made. Those wishing to keep a file for permanent refer¬ ence should see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. A suitable binder can be obtained at the office of The Record and Guide, I'.tl Broadway, corner Dey street, price one dollar. CONVEYANCES. Note—The figures in extra black type—for in¬ stance, 613, under the head of AUen, north of Stanton street—denote that the transaction on the page given is leasehold, or a lease running for a long term of years. This explanation is made so that subscribers searching for transfers in fee can at once distinguish between the former and the latter, without referring to the page mentioned. NEW YORK CITY. STKEET.S. Academy-----165. Albanv-..-228. Allen," south of Canal .. .13, 8.57, 008, 645, 746, 806. from Canal to Grand-----196, 498, 607. Broome to Delaucey... 393,429, 746. Delaiicev to Eivington 325. north ol Stanton___10^, 498, 613. Amity (s^e West 3d). Ann ...290. Apthorps lane-----538, 540. Attorney, t-onth of Grand-----645. from Delancev t<> Eivington___12,74,104, 135,196, 428. 746. Rivingtou to Stanton .. 105, 461, 608. north of Stantun... 325, 573. Bank....228, 429.608. Barclav..-.6S1. 810. Barrow, east of Hudson... 290, 780. Baxter, south ol Canal .. .12, 261,806. north oT Canal... 499, 746. Bayard, east of Chrystie ... 104,461, 806. west ot Chrystie .. 326, 573, Beaver....74, 393, Beekman....290, 498, 608. Bethune___461,716. Bloomingdale road-----43, 45,135,136,165,197, 229, 290, 326, 357, 393, S95, 502, 538. 608. 681. 683, 716, 777, 780, 809. Bieecker, ir<>m Mott at to South 5th av... 429, 608. South 5ih av to Macdougal st .. 43,165,325, 357,429,573. Macdoufial to Morton-----13, 498, 716, M< rton 1 o B«rrow___290, 6U8, 645. Barrow t" Charles .. .261, 290. Weatol Charles....538. Bloomheld... 43. BoltoB road... .74, 76. 647, 648. Bond .. .104,135, 228, 357, 608. Boulevard, southotOSth ...499, 6S4. from 70th to 75th... .104, 135, 196. 228. 75thto85th. -.261, 645. ' 85th to 90th... .228, 3!(3, 608,610. 90th to 95th .. 104, 429, 608, 836. 100th to 105tb... .12, 13, 76, 499. 107ih to 125th (also see llih av) .. .461. 125th to 135th.. .325, 357, 538, 641, 573. 185th to 155th. . 393, 53'^, 573. north of 155th... .261, 49;*, 539 Bowery, south of Bayard... .136 357, 433, 608. from Bayard to Caual 198, 838. Canal to Grand... .357, 608, 746. Del..iicev to Houston... .228, 330,499. north of 2d....290, Bridge....44, 394. Broad, south of Beaver___608, 681. north of Beaver... 428. 429, 461, 499, 645. indeft ...104. Broadwav, bet Morris at and Exchange pi___357, 393, 631. from Exchange pi to Wall st . 228, 499. 836. Liberty to Fulton... 13,165, 166, 261, 466. Fulton to Eeade___107, 60rt, 613. Worth to Walker... .165, 196, 361. Walker to Grand... 261, 357. GraLd to Prince... 74. 165. 681, Prince to Bieecker ...165.608, 746. 4th to 12th... 47, 228, 836. 24th to 34ih... .15, 74, 137, 650, 746, 806. 34th to40th .. .74. 76, 429, 806, 836, 40t.h to 45th... .393, 538, 810. 45th to 55th___430, 573. 55th to 59th... .135,16\ 573, 574. north of 59th___(see Boulevard). indeft.... 719, Broome, east of Lewis... 135, 538, 681, 746. from Lewis to Columbia___357, 681. Sheriff to Eidge... .261,290, 806, Bidge to Suffolk___iCi, 746. Norfolk to Essex... 135, 165, 325, 746. Essex to Orchard___13, 104, 325, 429, 746. Orchard to Eldridge .165, 290, 393, 429, 573. Eldridge to Bowery... 4'i, 165. 466, 499. Elm to Wooster... 648, 715, 716. Wooster to Sullivan___104, 290. westof Varick.. .1^4,196,228, 261,429, 573, 608. Byrd....357, 433, 716, 777, Canal, east of Ludlow___393, ';77. from Ludlow to Bowerv 325, 538,746. Bowery to Baxter.. .13. 573, 806. Baxter to Broadway .. 836. Broadway to SoutirFifth av... 261, 357 608. South 5th av to Hudson at___74, 716, ' west of Hufison___196. 326, 499, 645." Cannon, from Broome to Eiviugton;. 165 857 608,645. ', ' Eiviugton to Stanton___357. Stanton to Houston___196, 461, 806. Carmine___719. Catharine, north of Madison___608. 681. south of Madison, 43, 74, 290, 461, 499. Catharine lane... 462. Cedar, east of Broadway___573, west of Broadway' .. 228, 429. Centre, south of Pearl?.. .43, 325, 682, 81j7, 836. trom Pearl to White___393,573. north of White___330, 608. Central Park, West (see 8ch av.) Chambers, eat ol Church___74, 461. from Church to College pi___196 393 608 College Dl to Greenwich... 357. " ' indeft___361, Charles, east of Hudson___74,165, 393 Charles lane .. .613, 809. Charlton, east of Hudson . .361, 573. west of Hudson ... 165, 499, Chatham (also see Park Bow), from Frankfort to Duane... .325, 682, 807, 836, Duane to Doyer... .47, 74, 165, 393. Cherry, from Dover to James___261. 325 357 746 James to Market... 499, 538,6* 8, 645 777 Market to Eu tgers.... 196, 290, 499, ' Eatgers to Jefi'erson 104,429,685. Jefferson to Clmiou .. .499, 608. Clinton to Momeromery___43. Scammel to Jackson... .825,499,608,646,746. 1DQ6ID. . . . ^28> Christopher, from 4th to Bedford___74, igg 608 Bedford to Greenwich___462, 836. west of Greenwich___74, 228,836. Chryatie, south of Canal___196. from Caual to Grand .. 165,825,462 716 746 Graudto Broome ...395,',46. ' ' Broome to Eivington •.. .825, 357, 393 Eivington to Stanton ... 165, 196, 4*29, 538 608. Church, houth of Park pi___577. north of Chambers___538,806. Circle (see Graud Circle). Cliff, from Beekman 10 Hague .. .461, 639. Cliuion, Bonth of Broome___290, 339, 538. from Broome to Eivingion . .104 716 north of Eivington___393, 429, 746. Columbia, south of Broome___393, 6' 8. Brooi!;e to Delaucey___5BH, '746,' Delancey to Eiviugtcm... .499, 573, 608 646 Eivmgton to Stanton___290, 429,499 573 608. ' ' north of Stanton___43,196. Commerce___107,290,646. Gorleara___74. Cortlandt, from Broadwav to New Church 165 166, 261, 393, 429. 538, 539, 608, 681.""'' ' New tlhurch to Greenwich___104 603 Cortlandt alley ...196. ' Crosby, from Grai d lo Prince___290, 539 north of Prince___261, 290 608 Croton___777,836. Delancey, east of Mangiu___681. from Mangiu to Lewis .". 777, g06. Lewia to Cannon .. 290, 393, 608. Cannon to Columbia 43,396. 499, 589, Columbia to Pitt... 74, 573, 716. Pitt to CliDton. . 165, 290, 462, 499, 806. Clinton to Norfolk... 328, 499, 646. Norfolk 10 Esnex... 46.' 646. Essex o Ln<1low... .104. 326, 393, 429. Orchard to Forsyth___777, Dey, east of Cluireb.. .".165. from Church to Greenwich___104, 325, 573, 682, 807, 836. Division, from Eidge to Attorney___326, 646. Attorney to Clinton___393, 646, 685, 806. Clinton to Suffolk ...15. Suffolk to Norfolk ...573, 608. Norfolk to Orchard... 104, 325, 393. Orchard to Pike... 573. Pike to Allen... .13, 228, 393. Alien to Market___685. Market to Forsyth... .43, 290, 681, 716, 806. west ot Forsvth___135. Dover.... 357. Downing....43, 462, 716, Duane, east of Broadway___462, west ot Hudson___43, 357, 681. Dutch .. 363, 361, a96. Dyckman. .777. East.... 646. East Broadway, from Catharine to Market___104, 290, 573, 608. Market to Pike .185, 165. 393. 499. Pike to Eutgers....l04, 135, 261, 290, 429; 462, 499, 539. Eutfjers to Jefferson___429. Jefferson to Clinton___15, 393, 395, 573, 608. Clinton to Montgomery.... 74, 357,£499, 646, 685. Eastern Boulevard (see Av A), Edgecombe road,,,. 13, 326, 499, 539, 573,j681, 716^ 836. Eldridge, aoulh of Canal... .13, 43, 608, 716, 746. from Canal to Hester___290, 326, 608. Hester to Grand....74, 165, 363, 357,429. 608, 777, 806. Grand to Broome___166, 196, 290, 646, 716. Broome to Delancey___135. Delaucey to Eivington.... 135, 1C6, 357, 393. 646. north of Eivington___13, 290. Ehzabeth, south of Hester___290, 573. from Hester to Broome. . .196, 357, 608. Broome to Spring___43, 777. Spring to Prince... 573, 777. Elm.... 43,104. Emerson___432, 681. Essex, south of Hester___104. from Grand to Eivington___137,^290, 429. north of E.viugton___290, 462. F (Iuwood)....74. Ferry.... 461. Fletcher... .169, 357, 539, 608. Port Washington Eldge road... .462, 780. Forsjth, from Canal to Hester___15,'4:7,"105 166 261, 357, 393, 462, 539, 573, 577. * ^ Hester to Grand .. .573. north of Broome___290, 543, 608 746 Frankfort 325, 608. 681. Franklin, east of Church___13, 539, 746. west of Hudson___43, 326. Front, west of Broad___74, 681. fromBroad to Wall.. .169,396,646 719. Wall to Fulton___357, 646. Fulton to Montgomery___499, 539. east of Montgomery . .74, 326, 429, 462, 646. Fulton, east ol Pearl___228. from Pearl to William___361, 646, 806. William to Nassau... .166, 358, 393, 462, 466.. Nassau to Broadway___74. west of Broadway___43, 777. Gansevoort___13. Gay....499, 646. Goerck south of Delancey... .13, 429. north of Delancey .. .43, 357, 716 746 Gold ...393,499.608. Gouvenieur___777, 806. Gramercv Park___13, 807. Grand Circle. . 228, 229. 230, 429, 499. Grand, eaat of Willett 74, 262, 429. from Willett to Clinton___43, 290, Climon .0 Ludlow.. .608. 777, Ludlow to Eldridge'... .357, 716. Eidridpa to Elm 138,326,746. Elm to Broadway___462,646. Broadway to Thompson.. .43,836. 1 west of Thompson___429. Greene, south of Prince___13. from Prince to Houston___261, 357. Honatou to 3d.. .326, 608, 836. Greenwich, south of-Eector... 574, 806. from Sector to Cedar .. .429, 462 836 Cedar to Vesey___105,429. Tesey Ht to Park pi... 357, 433, 466. 409 681, ' ' *»»» Park pi to Eeade st___44, 673. Eeade to FranTlin . .806. Fraiiklin to Beach.. 685. Beach to Laight... 326, 857, 608. Laight to Canal___499, 645. Houston to West 11th., .13, 433, 503» West nth to Bethune___393, 608. Bethune to Jane___499, 646, 746. north of Jane... .166. Grove ..393,499,501. Great Jones... 290, 357 Hague....44,196, 429.