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The Record and guide: v. 37, no. 929: January 2, 1886

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January 2,1886 The Record and Guide. 25 25x66, tin roof; cost, $13,000; Henry Neus, 404 East 114th st; ar't, Adam Munch, Plan 1834. 75th st, n 8, 60 w 1st av, one-story brick store, tin roof; cost, $1,800; Max Danziger, lie 79th st; ar't, J, C, Burne; b'r, not selected. Flan 1839. 120th st, n s, 140 e 4th av, five-story brick tenem't with stores, 25x60, tin roof; cost, $12,000; Anson G, Shipman, 221 e 123d st; art's, Cleverdon & Putzel. Plan 1840. 1st av, s e cor 73d st, five-story brick tenement ^^ ith store, 25x84, with one story extension, 4x 25, tin roof; cost, $2.t,000; Ann Mulholland, 324 E. 81st st; ar't, J. C, Burne; b'r not selected. Plan 1836. lat av, e s, 25 s 73d st, five-story brick tene¬ ment with store, 25x64, tin roof; 'cost, $13,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1837, 73d st, s s, 88 e 1st av, five-story brick tenement, 25x41, tin roof; cost, $11,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1838, BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, V/EST OF 8th avenue, 63d st, s s, 200 w 9th av, eight five-story brick (stone front) tenem'ts, 25x84 and 25x88, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; ow'rs and b'rs, Gillie, Walker & Lawson, 519 West 104th st; ar't, M, V, B, Ferdon, Plan 1827. 9th av, n e cor 105th st, five-story brick flat with store, 25.3x75, tin and plastic slate roofing; cost, $18,000; Oscar C, Ferris, 131st st and 8ih av; ar't, Andrew Spence, Plan 1826, 110th and 125th streets, between 5th and 8th avenues, 120th, s s, 290 w 7th av, one-story frame glazed green-houses, 75x200; cost, $5,500; Chas. Am- niann, 268 W, 131st st; ar't, T, E, Thomson. Plan 1841, 130th st, s s, 365 w 7th av, three-story brick stable and carriage house, 25x90, tin or gravel roof; cost, $.5,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 1842, north of 125th street, 12Sth st, n s. 200 e 10th av, onestory frame temporary shed, 170x100; cost, $1,000: D. G. Yuengling:, 128th st aud 10th av; b'r, J, Weber. Flan 1817. 150th st, s s, 80 e Iflth av, ten two-and-a-half and three aud-a-half story frame dwell'gs, 17x 45.6, .shingleroofs; cost, each, $2,500; Johu Strai- ton, 131 East SOth st; ar't, J, H. Duncan, Plan 1833. 152d st, n s, 650 w Ilth av, three-story brick tenem't, 25x50, tin roof; cost, abt $4,500; Charles A, Briggs, ri2d st. North River; ar't, Henry Fouchaux. Plan 1830, 10th av, e s, 100 n 162d st, three-sstory brick store and tenem't, 22x60, tin roof; cost, $6,000; James Knowles, 161st sfc and 10th av; ar't, J. C Kerby. Plan 1824. 23d and 24th wards. Warren st, n s, 146 e Worth av, two story frame dwell'g, 20x30, with extension, 13x14, tin roof; cost, $2,500; Ladger Chartrand, 175th sfc, near Brook av; ar't, J. C, Kerby. Plan 18-.'3. 184th st, n e cor Bainbridge av, two-story frame dwell'g, 20.6x34.6, shingle roof; cost, $3,200; Mrs. Ida Morris, 1243 Washington av: ar't, T. W Rnigi-ose; b'r, not selected. Plan 1819, Mosholu av, n s, 5o0 w Albany road, one-story frame stable, 24x19, tin roof; cost,------• T & W, T}!^^^ ^ ^°-' i^verdale; b'r, F. H. Thorn, Plan 1828, Tremont av, s s, 250 w Morris av, two-story frame dweU'g, 22.6x44, rear 27, shingle roof; co?t, $2,500; John H. Clements, 72 East 112th st; ar't. J. E. Kerby. Plan 1823. ' Washington av, w s, 210 s 172d st, two two-story frame dweU'gs, 17 and 20x4-3.6. tin roofs; cost, each, $2,500; George W. Hals«^y, 223 North 3d av; ar't, R. E, Rogers. Plan 1835, KIBTGS COUNTY. Flan 1921—Ralph av, w s, 50 n Chaimcey st, one one-story frame shop, 12.6x25, felt roof; cost, $50; ow'rs and b'rs, Ames & Waldron, 229 Howard av, 1922—Howard av, e s, 45 n Sumpter st, three two-story frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 18.4x34, tin roof; cost each, $1,400; J. Peper; b'r, E, Sutter- bn; ar't, P. W. J&aes. 1923—Dean st, s s, 100 e Rockaway av, one three- story frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 18x34, tin roof • cost, $1,500; L, P, Gibbs, 443 Marcy av; art', R, Dixon; b'r, A, J, Gibbs, 1924—Union st, n s, 292 w 5th av, two two and a-half-story and basement, terra cotta and brick dwell'gs, 12.6x45, tin roofs and iron cornices; cost each, $5,500; Mrs, B. Mejrers, 210 Pacific st; ar't, W, M. Coots; m'n, M, Meyers; c'r, day's work, 1925—9th st, n e cor Gowanus Canal, one one¬ story frame shed, 60x13.5, iron sheathing and gravel roof; cost, $6,500; New York Tartar Co, on premises; b'r, B, Gallagher. 1926—Sumpter st, No. 234, s s 375 e Saratoga av, one two-story frame shop, 25x25, tin roof: cost, $400; ow'r and bV, John O'Hara, on premises; ar't, A. V. Porter, 1927—Evergreen av, e s, 40 n Jacob st, one two- story frame dwell'g, 20x32, and two-story exten¬ sion, 10x15, tin roof; cost, $1,700; William H. Bishop, 397 Central av; ar't and b'r, John Pohlmann. 1928—Halsey st, n s, 120 e Stuyvesant av, four two-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 20x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $3,000; Fred¬ erick and John Dhuy, 212 Reid av; b'r, J. Dhuy. 1929—Chauncey st, s s, 350 e Howard av, one one-story frame shop, 20x40, tin roof; cost, $400; ow'r and b'r, Wm. Qoebel. >v , J930—ittf^ect pi, s s, 185 9 Crriiiia av, fouy three-story brick dwell'gs, 20x43; tin roofs, wood¬ en cornices; cost, total, $23,000; D, B. Moses, 310 Produce Exchange, New York; b'r, T. H, Rem¬ sen. 1931—McDougal st, No. 258, s s, 325 e Rocka¬ way av, one three-story frame tenem't, 28x50, tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $4,000; Christopher Kien- sie, 256 McDougal st; ar't and m'n, C. Bauer; c'r, not selected, 1932—Sumpter st, No. 108, n s, 297 e Ralph av, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 28x50, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Annie Diehting, 106 Sump¬ ter st; b'r, not selected. 1933—Herkimer st, s s, 50 e Buffalo av, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,500; Sarah Hocking. 1719 Bergen sfc; ar't, A. Hill: b'r, A. Hocking. 1934—Ellery st, n s, 390 from Nostrand av, two three story frame (brick filled) stores and teneni't.<5, 30x65, tin roofs; cost, each, $5,200; Charlotte M, Goodwin; ar't, J. E. Sagar. 1935—Bushwick av, s e cor Bieecker st, eight two-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 18.9 x40, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $4,500; Jacob Murr, 477 Bedford av; ar't, J. E. Dwyer. 1936—3d av, e s, 100 n 27th st, one three-story brick dwell'g, 20x45, fin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $4,000; M. Walton, 27th st near 3d av; b'r, C. B. Shelden. 1937—5th st, s s, 3.32.6 w 6th av, fifteen two- story and basement brick dvvell'gs, 15.8x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $3,500; ow'r and b'r, Thomas Betts, 371 6th st. 1938—ISth st, n s, 175 e 6th av, one two-story frame store and tenem't, 25x44, tin roof; cost, $2,000: Jacob Barnett, 388 17th st; ar't, W. H, Wirth; b'rs, A, Nostrand and T, Ross. 1939—Harrison av. No. 167, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Benj. Morrison, 42 Tompkins av; ar't, R. Von Lehn. 1010—Hancock sfc, s s, 117 w Throop av, six three-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 18x42, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, e.ach, $6,000; Benjamin Armstrong, 391 Jefferson av; ar't, J. D. HaU; b'r, G, B, Stoutenburg. 1941—Evergreeu av, n w cor Grove st, two (?) three-story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 28 and 27.6x55, tin roofs; cost, .$4,800; S.-hoenwald & Guthardfc, 325 Evergreeu av; ar't, G, HUlen- brand; b'r, J. Fuchs, 194'3—Evergreen av, w s, 28 n Grove st, six two-story and basement brick filled dweU'gs, 20x 44, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,700; ow'r, &c,, same as last., 1943—McDougal st, s s, 75 w Rockaway av, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 22x45, tin roof; cost, $3,500; ow'r aud b'r, John Wilferfc, 223 Howard av. 1944-4th av, w s, 75 n SOfch sfc, one three-story frame stores and tenem'fc, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $3,500; Mary A, Baxter, 2312 4th av, New York; ar'fc, W. B, Robinson; b'r, J. H, O'Rourke, 1945—Ralph av, e s, 98 n Atlantic av, one two- story frame shop, 25x48, tin roof, cost, $300; ow'r, &c., C, P, Skelton, 1895 Atlantic av. ALTERATIOi\S NEW YORK CITY. Plan 2313-79fch sfc, No, 221 E., mansard raised to fuU story; also four-story and basement brick extension, 12x33, tin roofs; cost, $5,000; ow'r and b'r, W, J, O'Connor, on premises; ar't, W, P. An¬ derson. 2314—Thomas st, No. 56, repair damage by fire; cost, .?l.2nn; ,Tohn McKesson; 25 West 34th st; ar't, J, E. Terhuno. 2315-Madison av, s e cor 43d st, two-story brick extension, 34x25, tin roof; cost, $3,000; Charles Miller, on premises; ar't, J. E. Ware. 2316—Pearl st, No. 32, internal alterations for tenem't, laundry, 22x14, buUt; cost, $7,500; Phil¬ lips Phoenix, 21 E. 33d st, trustee; ar't. A, E, Barlow. 2317—Worth st, Nos, 83 and 85, extension altered, iron skyUght put in; cost, $1,400; att'y for ow'rs, H. S. Leavitt, 1 East 40th st; b'rs. A, C, Hoe & Co. 2318—111th st, No, 233 E., new store fronts, etc.; cost, $500; Abraham Siegel, 5 Rutgers pi; ar't, E, W, Greis; b'r, J. MUler, 2319—111th st. No. 237 E., new store front, etc.; cost, $250; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last. 2320—49fch st, No, 23 E., internal alterations; also two-story and basement brick extension, 19.6 x40, tin roof; cost, $15,0i)0; Gabriel Grant, on premises; ar't, C, C. Haight; b'rs, I, A, Hopper and D. Hepburn, 2321—James slip, No. 10, internal alteration; cost, $800; Jacob Hoifman, 245 Henry st; ar't and b'r, J. Hood, 2322—Mercer st, No. 109, internal alterations; cost, $175; Emerick Kiss, 136 Bieecker st; b'r, C, Spader, 2323--AV A, w s, 89th to 90th st, one-story brick extension, 60.3x9.2, as a connecting corridor bet orphan asylum buildings; cost, $1,000; St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Henry Heide. trustee, 81 Bar¬ row fit; ar't, W, Schickel, 2324—West Broadway, s e cor Reade st, new show windows and iron columns to replace granite piers; cost, $1,000; lessee, John Von Glahn, 444 West 43d st; ar't, J, W, Cole; b'r, J. Jordan. 2325—Greenwich st, No. 34, repair damage by fire; cost, $350; Michael Hoffman, on premises; ar't, J. CaUahan; b'rs, WaUace & Co, 2326—Sth av, n w cor 47fch sfc, repair damage by fire, new iron cornice, &c.; cost, $700; M, Went>- worth, 111 Bowery; ar't, F, Ebeling; b'r, E, Ofcte, 23.37—122d st, s s, 100 w 2d av, buUding changed to one-story structure for use as a church; cost, $500; lessee, Shiloh Baptist Church, 4th av and ISathst; ar't, C. Baxter, 2328—Canal st, No. 262, new stairs; cosfc, $180; Lavinia P. Archer, Garden City, L. I., and Imo- gene F. Weeks, Montclatr, N. J.; b'r, J. D, Bu¬ chanan, 2329—25th st, Nos. 513-519 W., new f-onfc, and walls taken down and rebuilt; cost, -12 000; les¬ sees, BJake & Duffy, on premises; ar'fc, T. C. Blake. 23:50—63d st. No. 322 E., front and internal alter¬ ations; cost, $1,200; W, L, Loew, Red Bank, N. J.; b'rs, J. Fyfe & Co. 233.1—North 3d av, w s, south of 14th st, one building to be moved to College av, n e cor 141st st, and altered into two dwell'gs; cost, $!,5(i0; J, L. Mott, 2122 5th av; ar'fc, G, C. Gr«Uer; b'r, not sele jted, » »»» .... KIi\GS COPATY. Plan 1171—Herkimer st, No. 043, raised 6 feet, brick basement beneath, also two-storv frame ex¬ tension, 12x17, tin roof; cosfc, abfc §300; Mrs. C. Putuam, 943 Herkimer st; art, I. Smith; b'rs, B. Spaulding and J. Smith. 1172—Marion sfc, No. 377, raised 5 feet, brick waU beneath; cost, $450; Mrs. McCourfc, ou prem¬ ises; b'rs, W, Clark and C. Monds. 1173—Walton st, No. 01, raised 4.6, frame story beneath, also add two stories on extension;, .«;800; ow'r and b'r, Fr. Decider & Son; art, H. VoUweiler. 1174—HuU st, No. 43, new peak roof; cost, §100; ow'r aud b'r, Jacob Geib, on premises. 1175—Flatbush av, No. 264, interior alterations; cost, $75; Ackerman, New Jersey; b'r, A. Ken¬ ned v. 1176—Rodney st, Nos. 2fh-3fi, two-story brick ex¬ tension, 23,9 and 23.7x25 and 29, gravel roof; cost, $2,000; J. S. and G. P. Simpson, on prem¬ ises; ar't, E. P. Gaylor; b'r, not selected. 1177—Atlantic av, Nq. 1790, two-story frame extension, 15x36, tin roof, wooden cornice: cost, abt $500; Sarah F. Green. 1178—Metropolitan av, junction Grand st, raised 2 feet; also two-story frame extcn.sion, 2:1k 16, tin roof; cost, $(wO; ------Mayenbary; ar't, H. Dubois; b'rs, N. Moor and M. Metzen. 1179—Myrtle av, No. 5S, one-storv brick exten¬ sion, 22x42, tin roof; cost, $550; Thomas Cassiu; br, D. Boyle, 1180—McDougal st. No. 2ri4, one-story franio extension, 40x22, tin roof; cost, $3.50; ow'r aud b'r, .lacob Geib, 43 Hull st; m'n, P. Robeny. 1181—6th av, No. 432, w s, build front an-a, &c.; cost, $500; I. Jacobs, on premises; b'r, G. VV. Bush, MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS FAILURES. Schedule of assets and liabilities filed for two weel s ending December 31: Nonunal Real Liabilities. Asset.s. Assets. Billings, J. N. & A........ $9,146 10,707 4.816 Behrens, Wm. J.......... 3.805 1,547 1 ;i(!0 Caspar, C.& Co.......... 43.836 32,430 18,406 Del Gaizo, Pasquale...... 17.9:^9 14.610 5.078 De Vries, Alexander..... 3.350 3,810 ],4()0 Grunwald, Isidor........ 42,T42 35.:i 19 9.:^.".4 Kempner, Gertrude...... 2,884 1.985 l,1t:G Lewis Bros. & Kennedy.. 82,370 2,038 1,974 Mathews, Amos 1....... 6.026 2,723 1 .'MT Miers, Samuel........... 7,079 6,^5o 1 270 SuUivan, Winifred........ 4,6.37 2,.330 'yir Taylor, Richard......... 30,233 29,190 10,470 Ullner, Wm............... 4,486 5,451 1,489 Young, Thomas, Jr...... 28,768 7,766 6,2lt> N. T, A88IQNMENTS—BENEFIT CREDITORS, Dec. 31 Atkinson, Joseph J., and Thomas F. Martin (firm of J. J. Atkinson & Co.), to Thomas J. Henry. 26 Burnstein, Edward, to Augustus Strouse; prefer¬ ences, $691. 80 Bergmann, Elizabeth, to Theodore Fischer. 96 Conant, Eusebia F., to Nathaniel L. Newcomb. 28 De Vries, Alexander, to Ephraim Tencoom; prefer¬ ences, $750. 26 Dunbar, Melzer P., and Ezra D. Fogg (firm of M. P. Dunbar & Co., lumber, 2.3 William st, and New Haven, Conn.), to Charles MacVeagh. 31 Duffy, Peter, to Wm. W. Ryer. 29 Howell, David B., and Robert Devereux (Arm of D. B. Howell & Co., Masonic goods, 437i^ Broad¬ way and 389 Broome st), to Edward Lemz; pref¬ erences, $3,620. 38 Hamblin, Ralph W. (dry goods, 815 Broadway), to Thomas Vickery; preferences, $1,197. 84 Moral, Bernard, to David Moral; preferences, $5,098. 93 Regelien, Hermann (fish, 238 Fulton st», to Jacob Levi; preferences, 8400. KINGS COUNTY, Dec. GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS. 28. Braisted, Helen, to W. J. Lei*ine. ------------••-»——— irOTICE TO PROPERTY-HOLDERS. OiTT OF New Yonx, Finakcb Department, I CoMi'TRou,ii:.i"3 Offick, Dec. S3, 1886. j In purtuance of Section 916 of the " New York City OonsoUdation Act of 1882." the Comptroller of the City of New York gives notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the follovting assessment litjte, Tl«.: WWULATlNe, GRADIJTft, 6KTTINO CURB, OUTTER AND FI,AGOI^», 49d Bt, from 2d av to East River. lAlat at, from Sth av to Av St. Nicholas. RHOtTLATIWa AND GRADING. 4th av, from 96th to 103d st. ■BQtJLATIKO, PAVING, SETTING CURB AND GUTTER STONES AND FLAGGING SIBEWALKS. 42d Bt, from 2d to Ist av, PAVING, 4*1 St, from 1st av to EastP.iver-, belgian or tra-i- felocfc pavemeae, '