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686 e Record and Guide. May 8, 1886 88th st, s s, 147 e 3d av, two five-story and base¬ ment brick tenements with store in one, 28.9x85, tin roofs; cost, each, $16,000; John D. Karst, Jr., 1874 3d av; ar't, Alex. I. Pinkie. Plan 782. 15th st, No, 254 and 256 W,, two five-story brick tenem'ts, 25x90,6, tin roofs; cost, each, $22,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Jobsfc Hoffmann, 101 7th st. Plan 816, ^d st, Nos, 61-65 W,, two five-story and base¬ ment iron front stores and lofts, constructed to be available for use as one bmlding if required, total, 75x86 above first story, metal roof; eost, $75,000; Martha W, Wysong, 137 Madison av, and Louise M, Kemochan, 182 Madison av; ar't, John B, Snook, Plan 802, •26th st, Nos. 151 and 151 J^E., brick tenemenfc, 25 x89.4, tin rooft cost, $20,000, Solomon Jacobs, 195 East Broadway; ar'ts, A. H. Blankenstein and Henry Herter. Plan 817. 39th st, Nos. 302 and 304 E., two five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 20x53x50, tin roofs; cost, $9,500 and $9,000; Sarah J. Hassett, 161 West 46th st; ar't, M. Louis Ungrich; built by day's work. Plan 815. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STBmETS, EAST Or 5th avenue. 89th st, 8 e cor Lexington av, ten four-story brick dweU'gs, 12.6x62 and (55, with extensions, 7 xl5, slate and tin roofs; cost, eacb, $10,000; Wil¬ liam Rhinelander, 19 East 28th st; att'y, G. W. Bashford, 3 East 47th st; ar'ts, Hubert, Pirsson«fc Co. Plan 767. SOth st, s s, 75 w Av A, five-story brick tenem't 25x67, and extension 14, tin roof; cost, $13,000; Louis Wirth, 86th st, s w cor Isfc av; ar't, John Brandt. Plan 790. 80th st, n s, 106.6 w Av A, two five-story brick tenem'ts, 24.9 and 24.10x66, tin roofs; cost, each, $13,000; ow'r and ar't same as last. Plan 791. 86th st, n e cor Av B, one-story brick dwell'g, 20x44, tin roof; cost, $1,500; ow'r and ar't, Pat¬ rick Sheehey. Plan 774. 122d st, n s, 120 e Madison av, four five-story brick (stone front) flats, three 27x84 and one 19x 68, tin roofs; cost, three $20,000 each, and one $12,000; Lottie B. Dean, 343 East 118'h st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 781. 4tfa av, s e cor OOth st, four fivestory hrick ten¬ ements with stores, three 27x67 and 78 and one 16x67, tin roofs; cost, corner building, $16,000, two others $12,