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May 29, 1886 The Record and Guide, 731 MECHANICS' LIENS. The Mechanics' Lien Law, with fuU Marginal Notes and complete Index, has been published in pamphlet form by The Record apoj Guide. Copies can be obtained at the office of publication No. 191 Broadway, price 25 cents. This valuable work should be in the hands of every man inter¬ ested in building or m the sale of buUding ma¬ terial. 28 NEW YORK €ITY. May 22 Sixty-first st, n s, 120 w 1st av, 75x100. Fred¬ erick J. Maeder agt Margaret wife of and John O'Sullivan, owners and contractors. $387 00 22 Same property. Louis Bochert agt same.. ISO 00 24 Thirty-flrst st, Nos. 121 and 123 W., n s, bet 6th and 7th avs. Westing & Hafers agt Abraham R. Hopkins, contractor, and Charlotte Blumenthal, owner............. 110 00 25 Fifty-seventh st, u w cor 7th av. 125x100. James Dougherty agt the estate of John Taylor, debtor; Thomas Osborne, owner. 2,910 86 25 One Hundred and Sixth st, n s, 125 w 9th av, 25x100. Wm. H. Brandt agt Thomas Mc¬ Carty, reputed owner; Join Schaugh- nessey and Henry Forrest, contractors, and Joseph B. Reilly, agent.............. 153 00 26 Seventy-sixth st, s s, 1-20 e Riverside drive, 30 x99.11. JamesK. (jiles, Gustavus Dem f sey and Joseph Reid agt Albert W. Harris, owner, and Allan A. Irvine and— Smith, coatractors............................ 282 80 26 Tenth st. No. 114 E., s s, bet 2d and 3d avs. John Bremner agt Thomas F. Hayes; John T. Moore, contractor, and Joseph Johnston, sub-contractor................. 18 00 26 One Hundred and Sixth st, n s, 125 w 9th av, 25x100. Wm. H. Brandt agt Thomas McCarty, owner;: John Schaughnessey and Henry Forrest, contractors, and Jo¬ seph B. ReUly, agent................ ... 153 00 26 Fifty-ninth st, Nos. 818-324 E., s s, bet 1st and 2d avs. Anton Ahr agt James, or James.T., Meagher..................... 83 00 26 Av B, n e cor 183d st, 100x75. Wm. Clarke agt-----Nelson, o«ner;-----Vanroy, con¬ tractor, and Charles Wanninger, agent.... 48 93 20 One Hundred and Sixty-ninth st, s s, 125 e Ilth av, 25x75. Fred Smith agt Matthew Cox, owner and debtor.................. 83 00 26 Eighty-eighth st, n s, 82.2 e 4th av, 153.4x 100.8. Joseph Eichhorn agt Wm. White and Martha Gelston, owners, and Samnel L. Gelston, contractor.................. 800 00 28 Thirteenth st. No. 517 E., n s, 220.10 e Av A, 25x103. Charles Franck agt Henry Bade, owner; George B. Christman, contractor. 403 62 Washington av, s e cor Tremont av (177th) st), 40x100............................I Washington av, s w cor Tremont av (177th f st), 36x100...........................J Charles Romer agt George Nonamaker, , contractor; George W. Hojer, owner..... 300 00 28 Ludlow st, Nos. 82 and 84, e s, 60 n Broome st, abt 40x62. Robert P. Clark agt A. E. Becson, reputed owner.................... 600 00 KINGS COPNTY. May 22 Kent av (1st st). No. 447, w s, 22x100. Edward Burke agt WUliam McGrane.............. 77 99 24 Clason av, 100 ft from Park av, 25x100. Charles F. Reichardt agt Mary E. McClos¬ key, owner; Jacob Hertlin, contractor.... 150 00 25 Clason av, No.,151, e s. Ludwig Frank agt same........................................ 55 00 S4 Ralph av, e s, 80 n Madison st, 25x100. Chas. J. Reichardt agt John Ehlers, owner; Jacob Hertlin, contractor.................. 90 00 27 Same property. Jacob WiUman agt same. 28 91 24 McDougal st, n s, 350 e Saratoga av, 50x100. Chas. F. Reichardt agt Mrs. Mary Hertlin and Lucas Breitenstein, owners; Jacob HertUn, contractor.................... 115 00 24 McOougal st, 75 ft from Rockaway av, 25x 100. Same agt John Wilfert, owner; Jacob Hertlin, contractor............... 80 00 24 Same property. PhUip Bossert agt same.. 45 50 24 Alabama av, e s, 165 s Atlantic av. Chas. F. Reichardt agfc John Eamfkin, owner; Jacob Hertlin, contractor................. 80 00 27 Same property. Jacob WiUman agt Jno. Knupfling, owner; Jacob Hertlin, con¬ tractor .............................. 40 CO 24 Herkimer sfc. No. 880, e s, 74.8 e Buffalo av. Chas. F. Reichardt agt Walter Brockway, owner; Jacob Hertlin. contractor......... 80 00 24 Blushing av, s s, 110.10 from n e s of Knick¬ erbocker av, 67.4 X irreg. Michael Mayer agt Jno. C. Hesse, Franz Frank, Geo. J. Kraemer and Adam Roeder, owners and contractors............................ 432 43 85 Adams st, e s, 75 n Nassau st, 50x97.9. Michael Dalton agt Edwin D. Phelps, owner; P. CarUn& Sons, contractors___ 851 77 24 Tenth st, s cor Oth av, 90x100. Israel Muller agt Francis J. McMahon, owner; John Connor, or O'Connor, contractor......... 730 00 25 Stuyvesant av, n w cor Putnam av, lOOx 100. Thomas J. EUiott agt James Gard¬ ner, owner; J. & C. Dower, contractors... 50 63 87 Fifth av, n e cor 24th st, 40x100. George W. Brandt agt Henry Weber, owner and con¬ tractor............................___ 88101 87 Alabama av, e s, 165 s Atlantic av, 50x100. Chas. F. Reichardt agfc John Knipfing, owner; Jacob HertUn, contractor... 80 CO 87 Herkimer st. No. 880, e s, 74.8 e Buffalo av. Chas. F. Reichardt agt Rudolph Hum- binger, owner; Jacob HertUn, contractor 80 00 27 Division av. s e cor Wyekoff av. New Lots. Chas. F. Reichardt agt Alex. Dolatkowski, owner; Jacob Hertlin,coniractor........ 40 00 27 St. Marks pl, s s, 451 w Sth av, 50x100. John S. Loomis agt Charles H. Collins......... 450 08 --------■■■. «■> SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. May NEW YORK CITY. 83 Broadway, Nos. 31 and 38, w s. Lewis Hop¬ ner agt James D. Fish. (Lien filed May 13.1884)................................ . .$469 7 „!- Washington av, s e cor Tremont av...... ) Washington av, s w cor Tremont av......j Wm. Clarfee agt George W. Hojer and George Nonomaker. (Mar. 25,1886)..... 489 06 25 Same property. Waneger & Dolan agt same as last and-----Hoffman. (Mar. 25) 666 50 25 Washington av, s w cor Tremont av, 36x75. John Bell & Sons agt same as last. (Mar. 29)....................................... 117 67 27tNinth av, Nos. 1644-1648, e s, 100.8 s 96th st. Poultney Slate Works agt Charles W. Kle¬ bisch and Henry Bornkamp. (Sept. 1, '85) 728 00 27tSame property. John S. Kypka agt same. (Nov. 14,1885).......................... 22488 27 Second av, s w cor 71st st, 25x100. Charles Boettger agt Gustave Kugelman or Moses Selig (Mayl7,1880)..................... 70 00 28 Eighth av, n w cor 123d st,. 50x100. Smith & Crawley agt H. Josephine Wilson and D. T. Atwood, reputed owners. (May 24,1886)5,158 54 ^Discharged by order of court on filing of bond. KINGS COUNTY. May 22 to 28—inclusive. Halsey st, u s, 325 w Lewis av, 50x100. P. Wright & Son agt Emma and Harry Taylor. (Mar. 8,1886).................... 66 00 Same property. Charles G. Rice agt same. (Mar. 9, 1886).............................. 69 00 Sumpter st, s s. 390 w Stone av, 100x100. Cle¬ ment Trimble agt John H. and Charles S. Stout. (AprU 23, 1886).................... 55 00 Jefferson av, s s, 356.8 e Throop av. 133.4x100. Ralph Robb agt Minnie L. and Elbert D. Howes. (April 15,1886) .................. 325 00 Bainbridge st, n s, 99 w Lewis av, 140.10x100. J. S. and G. F. Simpson agt Alvin Hager and Elbert D. Howes. (Dec. 10,1885)......... 825 00 Hull st, n s, 175 e Rockaway av, 50x100. Michael Pigott agt Jeremiah Dornsife, owner; Frank Lyons, contractor. (Sept. 29,1885.) (Release as to William H. H. Robbins, present owner)................. 130 00 Same property. John Pigott agt same. (Sept. 29, 1886.) (Release as to WiUiam H. H. Robbins, present owner)....... ......... 38 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name is that of the owner; ar''t stands for architect, m''n for mason and Vr for builder. NEW TORK CITY. SOUTH OF 14th street. Thames sfc. No. 15, five-story brick fcenem'fc wifch sfcores, 33.1x29.10, tin roof; cost, $8,000; Nora Mc¬ Carthy, 342 East 12th st; ar't, James Conroy; b'r, John Cashman. Plan 908. Division sfc, Nos. 195 and 1953»^, four-sfcory and basement brick shop, 26x45, rear 18, tin roof; cost, not estimated; Hebrew Free School Assoc., 206 East Broadway, Myer J. Isaacs, president; ar'ts, Brunner & Tryon. Plan 938. Hudson st, No. 135, and No. 47 Beach st, six- story brick warehouse, 28.6x130.5, rear 28.4, tin roof; cost, abt $40,000; Edward M. Cary, trustee estate of J. H. Cary, East Milton, Mass; ar'ts. Kimball & Ihnen; b'rs, Mahoney & Wafcson and J. B. Doyle. Plan 935. Sheriff st. No. 109, five-story brick tenem't wifch sfcores, 24.11x84.7, fcinroof; cosfc, $15,000; Richard J. Mahoney, 416 Easfc 57th st; ar'ts, Berger & BayUes. Plan 930. Waverly pl. No. 115, five-story brick flat, 27x90, tin roof; cost, $28,000; DeUa M. Reynolds, 117 Waverlypl; ar't, E. J. Reynolds; b'r, Hugh M. Reynolds. Correction. Plan 858. Division st, Nos. 114 and 116, five-story brick tenem't with stores, 25x54, rear 23, tin roof; cosfc, $16,000; Harris Baum, 1499 3d av; ai-'fc, WUUam Graul. Plan 958. Division sfc, Nos. 118 and 11S)4, five-sfcory brick tenem'fc wifch sfcores, 35x86, rear 17, tin roof; cosfc, $20,000; ow'r and ar'fc, same as lasfc. Plan 959. Duane st. No. 168, five-story brick store, 30.6x 110, and one-story extension 8, felt and gravel roofing; cost. $27,000; Fleming Smith, 11 East 35th st; ar't, S. D. Hatch; b'rs, R. L. Darragh & Co., and James Elgar. Plan 946. Forsyth st. No. 78, five-story and basement brick tenem't with sfcores, 25x89.4, tin roof; cosfc, $20,000; Morris Rosendorf, 273 Grand sfc; ai-'fcs, A. H. Blankensfcein and Henry Herter. Plan 926. Mulberry sfc, Nos. 245 and 247, two five-story brick (stone front) tenem'ts, 25x84, tin roofs; cost, each. $19,000; Joseph Schwarzler, 1073 5th av; art's, Thom & Wilson. Plan 955. Norfolk st. No. 122, five-story brick (stone front) tenem't, 25x84, tin roof; cost, $19,000; ow'r and ar'ts, same as last. Plan 954. West st. No. 388, three-story brick office build¬ ing and store, 26.3x28; cost, $8,000; Michael Carr; ar't, Joseph Ireland; b'rs, J. W. Crawford & Son. Plan 925. BETWEEN 14th AND 59TH STS. 44th st. No. 225 E., thi-ee-story brick Uvery stable and dweU'g, 22x40, tin roof; cost, $4,500; Margaret Dunn, on premises; b'r, John B. Mc- Guiie. Plan 910. 53d st, n s, 100 w Sth av, three-story brick stable, 75x30.10x75.7x22.6, tin roof; cost, $10,000; Henry B. Wright, 30 West 65th st; ar'ts, Berger & BayUes. Plan 931. 14th st, n 8. 100 e 3d av, five-story brick (stone front) tenem't with store, 19x90.4, rear 16.5, tin roof; cost, $16,000; Joseph Schwarzler, 1073 5th av; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson; bmlt by day's work. Plan 952, 14th st, n s, 119 e 3d av, four five-story brick flats, 29x92, rear 25, tin roofs; cost, each, $22,- 000; ow'r and ar't, same as last plan. Plan 953. 39th st, No. 152 E., five-stoiy brick flat, 25x84, tin roof; cost, $20,000; Martha J. de Raismes, Newtown, L. 1.; ar'ts, Berger & Baylies; b'rs, C. W. Klappert's Sons. Plan 945. 39th st. No. 537 W., five-story brick tenem't, 25x82, tin roof; cost, $18,000; Stacy B. ColUns, 1G6 East 35th st; ar't and b'r, -Ihomas P. Dunne. Plan 948. 40th st, No. 524 W., two-story brick stable and dweU'g, 25x94, tin roof; cost, $15,000; WUliam Keil, 435 West 37th st; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson. Plan 957. 40th st, s s, 125 e Ilth av, rear, two-story brick stable, 25x30.8, tin roof; cpst, $1,500; Dora GroU, 558 West 36th st; ar'ts. Thom & Wilson. Plan 924. 45th st, s s, 80 e 3d av, two five-story brick ten¬ ements, 25x84.5, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; Prederick Heerlein, 932 2d av;ar't, JuUus Kast¬ ner. Plan 942. 3d av. No. 590, flve-story brick tenem't with stores, 25.3x85.3, tin roof; cost, $20,000; F. J. J. de Raismes, Flushing, L. I.; ar'ts, Berger & Bay¬ Ues; b'r, Ferdinand A. Seighardt. Plan 943. 3d av. No. 592, five-story brick tenem't with stores, 25.3x85.3, tin roof: cost, $20,000; Martha J. de Raismes, Newtown, L. I.; ar'ts and b'r, same as last. Plan 944. 9th av, n w cor 14th st, one-story brick store, 18 x40, gravel roofing; cost, $200; J. J. Astor; lessee, C. H. Southard, 59 9th av; buUfc by day's work. Plan 922. 9fch av, e s, 25 s 59fch st, three flve-story brick (stone front) tenem'ts with stores, 2.5x84, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; Martin Disken, 893 3dav; ar'ts, Thom &, WUson; m'ns, Walch Bros. Plan 956. Ilth av. No. 692, two-story brick store and dwell'g, 20x50, tin roof; cost, abt $3,500; Thomas McKeon, on premises; ar't, W. A. O'Hea. Plan 960. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREISTS, BAST OF 5TH AVBNTJB. 72d st, s s, 60 w 2d av, two and one-story brick (stonefront) Sunday School building, 40x102.2, tin and slate roof: cost, $20,000; Church Extension Soc, W. L. Skidmore, treas., Drexel building; ar't, R. H. Robertson; m'ns, J. W. Hogencamp & Son; b'r, not selected. Plan 934. 92d st, s s, abt 300 e 3d av, rear, iron shed, SOx 30; cost, $900; George Ringler & Co., 92d sfc, bet 2d and 3d avs; ar't, Charles Cuny. Plan 937. Av B, e s, abfc 100 n Slsfc sfc, fcramwav for hoisfc¬ ing stone; cost, abt $5,000; Edward' C. Sheehy, 411 East SSth st; ar't, John Brandt. Pian 936. B i. Madison av. No. 962, s w cor 76th st, four-story and basement brick dwell'g, 20x87, tin roof; cost, $25,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Charles Graham & Sons, 305 East 43d st. Plan 928. 112th st, n s, 125 e 2d av, two flve-story brick tenem'ts, 25x80, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; John Walker, 233 East 113th st; ar't, J. H. Valen¬ tine. Plan 927. 79fch st. No. 56E., four-story and basement brick dweU'g, 25x60, and extension 12x16, tin roof; cost, $25,000; ow'r and b'r, Edward KUpatrick, 33 East SOth St. Plan 918. SOth st, No. 14 E., four-story brick (stone front) dweU'g, 25x60, tin roof; cosfc, $25,000; ow'r and b'r, same as lasfc. Plan 919. lOlsfc sfc, n s, 260 e 8d av, four-sfcory briek fcenem'fc with store, 2.5x65, fcin roof; cost, $15,000; Harry Chenowith, 345 East 92d st; ar't, J. C. . Burne; b'rs, not selected. Plan 950. 101st st, n s, 285 e 3d av, flve four-story brick tenem'ts, 25x65, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 951. 4th av. No. 1567, flve-story brick flat with stores, 25x72, tin roof; cost, $15,000; Lambert S. Quackenbush, 342 East 87th st; ar't, John Brandt. Plan 921. BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF Sth AVBNTJB. 87th st, n s, 375 w 9th av, four three-story and two four-story brick dwell'gs, 16.8x50, tin roofs; cost, four $9,000 each and two $11,000 each; ow'r, ar't and b'r, I. M. GreneU, 419 West S7th st. Plan 914. 95th st. No. 44S W., one-story storage buUding, 26x17; cost, $500; Charles Fraser. Plan 907. 96th st, foot of, at intersection w s Hudson River Railroad, one-story frame shed, 50x60, and one¬ story frame office, 16x18; cost, total, $400; les¬ sees. Peck, Marfcin & Co., foofc West 30th st; b'rs, McKenney & Scrafford. Plan 913. 10th av, e s, abt 30 s SOfch sfc, frame fcemporary shed, 20x30, fcar and gravel roof: cost, $300; les¬ sees, Carpenter & CorneU, 41 Jay st; b'r, C. H. Dugan. Plan 909. 60th st, n s, 100 w 9th av, ten flve-story brick (stone front) tenem'ts, 25x85, tin roofs; cosfc, each, $18,000; Pefcer N. and Wm. H. Ramsey, 1675 Broadway; ar'fcs, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 938. 72d st, s s, 300 w Sth av, two four-story and basement brick dweU'gs, 25x60, and extensions 17 x30 and 12x15, tin roofs; cost, each, $25,000; Mar¬ garet Crawford, 956 3d av; ar't, G. A. ScheUenger. Plan 929. 9th av, n w cor 60th st, six flve-story brick flats, with stores in those fronting on av, corner 25x56, three others on av, 25x25.6x50, one on st, 25.6x85, and another 15x85, tin roofs; cost, total, $130,000; lessees, Steinhardt & Son, 552 West 50th st. Plan 932. 110th and 125th steeets, between 5th and 8th avenues. 7th av, s e cor 124th st, five four-story brick flats with stores, tin roofs; cost, corner $15,000 others $10,000 each; Walter S. Price, 232 West 132d st; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel; b'rs, not selected. Plan 920. NORTH OF 125th STREET. Kingsbridge road, e s, 100 s 165th st, frame wagon shed, 25x13; cose, $100; Thomas BaUey, 151st st and lOfch av; b'r, W. H. Berrian. Plan 911.