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7C2 The Record and Guide. June 5, 1886 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. May NKW YOBK CITT. 29 Fifth av. No. 140, s w cor 19th st, 2r.l0x 143. John Gallivan agt Charles R. Yan¬ dell. (Lien flled Dec. 30,1885)...........$269 £8 29 Same property. Leonard Hangen agt same. (Dec. 30,1885)............................2,374 63 29 Ninth av. No. 1650, e s, 100.8 n 95th st. Poult¬ ney Slate Works agt Henry Bornkamp and Jacob Romer. (Sept. 1, 1885)......... 252 00 29*Eighty-ihird street, s a, abt 355 e 10th av, 80.3 ft front. Mahoney & Watson agt Mary J. Coar. (Mar. 19,1886).............1,317 00 29*Same property. Same agt same. (Mar. 30.).....................................1,317 00 June ItOne Hundred and Fifty-fourth st, n s, abt 100 w Courtlandt Eav, 25x100. Manchester & Philbricli agt Frederick Vaupel and M. J. Schwartz. (Aug. 10, 1885).............. 728 75 ItSame property. Same agt same. (Aug. 10) 294 93 ItSame property, C, H. Huber & Son agt same. (Aug. 10)....................... 750 00 ItSame property. Michael Kirchner agt same, (Aug.13).................................. 7100 ItSame property, J. T. Dolan agt same. (Aug.l9).................... ........... 227 35 ItSame property. S. A. PhiUips agt same. (Aug. 27)................................ 700 00 ItSame property. Pat. Reynolds agt same. (Aug.29)................................ 232 50 ItSame property. Thos. Whalen agt same. (Sept. 3) ................................... 17 12 ItSame property. John Boss agt same. (Sept. 3)............................... 29 37 1 Sixty-second st, n s, 225 e 10th av. John Owens agt Annie Kelly. (April 21,1885).. 202 00 ItBroadway, Nos. 1285 and 1287. w s. Thomas McKeon agt P. N., Mary N. and B. F. Shepard and John J. Kierst. (April 8, 1885)..................................... 286 80 2 Third av. No. 1497, e s, 75 from 84th st. Peter Schaffler agD Charles MoeUer. (Oct. 18, 1884)..................................7,091 50 2 Same property. Same agt same, (Dec, 19, 1884) ..................................... 73 63 3 Fiftieth st, Nos. 35 to 41 E., n s, 75 w 4th av, 125x102. George A. Haggerty agt Rosanna Soaulding, (May 29,1886)............... 1,770 91 8 Tenth st. No, 114 E., s s. John Bremer agt John T. Moore, Joseph Johnston and Thomas F. Hays. (May 26,1886).......... 18 CO 4 Gramercy pl, e s, abt 90 s 21st st. Wm. P. Austin agt Joseph Coar and Mary F. King. (Nov. 8, 1882)............................. 706 25 4 Sixtieth st. No. 509 W., n s, 150 w IOth av, 25 feet front. Julia Mullaly agt Geo. Stew¬ art and Henry Riehl, (July 2.% 1885). ... 400 00 4 Gramercy pl, e s, 62 n 20th st, 44 feet front. Joseph Coar agt Mary P. King. (Dec. 4, 1883).....................................4,313 70 4 Eighty-seventh st, Nos. 431 to 443, n s, 375 w 9th av, 100x100.8. Joseph W, Duryee agt Charles L. GuUleaume. (April 2, 1886).....................................2,179 16 ♦Discharged by depositing amount of lien and in¬ terest with County Clerk, t CanceUed of record by order of court. KINGS COUNTY. May 29 to June 4—inclusive. Tenth st, s cor 6th av, 90x100. Israel Muller agt Daniel Doody, owner; John Conners, con¬ tractor. (AprU 28, 1886)..................$730 00 Sameproperty. Same agt Prancis J. McMa¬ hon, owner; Jno. Connor or O'Connor, contractor. (May 24. 1886) ............. 730 00 Same property. Pox & McCarthy agt Daniel Doody, owner; John O'Connor, contractor. (May4,1886).............................. 150 00 St. Marks pl. s s. 140 w 5th av, 60x100. Thomas J. Nash agt Charles H. CoUins. (June 1, 1886)..................................... 950 CO Same property. John S. Loomis agt same. (Junel, 1883).............................. 450 00 Lexington av, Nos. 201 to 235, inclus., n s, bet Bedford and Nostrand avs, flf teen-houses. -----NeUson, Jr., and-----Conklin, New York, agt Thomas H. Robbins. (Jan. 4, 1885) .. ..........discharged by deposit 75 00 Same property. Charles Royle agt Thos. H. Robbins and Mr. Carpenter, owners and contractors. (Dec. 10.1885).............. .....................discharged by deposit 82 20 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name is that of the owner; ar''t stands for architect, rn'n for mason and b'r for builder. NEW YORK CITY. SOUTH OF 14th strbkt. Houston st. No. 340 W., one-story frame office. 13x10, tin roof: cost, $50; lessee, tf. G. Disosway, 72 Rodney st, Brooklyn; b'r, Arthur Townsend- Plan 978. 2d av, n e cor 7th st, five-story brick flat with store, 26x121, tin roof; cost, $35,000; Mary E. Byrne, 118 2d av; ar'ts, Babcock & McAvoy. Plan 974. Allen st. No. 3, five-story and basement brick and stone front tenem't with stores, 23.6x75.6, tin roof: cost, $20,000; ow'r and b'r, Charles Dow¬ ney, 207 East 107th st; ar't, J. H. Valentine. Plan 998. Henry st. No. 78. five-story brick tenem't with stores, 25xiS0, tin roof; cost, $10,000; Fanny C. Hawkins, 61 Lefferts pl, Brooklyn; ar'ts, J. Boe¬ kell & Son. Plan 973. Rose st, No. 32, one-story brick foundry, 21x27, tin roof; cost, $1,600; 'August Schrader, 42 West 12Sth st; b'r, John G. Porter. Plan 969. Washington st, Nos. 390-396, five-story brick factory, 100x100, rear 100.5, tin Voof; cost, $40,000: Charles De H. Brower, 10 WaU st; ar't, H E. SlarshaU; b'r, Jere, C. Lyons. Plan 991, 13th st, Nos. 534-.528 E., three flve-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 2.5x83, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,00(1; John M. Schmidt, 13 2d av; ar'ts, J. BoekeU & Son. Plan 1000. Attorney st, n s, 100 w Rivington st, five story and basement brick tenem't with stores, 25x82.6, tinroof; cost, $22,000; Fay & Stacom, 337 Pleas¬ ant av; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 1003. BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STS. Ilth av, n e cor 21st st, one-story brick office, 14x24, tin roof; cost, $1,000; lessee, Geo. L. Van Emburg, 236 West 130th st; b'rs, Axford & Cra¬ mer. Plan 976. 17thst, Nos. 104-1C6 W., fivestory brick furni¬ ture warerooms, 50x82, tin roof; cost, $35,0(i0; Thomas Kelly, 345 West 55th st; ar't, Joseph M. Dunn. Plan 996. 19th st, s w cor lllh av, one-story boiler shed, 14x20; cost, $75; lessee, Jesse Button, 440 East 59th st. Plan 9S5, 2lFt st, s s. abt. 330 w 9(h av, one storv brick chapel, :-i7.\9 .<;, .jib viiiff'^iS. 11x36.3, peak roof, slated; t<.)^t, $iu,Mn); (general Theological Semi¬ nary. Cbelaea Square, Eugene A. Hoffman, Dean, 426 Wett 2od st; ar't, Chailes C. HaiLht. Plan 971. 19th st, No. 102 E., two-and-a-half-story brick dweU'g, 18x52, tin roof; cost, $5,i00; Henry P, Kingsland, Everett House; ar't, P, W, Kras. Plan 1008, 34th st, s s, 300 e 2d av, five-story brick tenem't with store, 2.5x84, tin roof; cost, $17,500; John Courtney, 322 East 34th ^t; ar't, John C. Burne; b'r, not selected. Plan 1001, BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREISTS, EAST CF 5th avenue, 92d st, n w cor Lexington av, six houses, and Lexington av, w s, 80,8 n 92d st, one house, in all seven three-story and basement brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 17 and 20x50 and 55, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000; John P, C, Walsh & Bro., 1300 2d av; ar'ts, C, A, French & Co,; m'ns, Walsh Bros.; b'r, not selected. Plan 977, 97th st, n s, 140 w 1st av, flve-story briek tene¬ ment, 30x85, tin roof; cost, $17,000; Solomon Mehrbach, 74 East 54th st; ar't, Jobn Brandt, Plan 989, 108th st, s s, 175 w 1st av, open shed for stone¬ cutters, 12x100; cost, $100; John Cullen, 2089 1st av; b'r, not selected. Plan 964, 1st av, n e cor 100th st. shed, 100x33, gravel roof; cost, $500; lessees, M, F, Schwursman & Co,, 343 West 92d st; ar't, Andrew Craig; b'r, not selected. Plan 987, 4th av, es, 25.6s Slst st, five-story brick flat, 2.5.6x90, rear 33.3, tin roof; cost, $18,000; WUUam B, Pope. 100 East 85th st; ar't, Geo, C, Pope. Plan 975. 77th 3t, s s, 145 e Lexington av, three-story brick stable with rooms for coachman, 35x98, mansard slated and plastic slate on flat roof; cost, $13,000; Jacob H. Schiff, 932 5th av; ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes; b'rs, D. T. Bumstead and V. J. Hedden &S011S, Plan 992, 90th st, s s, 300 w 3d av, two-story brick (stone front) church, 93x100.8, iron and tin roof; cost, $115,000; Rev, WiUiam J, O'KeUy, 335 East 86th st; ar't,T . H. Poole; br's. L. D. Connelly & Son. Plan 970. 2d av, s w cor 109th st, six five-story brick ten¬ ements with stores, 25,2x85 and 96, tin roofs: cost, each, $18,000; Cunningham & Riley, 416 East 115th st; ar'ts, Babcock & McAvoy; b'r, not selected. Plan 972, 70th st, s s, 170 e 2d.av, five-story brick tenem't, 2,5x70, tinroof; cost, $20,000; Max Danziger, li E, 79thst; ar't, JohnC, Burne; b'rs, not selected. Plan 1,002, 72d st, s s, 246 w 4th av, three four-story brick dwell'gs, one 28.9xl('2 2, rear 19, and two 21x76, rear 9,9, fiat roofs tinned, mansards of iron and slate; cost, total, $100,000; Max Nathan, 70 East 61st st; ar'fc, WiUiam Schickel, Plan 1,006. 91st st, n s, 45 e Madison av,three-story and base¬ ment brick (stone front) dwell'g, 19.9x55, tin roof; cost, $12,000; EmeUne Johnston, 51 East 91st st; ar'ts. A, B. Ogden & Son, Plan 1,004, 119fch st, s s, 70 w Lexington av, four-story brick flat, 23,6x89, tin roof; cost, $19,000; Cathe¬ rine Boltz, 137 East ll7th st; ar't, C, Baxter, Plan 1015, 1st av, s e cor 94th st, two story brick dweU'g. office, factory, &c., 25x90,- tin roof; cost, $5,000; Frank WiUenbrook, 1038 Greene av, Brooklyn- ar't, John Brandt. Plan 1009. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF Slrf AVENUE. 74th st, s 8, loo w 9th av, ten four-story and basement brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 19, 20 and 22x55, and extensions 11x14, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; Margnret Brennan, 417 West 69th st; ar'ts, Thom & WUson; buUt by day's work Plan 979. 76th st; s e cor 10th av, five-story brick flat with store, 25x73.2, tin roof; cost, $25,000; Fonner & Lowther, 1337 10th av: art's, Thom & Wilson- buUt by days work. Plan 967. ' 76th st, s s, 35 a 10th av, nine four-story and basement brick (stone front) dwell'gs, 18, 19 and 30x55, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,00U; owi-'s and ar'to, same as last. Plan 968. 63dst, ss,525 w 9th av, two five-story brick (stone front) flats, 25x77, tin roofs; cost, each, $30,000; ow'rs and b'rs, GUUe, Walker & Lawson .519 West 104th st; ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon. Plan LOlO j NORTH OF 125th STBEET. -.o?°J^^«^^'^' ® ^' ^-^ n 180th st, rear coal-yai-d, 125x100, witl; stone waU, coal wagon rim and platform; cost, $4 000; John GoUa, 132d st and Broadway, and Henry Berghorn, 2330 Istav; ar't, Andrew Spence. Plan ii65. 131th st, s s, 460 w 5th av, six three-story and basement brick dwelling.^, 16.8x4S, tin roofs; cost, each, $10,000; ow'r and ar't, David T. Davies, 149 East 125th st. Plan 990. Sth av, s e cor 142il st, five-story brick flat with stores, 24.11x96, lin roof; cost, $20,000; Edward Dressier, 278 Pleasant av; ar't, E. L. AngeU. I'lan 986. Broadway, w s, abt 400 s Church st, two-story brick dwell'g, 2,5x51, rear 15; slate and tin roof; cost, $1,500; WUliam A. Varian, Kingsbridge; ar't and b'r, Francis M. Varian; m'n, James Varian. Plan 988. IVoth st, n s, 235 w 5th av, three fivestory brick apartment houses, 38.4x89, tin roofs; cosfc, each, abfc. $40,000; Peter N. and William H. Ramsey, 326 and 314 West 60th st; ar't, James E, Ware, Plan 994. 127th sfc, n s, 225 w 6th av, six three-story and basenient brick (stone front) dwell'gs, 16.8x50, tin r ol's; cost, each. $9,000; Martin E. Deegan, 1918 Lexington av: ar'fc, J. H. Valentine; b'rs, Valen¬ tine & Depgau. Plan 999. 7th av, n w cor 129th st, two and three-story brick and stone front church, chapel and parson¬ age, 99.11x125, peak roof slated, flat roof tinned; cost, $80,000; West Harlem M. E. Church; Bart¬ lett Smitb, President Board of Trustees, 136 West 132d st; ai'fc, J. R. Thomas. Plan 993. 149th St. n s, 100 w Sfc. Nicholas av, one-story frame office, 16x20, shingle roof; cost, $245; Aqueduct Commissioners, representing City of NewYork. Plan 1014. 153d st, n s, 260 e lOih av, three-story and base¬ ment brick (stone front) dwell'g, 2.3x99.11, rear 17, and two-story brick private stable, 20x39, on rear of lot, 280 e 10th av, flat roof tinned, mansard slated; cost, dweU'g, abt $15,000, and stable $5,000; Frank W. Seagrist, Jr., 313 Easfc 17th st; ar't, C. P. H. GUberfc; b'rs, not selected. Plan 1007. 10th av, e P, 49 s 130th st, two four story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x75, Unroofs; cost, each, $15,0(0; Katharina Eullerman„ St. Nicholas av, bet 113Lh and 114th sts; ar't, Henry Haab. Pian 1016. lOih av, s e cor 165fch st, rear, two-story frame shed and loft, 19x22, tar and gravel roof; cost, $335; Frederick C. Ackley, 10th av and 165th st; ar't and b'r, Charles Dugan. Plan 1005. 23d and 24th wards. 134 th st, n s, 275 e WiUis av, four-story brick flat, 25x66, tin roof; cost, $10,500; Hans H. Schramm, 683 East 184th st; ar't, Adolph Pfeifter. Plan 984. ^ 140th st, n s, 80 w WiUis av, one-story brick store, 20x25, tin roof; cost, $1,150; EUzabetha Geis, 637 East 14lst st; ar't and b r, Wm. Kusche. Plan 981. 165th st, No. 842 E., s e cor Cauldwell av, two¬ story frame stable, 25x26.4, shingle roof; cost, abt $2,000; George E. FaUe, 916 Prospect av; ar't, C. P. H. Gilbert; b'rs, Charles Cowan and------ McCarty. Plan 983. Pelham av, n s, 25 w Cambreling av. rear, one- and-a-half story frame stable, 26x18,' tin roof; cost, $2C0; Mary. Casey, College av and Kings- bridge road; ar't, T. W. Ringrose; built by day's work. Plan 966. Ryder av, w s, 100 n 138th st, one-story brick office, 12x15, gravel roof; cost, $300; J. G. D. Burnett, 623 East 142d st; ar'fc and b'r, H. S Baker; m'n, James La Coste. Plan 983. Tremont av, n s, 75 e Washington av, one-story frame stable, 15x15, tinroof; cost, $100; Jno. P. Wenninger, 739 Tremont av; b'r, John Kerby, Plan 980, ^ 170th st, s s, 110 e Fulton av, six two-story frame dweU'gs, 16.8x32 and 12.6, tin roofs; cost, $3,000: ow'r and b'r, John A. Knox, 1167 Union av; ar't, W, W, Gardiner, Plan 997, 3d av, n w cor 165th st, five two-story frame scores and dweU'gs, 18,2x21.6x50, tin roofs; cost, each $3,000; George Shepherd, 333 West 22d st; ar't, Joseph M. Dunn; b'rs, Jansen & Jaeeer, Plan 995. ^ 154thst, ns, 300,3 e Morris av, three two-story frame dweU'gs, two 15x45 and one 20x45, tin roots; cost, two $2,000 each and one $2,500; Anna M, Eckenfelter, 695 Courtlandt av; ar't, C, C ChurchUl; b'r, Louis Falk, Plan 1011, Popham av, n s, 200 n 176th st, two-story frame dweU'g, 20x45, shingle roof; cost, $4,300, LUlian A, Wolff, 677 East 143d st; ar't, C, S Clark, Plan 1012, ' , • o, Washington av, No. 1117, two-story frame dweU'g, 20x40, tin roof; cost, $3,000; John Scwegler, 1254 Franklin av; ar't and b'r, Louis Falk. Plan 1010, KINGS COUNTY. Plan 779—Church st, s s, 125 w Hicks st, one story frame dwell'g, 20x30, gravel roof; cost, $400; Mrs, Cragan, 455 Hicks st, ar't and c'r, Pat, Gleason; m'n, P, Connors. 780—Bedford av, e s, 20 s South 2d st, one four- story brick store and dweU'g, 38x60, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $12,000; A, D, Partridge, 164 Keap st; ar't, E, P, Gaylor; m'n, M. Smith; c'rs, Mari¬ nus & GUI, 781—Kosciusko st, n s, 250 w Nostrand av, one four-story brick flat, 25x60, tin roof, wooden cor- nice;.cost, $10,000; F, W, Carruthers, 1353 Pulton st; ar't, I. D, Reynolds; b'r, S, C, Whitehead, 782—Hancock st, n s, 20 w Throop av, four two-and-a-half-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, each 17,6x42, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $5,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, PhiUips &WeUd,-358. Gates av. 7§3—Myrtle st, No. 84, s s, 150 e Bushwick av,