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The Record and guide: v. 37, no. 952: June 12, 1886

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7P2 The Record and Guide. June 12, 1886 ton Riker. owner, and Elihu Porter, con¬ tractor .................................. 1,755 03 10 Fifty-ninth st. s s, 100 e Oth av, 75x100.5. American Mfg. and Supply Co. agt George Kick, owner, and Thomas Hickey and Patrick Green, contractors............... 450 41 11 Eighteenth st. No. 333 E., w s, abt 260 w 1st av, 20 ft front. Edward Kennedy agt Isaac D. Brodok, owner and contractor... 259 50 ^. Washington av, s e cor 17Tth st, 50x50___( Was^hington av. s w cor 177th st. 50x50___j Wm. HaUock, Jr.. agt George W. Hojer, owner; George Nonamaker, contractor.. 160 00 11 Ninety-fourth St.. n s. 412 e loth av, 66.6x 100 8. Maurice Hartnett agt Mary A. Stewart and Margaret Devlin, owners, and Goddard Doane, contractor......... 55 00 .. Broadway, No. 1590....................I Sevenih av. No. 720.......................j Michael Mahler agt John Fell,.contractor; Wetmore estate, o wners......"........... 164 00 KINGS COUNTY. June 5 Columbia Heights, No. 158, ws,. William Martin agt Alfred T. White, owner; Fran¬ cis D. Norris, contractor................. $800 00 7 Same property. T B. Willis & Bro. agt WiUiam A. White, owner; E rancis D. Nor¬ ris, contractor .......................... 184 36 5 Same property. Richard S. Seckerson agt same .................................... 428 00 5' Columbia Heights, w s, 25 s ClarK st, 24.9x 100. H. Kirk|& Morgenthaler agtsame.. 1,430 00 5 Columbia Heights, w s, -