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•282 The Record and Guide. February 26, 1887 31+Forty-third st. s s, 100 e 8(h av. 50x100. Thomas McMahon agfc John E. O'Brien. (Jan. 25,188 ).......................1,800 00 23 Sullivan st. e s, S'O n Bleecker st. 115x100. McConneU & Co. agt August C. Ha..........................2,517 09 24 Eighth av, n e cor 146th st. Herow Bros. & Co. agt Peter McCormick. (Oct. 14, 1886).................................. 1(50 00 24 Same property. Abraham Steers agt same. (Nov. 17,188'^.)..........................1,104 93 25+Stanton st, s w cor Ludlow st, 50x75. M Mayer & Son agt Jacob Cohen, o^nor, and John Cutk y, contractor. (Aug. 31, 1886).................................1,600 00 25tSame property. Richard J. Mahoney agt same. (Aug. 27.18-6).................. 300 00 25+Same property. John Williams agt same. (Sept. 1,18%) ........................... 230 00 2 tSame property. A. Hall Terra Cotta Co. agtsame. (Sept 2.3, 1886)................ 58 00 25+Same propsTty. Pelham Hod Elevating Co. agtsame (.AiUg. 26, 1886) ........ ... 61.50 Boulevard, extdg from 61th to 61st st .... 1 Eighth av, extdg from 60th to 6!st st. ... Sixtieth st, n s, extdg from Boulevard to Sthav........ .. ............;.........I. Sixty-fi s St. s s, extdg from Boulevard I to Sth av.......................... Known as Durland's Riding Academy.. I John Q. McMurray agt Nathaniel M. Jew¬ ett and William Durland. (Jan. 24,1887) 2 000 00 21*Andrews av. n w cor 184th bt. 100x100. E. Harrison & Co. agt Thomas Haddock and C. H. Bunn (Feb 1;, 1887) ........... 60 40 2.5*Eighth av. n e cor 146th et, 2 xlOO. WiUiam Grier agt Fiorina B. Irvine, owner and debtor (Feb 21. 1887) ............... 169 00 25*Eighiy-third st, n 9,225 9 e 10th av. 99.3x 102.2. WiUiam Hamilton agt .\nni<« E. Kelly, own"r and contractor. (Feb. 23 '87) 675 00 25*Eighty-third st Nos. 453 to 459 W.. n s, 225.9 e 10th av, 99.3 feet front. Wm. J Law agt Annie E and Andrew Kelly, rjao 25.1887) .................................. 350 00 25*Same property. Harry Graham agt same (Nov. 10, 1886) ............................1,397 00 25 •Discharged by depositing amount of lien and interest with County Clerk. i Discharged bv order of court. t Discharged on filing of bond. KLVGS COUNTY. Feb. 18 Grand st. No. 547, n e cor Graham av. Gar¬ ret H. Garrison agt Michael McElhatten. i/lVU P. Baker and WiUiam Green, owners and contractoi's. (Lien filed Dec 16.'86). $28 38 19 Putram 8v. n s, 25.6 w Snmner av, 31.5x100. Jacob Willmau agt Mary J. Robb, owner, and Charles Baxter, contractor. (Mar. 15' ,„„1886)............................. \ .....: is-jfc 19 Putnam av, n w cnr Sumner av. 25 6x100. John F. Tilman agt Charles Baxter, own¬ er and contractor. (Jan. 10,1887i........ 54 50 19 Evergreen av, north cor Stanhope st. 4t Sx 100. Peter P. Richler agt H. N. Bohlen, owner, and Dubois & Baden, contract¬ ors (Feb. 16,1887) ................... 130 fO 21 Prospect st, s e s. 4.9 s w Flushing av. 75x l! 0. Pharles F. Stock agt John C., Lucy A. and Kmilie Hesse, owners, and John C. Hesse, contractor. (Jan. 4. 1887)..... 210 00 24 Putnam av, Nos. 5.59-563, n s, 95 w Sumner av. 52x100. George E. Clark agt Charles Baxter, owner end contractor. (Jan. 22, - 18SJ)..........., ......................... 275 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name is that of the owner; ar't stand for architect, m'n for mason and b'r for builder. The Rkcord and Guidb has is«!ued a compre¬ hensive volume which should be in the library of every builder and architect. Among its valuable contents, compiled and edited by W. J. Fryer, Jr., are of the Law Relating to Buildings, The Law Limiting the Height of Dwelling Houses and the Mechanics' Lien Law, pertinent illustrations, full notes and an index and a full and accurate directory of all architects in New York, Brook¬ lyn, Jersey City, Newark? and Yonkers. Copies may be obtained at The Record and Guide office for 75 cents >ach, or they will be sent post paid to any address on receipt of 85 cents. SEW YOBK CITY. 8O0TH OF 14th STBEKT. Broadway. No. 708, one two-story and one- story extension, Anatomical Museum, 25x75, fire¬ proof roof; cost, abt $10,000; lessee, Estella Jor¬ dan, 51 Ea.st 10th st: ar'fe, R N! Anderson; built by day's work. Plan 221. 3d St. No. 296 E., one four-story brick tailor shop. 22 7x3.3, tin roof; cost. $.3,500; Morris Or¬ lick, 65 Suffolk st; ar't, William Graul. Plan 208. 3d 8t, Nog. 34 and 36 W.. two five story Phila¬ delphia brick stores and lofts, 33x65, first story 70, tin roofs; cost, each, $10,000; estate 8. B. H. Ju¬ dah, 55 Broadway; ar'ts, D. & J. Jardine. Plan 919. ?4tfJ 9pt l?9' W S.f one ^ye-st^r/!>rtek tenam't, 25x85.6. tin roof; cost, $18,000; Frederick TTeer- lein, 932 2d av; ar't, Julius Kastner. Plan 318. 12th st, No. 433 E., one four-story livery stable, 24.3x100, tin roof; cost, $14.(i00; Edward Michel, 40 Av B; ar't, William Graul. Plan 828. 2d av, n w cor 4th st, one five-story brick tenem't, 24.6x75—80 in first story, tin roof; cost, $35,000; August Schaefer, 67 3d av; ar't. Julius Kastner. Plan 314. Franklin st. No. 164. one two story brick and iron store and office, 18x44, tin roof; cost, $2 oOO; Schultz & Co.; asent. A. Lester, 157th st, bet' St. Nicholas and luth avs. Plan 2.55. Orchard st, No. 47, one five-story and basement Philadelphia brick tenem't, 3.5.1x78, tinroof; cost, $19,000; Isaac Marks, 175 Clinton st; ar't. Fred. Ebeling. Plan SS8. Broadway, Nos. 809 and 811, one five story cast- iron warehouse, 50x9' and 100 respectively, tin roof; cost, $55,000; Robert Goelet. 591 5th av; ar'fc, J. M. Dunn; m'n, M. Reid. Plan 3-59. Division st, Nos. 333 and 335. two five-story brick, terra cotta and stone trimmings apart¬ ment houses, 23x51, tin roofs; cost, each, $13,.500; Bernard Harris, 344 East Broadway, and Ber¬ nard and L. Blumberg, 346East Broadway; ar'ts, Herter Bros. Plan 330. Lispenard st, Nos. 18 and 20, two five-story brick and f>tone buildings. 25x80, tin roofs; cost, each, $23,000; Mary 8. Manley, Summit, N. J., and Samuel Cohen, 228 East b2d st; ar't, Jobst Hoff¬ mann; b'r, Geo. Healing. Plan 233. BETWEEN 14th AND S&TH 8T8. Av B, No. 208, rear of lot, one one-story brick stable, 19.8x16, tin roof; cost, $800; Jacob Schrumpf, 306 Av B; ar't, Ernest W. Greis Plan 212. 28th st. No. 435 W., one five-story brown stone dwelling, 25x76, tin roof; cost, $16,000; Ferdinand Kaufmann, on premises; ar't, J. W. Cole- b'r John Jordan. Plan 329. 2d av, No. 665, one five story briok tenem't 24.9x70. tin roof; cost, $13,000; Hermann Buch- tenkirch, 333 East 36th st; ar'ts, A. B Ogden & Son. Plan 223. 7th av, s wcor 41st, three five-story brick apart¬ ment houses, 24.3x83, cor 96, tin roof; cost, each $26,000; John Boyd. 138 West 42d st; ar'ts. Thorn & Wilson; m'n, R Deeves; c'r, not selected. Plan 235. 31st st. No. 304 W., one fivestory Philadelphia brick tenem't, 25x76, tin roof; cost, $19 00ii; trustee. Moritz Herzberg, 135 Allen st; ar'c, P. Ebeling. Plan 257. 37th st, Nos. 150 and 153, E. two six-story brick tenem'ts, 25x87, tin roofs; cost, each, $33,000; Sal¬ omon Jacob?. 195 East Broadway; ar'ts. Schneider & Herter. Plan 242. 53d st. No. 353 W., one two-story brick wagon factory, 35x50, tin roof; cost, $4,(j00;;ow'rand art, Charles Scheideler, 776 9th av. Plan 341. 41st st. No. 206 W., one six-story Philadelphia brick with stone trimmings tenem't, 35x86.6 tin roof; cost, $30,000; M. Rinaldo, 330 East 33d st; ar't, Chas. Rentz. Plan 362. 7th av, Nos. 5(i6 and 5i»8. two five story Phila¬ delphia brick with stone trimmings tenem'ts, 50x 88 6, tin roofs; cost, total, $35,0 jO; M. Rinaldo 320 East 3 5dst; ar't, Chas. Rentz. Plan 363. 10th av, n w cor 40th st, two five-story Phila¬ delphia brick tenem'ts, 34.8x96, corner 87.8 inside, tin roofs; cost, corner $30,000. inside $20,000; David Stevenson, 224 West 46th st; ar't, Geo. Keister. Plan 234. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREIITe, BAST OF 5th AVENTJE. 84th st n s, 58 e Lexington av,one five-story stone and brick tenem't, 43.6 and 38.6x90.6, tin roof; cost, $30,000; Stewart & Devlin, 440 West 58th st; ar'ts, Keister & Wallis. Plan 324. Av A, s w cor 113th st, one stone cutters shed and one travelling derrick shed 13x100, derrick 25x100. felt and gravel roof on shed only; cost, each $6)0; W illiam Dempsey, 424 East 7yth st; ar't, John Brandt. Planai3. 4th av, e s, 75.8 s 121 st st, three five-story brick and stone tenem'ts, one 35.3x6'), two 35.2x60, ex¬ tension 18x1.5, tin roofs; cost, each, $23,(!0o- Christianna R. Kehoe, 57 East 121st st; ar't. A Kehoe. Plan 315. 76th st, s w cor 4th av, one fivestory brick stable, 100x100 and 103.2, tin roof; cost, abt $10,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Edward Kilpatrick. 29 East 8* ith St. Plan 347. ' 115th st, n s, 66 w 2d av, one one-story stone store, 23x33, tin roof; cost, m<(>; Michael J. Irwin. 317 East 115th st; ar't. J. H. Valentine. Plan 340 3d av, n w cor lo3d st, one five story brown stone stores and tenem't, 26x75, tin roof- cost $16,000; Susannah Osborne, 1753 Av A; ar't j' H. Valentine. Plan 337. , , . 3d av, w s, 36 n 102d st, six five-story brown stone stores and tenem'ts, 25x64, tin roofs; cost each, $13,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 3o8. 102d st, n s, 79 w 2d av, one five story brown stone tenem't, 26x90, tin roof; cost, $'8,000; ov?'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 239. 73d St. s s, 275 w 1st av, four five story brick tenem'ts, 25x84, tin or plastic slate roofs; cost, each, $16,000; J. N. Gault, 210 West 63d st ar't. Will Alan O'Hea. Plan 268. 84th st, s s, 305 e 3d av. two five story brick and brown stone tenem'ts, 25.5x85.6, tin roofs- cost, each. $18,000; Patrick McMorrow, 413 East 83d st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 360 86th st. No. 518 E., one five-story brick tene¬ ment. 25x74, tinroof; cost, $14,000; Louis Milas¬ ter, 641 East llth st; ar't, Jobst Hoffmann. Plan 265. 122d st, n s, 100 a Madison av, one four-story brick worktop fm^ fapfeQiy, 85x90. p^v^J roof; co.«!t, $9,000;'Henry Riehl, 240 West 29th st; ar't, Will Alan O'Hea: b'r, George Healing. Plan 266. between 59th and 135th streets, west of 5th avenue. 77th st, 8 s, 200 w 9th av, ten four-story Con¬ necticut brown stone dwell'gs, 18, 19. 20, 31x56, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; Patrick Parley, 1990 Madison av; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson; built by day's work. Plan 237. Mst st, s s, 350 w 9th av. one four- story and basement brick and brown stone dweU'g, 19x65.6, tin roof: cost, $33,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Edward D Webb, 66 Morton st. Plan 330. 64th st, n s, 35 w Oth av, eleven four-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, six 18x50, two 19 x50, one 30x.50, two 17x50, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; Leonard Beeckman, 328 East82d st; ar't, Geo. M. Walgrove. Plan 336. 73d st, n w cor 9th av. one six-story brick and stone store and office building. 98 and irreg x irreg, brick, tile or similar fire-proof covering and part tin roof; cost, $120,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Chas. Buek & Co., 500 Madison av. Plan 248. 72d st, n s, 75 w 9th av, four four-story and basement brick and stone dwell'gs—shown in diagram—tin and slate roofs; cost, one $35,000, two $30,000 each and one $38,000; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, same as last. Plan 349. 78th st, s 8, 95 e Grand Boulevard, one one-story brick stable, 25x.50, gravel roof; cost, $900; B. S Levy, 121 West 78th st; ar't, R. Guastavino. Plan 354. 10th av, e s, 87 s 103d st, three five and two-story stores, tenem'ts and dweU'gs, two 3.5x68 and one 13 and 13x68, tin roofs; cost, $ 17,000, dweU'g $3,000; Frederick Schmidt, West Boulevard and 8Sth st- ar't. George Matthias. Plan 343. 9thav, s w cor 9Sth st, four five-story brick tenem'ts, corner 35.11x70, others 35x60, tin roofs; cost, corner $30,000, others $16,000 each; Harry C. Browning, 511 East 85th st; ar's, A. B. Ogden &Son. Plan 231. ^ 98th st, s s, 74 w 9th av, one five-story brick and brown stone tenem't, 36x72.6, tin roof; cost $16,000; ow'r and ar'ts, same as last. Plan 333. 110th and 13.5th streets, between 5th and 8th avenues. I22d st, s s, 235 w 6th av, eight four-story and four three-story Connecticut brown stone dweU'gs, 18 and 19x55, with extens-ions, tin roofs; cr>f.t eich, $18,000; Aldhous & Smyth, 153 West 123d st; ar'ts, Tboir & Wilson; built by day's work Plan 226. ■ j j north of 125th street. 10th av, s w cor 136th st, one five story brick tenem't, with tw© stores, 35x96, tin or plastic slate roof; cost, $-23,000; J. Livingston & Son ISO East 71st st; ar't, F. T. Camp. Plan 209. ' lOth av, w 8, 35 s 136th st, two five-stoi-y brick stores and tenem'ts, 35x64, tin or plastic slate roofs; cost, each $15,000; ow'r and ar'fc, same as last Plan 210. loth av, w 8, 75 s 126th st, one five-story brick store and tenem't, 25 and 34x86, tin or plastic slate roof; cost, $18,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 311. 7thav, se cor 130th st, one fivestory Philadel¬ phia brick (with brown stone trimmings) store and tenem't, 34.11x71, tin roof; cost, $18 000; Frank¬ lin A. Thurston, 62 East 133d st; ar't, R. S. Townsend; b'r, not selected. Plan 2M. 7th av, s w cor 132d st, one fivestory PhUadel¬ phia brick (brown stone trimmings) store and tenem'fc. 24 11x71, tinroof; cost, $18,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 252. l