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Index to The Record and Guide. --^ XLI. JANTJART- -JUNE, 1888. Price 50 Cents. The following semi-annual Index of the Con reyanees and Projeeted Buildings in New York *.nd Kings Counties, as published in The Record AND G-uiDE dui-ing the first six months of 1888, will be found of great value to those of our sub¬ scribers who have preserved all the issues of this paper during that period. As usual, great care has been taken to keep the Index up to the same perfect standard which has characterized it inihe past, i^he pages are given on which all the trans- "■"*—Trealty published in Volume XLI. can im- ttely be found, and the streets and avenues 0 sub-divided that very few references are ired. For instance, transfers of property on oadway appears in twenty-seven issues during ^i six montts, which in the Index is sub-divided ) twenty-three parts, so that the least possible ible need be mcurred, any transfer being id by referring to five pages at the most, ided it is known between what streets or les the property is located. The Projected ings are indexed in a similar manner, so , can be readily ascertained on what streets '■ements have been maae. Those wishing .jp a file lor permanent reference should see all the numbers are complete and have them id. A suitable binder can be obtained at the . of The Record and Guide, 191 Broadway, er Dey street, price one dollar. -*•*-- CONVEYANCES. B—The figures in extra black type—for in- _ *03. under the head of Ann, from Will- lin-to Nassau streets—denote that the transac- rion on the page given is leasehold, or a lease ninuing for a long term of years. This explana¬ tion is made so that subscribers searching for isfer£" 1 fee can at once distinguish between rmer ana the latter, without referring to we mentioned. 116th to 120th....8a. northof 145th....501, 610. Bowery, south of Canal.... 215, 464,64T. T4*. from Canal to Hester.... 184. Hester to Grand... .55. 156 373 «T6. Grand to Delancey... .84, 373, 568. Delancey to Stanton... .118, 535, 775. Stanton to Houston-----54. 2d to 4th... 84,306,676. n«rthof 4th....a-"> 603. Bridge.... 82. Broad, north of Stone----7i5. Broadway, south of Morris... 775. from MorrisBtto Exchange pl....2l6, 5i5. Exchange pi to "Wall st-----153. Liberty to Barclay-----775. Murray to Eeade-----740. Reade to Worth.... 152, 608. Worth to Leonard-----568, 608. Leonard to Walker... .54, 431, 464. Walker to Grand-----13, 306. Grand to Spring... .54, 740. SpringtoPrince....152, 740. j^ince to Bleecker___54, 388,775. 4th to 8th.... 51, 84, 118, 245, 568. 8th to 13th... .40S. 574, 839. 12thtol4th....«■'•''■ 14th to 24th... .309, -t70. 435. S4thto28th....l3, 740, 775. 28thto34tb....51,'7S. 37thto40tb....215. 40th to 45th....T- 85. 45th to .50th...-84, 535. 50tbto55th....338, 77.5. 5.5th to 50th-...740. from 59th to Manhattan (see Boulevard) 129th at to Spuyten Duyvil.... 536, 608, OlU. Broome, east of Lewis... .400, 643. Lewis to Cannon.... 008, 643, 775. Cannon to Willett... .499, 809. WiUett to Pitt.... 13, 338, 400. Pittto Ridge.... 13, 306. Ridge to Clinton... ..51, 568, 608. Suffolk to Norfolk... .215, 306, 608. Norfolk to Orchard-----51, 399, 568. Orchard to Bowery-----13, 366. Bowery to Mulberry----184. Wooster to SuUivan-----345. 839. -west of Sullivan.... 55*. 676, 809. Burling slip....777. Byrd. ...538. NEW YORK CITY. STREETS. n, north of Bivington-----184, 739. ity (see West 3d]. i east of William----568. from WiUiam to Nassau-----403.499,535. Dthorpsor Jaunceyslane....216, 347, 307, 401, 433,434,571,609,840. torney, from Grand to Broome.. -.568. f^oT" Broome to Rivington-----i5j, 273, 464, 809. Rivington to Stanton-----676. north of Stanton.... 152, 373. ...118,775. „ law, 340, 499. .w'ekst of Hudson. ...13, 273,430. )r from Worth to Leonard —153, 399. I^eonard to Canal----535. north of Canal... .118, 184, 399, 809. . -d from Chrystie st to Bowery-----215. Bowery to Elizabeth st....366,430,431, 464, 608, 739, «13. Mott to Mulberry... 373,430. Beaeh....345, 273, 568. Beaver...-54. Beaver lane.--.53-5. _ iSenfJjrd, south of Carmine... .51, 399. ^ i from Carmine to Commerce... Jw9. \aorth of Commerce-----13, 152, 709. e<'kiiian, from William to Pearl... .83, 365, 568. (Vast of Pearl....245. e... .568. gham....30O, 643. 'gdale road (also see Diagonal av)... .155, 339, 610. ^ , ii ns from Bowery to Broadway-----ol, 535, .568, 008, 775. outll 5th av to Sullivan st... .431, 839. ^ ullivan to Macdougal .. .51, 811. ai^ltacdouga) to Hancock....273. , Minnetta to Carmme.... 54, 306,499, 535, ' Carmine to Charles... .373, 839. A 11 R !SleV^d, south of 62dst... .740. 62.-lto^5th. .,52,245,709. O--^ to 75th....740, 775. 77th....643, 775, 809. -■■1....118, 740. .215, 273. -■- 366, .535. 1' Canal, east of Forsyth... .338, ^1, 435. Forsyth st to Bowery.... 306, m. Bowery to Baxter st... -13, &s, 85. Baxterstto Broadway....535, 740. Broadway to West Broadway ■■■»JiO*-„ West Broadway to Hudson st....U», HOT, 400. Cannon.... 152, 535. Carmine... 499,535.709. Catharine....370.7'41. Cedar, east of William.... 54.184. William to Nassau... .273, 366. Nassau st to Broadway... .740, J44. Centre, south of Beade... .273, 535, 775. Reade to Peart.... 51, 84:i^ Leonai-d to White... .83, 184, 499. northof Whito.... 740. . ^ ,^,. Central Park West (also see 8th av, bet 59th and 110th st)..., 402, 709,809 Chambers, east of Broadway-----740, 770. from Broadway to College pi... .54. indeft....^'1.043. Charles....306, 400, 431. alley or lane----306. Charlton..,, 152, 709, 740. Chatham (see Park row). Cherry from Dover to James----ol, lo4, "*'- 344. James to Market... .400, 709. Marketto Pike,...400, 676,709. Rutgers to Gouvemeur,...431, 499, 'ti^- Sunel to Jackson ,, ,.51, BS. 338, 808. Jackson to Corlears-----435. mdeft..,,499. . -^-, , ^ Christopher, from Greenwich av to Bleecker st BleecWer'to Bedford....153, 306, 400,776, 830 Bedford to Greenwich.....13, 608. west of Greenwich----338, 366. Chrystie, south of Canal...-366, ^. CanaltoGrand....51 153,376,535. Grand to Broome-----709. Broome to Bivington-----306, 008, 740. Rivington to Stanton... 400, 709, 775. north of Stanton... .82, 184 431, 709. Church, south of Park pi... .740, 775. Chambers to Thomas-----13. northof Fi-ankhn....83, 103,535. -^ Clarkson... .740. „,..,„ ' Clinton, from Division to Grand... .400. Broome to Rivington... .568, 608. i e s, Rivington toSt^iton-----13. J Kivinfrton to'Stanton... .153, 373, 7-40. ■""" "SjfiElon—..JJ.8, 215. ^ Coe;' Col from Rivington to Stanton-----215, a^T, 306, 839. e a, north of Stanton... .152, 36«, 619. w s, north of Stanton-----13, 51, 676. Commerce___431. Congress----400. Cornelia.... 57S. . Cortlandt,eastof Greenwich ..775, 839. from Greenwich to Waahmgton.... 400,444, 499, 568, 676. west of Washington----499. alley.... 464. Crosby, south of Grand...,.306. from Broome to Sprmg-----13, 366, 4S1, iw. Spring to Jersey.. .184, 3:J6, 535, 676. north of Jersey — 338. Croton___306. Aqueduct... .339, 775, 810, 813. Delancey, from Mangin to Lewis.... 315, 535, 643, 676. Lewis to Columbia-----338, 839. Columbia to Wiliett... .400, 431. Pittto Ridge....13, 82. .„..,,. Ridge to Attorney,.. .643, 676, 740. Attomeyto Essex....215, 273. Essex to Orchard... .13, 306,400, 608. Orchard to Forsyth... .215, 568, 775. west of Forsyth... .82, 273. Desbrosses___775. Dey, west of Church....13, 54. Division, east of Montgomery... .400, 5b8, OTb, 740 775 from'ciinton to Essex... .373, 340, 431,008. Essex to Orchard — 536. Orchard to Allen.... 366, 709, 809. west of Allen.... 184, 740, 839. Dominick-----608. „ ,. , ,nn ~ao Downing, from Bleecker to Bedford. .400, ofaS. B^ord to Varick... .399, 431, 568, 60S, Doyer....499. Dry Dock....13. Duane, east of Broadway^.. .il5, 839. from Broadway to Hudson st-----13, wo. west of Hudson-----152, Dutch..-.55'*. Dyckman-----610. East Broaaway, from Catharine to Market... .82, 152 400 431, 709, 809, Market to' PU^e.. .'.118,152, 156. 309 3^. Rke to Rutgers... .338, 464,499, 568, 809. Rutgers to Jefferson.,, .273, 4^, 53o Jefferson to Clmton....51, 156, 877. d*«, 536, 539,608. east of Montgomery-----184, 643. indeft... .82. Eastern Boulevard (see Av A), Edgecombe road (see Edgecombe av). Elffridge, south of Canal ...709 from Canal to Hester... .273, 431, 776. Hest«rto Grand....51, 464, 499. Grand to Rivington... .82 118, 775 north of Rivinrton... .345, 464, 608, 740. EUzabeth, south of Hester... -82, 184, 3fc6. , from Hester to Grand... .S5. 1"6. Grand to Broome-----184, 185, od». Spring to Prince... .315, 568, 644, north of Prince....338. Elm..,.810. Emerson-----743. ^,_ ,„„ Essex, south of Hester... .345, 400 from Hester to Delancey-----51, 568, Delancey *« Ri'"ngton....^6, 508. Rivington to Stanton.... 186,400, 431, 568 northof Stanton... .467, 643, "S. I Ferry....568. Fort Washington Ridge road... .464, <7*. ^ Forsyth, from Bayard to Canal .^13, 366, 568. Canal to Hester... .345, 740, 775, KiO. Hester to Grand....184, 273. Broome to Rivington-----13, 8.*, 184. north of Rivington.... 643. Frankfort....54, 150. Franklin, from Church to Hudson... .a06, 464. / wekof Hudson....273. 843. < Front, west of Broad^..53. 1 tromBroaatoWaU....13,366 4«). 1 Maiden lane to Fulton St....13,153, MO. Pulton to Montgomery.... 83, .568. ] Fulton, east of Cbff....345, 306. \ from Cliff to William.... 54,118 152, 56» WiUiam st to Broadway-----ol, 54,1»4. west of Broadway. ..499,643. | Gansevoort___*35, 536. Goerck, south of Broome .643. from Broome to Delancey — Ho, '*»', t 810 ' Rivington to Stanton....54, 676, 740, 839 Stanton to Houston.... 643. Gold, south of Fulton... .13, 16, 54, 273, 306, north of Fulton-----215. Qouvemeur.. ■■1^, ^^'q Hrand^'^from Willett'to Ridge... .273, PQQ, 740' CUnton to Eldridge... .346, 4M. — - - ■ " -___775. 147, 501. «10. .' to.