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->^- "^r \S ESTABLISHED-^ ^ftRpHSlu"^ 1868, De/oTED to l\EKi ESTWE, SuiLOIf/O A,R.ClllTECTvJ[\E .KoUSEHOLD DEGORATlOtJ. Busit/Ess aiJd Themes of GeNeiv^I I;^t£i\esT PRICE, PER YEAa IIV ADVIIVCE, SIX DOLLARS. Published every Saturday. TELEPHONE, - - - JOHN 370. Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway J, T. LTNDSEY. Business Manager. Vol. XLI. MARCH 17, 1888. No. 1,044 On the 24:th day of this month The Record and Guide will have completed twenty years of its existence. In commemoration of its entry upon the year in which it will attain its majority, an extra large edition will be issued on the 2^th inst., which will be sent broadcast all over the country, thebusiness establishments to which it will be mailed being those that will he of most service, not only to increase ihe circulation of The Record and Guide, but to bene¬ fit its advertisers. It will be read by real estate brokers, agents and investors, architects, builders, merchants, bankers, lawyers, decorators, property owners, mortgagees and purchasern of build¬ ing materials, and its advertising columns will form an index and guide to thousands of firms in and out of town to refer to when they stand in need of estimates on any and every description of work connected with the construction, improvement and alteration of buildings. Intending advertisers should send in their copy early, not only to insure a good position, but to avoid inconvenience and errors. In honor of the occasion the papar will be printed on new and handsome type. Whatever actions of the trusti* do not come under land as it Btan<3n written to-day can safely be left a. o 1, if The reporta concerning the Burlington strike ar*^ *<*o c