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464 Record and Guide> April 14, 1888 "S" 134th st, No. 733, s s, 100 w Ei'Own pl, 17.5x100, two-story brick dwell'g. T. E. D. Power. (Bid in)................:..................... 6,000 I34th st. No, 724,17x100, similar dwell'g. Same. (Bid in).............................. 6,250 134th st. No. 723, 17x100, similar dwell'g. A. Arent. (Bid in)............................ 6,250 134th St. No. 730, lO.tOx-, similar dweil'g. T. E. D. Power. (Bid m)..................... 6,500 Bergen av, n w s, 100 s w Rose st, 50x100.. one¬ story frame building. Anton Biuschler... 4,175 Forest av. w s. 370.2 s 165th st, 2.5x100, vacant. Thomas Healy.............................. 1,075 Trmity av.No. 030, e s, opposite I64tbst, 50x100, Queen Anne cottage. E. Bowes........... 10,000 Trinity av, No. 384, adj, 50x100, similar cottage. Pbilip Ebhng............................... 9,^50 WM. REYNOLDS BROWN. 1st av, e s, 25.3 n 108tli st. 75x95, two flve-story brick tenem'ts with stores and one lot, va- .cant. A. K. Ely. (Amt due $8,001)........ E. H. LPDLOW & CO. 93d st, No. 37, n s, 315 w Rth av, 20xlOI>.8, thiee- story bro\vn stone dweU'g. J. M. Fit&. gerald................................ J. THOMAS STEABKS. 63d st, No. 13.5, n s, .310.3 w 9th av, 16.9x100..5, three-story brick dwell'g. Auchincloss & Brookms. lAmt due $13,0071.............. WM, KENNELLY & BRO. 97th St, No. 25, n s, 281 w Sth av, 13x100.3, three¬ story brick and stone dwell'g. J. L. Bell.. 3d av. No. 1519, e s, 76.7 s 86th st, 25.6x100, two- stoi'y frame store and dwell'g, Hugh Don¬ ohue................... .................... S. DE WALLTEARSS. 133a st, No. 162, ss, 145.3e7th av 10.10x99.11, thi'ee-story hrown stone dwell'g. A. J. Post. (Bid in).............................. 18,000 133d st, No. 15S, 19.10x93.11, similar dwefl'g. (Bid iu)....................................". 18,099-^ 141st st. No. 330, s s. 100 e Edgecombe av, Ki.Sx 99.11, thi'ee-story brick and stone dweU'g. A. J. Street................................. 9,000 Vth av, No. 2144, w s, bet 127th antl ISSth sts, 23,4x84.10, flve-story broivn stone flat. Capt. Roberts. (Bidin).................... 31,000 J. A, LEVY. IOth av, n e cor ]44tb st, 99.11x100, vacant. M. ■. S.PhiUips. ................................ 28,950 OTHER AUCTIONEERS. 4th St, No. 233, s w s, 151 n w Av E. 24x96.2, four-story brick store aud tenem't and four-story brick tenem't on rear. H, & W. Reubel and Mi's. B. Deckelraann. (Lease¬ hold; lease has 21 years to run, from May 1, 1888; ground rent, $475 per annum)........~ 2itb st, Nos. 12 and 14. s s, 60.6 iv Broadway, 25 x98.9, two four-story brown stone dweU'gs. Solomon Loeb .......................... 54,750 32d st. No, 34 E., s s. W. A. Devine............ «2,450 33d st, No. 245, n s, bet 3d and 3d avs, 18.4x98.9, > three-story browu stone dwell'g. James '''. Cari'oll..................................... 10,800 46th st. No. 351, n s, bet 6th and Oth avs, 19.6x 100.5, three-story brown stone dweU'g. M. Roulette.................................... 10.625 l^rth st, No, 510, s e cor Morris av, 25x100, threestory frame dwell'g. P. D, McCook. (Bid in).................................... 4,700 li7th st, No. 518, 25x100, similar dwell'g, J. M. Krauss.................................. 3,750 177th st, Nos. 530 and 532, 50x100, similar dwell¬ ings. P, D. McCook. (Bidin).............. 7,500 13th av,n s, 300 e .5th st, 100x114, 34th Ward, vacant. (Bid in)............................ 650 13th av, adj, 100x114. G. H. Quick............ 570 13th av, adj, 100x114, Same................... .570 NEW TORR CITY. April 6, 7, 0, 10, 11, 1^. "Attorney st, No. .50, e s, 60 n Broome st, SOx.'iO, thi'ee-story brick store and dwelling. Meyer Dreyer to Bernard, Louis, Elias, Isaac asA Moses £>reyer. B.&S. April 10. nimi : ^Same property. Beruai'd, Louis, Elias, Isaac \^ and Moses fii-eyer to Meyer Dreyer, B. & S. '■ April 10. nom Bayard st, Ko. 49, s s, abt 125 w Bowery, 2.5x S4, two-story frame (brick frout) store aud dwell'g aiid frame stable on reai', Jobn G. O'Keeffe to Charles A. Plath. AprO 9. .$19,000 Broadway, No. 370, e s, 7.5 ii Franklin st, 3.5x 150 to Courtlandt alley, five-story brick store, Edmund B. Aymar, East Orange, N. J,, to Eleauor K. svife of John Jay. }f part. ApriL^,^ 7. ,51,(ifi^i--. ":£ortlandtst,Nos.74and76, ne cor Washington st, 40.11x66.15x45.2x07.1, two five-story briok stores, aud No, 171 Washington st, five-story\ l^rip.lrcfrtrp iVfUlJITn 1<1 Vpi-nlmiclrn-cr WillTsm \ Total.......................................81,303,858 Corresponding week, 1887...................51,716,100 BItOORLYS, R. Y. A, H. MULLER .t SON, CarroU st, No. 247, s s, 279.5 e Com't st, 25x100, three-story brown stone dweU'g. J, F. Bennett.................................... Hemy st, Nos. Ill and 113, s e cor Clark st, 50 XlOO, thi'ee-story brick dweU'g. J. S. Hyde, party in interest........................... Sumner av, No. 130, s s, near Hicks st. 18x75, three-story brick dwell'g. J. S. Hyde..... S. DE WALLTEARSS. Tillary st. No. 317, near Hudson av, 30x47.4x 20.3x50.5, four-story frame store and tene¬ ment. B. F. Edsall........................ TAYLOR & FOS. Powers st. No. 146, s s, 137.6 e Eweu st, 12,6x60, three-story brick dweU'g. Joseph C, Runke...................................... Powei-s st, No, 211, n s, 25x100, two-story frame dwell'g, Joseph Bennett.................. RusseU st. No. 10, 25x49.7x irreg., two-story framedweU'g. J. H. Satt«rly........... Taylor st, No. 67, n s, 20sG0, tliree-story brick dwell'g. Wm. T. Taft.................. Wilson st, No, 109, n s, 20x75, three-story brick dweU'g. Theo. B. Case.................... South 2d st, No. 373, n s, 125 w Marcy av, 25x 100, threestory frame dwell'g. D. S. Yeo¬ man ........................................ Bedford av. No. 313, 20x83,6, three-stoiy brick store and dwell'g, Isaac V. Turner.. Wythe av. No. 345, e s^0xl25, three-story brick dwell'g. SolomonMay.................... OTHER AUCTIONBERS. Bergen st. No. 823, s s, 475 e Grand av, 25x131, two-story frame dwell'g. John Heavey... 1,400 *Devoe st, n s, 150 e Catharine st, 35x100. Geo. W. Conselyea et al, exi-s................... 500 *Furraan av, n s, SJ e Bushwick av, 123.0x100. Hem'y Weii................................ 4.O00 Ryerson st. No. 169, e s, 180 n Willoughby av, 20x90, three-Story frame dwell'g. John K. Eitel.................................... 3.000 Atlantic av. No. 418, s s, 144 e Bond st, 19x80, threestory brick store. John W. Kelly-.. 5,500 HamUton av, sws, 111.10 n Henry st, 19.9x8.3.4 x21.rx74.<'. David J. Benshiel.............. 3,450 Hudson av, No. 434, w s, 200 s Lafayette av, 25 xlOO, three-story frame dwell'g. Nicholas Wood....................................... 4,000 $12,500 30,0)10 4,950"^ 3,sqo \ \, 2,200 3,000 2,050, 3,600 6,600, 5,400 14,000 6,.3a6 Totel..........................-'..............$114,625 Corresponding week, 1887....................$450,678 CONVEYANCE —^-^ i.r. TH-P- ^ Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by tliename of the grantee they mean as follows: 1st—Q, C. is an ahbrevia-tion for Quit Claim, deed, i e,, «. deed in which all the right, title and (■jufeKesi of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covcnanti'-^ warranty. ^ 3d—C. a. G. meav.s a. deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants ihai he hath 7tot done any act whereby tlie- estate conve: may be impeached, charged or encumbered. N brickstJ3re, WilliamE.Vei-planckexr William \ S. Verplanck to Jauies Adaii', Bi'oo!:lyn. Mar. 2b. uom Same pi'operty. James Adair to Samuel Tnuible. April tl. 90,000 ^ast Broadway. Nos. 120 and 122, u e coi' Pilie st, 55.S to alley, x40.9x55.2x40.4, two five- story brick stores and tenem'ts. Pi-ederidk W, Mei-teus to Nathau Roggeu ^^ pai't, and Toba Einstein )4, part. B. Se S. and C, a. G-. . Ayril II. nom Iteme pi'operty. Frederick W. Mertens to Na^ than Roggen % pai'ts, and Toba EisensteiiA >ifpart. Mort. $10,000. April 11. 45,0()Q Eldridge st, Nos. 218 and 220, e s, 25 s Stanton st, 45)xS7.fi, two five-story brick tenem'ts. Sarah J. Bailey widow to Benedict A. Klein. Morts. Sa4,000. April 1. 42,5(X) Fort Washingtou ridge road, centre line, s e 1 - s. the mansion lot and lots 1 and 2 on map in action between Real Estate Trust Co. and Jacob T. Seagi'ave et al., 12th Ward. Proposod road, centre line, lots 5, B, 7 and S, and passage on same map. Proposed road, lots Sl-Hi same map, also parts plots 2 aud 4 Serrell's special map of Fort Washiugton, begins on bouudary line bet property of Institution for Bfind and B. L. Ackermau's laud, at point 520 w Kings- bridge road, ruus west ;j50 x north 197,10 x eastSSO x south 201.7,1 and (;,047-10,000 acres all in 12th Ward, also Railroad av. East, e s, 241.4 s 144tb st, rims east 223 to Mott Haven Canal, x south 150 x west 223.3 to av, x north 1.50. Rider av, w s, 593 s 144th st, runs west 125 to Mott Haven Canal, x soutb 100 x east 135 to av, X south 100, ■Raih'oad av. Bast, e s. 7fi6.4 s 144th st, 2.'5x224 to Mott Haven Canal. Plot begins on continuation of a line Ii41.4 s 144th st, at point 11'3 e Rafiroad av. East, runs east 112 to Mott Haven Canal, x south 35 X west 113 x uorth 25. Railroad av, East, e s, 1,091.4 s 144th st, 25x 224.fi to Mott Haven Canal. The Manbattan Trust Co. formerly Real Es¬ tate Ti-ust Co. to Albert Tag and Heisi'-y C. Rosenbaum. Mar. 20. .')fi;