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July 14, 1888 Record and Guide. 905 Maitland, Alexander et al. esrs. Henrietta A. Lenox to Henry B. Auchincloss and ano. exrs. John Auchincloss. 26,000 Same to James M. Vornum. 13,000 McGratb, Patrick to ('athariiie Garr. 1,800 McKee, Thomas J. aud ano. trustees Ami M. Dominick to Daniel M, Griffui, 5,000 Meroa, Louis C, Portchester, N, Y., to The First Nat. Bank of Portchester. consid. omitted Middlebi-ook, Frederic J., Brooklyn, to James N. Piatt trustee John G. Kane. 4,000 Mj-ers, Lewis, to Henry de F. Weekes. 4,600 Morse, Sidney E. esr. R. C. Morse to John E, Andrews, 10,000 McBennett, Johu to Mary A, Cody. 1,800 O'Coimor, John A. to Thomas J. liawrence. 10,844 Olmstead, Dwight H. and ano. second of exi-s. Noah T, Pike to Geoi-ge C, Lucas and Mary E. his wifo ti'ustees N. T, Pike. 5 assigns. Pacher, EUzabeth to Elizabeth Botmann. Robinson, Albert W. to Jennie Tinney, Rubins, Fi'cderick H, exr. Elizabeth Schnez to Adam Mohi. Riggs, Julia C, to Boujamiu Collins. Ross, John to Rouben Ross. Steiner, Eva M. ■svife of Franz formerly Eva M, Forest widow to Pauline Tafer- ner -widow. Smith, Bertha to Ai'thur S. A. Keller. Schmitt, Jacob to Picri-e Janssen, Sheafer, Peter W. to George Ehret. Solomon, Bertha to Jacob Pizer. Stadler, Charles A, to Winfield S. Heft, JohnsviUe, N. Y. The Greenwich Savings Bank to Madeleine wife of Chai'lcs Flammer. Timpsou, John W. guard, of Bessie S, and Alice Hopkins to Bessie S. Hopkins. Tinney, Jennio to Carrie P. Ackeriy, Title Guai-antee and Trust Co. to Home Life Ins. Co. 11,008 Same to Susan L, Clapp guard, of Edith F. Clapp, 30,oa5 The Gei-mati American Real Estate Title Guarantee Co. of New York to James Kiusella, 4,000 Uhl, Jane M. aud ano. exrs. and tmsteos Hermann Uhl to Hermann A. Ulil, 39,000 Van Allen, Lucas L. ref. to T^'^illiam M. Ivins, Chambei-lain N. Y. Werner, Heury C. to Ferdinand Ehrlich, Wight, George R, aud ano. exrs. Caroline F. Wight to Danforth P. Wight. Wilhehn, Elizabeth to Mary Schneider. Wolff, Lillian A. to Ciermont H. IA'ilcox. Warreu, Willia u E. to Henry T, Dykman trustee William D. Warren. Warren, William E. trustee William D, Warren to WiUiam E, Warren. Yuengling, Frederick G. and Elizabeth, Fotteville, Pa., to Salomon Marx, nom l,.6O0 126 4,000 5,000 5,500 4,061 uom 3,000 2,090 5.000 1,030 3,387 nom 656 nom 1,000 3,-500 3,000 500 60,000 RIStIS COliVTY. July 5 to 11—Inclusive. Aldrich, Elizabeth W. to Ellen C, Leggett, Flushing, L, I. §7,000 Baird, Andrew D. to Ewcretta C. Mc- Vickar. 1,400 Barger, Henry et al. exrs. George W. Frost to S, R. Smith, Inlii-niary of Stateii Island. N. Y. 26,500 Bawo, Fiaiicis H. and ano, exrs, C. F. Al- bei-t Hinrichs to Fredeiic W. Hinrichs exr. A, T, Hinrichs. 3,900 BedeU, Ada E, to WiUiam G. Browning, 750 Biggermann, John to John Ganter. 1,500 Bohnet, Philip to Alexander D, Wilson, 9,000 Some to same. 1,800 Bossert, Louis to Heury Grasman. 9,500 Brown, IsabeUa to William C. O'Keeffe and James H. McKenna, 1,400 Burr, WiUiam M, et al. exi-s. Calvin Burr to Burr VVendeU. 5,066 Same to same. 5,066 Bormau, Mary to AVilliain A. Coler, Jr. nom Collins, Susan E. to George F. Gi'egory. 4,037 Davies, Agnes H. to Alma H. Yeaton. 3,000 Dufek, Weuzel to John D. Heissenbuttel and ano. admrs, J. G. L. Boettciier. 3,051 Equitable Lifo Assur. Society of the United States to Aunie E. wife of Charles B. Fai-ley. 4,000 Everit, Thomas exr. Valentine Everitt to Mam-ice Fitzgerald. 2,013 Fi-eygang, Gustav to Mai-garet McLough¬ Un admrx, 3,037 FeiTis, George F. to Isabella Schilling. 1,300 Fish, JuUa B. F. to Holland Tmst Co, 3,S00 Gourlay, Jr., Stewart G. B, to Audi-ew Lemou. SOO Guelpa, BasUe V. to James W. O'Brien. 1,850 Hoagland, Joseph C. to ComeUus N. Hoag¬ land. 39,693 Same to same, 377,967 Horaan, AUred E., Jamesport, L. I., to Clarence R. Homan. 2,000 Howard, William exi-. Daniel PoweU to Emma L. and Ida W. Howard. 3,700 Sametosame, 1,000 Same to same. 4,800 Houghtaling, Mary A. to Stephen L. Ma- goun. 1,700 Hadden, CrowoU president L. I, Bank to Salena Lublin. 1,000 Hinrichs, Charles F, A. to Louis Him-ichs, 3,5i,0 Jaclison, Theodore F. to Theodore F. Jack¬ son et al. trustees John L. Wood, 2,000 Same to same, 2,100 KeUey, Philip to Christopher H. Yoiuig, 6,600 Kiendl, Tbeodoro to Maria Lo Beau. 500 jioenig, Fi-anklin to Joseph Fm-man. 800 Koenig, Wendelin to George Evans exr. Elizabeth Moffatt. 800 Kretzschmai-, Henry E. to Ellen F. Hey- neu. omitted Knight, Henry W. to Crawford C. Smith, 3,700 Lofner, Sophia to Dorothea Ratlmiann, - - Lee, George C. and Frances R. trustee to Alfred E. Homan, Leech, John, exi-. A. P. Leech to Frederick W. Carpenter. Linton, Edward F. to Hannah D. White. Magoun, Stephen L. to John W. French. Marsh, Charles M, to The Brewers Ice Co. Michel, Leopold to John H, Scheldt. MiUer, Robert exr. Emily M. Miller to Charles Ai'buckle. Mutual Lifo Ins. Co., Now York, to Aimee Saunders. O'Brien, James W. to Ai-thur Chamberlain I'S-SO O'Brien, John to Abraham Lott, Flatbush, nom Otis, Charles H. to Cornelius N. Hoag¬ land. Phelan, Elizabeth to Louis Bossert, Phenix Ins. Co. to David W. Maincs. Ross, John to Reuben Ross, New York. Scheldt, John H. to Esther Schlivinsky. Seymour, William 51. to Charles Arbuckle. Smith, Crawford C. exr. Jauies Dobbins to George I. Murphy. Smith, John H. to Henry Battermanu. Stone, John H. to J, Herbert Watson. Suydam, Jolm J. to Mary E. Suydam. Swackhanier, El'zabeth, Cranford, N. J., to Sophie G. Parker, Hempstead, L. I. Title Guarantee aud Tmst Co. to Hage¬ mcyer Sc Brunn. Same to same Same to Hermon Morris gnai-d. Carrie W. Doty. Same to Na.ssau Trust Co, Same to Austin Ludlam. Same to CroweU Hadden exr. Crowell Had¬ den. Seagrave, Annie admrx, William Seagrave to Elizabeth H. Bowers. Sloat, Ferdinand to Mary F. Jones, Stam¬ ford, Conn. Tomlinson, Mary F. to Mary Greenwood, East Orange, N. J. 3,000 7,000 3,700 1,700 625 1,350 1,356 2,.500 3,300 1,330 3,.500 375 1,3.50 1,000 3,-500 13,000 nom 600 nom 4,250 4,250 2,000 6,000 1,-600 9,000 250 3,000 Townley, Mary E. and an extrxs. Aman¬ da. G, Weeks to Bridget McGrath. Vandewater, Edwin exr. Frederick Ring to Charles Loh" Zieglei-, Nicolaus to Henrietta Haye and CaroUne Post. 1,221 2,000 2,000 500 CHATTELS. For New York and Kings Comity Chattels see pages 911, 912 and 913. JUDGMENTS- 7)1 these lists of judgments the names alphabetically arranged, and mtiicli are first on each line, are those of the judgment debtor. The letter (D) jnean^ judg¬ ment for deficiency. (*) means not summoned, (t) signifies that the first name is fictitious, real name being unlcaowii. Judgments entered during the week, and satisfied before day of publication, do not appear in this column, but in list of Satisfied Judg¬ ments. NEW YOKIi CITY. July 9 Adelson, Jo.seph—Philip Goldstein.. $46 60 9^Andrews, Joseph S—Nat Shoe and Leather Bank City NY.......... 12,8!I3 11 10 Alexander, Elias—fi E Spencer..... 339 74 10 Andrews, William—W H Daunatt.. 338 43 10 Apiileton, Robert, Jr — Benjamin Baugh............................ 148 60 13 Apestein, Abraham—FB Thurber.. 183 S3 13 Appell, John—People of State NY, 100 00 6 Bennett, Henry D— Chebrah Eiz Chaini Anshei Wolozin........... 314 50 6 Beardsley, Denmon N—F W Duiiton ..............................coste 81 07 6 Brown, WiUiam M—Harris Rosen¬ thal.............................. 1,027 39 6+Behrens, John—R F GiUen......... 627 74 7 Bender, Arthur—Bai-stow Stove Co. Ill 81 7 Beclier, Bernhard—WiUiam Jung... OS 15 7 Bentley, J Edward—C G Ross...... 5,360 22 7 Bame, Joseph G—A R Havens...... 71 96 9 Boehm, WUUam F—Jacob Faul- haber............................ 71 66 9 Bender, Homer P—C B Rogers & Co 1,104 44 9 Brady, James M—W B Crosby...... 143 64 9 Beals, George C—J J Thomp.'ion___ 5,688 84 9 Behnke, John—Isidor Mahrback___ 160 96 9 Burghardt, Minna — PhiUp Bm-g- hardt........................... 106 36 10«Brant, John D—R J Hoguet....... 1,973 10 10 the same-----the same.......... 286 50 10 the same-----Heury Ab egg...... -577 80 10 the same—-Engelbert Hardt .. 973 00 10 Batehelor, Charles—S D Oliphant.. 81 30 10 Buttner, WiUiam H—B W Ti-aitel. 33 SO i«lr^:G=[«F™-......... ^'O^o^s 10 Brown, Harry—Gottlieb Gennert... 191 82 11 Bigelow, John A—T C Burrows.... 197 87 11 Bernstein, Harris—Jacob Vorhaus. 643 59 11 Barnett, James R-—St Nicholas Bank of N Y..................... 8,417 15 11 BusseU, R H—H L Bridgman....... 468 68 13 Bischoff, Herman J—Murphy & Co. 144 81 13 Block, Philip—D L Block ,."........ 363 08 12 Burkert, George L—M J Grossman, 81 91 12 Bernstein, Mary — Bernard Wies- senberd......................costs S6 98 13 Bouton, Charles A — Abraham Steei-3........................... 76431 12 Bucken, Thomas L—W K McCrea- dy............................... 747 39 12 Buck, George T—T O Wolff........ 198 50 13 Bernhard, Max—David Cohen...... 231 40 13 Boyd, Robert J—A B Walp........ 134 60 13 Blanchard, George R—F G Renner, as sole surviving partner......... 1,600 85 13 BedeU, Daniel S—Ut-sula Story, as exr............................... 870 31 13 Baum, Joseph—People of State NY 100 00 13 Bondy, Sigismund E-----the same... 300 00 13 Barlow, John F—W H Beadleston.. 73 70 13 Burros, Leo—Francis Dupont....... 39 50 6 Chase, George C—Harris Rosenthal, 1,037 39 6 Clarke, Kit—RF Gillen............ 637 74 7 Crapo, Johu R—S R Ives........... 106 .55 9 Cleary, WiUiam—Isaac Sommers... 319 09 9 Cook, Charles A—W A Ross........ 355 36 10 CoUier, Peter F—Ti-ow's Printing and Book Binding Co............. 77 07 10 Carlisle, WUUam—lHary L Cui-ry,, 583 94 10 CarroU, Michael, Jr—Edward Cranston....................... 189 97 10 Chittenden, Horace H, assignee of A S Hatch Sc Co—C 0 Morris.... ..............................costs 338 69 10 Carpenter, George H—Ludwig Bau¬ mann ............................ 643 10 Cunningham, Joseph L — Gottlieb Gennert.......................... 121 03 10 Cook, Charles W—Augustine Smith 4,070 04 11 Clarke. Abraham H—Nat Bank of Newburgh........................ .5,067 05 11 the same-----the same.......... 5,077 33 ,, *Chicleering, George H i Fire Dep't ■"-^ Chickering, Charles F f City N Y 50 00 11 Chetwood, Bradbury C—Margaret ACa.se........................... 962 13 11 Curran, James W—C HEvans...... 105 58 „ Canfleld, WUey Ji St Nicholas ^^ Canfleld, Wiley J \ Bank of N Y. 3,417 5 12 Cox, James—Thomas Kiernan...... 1,366 11 12 Colson, H Ransom—Bowker Ferti- liTOr Co.......................... 249 31 IS Clay, Henry—JMLongacre........ 501 30 13 Coburn, Mary E—W H Payne...... 175 50 13 Connolly, Edmund—WUliam Liv¬ ingston.......................... 4,261 75 13 Clarke, Abraham H—Nat Bank of lUinois........................... 6,355 34 13 Cooper, Lonis—Henry Emrich...... 333 40 13 Clai'ke, Abi-ahara H—Nat Bank of Illinois........................... 10,089 S6 13 Cox, Thaddeus W—Jenny Russak.. 143 63 7 Darrah, James N—Lazarus Blaut... 130 81 7 Downs, Wallace A—J F Bennett... 133 13 7 De Laney, James C — J L Has- brouck........................... 126 05 9 Diehl, Edmund C—People of State of NY.......................... 1,000 00 10 Duff, James C—W P Feeney........ 79 70 10 Depard, Walter D—G W Venable,, 354 09 11 Dart, Russell, Jr—Nat Bank of New- bm-gh............................ 5,067 05 11 the same-----the same.......... 5,077 23 11 Dressier, Edward—Fire Dept City NY............................. 100 00 11 the same-----the ssime........... 100 00 11 thesame-----the same........... 100 00 13 Drake, Charles A—F B Thurber.... 347 27 12*Doe, John—L S Chase.............. 137 48 13 Dart, Russel, Jr.—Nat Bank of H- linois............................. 6,255 34 13 the same-----the same.......... 10,089 86 13*Doe, John—Otis Bros. & Co........ 529 41 13*Doe, John—Louis Reiss............. 42 93 13 Draper, Thomas—E W Ashley...... 488 89 6 Eppens, Frederick P—Harris Rosen¬ thal.............................. 1,037 39 7*Ernst, Edwoi-d—S R Ives........... 106 55 9 Etzel, Augustus—Nathaniel Water- bury.............................. 39 65 10 El well, Charles F—C F Schramme., 373 69 10 EUis, Howard-David Banks....... 346 31 10 Evers, Ann—Emanuel Levy....... 89 30 11 Eustace, James A—Carl Wernicke.. 303 46 6 Florence, Thomas F—Bank of Har¬ lem.............................. 126 45 7 Fles, Amelia—J C Mulligan ....... l,04.i 73 7 the same——the same........... 649 03 7 the same-----C Riessner & Co,,, 854 67 9 Frank, Joseph—R B Ellison........ 590 98 9 Frey, Jacob L—Aaron Davidson.... 60 13 9 Fowler, Charles A—Atlantic Pub and Engrav Co................... 128 60 9 Pelthousen, Jacob D—James French 1,175 74 10 Freund, Bernhard—Benedict Fischer 163 43 10 Friedman, IjouIs-Geoi-ge Lane..... 190 50 10 Foreman, Frank—E E Spencer..... 339 74 10 Flacconio, Antonio—Gaetano Mau¬ ganaro........................... 43 95 11 FUian, Edward N—Richard Duden- sing.............................. 32 .50 12 Farley, John—Hayes Chair Co..... 68 4S 12 Fuchs, Dcsto—FB Thurber........ 117 68 Farqnhar, George *Farquhar, George, Jr 13*Farc!uhar, James L *Farquhar, Norman Farquhar, Cosmo 13 Frieclniann, Ludwig—'S C Croft___ 6 Graves, G Palmer—Archer & Pan- coast Mfg Co.................. 7 Grunwald, Isadore — Newdl Eros MfgCo........................... 7 Gussow Paul W—William Braims- dorf............................. JD Blood,. 188 64 61 SO 45 58 74 34 7 Garland, Horace—C S Dodge...... 9 Gault, John H—Randolph Guggen¬ beimer .......................... 9 Grogan, WiUiam H—A M Moore,,, 9 Gambitzky, Marthas-David Cohen, 9+Gault, John—Marcus Sayre........ 198 8S 271 75 259 87 1,891 2T 336 45 343 63