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453 Record and Guide. March 80, 1889 529^-49th st, No. 213 E., rear, repair roof and waUs; cost, §100; Samuel Adiers, 148 East 57tb sfc. 530—SuUivan st, No, 3, aud No, 411^16 Canal st alter partitions, new store fronts aud genera! repairs- cost, §10,090; Chas. A. Stein, 211 Wesfc oSfchst; ar't, T. S, Godwin, 5;jI_Walkerst, Nos. 88 and 90, walls alfcered; cost, §350; J. CarroU, -55 West 33d st; ar'fc, Hark- ne^ s Fire Extinguisher Co, gyi—Pinest In'o. 22, partifcions removed, new stairway; cost, S5,0.)0; Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co., 44 Cedar st; ar'b, H. Kafka. .533—Ist av, Is'^os. 248and 250, new show win¬ dows; cosfc, §575: Cbas. Tyson, 114 2d st; c'r, W. Klein, 534—Pleasant av, s e cor U5th st, repair dam¬ age by flre: cost, §1,675; Wm, C. Andrews, 2 East 67tbst; c'r, E Smith, 53,5_Canal st, Nos. 133 and 135, one-story bnck extension, 10x11.9, —roof; cost, §,500; August Risehow, on premises; ar'ts, Kurtzer & Robl; m'n, A. Brose. , . , .53tj_130thst, No, 237 E,, five-storj; brick and stone estension, 25x100,11 and 93.3, tiu roof, also internal alterations, waUs altered; cost, §14,000; Rich'd Webber, 308 East 120tb st; ar'ts, Hornum & Bros. ;j;j7_^rauklin av. No. 1318, two-story frame extension, 20x14, tin roof; cost, §1,500; Emma Kuoch, 421 East SSth st; ar't, G. W. Harris; c'r, W. Geyer, 53S_llst sfc, No, 548 W,, walls altered; cost, §-5O0; Daniel Orth, Lincohi Park, N, J.; ar't, F. Ebeiing. .'i^S—Divisionst, No. 211, pai-bitions and waUs altered; cost, §1.500; Louis Friedeuberg, 174 6th av; ar't, F. Ebeliug, 540_i;6tb st. No, 55 W,, three-story brick extension, 10x1,5, tin roof: cost, §1,700; Jas, B, Hunter, M.D-, 2 East 33d st; ar't, C, W. Romeyn & Co.; m'n, R, L. Darragh; c'rs, A. G. Bogert &' Bro, ,54l_--Bi-Oftdway, No, 817, new show windows, doors &c,; cost, §300; Edw, H. MuUer, 50 East 12th st; ar'fc, TerreU & Vroom; c'r, G. Telfer. 543—21st st. No, 323 W., mternal altei'ations: cost, abt §1,,500; Wm. MiUer, 217 West 17th st, ,543—Suffolk st. No, 141, two-story and hase¬ ment brick extension, 11,6x16, tin roof; cost, S3,000; M, Schreiber, 96 Ridge st; ar't, L. F. Heinecke. 544—73d st. No. 327 E., internal alterations; cost, §700; E. EUery Anderson, 10 Wall st; c'rs, A. H. Couitor & Son, 54.5—2d av, Nos. 140 and 143, one-story brick extension, 24x40, tin roof; cost, §1,500; German Branch Y, M. C. A., on premises; ar't, J. BoekeU & Son. 54(i_-0fih av, s e cor 33d st, internal alterations, walls altered; cost, §1,500; A. E. Benson; ar'ts. Lamb & Rich. 547—5th av, s e eor 70th st, internal allerations, waUs altered; cost, Sl:i,OO0; Josiab M. Fiske, on premises; ar't, S. D. Hatch, ,548-33dst, No, 54 W,, one-story brick exten¬ sion, 25x39, tin roof; cost, §1,800; J. H. Simpson, 237 West3Stbst; m'u, W, Pottorton, * g49_n6tb st. n s, abt 40 w Harlem River, in¬ ternal alterations, walls altered; cost, §500; Wm. G, Tucker, 451 East 119th st; ar'ts, Aj-ctander & Seabold, 550—i3d st. No, 322 E., internal alterations, walls altered; cost, §400; Gustav Lange, 160 East 78th st; ar't, B. W, Bergei-. 551—Av A, Nos, 327-331, raise one sfcory, also infcernal alfcerations, waUs altered; cost, §4,000; Henry Fuldner, on premises; ai-'t, W. Graul. 552—Eivington st. No. 217, new store front; cost, §75; Henry Hundeman, on premises; ar't, F, Ebeiing, 553—Henry st, No, 316, three-story and base¬ ment brick extension, 16.6x36, tin roof; cost, §3,000; Morris Robinson, 205 Easfc Broadway; ar't. F. Ebeliug. gri4_pearl st, No. 25, n e cor Whitehall sfc, par- fcitions altered, new store fronts; cost, §1,000; J. F, Kernocban, 11 East 26th st; c'r, J. Bratt. .5.55—3dav, No. 836, new show window,--; cost, §300; Madaline Ritter, ou pi'emises; c'r, J, Hynes. 551)—4th st. No. 21 E., internal alterations, waUsaltered; cost, §1,000; T. L. De Vinne, 1-50 West 59th sfc and RosweU Smith, 24 East 51st st; ar't and b'r, B, Deeves, .5,57_East Broadway, No. 209, change peak into flat roof, also tbree-story and basement brick ex¬ tension, 25x42, tin roof; eost, 810,000; Wolf Rosenberg, 193 Henry st; ar'fc, L, F, Heinecke. 558—letbst, Nos. 108 aud ILO W., one-sfcory brick extension, 5nx,5i), tin roof; cost, S3,00i.i; Geo, HiUen, 38 East 14th st; ar't, Wm, H. Hume. 5,59—30th st, Nos, 403-408 E,, and So, 405 East 29tbst, one-story brick extension, 25x3'^, tin roof: cost, §400; Jacob DoU, 321 East ]3th st: ar't, E. W. Greis. 560—Railroad av, 36 s IfiOtb st, two-story frame extensiou, 20x18, tin roof; cost, §2,000; W. Stebbins Smitb, Brook av and 163d st; ar't, C, C. ChurchiU; c'r, H. Berry. 561—2d av, No. 767, new store front; cost, §350; Noah Norris, 110 West 47tb st; ar't and c'r, W. H, Ash, 562—36tb st. No. 73 W., twn-stoi-y and hasement brick extension, 14x26, tin roof; also internal alterations, walls altered; C"St, §2,.500; J, A, Macdonald, 222 West 23d st; ai-'t, C. G. Joues, .663—Houston sfc, Ho. 329 E,, internal altera¬ tions, walls altered; cost, Sl,oOO; Sam'l Green¬ field, 330 Easb Houston st; ar't, C. Sfcm-tzkober. ,56J—3d sfc. No. 238 E,, internal alterations, walls altered; cost, §600; Geo. MuUer, 636 Sth st; ai-'t, C. Sturtzkober. 5155—I44tb st, No, 795, n Hj 225 e Brook av, move building; cost, §400; Ed, Kelly, on premise^' 56(i—1st av, No, 1674, one-stery brick esten- tion, 2.5x10, tin rcof; cosfc, §1,000; Anthony Saur, 173 East 94th st; ar't, G. B. Pelham. 567—Lexington av. n w cor lOOfch st, raise one stery, also a flve-story brick extension, 18x22, tin roof, partitions to be altered, &c.; cosb, §7,500; Ellen M. O'Connell, ou premises: ar't, E; Wenz. ,568—Attorney st. No, 155, raise three stories, new frout wall; cosfc, §4,000; S. Kempner, 159 East 61st st;c'r, F, Sackett, .509—62d sfc. No. lOO, s e cor Park (4tb) av, one- sbory brick estension, 16x33, tin roof; cost, §2,000; Reinhold Steinke, on premises; ar'ts, H. Ehrhardt & Co. .570—1st av. No. ,54, walls altered; cost, SSOO; Valentine Klenraann, on premises; ar't, J, Kast- nei-. an-Lewis st. No. 14, waUsaltered. &c.:eost, §2,000; ar't and c'r, J^iward Smitb, 47 Ann st- 573—Houston st. No, 179 W., interior altera¬ tions, waUsaltered; cosb, §7-50; Jobn D. "^Vieking, ou premises; ar'ts, Kurtzer & Rohl; m'n, H. Ger- land; c'r, E, Sehulz. 573—138tb st. No. 1033 E., internal alterations, walls altered; cost, §200; Henry PbUips, on premises; ar't, W. H. Hallock, Jr, 574—Ofch av, Nos, 807;,.^ and 809, new floor, waUs altered: cost, §1,200; Nathaniel McCready, 10 Wesfc 23d st: ai''fc, J. Sexton; m'n, J. Regan; c'r, P. Haughey, ,575—135fcb st, Nos. 1S6-190 E., Sd av, Nos. 3-290- 2294, walls altered, geueral repaii-s; cosb, §3,000; Geo. M, Tow-nsend, 37 West l-24tb st;c'r, C. W. H. Elting. 576—Gold st. No. 85, repair damage by fire; cosfc, §345; estate Wm. P. MiUer, Henrietta MU- la- extrx., 17 East 57th st; c'r, E. Smitb. 577_:;5tb st. No. 411 W., interior alterations, waUs altered; cosfc, §350; J. Francis McCabe, 1.54 Wesfc 34tli st; c'rs, Demarest & Bantee. 578—6th av. No, 451, infcerior alterations, walls altered; ccst, S-----; Valentine Dief eu thaler, 368 West 57th st; ar'ts. Spitz & Henscbel; c'rs, same as lasfc 579—2d av. No. 690, walls altered; cosfc, abt §500: Francis C. DevUn, ti-ustee, 327 West 4.5th st; br's. Mahon & Coyne. 580—Madison av. No. 1011, n e cor 78tb st, four-story brick extension, 23.4x11, slate roof; cost, S5,000; Elizahefch W. White, 323 2d av; ai''t, M. B. Wightman; h'r, G. Halbert. 581—3d av, s e cor 124th st, interior altera¬ tions, walls altered; cost, about §30,000: Harlem Savings Bank, 3d av. cor 124fch st; ar'ts. Withers & Dickson; b'r, L. Daly. 582—Brook av, w s, 175 s 147th sfc, internal al¬ terations, walls altered; cost, §200; EUen CaUa¬ han, 477 Brook av. 583—Rutgers pl, Nos, 10-22, walls altered; cost, §3,500; Fanny A. Lowensteiu, 133 East 79th st; ar't, F. Ebeiing, 584—Suffolk st. No. 43, raise one story, walls altpred; cost, §3,000; Louis Goodman, 217 Henry st; ai-'t, F, Eheling. 5S5—Av A, s e cor 86th sfc, internal alfcerations, waUs altered; cosfc, §400; Henry W. Neumann, on premises; ar't, E. Wenz. 586—-^d av, s w cor 141st st, internal altera¬ tions, waUsaltered; cost, S600; A, Spiebler, 2013 3d av; ar't and c'r, W. Kusche. 5S7—137th st. No. 4 W., internal alterations, waUsaltered; cost, §100; August Kohn, 38 Pai-k row. .588—State st. No. 18, four-story and basement brick extension, 16.2x33.7, tin roof; cost, §3,700; August Struck on premises; ar'ts, Jordan & GUler; h'r, J. Murdock. 5Sy—42d sfc, Nos. 155 and 157 E., one-story brick extension, 36x30, tin root; cost, §1.000; Geo. Rotfcmann, 1st st and 1st av; ar't, G. A. Schel¬ leuger. 5Hij_Allen st. No. 80, remove partifcions, inter¬ nal alterations, waUsaltered; cost, §1 000; G, H. Haag, 484 Lexington av; m'n, C. McMurron; c'r, J. Leeper. 591—3d av, n w cor 47th st. internal altera¬ tions, walls altered; cost, §1,000; J, and L, Leasongood, Cincinnati, O.; ar't. A, Zucker; b'rs, J, & L, Weber. .592—3d av. No, 170. interual alterations, waUs altered; cost, §850; Conrad Junker, 335 3d av; ar'ts, Kurtzer & Robl, 593—Av C, No. 10, internal alterafcions, walls altered; cost, §400; Abrabam Bassford, Harden- dale; ar't, C- Sturtakober. 5y4—Duane st. No. 113, build elevator shaft, cut skyUghts and doors; cost, §900: Robert J. Dean, 147 West 79bh st; ar't and b'r, W, H. Whyte. 595—Spr'.ice st. No. 41, repair damage by flre; cost, §1,800: estate Wm. P. MiUer, Henrietta Miller, extrx., 17 East 57th st; c'r, E. Smith. 5116—3d av, No. 2314, one-story bi-Ick extension, 36x45, tinroof; cost, §3,300; John D. Thees, on premises; ai-'t, J, E. Poole. 597—«tb av. No. 17, rebuild front waU; cost, -----; Hermau Schade, 834 Greenwich st; m'n, H. Getty, 598—6th av, Nos, 161-169, s w cor l-2tb st, and No, 108 West 13th st, one-story brick esten¬ sion, 22,6x51, tin roof; cost, §9,000; Alfred J, Cammeyer, 38 West IOth st; ar'ts, Rentz & Lange, 599—Broome st. No. 214K, three-story and hasement brick estension, 18.6x34.6, tin roof, pai-titions and stairways to be altered, new store tront; cost of alteration and new building to be erected on adjoining lot -$50,000; Dora Levy, 218 Broome st; ar'ts, Rentz & Lange. liOO—Eldridge st. No. 82, new store fronfc: eost, §700; Jonas Weil and Bernbard Meyer, 227 East eoth sfc; ar't, G, B. Pelbam. 601-77tb st, No. 816 E., new store fronfc; cost, $700; ow'rs and ar'fcj BMue as last; 603—4th st. No. 85 E., interior alterations', waUs altered; cost, §6,000; Paul Wilzig, ou prem¬ ises: ar't, H. W. Fabian, 603~-bergen av, w s, 25 n 148th st, one-story frame extension, 15x15.6, tiu roof; cost, §500; Jobn Himpkins, Jr., Bergeu av, bet 148tb and 149tb sts; ar't, A. Pfeiffer. KINGS COINTT. Plan 316—Frost st. No. 177, bwo-story frame estension, 30x10, tin roof; cost, §475; B. S. Gros. 175 Frost st; ar't and b'r, T. Dunu. 217—Cooper st. No. 135. raised 10 ft. on frame story and one-story frame exnension, io2xl3, tin roof: cost, .§600; Hem-v Kordos, S6 Cooper st; b'rs, 0. Bauer and Gerdou & Bormann. 2l8~'2dst. n s, lOOeHoj-tst, repair damage by flre; cost, §360; Mrs, Smythe, 61 2d sb; h'r, J. D. Miner, 219—Busbwick av, s e cor Moubrose av, one- story frame extension, 14,6 and 3''x5 and 15, fciu lOof, interior altei'ations new chimney, &c.; cost, §1,,500; ow'r aud b'r, Henry Bofch, Middle Vil¬ lage; ar'fc, Tb. Engelbardt. 320—President sb, No, 303, add one story, tin and slafcj mansard roof; cosfc, §2,000; Thomas RusseU, on premises; ar't, S. S. Covert. 231—President st. No, 305)5, add one story, tin and slate mausai-d roof; cost, §1,800; W. J. Ladd, on premises; ar't, S, S, Covert, 232—Ryei-son st. No. 41, one-story and base¬ menfc frame extension, 13x16, tiu roof; cost, §300; Jobn McCue, on promises; ar't and b'r, J Hearns, 323—Lynch st. No. 60, two-sfcory fi'ame exten¬ sion, 13x13, tin roof; cost, §300; E, G, PoweU, on premises; b'r, S, Collins, ' 23t-Broadway, No, 931, front alterations and store aUerations; cost, §600; estate of Wm. R. Siuey, 133 Nassau st. Now York; ar't, G, Culgin; b'rs, P. Tostevin's Sons aud G, Culgin. 225—5th av, n e cor 7fcb st, three-story hrick ex¬ teusiou. 20x18, tin roof, wooden cornice, interior alterations, &c.; cost. §3,500; Johu Miner, o99 .5th av; ar't, E. Hallam; ra'n, uot selected; cr, E. Hallam. 226—Park av. No, 774, flat tin roof: cost. §1,500; Lewis MiUer, on premises. 227—Btate st. No. 492, repair damage by fire; cost, §1,700; Hemy Savage, RidgeviUe, Conn.; h'r, J. Froser. 328—Graham av. No. 308, raised on new siUs and posts; cost, §100; James Cosby, 32 Her¬ bert st, , . , 239—Sth av, w s, 20 s lOtb st, one-story bnck extension,-20x40, tin roof; cost, §400; John Del- mar, 6tb av aud Otb st; h'r, W. Ferris. 330—Manhattan av, n w cor Commercial st, add two stories, gravel roof; cost, §58,000; Mor¬ ris BuUding Co., 315 Ryersou st; ar't, W, B. Tubhy; b'rs, J, B. & J. T. Woodruff and L, W, Seaman, Jr, 231—Wai-wick st, e s, 200 s Atlantic av, two- story frame extension, 8x16, tiu roof: cost, §200; Mrs, M, Shaw, Warwick st.uear Atlanticav; ar'b, L, F. SchUUnger; b'l-s, J. Feusch and F. (5-undermami. 233—Gates av. No. 1-161, one-story brick exten¬ sion, 13x18, tm roof; cost, §300; Hem-y Albrech, on premises; ar'b, —— Lanzer; b'r, L, Runtz, MISCELLANEOUS. KINGS COUNTY. Mar. OENEBiL ASSIONMENT, 25 Louis SoloDBon to Huso Hii'sh. APPROVED PAPERS. Resolutions passed by tbe Board of Aldermeu cull - inc for tbe following imiirovcments have been signed by the Mayor Eor tbe week eudine Mar, 23, 1889. *In- d'icates that tbe Mayor neitherapfjrovetl uorobjecteii thereto, thei-etore the same hecame adonted. PAVIKG. 74tbst, from ]3tb avto bullibead line of HudsonRiver, with granite block, 131st st, bet lObb av and Broadway, wibb trap block. PEOCEEDINGS OFTUK BOARI) OF AIDERMES ATFECIINC Itl'-AI. ESlATK. » Under tbe different heaciinRS iudicates tbat a reso" lution ha« been iutroduced aud referred to t^e appro¬ priate committee, tlndicates that the resolution has passed and has been seut to the Mayor for approval, t Fassed over the Mai-or's veto. Nbw York, Mar. 26,1689. MAINS. East 173d (or Walnut) st, n s, from Weeks stl to w 6 of Fleetwood av. , , I water.t Eastburn st, w s, from Kast liSil stto a point I abt ano n of n w cor 173d st, J Jobn st, from Marion av to Webster av; water.t FLAGOING, Boston av, e s, from Union av to Bristow st, 4feet wide.t -^-------- ^ • i^—-—— BROOKL,YN BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Brooklyn, March 18 and 25, 1889. KEGOl^TINO, GItADI.IG iKD CURBtKO, Nassau av, Norman av, Sutton st, , ^ Morgan a^, |_at owners' expense.' Hausman sl, Apollo st, Vandam st, Madison st, from Hamburg to Knickerbocker av.' Hamburg av, from Woodbine to Corneha st. nth av, w s, bet llith st and Windsor terrace. Nortb lltb sfc, from Bedford av to Driggs st. Lorimer st, from Frost to Jane st. me^t/bf st, from East New York av to oity 1UJ«.