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established'^ J^ARPH 21^186 8. Entered at the Post-office at New York, N. F,. asaecond-clasamaffen" ® Vol. XLIV.—No. 1,112. NEW YORK, JULY 6, 1889. Price, 15 Cents. P R. LUDLOW & CO., . AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 11 PINE STREET. ESTABLISHED 18-36 IT H. CAMMANN & CO., REAL ESTATE, Telephone, "John 338." 51 Liberty Sb. N. Y. J BON AMD J. CAR PBN1EB, REAL ESTATE, 41 LIBERTY STREET, Branch OmcE, 1181 Third Av. Telephone, 477 John.______Entire Charge of Property. JACOB APPBLL, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND HOUSE AGENT. Telephone Call, 643 21st Street, &77 West 23d Strbbt. E. A. CRUIKSHANK & CO., ESTABLISHED 1794. REAL ESTATE, 176 BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK. CBTON& WISSMANN, ^^ REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 79 CEDAK STREET. Telephone, 634 John. Branch Offloe, 1143 Broadway, Bet, iiSth and tJTth Sts. Telephone, 904 31st, AapRKD Seton, Jr, F, De Kdyter Wissmann. JTOBACE S. BLT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, No. 64 CEDAR STREET, N. Y. Branch OfSce, No, 10.3 West 63th St,________________ lATM. CRUIKSHANK, yy REAL ESTATE, No. 51 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. (Opp, Mutual Life Insurance Building.) Member Real Estate Exchange & Auction Room (L'd). FIELD GRIFFEN d- CO., SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE, Shore Front Towns of Westchester County and Connecticut our Specialty. 42d STREET (Opp. Grand Central Depot), Room 6. PS. IREACY, REAL ESTATE- Telephone, 39th St.—978, - 9th Av. and GSii St. TBAOESER. STEAM COPPER WORKS, Copper Bath Tubs, * Copper and Galvanized Ran^e Boilers a Specialty, ________447 to 455 West Twenty-sixth Street.________ COLWELL LEAD CO., \J PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES, 63 Centre Street ami 681 Sixth Av,, New York. rjlHOMAS OSBOEJSrjE, STEABI STONE WORES I 91st and 93d Streets, East hiVEB, Dealer in American and Imported ilarble Brown Stone, Nova Scotia, Ohio and all other Free Stones. c. J. C F. JAYNE & CO., ' MANAGERS OF ESTATES, APPRAISERS AND BROKERS, 254 WEST 23d ST. and 59 LIBERTT ST., N. Y, S. F. Jayne. A. M. Codnbr. w M. J. ROOME, (Wm. H, Eoomb's Son,) REAL ESTATE AGENT & BROKER, No. 410 SIXTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. ESTABUSHED 1853. TiBOOKLTN UP-TOWN HEADQUARTERS, ^ PAUL C. GRENING, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Offices, 420 Gates Av. and 363 and IlSl Fulton St, Paul C. Grendjo. William P. Rae. ^liTALlER LAWRENCE, yy REAL ESTATE, Northwest comer 9th Avenue and 104bh Street, Foob of Elevated Sbairs. _________Member of Real Estate Exchange. T TANENBAUM, ^' REAL ESTATE BROKER, No, 529 BROADWAY, CORNER SPRING STREET. (Prescott Building,) Entire Charge Taken of Property.__________ pOTIER & BRO., 138 Broadway, cor. Cedar St., and 136i 9th Av, MANAGERS OF ESTATES. Large Amounts of Money Lo Loan at the Lowest Rates, _________Telepsokes, 252 John—680 3Stfa St,_________ A w. Mclaughlins CO., -ti« Members Real Estate Exchange, REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES, Estate and private money to loan, in amounts re¬ quired, at lowest rates. Estimatespromptly made with¬ out charge. 146 BROADWAY, Cor. Liberty St., N. Y. ALDEN & STERNE, REAL ESTATE, 9 EAST 14th ST., NEW YORK Members of the Real Estate Exchange. T. ASPINWALL & SON, TILES 'M'^^t MOSAICS, WOOD MANTELS, GRATES, Open Fire-Placss, Iron and Brass Work. Bric-a-Brac, Art Pottery, etc. No. 303 5th avenue, N. E. COR, 31st ST..N. Y. lUTA TT lA TLOR PA YING CO., ^« GRANOLITHIC, ASPHALT, AND PAVEMENTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Importers of Crude and EeOned Trinidad Asphalt. Telephone 20(5 Pearl, Office, 15 STATE STREET. ll/fAC KNJGHl FLINIIC SIONE CO., lyl MAKE THE BEST -*-'■*■ ARTIFICIAL STONE SIDEWAI^KS AND CDRB—BREWERY MALT-HOUSE, CELLAR, STABLE AND OTHER PLOOKS —WATER AND ACID-PROOF TUBS, VATS, AC.—CHEAPEST AND BEST PIRE-PROOFTNG.—ALSO COMBINED FLINTIC STONE AND ASPHALT ROADWAYS. Send for Circulars aud Estimates. Office, 150EROADWAY, Cor. Liberty St., New Yort, JACKSON, WM. H., & CO., Established, m Front street, ISSr. North side UNION SQUARE (31 East 17th Street), New York. Designers and Manufacturers of ARTISTIC GRATES, OPEN FIRE-PLACES, FENDERS and CHIMNEY-PIECE NOVELTIES ui every sbyle. Importers of TILE. (ipc Telephone, aist Street, No. 158. Foundries and Shops, EAST 28th and aSTH STREETS, -KXEW YORK & ROSENDALE CEMBNl CO., -^' ROSENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT. ^^° Warranled superior to any brand of Rosendale Cement manufactured for use under or out of water. Especially adapted where tensile and compressive tests are required. Send for pamphlet on tests and testimonials showing superior quality of our Cement. HIRA5I SNYDER, Secretary, Office. 333 Broadway, New York. s 'ATLOR'S PORILAND CEMENT STRONGEST, CHEAPEST, BEST AND ALWAYS FRESH. For sale by all Dealers in Masons' Materials. JOHNSON & WILSON, General Agents. Send for DesOTptive Pamphlet AT.DRICH COURT 45 EROADW.w New Yorb DICHARD V. HARNEl 1 & 00. AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 73 UBEETY STREET. (Williamaburgh City Fire Insurance Co. BuUcKng) "Telephone CaH, John 204." nBO. R. READ, REAL ESTATE, No. 9 PINE STREET, - - New York. (AsTpR ]Buildiug). J^HOMAS<& ECKERSON, ^ -i REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS Entire Charge talten of Estates. Wallacb Building, 35 West 30th Street. Wm. M. Thomas, Jno. C. R. Eckerson Commissioner for the States. Notary Public pORTBR <& CO., REAL ESTATE, No. 77 East 125th St., - NEW YORK. s COTl & MYERS, AUCTIONEERS, AISTD REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. No. 146 Broadway, Cor, Liberty St, (Mutual Life Insurance Co.'s old building EDGAR LBAYCRAFl, REAL ESTATE, 1544 BROADWAY, Near 46th Street. Brancb Office, 1524 3d Avenue, near 8Bth Street. Renting and Collecting a Specialty. -DARIONS WHITIEMORE, -^ REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES, Money to loan in any amount on bond and mort gage, at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. 106 BROADWAY, Cor. Pine St., New York. pERDINAND FISH, ' Member Real Estate Escbange, 149 BROADWAY, cos. LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. Real Estate. Management and Improvement of Estates. Business Property Sold, Bouglit and Rented. J S. CONOVER & CO., ~~ t/« WORKERS IN BRASS & FORGED IRON, OPEN FIRE-PLACES, GRATES & FENDERS. WOOD MANTELS. TDes for all Purposes". 28 and 30 West S3d Street, - - Mew York. AMERICAN ENCAUSTIC TILING CO. /J (Limited). ■^ "*■ Patentees and Manufacturers of Plain, Glazed, Pebbled, Inlato, Embossed, Decor ATBD and Mosaic TILES for Floors, Walls, Fireplaces, Cabinet work & Architectural Enrichment. 140 West 2.3d St., N. Y, Zanesville, Ohio. TTMCLA IRON WORKS. j~t Office and Warerooms 21B, 3I8&330W. 33dSt., New York, POULSON & EGEE. Works, North 10th, lltb'and Berry Sts., Brooklyn, Plain and Ornamental Iron Work, Metal Mant«ls, Grates, Fire-Place Fittings. Etc. Electro-Plated and Gah'ano-Plastic Work, Tiling. C WAR! WO til <& CO., >^ REAL ESTATE 157 EAST 125th ST,, and 347 WEST laSiH St., N. Y JOHN J. CODY, d REAL ESTATE BROKER 1438 THIRD AV., Bet. 81st and fi3d Sta. -QOBERI C. FISHER & CO., XX MARBLE, GRANITE, Etc. 97 TO 103 EAST HOUSTON STREET. TJ B. OPPBNHBTMBR <& CO., * -----Importers of----- DIAMON ■!)«, -17 MAIDEN LANE, NEW ^ urr