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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 44, no. 1127: October 19, 1889

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October 19, 1886 Record and Gui avenue, 40 feet nortb of 128th street. The new building, which will be the main chm-ch, adjoins the chapel ah-eady built on tbe northeast corner of Ttb avenue and I23tb screet. The cost of the building has not yet been estimated. Frederick Aldhous will build on fche south side of 74tb street, between Sth aod Oth aveuues, four four-story browu stone dwellirigs, 22 and 81x00, and extension, at a cost of $110,000, Architect, J. C, Burne. Henry McArdle contemplates buUding a warehouse at Nos. ;-lfi and 38 Beacb street. Geo. P, Pelham bas the plaus under way for tbree five-story aud base¬ ment light brick and stoue front flats, 25x90 each, to be built by J. M. Feely & Co. on fcbe soufch side of 85tb sfcreet, 100 feefc easfc of IOth avenue, fco cosfc 184,000. WiUiam Howe bas drawn plans for John B. Fuller & Son of eight five- sfcory aparboient houses, to be built on Sth avenue, between 103d aud 104th sfcreets. The fronts will he of browu sfcone to the second story, the rest bemg of bnff brick. They wiU cosfc betweeu S; 160,000 and $180,000. Frankbn BayUes bas drawu plans for Moses Weil of a four story and basement brick and stone stable, 48x96, to be built ou Uth street, ahout 100 feet east of 2d aveuue. Tbe cosfc wiU be S25,O00. Also plans of a six-story and basemenfc brick and granite warehouse, 80.5x00, l;o be built afc Nos, 630, 532, 534 and .536 Canal street. The owners are Morris S, Hen-man and Brothers. The cost wiU be $50,000. Witbers Se Diclisou have drawn plans of a Hospital for the Insane, fco be built on Ward's Islaud, It wiU bave two stories and a basement, and ■will be 208x25. Tbe frout will be of brick, 1'be appropriation foi" the building has not yet been made, B, E. Rogers will draw plaus for a two-3tory brick and stone dweUing, 17x40, to be buUt for F, J. Carpenter, on tbe north side of 1.57th street, 240 feet east of St, Auns avenue, afc a cost of §.5,000, J. A. Webster is tho architect for two flve-story brick and stone double flats, 95x75, to be erected on the south side of 13Sd street, 185 feet west of Sth avenue, for Stepheu E. Davis, at a cost of S16,00J eacb. ■ R. E. Rogers will furnish sketches for two two-story frame dwellings, 18x48 feet, to be erected on the east side of Prospect avenue, near 160th streefc, for Walfcer'M. Jack«on, at a cosfc of $6,000. Joseph Hasseil wUl build a fchree-story dweUing ou tbe plot of ground just purchased by bimon the north sideof IOOth street, 100 feet west of the Boulevai'd. Rentz & Lange bave drawn plaus of a flve-story tenement, 85x88.6, tobe buOt at No. .'^02 Broome street by Fay & Stacom. It will cost $20,''0O. George Shields is about to buUd four four-sfcory private dweUiugs on tbe north side of 88th street, 175 feet west of Central Park West. Wm. Gunn aud Audrew Grant will improve three lots on the nortb side of S8th street, 100 feet west of West End aveuue. The particulars have not transpired. Carl J. Bi-uche has drawn plans of two four-story flats, 85x68, to be built ou the south side of lS8th street, 518 feet eaat of St. Ann's avenue, for Micbael Trtmberger, Andrew Ols^ion has drawn plans for A, J. Mm'at of a three-story flat, 25x52, to be buUt at No. 610 St. Ann's avenue. C, C, ChurchiU has completed plans of a three-story flat, 82x44, to be built oa tbe east side of Gerard avenue, 104 feet uorth of 158th street, Jos. Richardson is Che owner, E. L. AngeU has drawn plana of a sis-story tenement, 49.11x90, to be erected ou the southeast corner of 186tb street aud Sth avenue, C, Auder¬ son is th© owner, John M. Schmidt wUl erect a four-story tenemeut, 26x85, from John Brandt's plans, ou tbe soutb side of 98th street, 84 feet east of 3d avenue, Liavid Davies has completed plans of three four-story flats, 16,8x58, for Yates Marsden, to be built on the nortb side of 134th street, 375 feet east of Willis avenue. Edward Wenz has plans for a flve-story single flat, 82.8x45, to be erected ou the west side of Lexingtou avenue, about 75 feet soutb of 82d street, for Louis Lochmann at a cost of ?88,O00. BuUder Micbael H, Gillespie is about to. buUd two five-sfcory flats at Nos. 339 to 34J West Slst street on a plot 50x9S 9. G. W. Debevoise has drawn plaus of two uew schoil liaildings to be buUt on 1.5Uh street, 100 feet east of Courtlandt avenue, aud on Court¬ landt avenue, ISO feet soutb of I5Tth street and on the soutbeast corner of Hester and Chrystie street. Work wiU soon be commenced ou the plans for the new schools to be built on the northwest corner of-03d street and IOtb avenue and on tbe northwest corner of OSth street and 10th ave¬ nue. As soon as Cbe specifications are ready, nofciqe will be given iu these oolumns. Herter Bros, have prepared plans for David Baum, for alterations to No. 187 Granton street, to cost Sd,O0O, aad for raising the buUding, No, 185 Stauton street i ne story at a co.s^of -?4,000, Brooklyn. Mouti'ose W, Morris' designs were selected in fche competitiou for the tbree houses to be built by Joseph Fahys on the coraer of Chnton, De Kalb aud Waverley avenues, Tbey wiU be tbree stories high, 30x60, and the fronts will be of brick and stone. They wUl be finished in the finest style. They wiU cosfc from #12,000 to §14,000 each, tt, M. TJpjobu bas fioisliBd plans for tbe addition to St. George's Sunday- school, on the corner of Gates and Marey avenues. It will be 130x2u aud WiU cost S8,000, Paul C. Greniug wiU build four fchree-story frame flats, 25x.55 each, on tbe east side of Kingsland aveuue, 23.9 nortb of Van Cott avenue. Samuel R, Walters wUi erect six two-story and basement brick aud brown stone dweUings, with a frontage of 19,6 on the soutb sida of Putnam avenue, 217 east of Reid avenue, adjoining those ah-eady built by bim. Spicer & Wing are preparing plans for two two-story and basement dweUings, to be built ou the nortb side of 54th street, 160 eastof 3d avenue, for Alexauder Davis, to cost *3,500, Samuel R. Good wiU erect three four-story brick stores aud flats on Ralph avenue, one ou the'northwest corner of Bainbridge 'sfcreet, one on the southwest corner of Deca,^ur street, and one iu the centre of the blook, with fom' fcwo-story and basement brick dwellings betweeu—two on each side of the centre flat. Mr. Good has filed plans for sixteen buildings in rear of these. Out of Town. Bessonhurst-bt-the-Sea.—Tbe foUowing sales of tbe Lyuch property have taken place this week: Tbree lots outhe northwest coraer of SSd avenue aud 85ch street to Edmund ■>. Bacbran, of NewYork, for §1,050; two on 8.5tb street to Geo, B. Lauck, of New Yoru, for $400; six on SOth street to Olga E. Blohm, of Brooklyn, for $2,100, aud three on 23d avenue to H, G. McGee, of Brooklyn, for §1,200, Tbe following houses are soon to be erected here: A two-and-a- half-story frame cottage, 4'3,6x32, for P. P. Emmet, to cost S4,000;two two-aud-a-half-story frame cottages, one 48x36, costing S6,000, aud one 36,6x40, costing $4,000, for the City and Suburban Improvement Com¬ pany, of wbicb J, B. Squier is president; Edward Chester Smith is the architect. W, W, Lindsay, of tbe Sub-Treasury, broke grouud this week for his future home on 85th street and 22d avenue. Fred'k R. Dudley, counsel for the Star Building and Loau Association of New York, bas broken ground for his home on Bay 32d street. Contracts for the sewer at Bath Beach and Bensonhm'st, aggregating $88,768,50, have been awarded as follows; East division, John Morrissey. $49,380,50; west division, Johu McNamee, $39,3S2. The work has already been begun, and sewers wiU be completed by April 1st nest. Eliz.,vbeth, N. j.—C. W. Smith bas drawn plans of two houses, cue for Archibald R. Bull, which is to be built ou Evst Jersay surest. It will be of frame, 28x40, and three st:i-ies high. The cost will be S7,O00, The of: er is for C, S. Kiggins and will he a two-and-a-half-storv frame eofcfcags, 30x50, to cost 18,000. Eltingville, S. I.—Hamilton & Meseran have drawu plana tor Everai'd Roberts of anew frame wagon house and alterations besides, to cost £5,t00. Jersey City, N. J,—Wm, Howe, of New York, has drawn plans of two five-story flats, 59.9x90, with stores, to be biUlt on Montgomery sfcreet, near Warren, for B, C, Thayer. They are to cosfc about -540,000. Long Branch, N. J.—J. A. Webster wiUbuUd*&n extension to James O'Kane's dweUing on Ocean avenue. The cost of this and other alterations wUl be §2,000. New Brighton, S. I.—Hamiltou Se Merserau have drawn plana fur elaborate alterations and an addition to A. D. Shaw's house. Tha cost wiU be $9,000, Nassau, Bahama Islands.—Ross Se Marvin, of New York, have drawti the plaus for the Queen's Me norial Jubilee Hospital, It wlU be one-story high, built of stone, with wide verandas. The buUding is 150 feei long with two wings 64x^8. Tbe cost is not estimated. Sag Harbor, L. I.—The competitiou for the bouse which Joseph Fahv'a wUl build here has resulted in favor of Montrose W. Mori-la. Tbe house will be two-and-a-half stories high, of wood, and 60x00 in size. The cost has not been esCi.nafced. Oontractora' Notes, Bids will be received afc the Department of PubUc Charities and Correc¬ tion, No. 66 Sd aveuue, until 9.30 a. m., on Wednesday, October 2L;d, for the steam heating supply for the lodge and bath-house of the Asylum for the Insane, on Blackwell's Island, and for a steam elevator in Bellevue Hospital. Bids will be received Efc fcbe Depai-tment of Public Parks, imfcil 11 a. m., ou Wednesday, October 2ad, for eo jstructing a sewer and appurtenances in 170th street, between Webster and Washington aveuues, aud in Vander¬ bUt avenue East, and Washiugton avenue, between 170th street and the 23d and 24th Wards line; for regulating and paving with trap-block pave- mer fc the roadway of Rider aveuue, from the north curb-line of 135th streefc to tbe j outh house-line of 144th street; for regulating and grading setting curbstones, flagging the sidewalks 4 feet wide, and laying cross¬ walks in East 138th streefc, befcween tbe westerly house-Une of St, Ann's avenue and the easterly em'b-hne of the soufchern Boulevard; for paving with rock asphalt and with concrete and mortar of Porfcland cement, certain walks, platforms and esplanades in the Morniugside Park; for furnishing tbe materials and labor, and erecting, complete, a studio and other work in tbe soufch court of fcbe Mefcropolifcan Museum of Art, in the Central Park, — -.....■ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notioea. Every architect, builder and house-owner should send for the ai'tisfcic little pamphlet which bas just beeu issued by Wm, E. Uptegrove & Bro,, toot^of East 10th street. It is handsomely printed on fine paper and tastily bound, and in it in a very interesting way there is stated most of the pi-iu- cipal facts aliout the history of mahogany, the quality of the wood aud the uses to whicb it can be put, Libby and Scott Bros., real estate and loau bi'okei's, have removed theii' offices iu the Eciuitable building. No. 120 Broadway, to the ground floor at fche Nassau street entrance. The new offlces are easy of access, and are visited daUy by mauy clients of the flrm. It appears that tbe valuable properties of mabogauy, its gi-eat beauty, hardness and durability, wbich make it the " Kiug of Woods," were first noticed by tbe carpenter ou board Sir Walter Raleigh's ship in 1595. The mahogany market iu New York is now said to be the largest in the world, aud, though the wood is much used, especially in the finer class of buUdings, it is strange tbat it is not more often specified by architects or used by builders who are industrious euo'igh in searching the market for variety. Mahogany, contrary to the general opinion, is uot an expeusive wood. The facilities for procuring it in tbe countries where it is gi'own—notably Mexico aud Cuba—bave been so much improved of late years that lu price it compares favorably with the best of om' hai'dwoods, aud is no dearar tban cheny. The cost of working it is admittedly uo greater fciian tbt