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iAtiB .ecord and Guide October 26, 1889 23 Tbirty-foiu'th st, Nos. 160, 103 and 104, S S, lOOwSdav, 100x100. Jobn Goerlitz agt Richard E. Sause and Gcoi-gc E. Rsad, !e sees, and Riahari' E. Sause, contractor 5,093 GO Oie Hundred aid Flftb si.ns. 221 w lOtbl „, ov, 7.jxn!U................................i ^* One Hundred aud Thirty-fourth st, s s, j .375 w 7th^v. 35x1(10......................J EdwarrfiU, Ryan agt Thomas Mclnerney, owner, and Harry Taylor, contractor— 191 c5 34 Oue Hundred and Twenty-fll'th st, Nos, 2'i4- 340, s s. 405 e 3dav, U'lXlOJ.ll. Andrew Clancy aiid Jeremiah Gould agt John Gilmour. owner, and Phyfe S: Campbell, coutractor............................... 318 S3 3f*Nintb av, n w cor 80t!i st, 50x100, John J baitin agt John schuback, owner, and Barron & Eai-ron, contractors........... 105 00 21 L-Jnoxav, No. 423, ws, 34.11 n 13:stst,35x 73, R. W, Kaue Se Co. agt Burke. Cody A Sheridan, owners, and John Burke, con¬ tractor.................................. 375 00 2.*Niuthav, n wcor 69th st, 50.8x100. Barroa & Barron agt Johu Schuback, owner and contiactor................................J3,£00 00 21 Second av, e s. 5U.5 n 103th st, SO.BxlCO. Thomas Fai-rell agt Thomas Uren, debtor and owner .....,'.......................... 350 00 31 Thii-ty-fourth st, Nos. 1C0-1G4, s s, abt 60 w -3d av. 75x100x85x100. U, W. Klapperfs sons agt Astor estate, owuer, and R, E, Sause, contractor___...................10,575 00 aS^Ninth av, u w cor 80th st, 53x100. Kerlscher & Co. agt Jobn Schuback, o«-ner, and BaiTon & Barron, contractoi's...........3,473 00 35 Forty-ninth st. No. 142, s s, abt 257 e 7th av, 21.9xiOO.-l. Charles If. Covert agt Kate 0. Burris, owner.and contractor........... 314 00 35 Sedgnlokav, ws, on a line with 177th tt, 3ixli)0s20xll8.2. Tbe Boynton Fui-nace Co. agt Caroliue L, Delnoy, reputed own¬ er, and James A. McDonald, contractor,. 192 50 25*Niutb av, n w cor 8;ith st, a^slM. Jobn Little agt John Scbubact and Barrou A"- Barron, contractors................... 800 00 25 Prospectpl.No. 57, es, 8'J.O s43dst, 16,8x58. Johu F. Owens agt ftiargaret A. Winslow, owner and contractor___,................ 1-30 00 35 Ninety-first st, Nos. 5li, 501/, and 58, s s, 113 4 e Madison av, 45.7x100.8. Charles F. Ucdsdou agt Cora B. and E. Stauley Comwa'l, owners, ami E, S. Cornwall, contractor. iContiuiied by order of CJurt; origmal lieu filed Oct. 39,1838)..... IGl 65 ^Editor Record and Gcide: A large numberof liens bave bsen fileJ againsu Barron & Barrou as contractoi-s, and myself as own¬ er, of tbe buildings nortbwest corner 80th street and 9th avenue, to secure money claimed to be due from Barren & Barron to the .several lienors. As rapidly as these liens are flled I am pressing them to foreclos¬ ure, inasmuch as I had already overpaid Eirron & Barron under my contract with tbem prior tc the fll- ing of said liens, and am uot now indebted to them. John Schitback. KIXGS COCNTT. Oct. 18 Columbia st, s e cor Church st. 20x83. Win, H, aud John T. Bierds agt Kobeit Dillon, owner, and .''piatt Bros., contractors— g475 CO 18 Columbia ^t, s e cor Church st, 30x66. Witt & Scha-fer agtsame.................... 53 CO 18 Fourth av, s w cor 40tb st, 75.2x 00. Frank 1). Creamer agt Gabriel Fidde, owner, Ole GunstecQ. contractor, and Patrick , Kelly aud Walter Freyer.sub-couti-actors 225 00 18 Harman tt. No. 40. s s. H'J e Evergreen av, 3ux80. Theodore J. Beir agt Eliza Bill- man, owner auii contrQCtor............... 80 00 13 Seventy-second sC, n s. 90 w 15th av, 20x100. Fi-ederick W.Starr agt Emeline A. Han¬ nan, owner, aud Jobu 15. Johuson, con¬ tractor ................................. 280 66 18 Same propei-ty. Frauk D, Creamer agt same.................................... 125 00 18 Seventy-fourth st, s s, abt 290 w 15th av, 20 xiOO. Same agt Mis, E. Barling, owner, and John B. Johnson, contractor......... 45 OO 10 Walworth st. No, lOj, e s, abt 250 n Myrtle av, 25x100. William Laird agt Eliza W. Christopher, owner and contractor......1,547 45 19 Milford st, e s, 512 n Liberty av, 37,-3x100, Charles Buckman agt Joseph Kuypers, owner ard contractor.................... IGO 09 21 New Utrecht av, w s, 66,10 s 6Jth st. 2),3x 80.5xtOx70.8. James Lindsay agt John lioth, owner, and F. V. Anderson, con¬ tractor................................. 43 60 21 Milford st, w s, 335 u Liberty av, 75x100, Hampton & Creveling agt s. A. Wilson, owner, and D. J. Wilson, contractor..... 500 00 Sl Degraw st, s s, bet 4rb and 5tb avs. two tliree-story brick flats. Albert J. Waite agt John Kelly, owner, and Emiel Brass, coutractor ___.......................... 50 00 23 Milford st, e s, 512.6 n Liberty av, :j7.6x100. ^chulze i Pufahl ogt Joseph Kuypers, owner and contractor.................... 100 00 32 Milford st, w s, 340 a Liberty av. 75x100. bchluchtner Bros, igt D, J. Wilson, owuer and contractor ................... 50 CO 33McDougal st, s s, 335 e Hopkinson av, .'iLx JOO. Uriah Ellis agt Peter I. Vau Pelt, owuer, and Frauk Van I'elt, contractor,, 600 00 22 McDoug-il st, s s, 130 o Hopniusou av, 7'ix 100. Sameagtsame..................... 600 00 33 Lewis av, u e cur Lexington av, 30x80. Holbrook Bros, agt Thomas H. Rohbins, ownerand contractor..................... 331 57 23 Niuety-th-rd st, n s, 150 w 4th av, 100x100. The Bay Ridge MCg. Co. agt Mr. Hearst, owner,andliastingsit Albei-s, conti'actors 275 00 23 Milford st, w s, :il/ n Liberty av, 75x100. Rudolph Reimer agt t'. J. Wilson, owut-r, and C. W. Parr, agent and coniractor___ 159 -ZO S4 NJnety-tbirJ st, u s, 150 w 4th av, lOdxlOO. Frank D. Creamer agt Mr. Hearst, owner, and Hastings it Albei's, contractors ..... 125 00 24 Fifty-uinth st, s s. aiO e Uth av, —x—, Gustav Reicueubach agt Carl P, Jeuseu. owner, aud Erick Andei'son and Thomas Robinsou, contractor..................... 39 00 3-1 Ovington nv, n s. 140 w Uth av, 40x100. Frank D. Creamer agt George Fullei-, oivUL-r. aud Erick Anderson, contractor.. 100 00 S4 Sixty-sixth st, s s, SOC e Uth av, -20x100. Sarae agt John bcboendorf, owner, and eame contractor,. ...................... 76 96 34 Sixty-sixth st, s s, 380 e Uth av, 31x100, Sarae agt Frank Conrad, owner, and same contractor ........................ 70 9G 34 Wallabout st, a s, 01,3 f- Lee av, 205,3 x irreg. The Brooklyn City Iron Works agt Gustave Hurlemann, owner, and James F. aud John A. McAveney................ 200 00 24 Same property. Same agt same.....:.....1,200 00 24 Raymond st, w s. extends from Bolivar st to Willoughby st, — xIOO. Charles J, Schwaitz agt Emma A, Post, owner, aud Samuel W. Post, eontractor..............1,910 00 -----------■—-< • ►■--------------------------■ SATISFIED MECHAMCS' LIOS. NEW VORK CITY. Oct. 21 Twelfth st, No. 17, n s, 123 w Uuiversity pl, 25x100. M.;A. Ryan & Bros, agt Mary L. Morgan, owner aad couti'act->r. {Lieu filed Sept. 17. 1689)......................§5,000 GO 33 Broadwaj', rNo. 1353-1363, d w cor 36th st, 130.7x1'! i.-i. Addison Hutton agt Louis L Todd, owner and contractor, (Aug, 1,1838)..................................6,353 60 33 One Uuudred and Fourteenth st, s S, 100 e Sth av, 125x100.11. Jlanchester & Phil- brick agt Pater Behrens and Cornelius Link, owuers. (Oct. 9, 1830)............ 1,000 00 23tFifty-sixth st,:Nos. 4'2C-423 W„ s S. Horace Greeley Knapp agt James Adams, (Oct, 10. 1889 J................................ 800 00 23 One Hundred and Fifty-sixth st, s s, 100 w JOth av, £.0.^:09.11. Geoi'ge Sauter agt James G. Tyler. (Autr, 2, 1889)...........1,776 34 23 Ninety-fifth st, Kos. 103aud 105, n s, 100 w nth av. Karl F. Muller agt Charles F. Fon¬ tham and Henry Sciduter. (sept. 30,1889). 13 50 23 Seventy-secoad st, n s, 275 e Otb av, SOxiOii. Patrick O'Laugiiliu agt Charles F. Hoffman and Corbett & Cjvington. (June 10, 1889)......................... 7r 80 2i Same property. Same agt satce, (July 5, 16801...................................... 132 30 24 One Hundred and Thirty-fourth st, ss, 3^5 e 6cb av. 25 ft front. W. H. Colwell & Son agtThomas Slclueoy. (March 7, 1889>.... 148 81 24 One Hundred and Thirty-fourth st, s s. 375 w 8th av, 3j ft front. Joseph Walker agt H.Taylor. (Jan. 7, 1889)................. 100 00 21*Thirty-sixth st. No. 346, s s, 275 e 9th av. Samuel Wiener agt Thomas aud Edward Murray and Henry Douthitt, (Oct, 14, 18i9)...................................... 71 03 35 Ninety-eighth st, ss, 175 e9th alv. 150x100, Jobn Pinnigan agt Johu and Mary J, Car¬ ter. (Sept, 38. 18-^9)...................... 70 00 -.i5 One Hundred aud Thirty-fourth st, s s. 375 e eth av, —X—. Peck, Martiu & t'o, agt Thomas iHcIuei-ney and Harry Taylor. (Mar. 25, 1889).......................... 808 53 25 Oue Huudred and Thirty-fourtli st. u s, 85 e Len..s av, 87.6 feet front. Ezekial M. Pritchard agt Lizzie M. aud W. S. Moses. (Jan. 11,1889) ........................... 73 36 3j Same property. George B. Robbins & Co. agt^ame. (Dec. 27, 18871................61 00 55*Sarae property, Benjamin Irwin agt same and James B. Moi-row. (Nov. 15,1888) .,. 63 74 25*Same property, John M, Dewey agt same, (Dec. 20. 1888)............................ 56 25 * DLscharged by depositmg amoimt of lien aud interest with Couuty Clerk, tDiscbarged by order of Court, kL\(iS COtSTT. Oct. 17 Lafayette av, Nos. 850-860, s s, 100x100. Thos. R. Sheffield agt Frank E. Andrews, owner, and Wm. Andrews. (Lien flied Jan. 36. 1889).........................i.. $73 50 18 Stone av. n e cor Somers st. lUlxluO. De Witt 0. Sage agt David W. Briggs. owner aud contractor. (Sei>t. lii)............... 197 40 18 Stoue av, n e cor Somers st, ICOxlOO. Sam- u<;l E. Decker agt same. (Aug. 30, 1880). 405 10 19 Howard av, s w cor ILilsey st, 100x100. A. J. Grabam agt WiUiam P. Rae. owner, and Jos. Douglass, contractor. (Aiix. 29). 16 00 19 Forty-fifth st, s s, 100 e 4th av, J, T, Smith agt Hugh C, Mi-Gowan. (July 30, 18S9k .. 86 OC 21 Atlantic av, a s, IOJ e Rockaway av, 16 8x IOO. Release part of premises, \Vm. (iormley, Jr , lo Emma V. Peed, present owuer. iJune 30, 1868).................... 30 00 21 Sumpter st, n s, 25J w Hopkinson av. John Maher agt Ernest D. Yarber. (Oct. 15, 18S9)...................................... 87 50 21 Same pn^perty. John Hennessy agt same. (Oct. 15, iSS9)............................. 514 00 22 Lewis av, e s, 20 s Lexington av. 100x100, Johu Tui'l& Sons agt Thos. H. Robbius, owner aud contractor. (Juue 35, 1389)___ 46 00 22 Lexington av, n s, 80 e LewLs av, ISCxlOO. JolihTurl & Sons agt Thomas H. Rob¬ bins. owuer and coutractor. iJuue 31, 18S9)...................................... 74 00 33 Madison st-, No. 1093, s s, 220 e Evergi-eeu av. John Schneider agt Frederick Ammou. (Oot. 10, ISSOj.............................J,B0O 00 34 Seigel st. No, 46. s s, 175 w Ewen st, 35x100. Charles G. Rice agt Lasirus Weil, John Fuchs and John I. Hoepfer. (Oct. 19, 1889.) (Deposit).......................... 313 44 34 Fifteenth st, n s, 218.3 w -^tb av, 50x80. William Maske agt Elise 31. J. Peleriu and Charles D. Marviu. {Oct. 14, 1889).... 2,175 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. Thefirstname isthatof the owner; arHstandefor architect, nVn for mason, c'r for carpenter and b'r for builder. Copies of tbe laws relating to the constructiou of buildings in tbis city can be obtained at tbe office of The Eecord and Guide in pamphlet form. Price, 85 cents. HEW lOBK CITT. SOUTH OP 14th street. Bedford st, s e cor Mortoi st, one-story brick storehouse, 20sl(!, tin loof; cost, SoOU; Lieo. F. Codington trustee, 26 Charlesst; m'u, J, J. Mur¬ dock. Plan 1748, St. Marks pi. No. 03, flve-stoi-y brick club- bouse, 2.5xS5.11xfi3.i, tin roof; cost, SSy.OIIO; Gei'¬ man Odd Fellon's Hall Association; President, F. Hildebraudt, 259 East aist st; ar't, A¥. C. Frobne. Plan 17m. Elizabeth st, Nos. 247-351, tivo five-Ftory brick, iron and stoue flats and stores, 211.11x77, tm roof; cost, S1S,0U0 eacb; Cbas. Le R, de C, de tit. Paul; att'y. Edmund Randolph, i.^0 Broadway; ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes. Plan 1753, Goerck st, No. I'io, rear, six-story brick work¬ sbop, Slx37, tin roof; cost, S(),000; Aarou Coben, on premises; ar't, W. Granl, Plau I7G5, Greenwich st, s w cor Hubert sc, six-story brick warehouse. 50x80. tin roof; cost, S30,00U; K, S, Long Se Bro., S2 Dey st; b'r, H. Getty. Plan I7(i(i, Henry .st, s w cor Pike st, five-storv brick fla*^ and stores, ^5 and 81x25, tin roof; cost -?2S,.500; Micbael Fay and William Stacom, iiSl Pleasant av; ar'ts, Rentz Se Lauge, Plan 17fi4. Lewis st, No. 17(3, e s, 75.7 n 4th st, fonr-story brick tenem't, 21.3x4.5 and 47.!), tin roof; cost, Sy 400; Jobu C. Heins, n e cor Lewis and 4th sts; ar't, F. Websr, Brooklyn; m'u, J. Sbeffler; c'r, F. A. Sieghardt, Plan I7ti9, Willett st. No, 6fi, live-stoi-y and basemeut brick and stone flat and stores, 25x88,8, tin roof; cost, 523,000; Ad.imHappell, 05 East 3d st; ar'ts, Herter Bros. Plau 177], BETWEEN 14th A^D 59tH STREETS, 17th st. No, 4m W.. five-story brick flat, 25x85, tin roof;cost §-^0,000: Mary Derry, 437 WestlTtb st; ar't, W, H. Arnott. Plan 1751. Slst st, s s, 325 w 6th av, two five-story bi-lck anl stone flats, 2-^x100, tin roof; cost, S-24,OP0 each; C. Voluey King, '20 5th av; ai'ts, Tbom & Wilson. Plau 1747, BETWEEN 59th AND 125Tn STREETS, EAST OF 5th avenue. 71st st, s s, abt 60 e Av A, onestory frame shed, 4x25, tin roof; cost, S15; Joseph Kraus et, al,, 321 East 7