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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 44, no. 1131: November 16, 1889

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lobe Record and Guide. November 16, 1889 2374_South 8th st, n », 25 w Bedford av, one four-story brick store and tenem't, 26x49 and 59, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, §7,000; Miss L. Lawrance, 238 Berkeley pl; ai-'b, B. Fmkensieper; b'r, W. Langi-idge. a375—Linwood st, e s, 240 and 330 n Ridge¬ wood av, bwo two-story and attic frame dweU¬ ings, 18x30, tiu roof; cost, each, §3,000; ow'r and b'r, E, A. Mmphy, Schenck av, eor Eastera Parkway; ai-'t, C, Infanger. ■ 2376—Diamond st, w s. 110 n Van Cott av, one one-story frame barber sbop, 20x20. board roof; qosfc, §300; Henry Becker, 15 Diamond sb; ar't and b'r, C, Huss, 2377—Greene sb, n s, 175wProvosbst, tbree one¬ story frame sbeds, 35x50, gi'avel roofs; cost, $2,00ii; James Kelly, Greeue st, cor Oakland sb; b'rs, J. A, & W, H. Port. 3378—Diamoud sfc, e s, 225 s Nassau av, one one¬ story frame dweli'g, 35x20, grave! roof; cost, $3(10; J. C. Barrington, 33 Diamond st; b'r, A. Taylor. 2379—Bergen st, n s, 157 e Troy av, one two- stoiy frame dwell'g, 23s32, fcin roof; cort, §2,000; W. Steers, Degi'aw st; b'rs, Powderly & Murpby. a380—North Isfc st. No. 105, n s, 110 w Berry jb, one four-sfcory brick tenem'fc, 35x47; tiu roof, iron cornice; cosfc. §0,000; ow'r and b'r, Henry Gerke, 330 Lynch sfc; ar'fc, A. Herberfc. 2381—Prospecfc pl, s s, 186.8 e Frauklin av, two two-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, ISx 42; tiu roofs aud wooden cornices; cost, §4,500 each; W. Winter and A. Buchanan, 248 Adams st. 2382—North 3d sfc, No. 108, s s, llO w Berry st. oue four-story brick store and teneui't, 3.5x47; fcin roof andiron cornice; eosfc, §5,000: ow'r and b'r, Hem-y Gierke, 230 Lyncb sfc; ar't, A. Herbert. 2383—Willow st, es, 225 u Pierrepont st, one flve-story bi'ick and Ohio stone fcenem'fc, 42 and .37x83, tin roof, brick aud copper cornice; cosfc, $65,000; ow'rand b'r, Chas. Collins. 337 9fch sfc; ai-'fc, J. G. Glover. 2384—Sufcter av, n e cor Williams av, five two- sto-y frame dweU'gs, 1.5x44; fciu roofs; cost, eacb, §1,300; ow'r, ar'fc, and c'r, John P. Fiee, 93 Essex sfc; m'n, D. L, Mai-sb. 3385—Liberty av, n s, 50 w MUford sfc, one one- stoi? frame stable, 12x12; fcin roof; cost, §50; ow'r and b'r, John BoUman, Montauk and Lib¬ erty avs. 2386—Isb sb, s s, 220 w 5bh av, flve bbree-sfcory brick dweU'gs, 20x45; fcin roofs, wooden cor¬ uices; cosfc, eacb, §5,000; ow'r, ar'fc and b'r, Henry Lawson, Nelson sb, near Hem-y sb, 2387—North Portland av, No. 89, one one-story briek stable, 20x20; tin roof; cost,§1.50; John H. Carroll, on premises. 2388—Myrfcle av, n e cor Harmau st, one fchree- story frame store and tenem'is, 13 and 45,8x18x39.9 aud 53.0; tiu roof, brick cornice; cost, §5,-500; N. Stemermann, Broadway and Lewis av; ar'fc, Tb. Eugelbardt; b'rs, G. Ochs and M, Armendinger, 2389—Rock st, n s, 5IJ e Morgan av, one three- story frame (brick fllled) store and fcenem't; tin rool; cost, §4,500; ow'rs aud b'l's, Schreiber & Kinzler, on premises. 33iKI—Central pl, e s, 109.4 s Greene av, six tbree-sfcory frame (brick fiiled) tenem'ts, 18.5s.50, fcin roofs; cosfc, each, §4,000; ow'r, ar'fc and b'r, Michael MulvihiU, 1069 Greene av. 2391—Sfcagg st, No, 133, one one-sfcory frame stable, 9x15, fciu roof; cost, §100; John G. Lutz, 134 Sfcagg sfc. 2:^92—Park pl, ss, 140 e Albany a v, oue two- story frame stable, gi-avel roof: cost, §500; Will¬ iam Herod, Sfc. Mark's av, cor Albany av; ar'fcs aud b'rs. Weeks & Lauer. 2393—Boerum sfc, near White sfc, one one-story frame storage. 97x27, gravel roof; cost, §350; Jos. Binns; ar'ts, C. L. Jolinsou's Sons. 2394—Seigel st, s s, 125 e Graham av, one four- story frame (brick filled) tailor shop, 25x55, tin roof; cost, §0,00.; ow'rand c'r, Israel Fel man, fi5 Moore st; ar't, H, VoUweiler; m'n, nofc selected. 239.5—7th av, s s, 30 n 3d sfc, six four-story brick sbores aud tenem'ts, 26.3x58, aud extensions n.6sl8, fcin roofs, wooden cornices; cosfc, each, §15,000; ow'r and b'r, David W. Reeve, 180 Reid av; ar'fc, H. VoUweiler, 2390-Putaski st, s s, 280 e Sumner av, ten tbree-sfcory brick teuem'ts, 20x45, tin roofs, woodeu cornices; cost, each, §0,000; F, G. Moore, Madison st, near Sumnei av; ar't, H, VollweUer; b'r, not selected, 2397—Moore st, s s, 75 e Eweu st, fcwo three- story frame stores and dweU'gs, 24 and 13.5x60 and52, tin roofs; cost, §4,000 and §3 000; Jacob Weberlovsky, 93 Meserole st; ar't, H. VoUweUer; b'r, not selected. 3398—Knickerbocker av, n e cor Harmau sfc, fcwo tbree-story frame (brick filled) stores and tenem'ts, 25x.57, tin roofs; cosfc, eacb, §4,000; o'wr and b'r, A. Dillmau, 170 Hambm-g av; ar'fcs, Schrempf & Loeffler. 2399—Central av, s w cor Linden st, one two- story frame stable, 3'3x-2.5, tin roof; cost, $300; JohnScbuhman, ou premises, 3400—Jerome st, w s, 130 s Blake av, one fcwo- story f ame dweU'g, 18x34, fcm roof; cosfc. § 1,100; ow'r and b'r, James H, Brundage, Jerome and Blake avs. 2401—Eastern Parkway,n s, 100 e Thatford av, fcwo two-story frame dwell'gs, 30x30, tin roof; cosb, each, §2,500; ow'r,ar'baiidb'r,Johu Power, — Belmout a v. 2402—Thatford av, e s, 150 n Riverdale av, fchree two-story frame dweU'gs, 18x20; fciu roof; cosfc, each, §l,8u0; Wm. Hartmann, Watkins and Sufcter avs, 3403—New Jersey av, e s, 200 s Fultou av, one two-story frame club bouse, 35x60, tiu I'oof; cost, §2,500; Brighton Athletic Club, 26th Ward: ar't, A, J. Warren; b'rs, J. 1, Newman and H. Cook. 2404—Sumpter st, s s, 250 e Howaa-d av, one three-story frame (brick flUed) store and tenem't, 2.5x5.5, tin roof; cost, §5,000; ow'r and b'r, John Whitenaek, 512 Chauncey sb; ai-'b, J. E. Dwyer. 2405—HuU sfc. No, 63, rear, one one-and-a-balf story frame stable, 14x19, fcin roof; cost, $50; A. Sussman, on premises. tion; cosb, §8,000; Henry H, Porter, president Dept, Public Charities, 168 West 47bh st; ar'ts. Wifchers & Dickson. 3029—The block bounded by 13th av, Wesb 12th st. West st aad Bethune st, 32 window holes, 16x13, cut in waUs for purpose of veufcilatioh; cost, §650; Jno, T. Johnstou, 8 5fcb av; m'n, J. J. Murdock. ALTERATIONS NEW YORK CITS. Plan 1997—SStb st. No. 533 W., infcerior altera¬ tions, uew front; eosfc, §500; A. T, Brown, 37 West 130th st; b'r, J. J, Murdock, 1998—Broad way, Nos. 1615-1621, walls and roof repaired; cost, §100; A, Rasines, atfc'y, 45 Piue sfc; c'r, F. Neddo, 1999—26th sfc, s s, 150 e 9th av, exfcension; eost, ^150; L. Hempfc, 358 Wesfc 26th sfc; ai-'fc and c'r, J. C. Nobis. 2000—Bowery, No. 179, roof raised, interior alterations; cosfc, §2.000; Jas. McGay, 60 East77fch st; ar't, J. B, Franklin. 2001—91st sb. No. .'88 E., shed extended; cost, §200; Mary B, St«wart, 6 5th av; b'rs, H. Scbif¬ fer & Co, 2003—135th sfc, n e cor 7th av, repair dam¬ age by flre, walls altered, uew supports aud plumbing; cost, §9,000; W. & A, R. WUson, Cen¬ tury building. Union squai-e; ar'ts, D. & J. Jar¬ dine; m'u, L. H. Crow; c'r, R. A, Fai-mer. 2003—Jackson av, w s, abb 300 fb. s of lS7th st; dweli'g extended; cost, §150; J. Lay, Jackson av, near I87th sfc, 2004—I56th sfc. No. 066 E., buUding extended, 18x13, new foundation wall; cosfc, §2 0; C. Fried¬ erick, on premises; m'n, B. Fisher; c'r, F. Schenck 300.5—Eltou av, w s, 75 n l54bh sb, exten¬ sion for wagou shed; cosb, §75: ow'r, ai-'b, m'u aud c'r, E. Stichler, .^^51 East 154bh sb, 3006—Washingbon av, n w eor 17.5th st, new front, with plate glass in basement; cost, §400; Jno. MoeUer,211*3 3d av; ai-'fc and c'r, E, Sfcichler, 2007—WaU st, No. 29, s s, abfc 82 e Broad sfc, walls alfcered, new skylight and iuterior altera¬ tions; cosfc, §3,000; Leafcbei-Manufacfcurers' Bank, 39 WaU st; ar'fc, C. W. Clinton; m'n, J. J. Tucker, 3008—Potter pl, s s, 900 w Williamsbridge road, move buildiug and build uev. stone foundation; eost, abt §350; Jas, Corbefct, 213 East 122dst; ar't, S. L. Price, 20O9—3d av, Nos. 2072 and 2074, interior alter¬ afcions; cost. §500; G. W. Bryant, 113 Easfc lllfch st; c'r, C, V. McConolope. 2010—14fch sfc, 410 W., excavate ceUai' aud shore up walls; cost; $6,000; A, H. Welhngton, Boule¬ vard and Wesfc 152d st; ar'fc, S, W. Jobuson; m'u, M, Reed 3011—Ostdorp av. No, 1928, Wesfc Farms, walls alfcered, windows changed; cose, §600; A. J, Louusbury, on premises; m'n, S. Price; c'r, A. Livingston. 2012—3d st, s w cor Mercer st, walls altered and tank on roof; cost, §300; Isabella lUay, Washingbon, D. C.; ar't and m'n, Harkness Fu-e Est. Co. 2013—13bh st. No. 32 W., walls albered, wood tank put in; cost, §150; Jno, Glass, 309 West 2Isfc sfc; c'r aod m'u; Harkness Fire Ext. Co, 2014—.53d st, No, 31 W,, building extended; cosfc, §2,500; J. J. Duff, 137 Wesfc 12:id sfc; arfc's, Jordan & Giller, 2015—lllsfc St. No. 631 E,, n s, 456.6 e Alexauder av, roof raised and new tlm-d-sbory buUb; cosb, §000; Sarab E. BaUey, ou premises; ar't, E. Rogers, 2ul6—Madison st, No, 181, interior alterations, uew froufc, and walls altered; cost, §700; W. Bloom,193 Easfc Broadway; ar'fc, H. Horenburger, 2017—Easfc Broadway, No. 57, infcerior altera¬ tions, walls alfcered an,l building extended; cost, §5,000; Julius Eisensfcein, on premises; ar't, H. Horenburger. 2018—Attorney st. No. 168J^, interior altera¬ tions; cost, §400"; L, Brand, 340 Easb Houston st; ar't, H. Horenburger; c'r, J. Epstein. 2019—10th st. No 430 W., walls alfcered; cosfc, §800; ow'r, ar't, m'n and c'r, Chas. Fessler, 315 West 38th St. 20'iO—3d av. No. 3465, w s, 102.11 n 167th st, buUding extended, sfcone foundation, interior al¬ teratious and windows changed; cost, §1,600; A, Albinger, on premises; ar't, F. J. Miller. 202 i—.5'3d sfc, s w cor Lexington av, stairs and dumb-waiter walls carried up, walls aud roof repaii-ed, uew show wdndows; eost, §15,000; Jas. W, Keteham, 210 West Wasbiugton pl; ar't, T. S. Godwiu, 3033—Easfc Broadway, No. 114, buildiug ex- fcended, brick foundafcion and walls altered' cosb, §2,000; Lippman Katz, on preraifes; ar'b, F, Ebeling, 2033—Com-tlandb av, Nos, 790 aud 792, new store front; cost, §800; Jacob Decker, 790 Court¬ landfc av; ai-'t, F. Lohse. 2024—Kingsbridge road, s s, abfc 1,000 e Hud¬ son River, four-sCory extension, 100x50, stone foundation, windows closed up and doors cut; cosfc, abb §13,000; Isaac G. Johnson, Spuyten Duyvil, New York; ar'fcs and c'rs, S. F. (juiek & Son; m'ns, J, & G. Sfcewarfc. 3025—89fch sfc, .No. 116 E., interior alterafcions; cosb, §709; Marv A. Delmont, ou premises; ar't, Vf. H. C. Hornum. 202(}—85th St. No, 208 E,, tank onroof; cosfc, §140; T. KeUy. 33 Rutger sb; c'r, P, Mead. •2027—Rivingbon sb, n e cor Norfolk sfc, brick piers removed aud ii-on columns substibuted ceding" replaced wifch w^ood and uew store front; cosfc, $700; M. Kornblum, on premises. 2038—Randall's Island, opposite 134th st, three- story extension to Norbh Uospibal, sfcone fouiida- BIJBGS COCNTT. PlanlOSl—Carlton av, No. 101. add one sfcory, flat fcin roof; cusfc, §400; L. J. Brown, 236 Van¬ derbilt av- ar't and b'r, M. V. Draper. 103-2—Scbermerhorn st. No. 337, repair damage by fire; cosfc, §400; Emma Ames, on premises; ar't, L, Young; b'r, J. P. Puels. 1033-Atlanfcic av. w s, 200 e Stoue av, new store fronb; cost, $100; H, E, Reeves, 75 Van Siclen a v. 1034^Belmont av. No. 468, one-sbory frara« extensiou, lOxiO, tin roof; cosfc, §75; J. J. Kiefer, on premises. 1036—Dean st, s s, 47 e 3d av, underpin walls, erect chimney; cosfc, §1,200; Long Island Brew¬ ery, 89 and 91 3d av; ai-'t aud b'r, J, W. Brown. 1036—Bergen st, u s, 125 e Rockaway av, one- sbory frame exfcension, 10x17, fcin roof; cost, §150; ow'r and ar'fc, Chas. M. Thompson, 2318 Eergen st; b'r, J, H. Davis. 1037—Glenmore av, u s, 25 e Georgia av, add one sfcory of frame; cost, §700; John A, Bardala¬ mas, Hudsou av; ar't aud cr, H, Roeker; m'n, D, Cook. 103S—Bradford st, w s, 175 n Eastern Park¬ way, one-story frame extension, 20x13, tiu roof; cost, $500; Gustave Maag, Bradford st and East¬ ern Parkway; b'r, C, Rocker. 1039—JefEerson av, No. 296, one-story aad basement brick exfcension, 14.6x20, tm roof; cost, §500: Arfchur G. Sfcone, 1262 Dean sfc, 1040—Adelpbi st, No. 473, rebuild centre pier; cost," §150; Francesco Lepediuo or Pefediuo& Co., 473 Adelpbi sb. 1041—Degraw st. No, 146, front partly rebuL't; cost. §250; Ilrs. Seize, 146 Degi'aw sb; b'r, M. Mc¬ Cadden, 1042—38th st, n s, 150 e 4tb av, brick piers uuder building; cost, §120; ow'r and ar't, Mary A, O'Brien. 317 West 1.5th st, New York; b'r, J. H, O'Rom-ke. 1043—Elizabeth pl, w s. 60 s Pulton sb, front al¬ tered; cosb, §200; Brooklyn Cifcy R.R. Co., 10 Fulfcon st; ar'fc, A, W, Dickie; t'r, P, J, Ashfield &Co, 1044^-Gafces av, n w eor Evergreen av, front andinCerior alterations; eost, §300; Schi-eiber& Jantzer, on premises; ar'fc, Th. Engelhardt; b'r, not selected, 1045—North 3d st, u s, 175 e Wythe av, add one story, grave! roof, rebuild part of east gable waU; cosfc, §7,500; Hinds, Ketcbum & Co,, on premises; ar'fc, Th. Eugelhardb;b'r, not selected. 1046—Central av, n e cor Troutman st, add one story, tiu roof: cost, §500; ow'rand b'r, Prank Wahle, 107 Centre st: ar't, F. Holmberg. 1047—Bushwiek av, s e cor Ivy sb, one-story frame exteusion, 33x88,6, tin roof, infcerior alfcera- tions; cosfc, S5.S0O; Bushwiek Aveuue M. E. Chui-ch; ar'fc, W. I. Browne; b'rs, C. L. Johnson's Sous, 1048—Cumberland st. No. 383, flab tin roof; cosb, §60J; L, P. Silva; b'r. W. S, Wright. 1049—Dean sb, s s, 300 w Franklin av, two-story frame exfcension, 66x62, fciu roof; cost, §4,000; Budweiser Brewing Co., on premises: ar't, J. Platte, logo—Covert sfc, u s, 100 w Busbwick av, one¬ story frame extensiou, 10x16, tin roof; cost, §300; ow'r and ar't, Edward T. Jenkins, 39 Covert st; b'r, J. Dayton. 1051—Smifch st, s w cor 9th sb, uew siU; cort, i^lOO: D. Lohmann, 313 1,5th st. 1053—Schenck av, w s, 175 n Glenmore av, raised 3 fb on briek wall; cost, §'250; Louis Freushe, 209 Schenck av. 1053—Broadway, n e eor Weirfield sb, one-sbory frame extension, 30x40. bin roof; cost, §50; Gas¬ coine & Cozine, on premises. 1054—Graham av, w s, 150 s Van Cobt av, flat tiu roof; cosb, §800; J. Feldberg, 295 Kings- land av. 1055—Franklin sfc, w s, 50 n Noble sb, add oue sfcory of frame, gravel roof, also fcwo-sfcory frame extension, ;i5xlOO, gravel roof; cosfc, §:i,000; M, Queen, onpremiseb; ar'fc, J. C. Snackenberg; b'r nofc selecfced, 1056—ISfch sfc, s s, 175 w. Sth av, two-sfcory fr.ame exfcension, 7x9x37: tin roof; cosfc, §597; Mary McCarthy, 416 ISfch sfc; ar't and c'r, W. H. Washburn; m'u, F, McCoppin. 1057—Liberty av, n s, 125 e Stone av, add one- sfcory of frame, also oue story frame extension, 13 xl3, fcin roof, also interior alterations; cosfc, §700; John Barmon, on premises; ar'fc, A. J, Warren. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS FAILCRRS. N, 1. ASSIQNMBNT3—BENEFIT CKBDITORB. Nov. , 11 Bamberg, Jacob aud Wallace (composing firm of J, Bambei-K & Co., mauuEaeturers aatJ jobbers of straw and silk KOods, at No, ()43 Broadway), to Henry Rosenheiui; preferences, 8J-300. 12 Elakesiee, Tberoi U- (importer and dealer in oil paintiugSi at No. aiH Oth av), tu John J, Con¬ nelly; the amount of preference nofc stated, KINGS COUNTY, Nov, QBNSRAL ASSIGNMENT, ^ 7 Toulmin, Hector, to Andrew D. Baird, V 8 Ludlum, Alonzo S., to William G, Havea»,