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ADVERTISERS IN THE RECORD AND GUIDE CLASSIFIED. The names given below will be found of value hy Bank, Trust and Insurance Companies. Estates, large Owners of Realty, Rea Estate Brokers a7id Architects v^ho are continually turning to these pages for reference to the official filings recorded during the first ftaJ/o/1890, and published in Volume XLV. o/The Record and G-uiDE. We give below a classijied Directory of the yearly advertisers now in The Record and Guide, with the address of each, so that further reference is unnecessary. In a sense this forms a complete select Trade Directory, containing the names of the principal leading houses in tlie several trades and professions represented. ARCHITECTS. Danmar & Fisher___38 Park row. New York, and 921 Atlantic av, Brooklyu. Engelhardt, Th....9U6 Broadway,Brooklyn, E.D. Graul, William___215 Bowery. Herter Bros___191 Broadway. Hutcira, Albert... .R04 East 70th. Rentz, Charles... .153 4tb av. Wennemer, Frank... ,204 East 86th, Wenz, Edward:... 1491 3d av. ASPHALT PAVEMEiSTTS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. MacKnight Flintic Stone Co___l-W Broadway. MattTaylor Paving Co.... 15 State, AUCTIONEERS. Blaekwell, Wilson H,, & Son..,, 67 Liberty. De Walltearss, S___171 Broadway. Fail-child & Yoran___171 Broad way, Harnett, Richard V,, & Co___73 Liberty. Johnson, Jere., Jr___60 Liberty et, New York, and u93 Pulton st, Brooklyn. Kenneily, Wm., & Bro___45 Liberty. Ludlow, E, H,, & Co....47 Liberty st and 500 5tb av, Mapes, H. C,,& Co — .59 Liberty st, and Main st, Westchester, N. Y, Muller & Son, A, H..,.lPine. ■Phillips, L. J,, & Co..,, 149 Broadway, Scott & Myers—59 Liberty. Smith, TbomasC___111 Broadway, Smyth & Ryan.... 70 Liberty, Smyth, John F, B.... 69 Libert>. Stearns, J. Thomas___59 Liberty. Wells, James L___59 Liberty. AUTOMATIC FIRE IRON SHUTTERS. Booraemj Rudolph M___160 Broadway. AWNINGS. Skelton, F___1325 Broadway. BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS. Gregory, Ballou & Co___1 New. BATH TUB COVERS. Schmidt, H 11S6 3d av. BELL HANGERS, ELECTRICAL ETC. Parrell, Thomas... .2257.3d av. Haggerty, Geo. A ... 803 3,d av. Ostranrter &Co., W. R....31 Ann, Sullivan, Mortimer.... 258 West 125th. Wildt, E. A., & Co.., .83 Murray. WORE, BRASS AND BRONZE WORKERS, A^pinwall, T., & Son....303 5tbav. ■ Qonover, J. S., & Co....28 and 30 West 23d, Hecla Iron Works... .316 West 23d. Jackson Architectural Iron Works... 315 East 28tb. Steutzer. H,,&Co,-..71 Van Cort av, Brook¬ lyu, (S. U., N. Y., and 39 Dey st. New York. Webber & PhiUips... .522-530 West 20th. BRICKS. Eurn