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INDEX TO THE RECORD AND GUIDE. Vol. XLY, JANUARY------JUNE, INCLUSIVE. 1890. The following semi-annual Index of the Cou- veyances and Projected Buildings in New York City, as published in The Record and Guide during the first half of 1890, will be found of great value to those oE our subscribers who have pi'e- served all the issues of this paper during that period. Great care has been taken to keepthelu- dax up to the same perfect standard which has characterized it in the past. The pages are given on which all the transfers of realty published in Volume XLV. can be found, and the sti'eets and arveuues are so sub-divided that very few refer¬ ences are requii'ed. For instance, transfers of property on the Bowery appear in eighteen issues during the sis mouths; Bowery, in the Index, is sub-divided into twelve parts, so that the least possible trouble need be incurred, provided ibis known betwePn what streets the property is located. In this volume we have attempted to go a litile further than we have in the past, that is to say we have endeavored to arrange the trans¬ fers in such a manner, that every street aEEected can be seen at a glance by turning to the pap-es upon which the Index calls for. We take for instance page 13 and find thereon; University pi. No. 33 I begins University pi, n 10th st, No. 25 E. ) e cor 10th st, nics northeast 65.3 T east 99.9 x northeast 37. L s east 47 x south 94.9 to st. x west 154 to begin¬ ning. The above applies when a piece of property is on the coi-uer of any street or avenue and runs in depth upon both streets more than 100 feet, or when a plot has buildings fronting on bolh streets, and also when the property begins on one street and runs to another. Although many of our subscribers have ii^ed the Index for yeai's, some of tbem do not fully understand the com¬ pleteness of the work. We are fr?quentlv told of errors that our readers think they have dis¬ covered, which, upon investigation, prove to be errors of the searcher—not of the Index, For instance, in the current number appears the fol¬ lowing: Madison av, from 115th to 116th st, 1.59, 301, 338, 572, the latter being the pages on which transfers on said street may be found. Now, turning to page 159, the average searcher would fail to And Ibe item referred to, because it does not appear in the alphabetical order ol streets. A close seai'ch shows the item under the head 115th st, n s, 335 e .5th av, where a plot, 85x100.11, is conveyed. The Index is, therefore, in some cases condemned for a supposed omission which is really the strongest evidence of the thorough¬ ness with which it has been compiled. Where such an omission should occasionally seem appar¬ ent to the subscriber, he should search the whole page, and be will then And the item which is re¬ ferred to. The Froiected Buildings are indexed in a similar manner, so that it, cau readily be ascer¬ tained on what streets improvements have been made. Those wishing to keep a file for perman¬ ent reference should see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. A suitable bindei can he obtained at the office of The j Record and Guide, 191 Broadway, corner Dey street; price, one dollar. CONVEYANCES. Note.—The figures in extra black type—for instance, pages 657 and 893 under the bead oE Ann street—denote that the transaction on the page^ given is Leasehold, or a lease running for a long term of years. This explanation is made so that subscribers searching for transfers in fee can at once distinguish between the former and the latter without referring to the page men¬ tioned. NEW YORK CITY. STREETS. Academy----S29. Albany.... 1^3,229, 482, 52.5, 696. Allen, south of Canal... .740, 846, from Canal to Hester. ..410,568, 694. Hester to Broome... .694, 740. Broome Co Delancey___43, 52-5. Delaneey to Stanton___653, 740. north of Stanton. ...410, 483, 535. Amity (see West 3d), Ann, from Wilbam to Nassau... .265, 299, 335, 893. west of Nassau___fl57. Amos (see West lOtb). Apthorps lane....14, 15,44,60,81, 230,331, 337, 52S, 5-29. 890, >-9I. Attorney, south of Broome___13, !92, 921. Broome to Rivingtou___45, 6,52, S16, G57. Rivington to Stanton___299, north of Stanton___193, 229, 653, 694. Bank, east of Hudson... .484. 652. 780. Banker (is now Madison)___951. Barclay, east of Greenwich___12, 43, 303. 334. 487, 530, 744. west of Greenwich, 126. Bari'ow, east of Hudson___81, 6.53. Kaxter.... 299, 5'i5, 609,750. B!iyard....l2, 410,668, 6I19. Beach.... 12, 43, 45,814, 817. Bedford... 951. Beekmau.... 13, 371. Bathuoe,.. 299, 740. Bloomiugdale road (also see Broadway, Old Bloomingdale roa(j and Diagonal av).... 126, 195,7411, 783,891. 924. Bleeeker. n s, from Bowery to Broadway___568, 951. ss. Bowery to Broadway___123. Mercer to Greene....81, 158, 265,334,445, 4S:i, air,, 780. > . . . 1 Greeueto Wooster....42, 81, 133,371,445, Wnoster to South 5th av___78, 81. 410 694.931, 853, 951. • 1 . South 5th av to Macdougal st___42, 81, 846. Carmine to Barrow___158, 334 740 Barrow to Charles... .42, 158, 193, 299, 814, Charles to Sth av.... 126. Brad ...12, 65a, 694, Boulevard, from 62d to 65th___654 846 65th to 70th... a65, 483. 70th to 75th.... 19J, 19G.694, 889 75th to 8uth___373, 525, 5flS, 694 921 8Uthto&5th....371,483, 847 S5th to 9L.th... .43. 609, 656. 911th to 9.5th....4B3, 56R. 95th tolP0th....l23, 889. 100th to 107th.... 14, 525. J07t,ii to U0th....ia5. 299, 740 13ithtoi:55th....80,371. 145tti to 155th....445. north of I55th.... 299, 809. Bowery, south of Division (also see New Bowery) .... 123, 229, 609. from Division to Canal.... 740, 780. Hester to Broome.... 12, 42, 817. e s, Delancey to Rivington___482, 9.51. "■ e s, Rivington to Stanton___482, 951. w s, Spring to Prince..., 37.5, 410, 5ii5, 814, 951. w s. Prince to Houston___814. e s, Houston to 1st___410, 780. es, 1st to 2d.... 12. w s. Bond to Gieat Jones___609, 652. e s, north of 4tb.... 158. 410, 744. w s, north of 4lh... .653, 694. road (also see 4th av),indelt___79. Broad, from Water to Stone___78. north of Bsaver... .158, 530, 694, t89, 892. Broadway, from Morris to Exchange pi___18,43 43, 239. 65:i. Liberty to Pulton....371, 483, 653, C94. Fulton to Barclay....889. Murray to Reide___81, Walker to Spring___334. Spring to Prince___192. Prmce to Bleeeker___81. es,4Ch to Sth....31. ;-l34, .525. w s, 4th to8ch___45. 8Eht«12Eh... 136,339,448,487,614. ISth to I4th___448. 14th t*^24tb....160, 449.953. 24th to3utb....45. 613. SOth to 34th.., ,334, 817. 4(Jth to 44th ...694. 46(,h to 50th... .78, 79, 334, 482, 740, 95L .5i;th to .55th.... 192. ,55th to .59th.... 13, 192, 289. .59th to Manhattan (see Boulevard). 13uth to 133d. ...889. north of 162d,...158, 229,265. alley.... 13. Broome, east of Lewis,., .410, ,525, 652. 9.51. from Cannon to Willett... .48, 78, 6.52. Willettto titf.....l2, 42. Pitt to Ridge.... 192, 265, 410,482, 931,951. Ridge to Attorney.... 78, 299, 482. Attorney to Uiiuton___694, 780. Bufl'olk to i»orfolk... .43, 889, 921. Norft'lk to Essex... .43, 13-3, 193, 694. Essex to Ludlow___123. Ludlow to Orchard... .12. 78, 192, 889. Orchard to Eldridge....l92, 740, 889. Eldridge to Bowery.,, .45, 4-*2, 694. Bowery to Elm.... 158, a99, 785. Elm to broad way.... 79, 192, 410,440, 657. Broadway to Wooster___43.448,781,784. Wooster to Hudson ... 229, 268, 410, .535. Canal, east of Ludlow... .3:J4, 694. from Ludlow to Orchard___921. Orchard to For.=iyth ...847. Bowery to Baxter___160, 525. ss, Broadway to Church___329. n s, Wooster to South .5th av___839,365, 371, 482. South Sth av to Varick st... .193, 445. west of Hudson___123, 299, 568, Cannon, south of Broome___482, 847. from Broome to Rivington .. .694. Rivington to Stanton___483, 740. Carmine, east of Bleeeker___652. from Bleeeker to Bedford.., .609, 740, 781. west of Bedford.., .740, 847. 889, Catharine from East Broadway to Madison___ 193. south of Madison... ,229, 410, 657, slip,...299, 652, Cedar, east of Church... .193, 847. from Church to Greenwich___13, 78, 192. west of Greenwich___43, 445, 74U. Centre, south Pearl... .81, 232, 955. from Pearl to White.... 19;i, 302. north cf White....847. Central Park West (Eoi-merly 8th av). from 59th to 110th. 59th to 64th....931. 64th to 70th....921. 70th to75tb....229, 445. 75I.h to80th....744. 82dto8gd....265, 334, 371. B3dtofi4tb....334. 84th toS5th....694, 781. 87th to 89th..., I9a. 99th to 106ih... .78, 1S8, 525, 568, 694, 740. ■ 106th to 110th....299, 694, 781. north of 110th (see Sth av). Chambers,. east of Broadway.... SI, 389, 483, 568. Broadway to College pi....43, 123, 609, 614. College pi to Greenwich. .. 483, 781. Charles, from Waverley pi to Bleeeker st___ 158, 781, 81.5. Bleeeker to Washington.... 1.58, 931. Charlton, east of Hudson... .781, 889, 931. Chatham (also see Park row)----410. Chatham sq....196. Chestnut....609. Chei'ry, from Dover to James.... 332, 488, -781. James to Catharine___43. Catharine to Market.... 13, 3.^, 371,652, 694, 847. Market to Pike.. .193,847. Pike to Rutgers ...568. Rutgers to Clinton___7S. Clinton to Scammel... .339. 334, 371. 847. Scammelto Jackson... .37:i, 652, 6S3,95L- Jackson to Corlears----410, Christopher, from Greenwich av to Waverley pi ....740. Waverly pi to 4th st... .13, 410, 483. 4th to Bedford... ,3;:i5, 847, 741. Cbrystie, south of Canal----653, 847. Broome to Rivington___42, 78,133, 158, 569. 694, 6'35, 847. 951. e s, Rivington to Stanton.... 339, 445, 482, 847. w s. Rivington to Stanton... .365, 373, 410. Stanton to Houston___158, 161, 482, 694. Church, south of Park pi.... 12, 7S, 193, 329. Chambers to Pranklin... .568, 953. north of Fi-anklin... .695, 847. Clendenning lane... .539, 700, 923, 924, 953. Cliff, from John to Beekmau. . 158.695,696. - Beekmau to Hague----12, 701. Clinton, south of Monroe___695, 847. from Monroe to East Broadway___13, 193, 696. East Broadway to Grand... .78, 123, 339, 445, 781, 951. Grand to Broome___78,847. Broome to Delancey,.. .13, 899, 334. Delancey to Rivington... .43, 192, 372, .525, 568, 889. Rivington to Stanton___653. north of Stanton----847. Coenties slip....652. 848. Commerce___81. Congress ...740. Columbia, south of Broome — 373. from Broome to Delancey___133, 158, 482. Delancey to Rivington----192, f)52. e s, Rivington to Stanton___:i72, 483, .535, 740, 847. w s. Rivington to Stantou.... 13, 43, 192, 334, 411), 92t. Stanton to Houston... .18, 43,198, 265, 951. Cooper___81-5. Cornelia....695, 815, Cortlandt, east of Greenwich... .193, 299,658, 694. west of Washington. ...334, 339, 695. aney...,334. Crosby, south of Gi-aud— 652. Broome to Spriug___410, 695.