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# ESTABUSHED '^ JS^AR^H 21^"^! 86 8 "Entered at the Post-offlce at New York, N. F., as aecond-classmatter." « Vol. XLY.—No. 1,138. NEW YORK, JANUARY 4, 1890. Price, Ifi Cents. P K LUDLOW <& CO., J-^» ESTABLISHED 1836. AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 11 PINE STREET. Branch OfRce, EOO Fifth Avbnub, N. W. Cor. 42d St. 11 H. CAMMANN & CO., REAL ESTATE, Telephone, "John 328." 51 Liberty St. N. Y. ZBONARD J. CAMPBJSHEB, REAL ESTATE, 41 LIBERTY STREET, BiUHOH Office, 1181 3d Av, Entire Charge of Property D. T. Swainson. A. H. Carpentor. E. E. Carpenter. JACOB APPBLL, ~ REAL ESTATE "BROKER AND HOUSE AGENT. Telephone Call, 643 31st Street. 377 West 23d Street. A. CRJJIKBHANK & CO., E. ESTABLISHED 1794. REAL ESTATE, 176 BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK. 5 ETON & WJSSMANN, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 7B CEDAR STREET. Telephone, 634 John. Branch Office, 1142 Broadway, Bet. 2fith and 27th Sts. Telephone, 904 Slst. Alfred Sbton, Jr. F, Ds Eovteb Wissmann. ITORAOE 8. ELY, REAL ESTATE AGENT, No. 64 CEDAR STREET, N. Y. . Branch MHce, Ho. 103 West fiStb St,________________ r FIELD ORIFFEN & CO., V. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE, Bhore Front Towns of Westohester County and Connecticut our Specialty. 4fld STREET (0pp. Grand Central Depot). Room 6.' PEESLEE & MOORE, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, flTH AVENUE, COR. 87th STREET. mSUBANCE. Telephone, 408 Hai-!em. MORTGAGES. NOTARY PUBLIC. Homer W. Presdee. Archibald T. Moore. P' 8. TREACY, * Tel, aoth St.—978. REAL ESTATE. Ho. 1009 NIMTH AVENUE, NEAR 63d STREET- TRAGESER, STEAM COPPER WORKS, Copper Bath Tubs. Copper and Galvanized Range Boilers a Speeialty. ________447 to 455 West Twenty-sisth Street.________ nOLWELL LEAD CO., \j PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES, S3 Centre Street and 681 Sixth Av., New York. rHOMAS OSBOBIfE, STEAM STONE WORKS 91sT AND 93d Streets, East Rivbk. Dealer in American aud Imported iJIarble Brown Stone, Nova Scotia, Ohio and all other Free Stones. /. s. F. JA TNE & CO., MANAGERS OF ESTATES, APPRAISEim AND BROKERS. w 254 WEST S3d ST. and 59 LIBERTY ST., N. Y. S. F, Jayne. A, M. Cudnbr. M. J. ROOME, REAL ESTATE AGENT & BROKER, No. 410 SISTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED 1852. -pROOKLYN HEADQUARTERS, ^ PAUL C. GRENING, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Offices, 430 Gates Av., 1161 Fulton St. and Kingsland Av., Cor. Van Cott Av. JArALTER LAWRENCE, yy REAL ESTATE, Northwest comer 9th Avenue and 104th Street, Foot of Elevated Stairs. Member ot Real Estate Exchange._________ lANENBAUM, REAL ESTATE BROKER, No, 529 BROADWAY, CORNER SPRINQ STREET. (Prescott Bmlding.) _________Entire Charge Taken of Property._________ OTIER c& BRO., 128 Broadway, cor. Cedar St., and 1384 9th Av. MANAGERS OF ESTATES. Large Amounts of Money to Loan at the Lowest Rates. Tblbphohkb, 393 John—flBO 39th St._________ A W. McLA UOBLIN <& CO., ./it Members Real Estate Exchange. REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES, Estate and prlvat« money to loan, in amounts re¬ quired, at lowest rates. Estimates promptly made with¬ out charge. 146 BROADWAY, Cor. Liberty St., N. Y. L. P T. ALDEN & STERNE, REAL ESTATE, 9 EAST 14th ST., NEW YORK _______Members of the Real Estate Exchange._______ ASPINWALL & SON, TILES "^^fSn^'" MOSAICS, WOOD MANTELS, GRATES, Open Fire-Places, Iron aud Brass Work, Bric-a-Brac, Art Pottery, etc. No. 303 5th AVENUE, N. E. COR, 313T ST.. N. Y. WATT lA YLOR PA VING CO., -ttt GRANOLITHIC, ASPHALT, AND PAVEMENTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Importers of Crude and Refined Trinidad Asphalt. Telephone 306 Pearl._______Offlce, 15 STATE STREET. liJfAC KNIGHl FLINIIC SI ONE CO., jyl M*gK THE BEST .*'.*■ ABTmCIAL aiOKB SIDBWA1.KS and curb—BREWERY MALT-HOCSE, CEU-AB, STABLE AND OTHJCH FLOORS —WATER AND ACm-PROOF TUBS, VATS, 4C.—CHEAPEST AND BEST FIBE-PKOOFINa.—ALSO COMBINED STJNTIC BKIKB AND ASPHALT ROADWAYS- Send for Circulars and Estimates. Oface. 150 BROADWAY, Cor. Liberty St., New York. JACKSON, W. H., & CO., UNION SQ UAME^old stanb) N. Y. CITY. J Established otek 60 Years. "BUT OF THE MAKER." Designers and Manufacturers. MANTELS, OPEN FIRE-PLACES, Grates, Fenders & Clumney-Piece Novelties. Importers of Tile. FonNDKiES AND Shops, EAST 38th and 2Bth STREETS. Only concern in our line having its Own Foundries. JJEW YORK & ROSENDALE CEMENl CO., iV ROSENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT. EP- Warranted superior to any brand of Rosendale Cement manufactured for use under or out of water. Bspecially adapted where tensile and compressive tests are reouired. Send for pamphlet on tests and testimonials showing superior quaUty of our Cement. HIRAM SNYDUR, Secretary, Office, 339 Broadway, New York. CATLOR'S FORI LAND CEMENl. .V STRONGEST, CHEAPEST, BEST AND ALWAYS FRESH, ' For sale by all Dealers in Masons' Materials. ^. JOHNSON & WILSON, Gbnbrai. Agents, •^ Bud f« Descriptive Pamphlet. ALDRICH COURT, 45 BROADWAY, Niw Tori;, niCHARD y.HARNETl&QO, AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 73 LIBERTY STREET. (WiUiamsburgh City Fire Insurance Co. Building) " Telephone Call, John 304." nEO. R. READ, ^ REAL ESTATE, No. 9 PINE STREET, - - New YORi. (Astor Building). J^ffOMAS& ECKERSON, J~ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKEBS Entire Charge taken of Estates. Wallack Building, 85 West SOth Street. Wm. M. Thomas, Jno. C. R. Eoeersoh Commissioner for the States. Notary Publla pORTER & CO., ■ REAL ESTATE, No. 77 East 125thSt., NEW YORK. ceo 11 & MYERS, AUCTIONEERS, AND REAL ESTATE RROKERS, No. 146 Broadway, Cor, Liberty St. (Mutual Life Insurance Co.'s old building r EDQAR LEAYCRAFl, '^" REAL ESTATE, 1544 BROADWAY, Near 46th Street. Branch Offlce, 1524 3d Avbnue, near 86th Street. Renting and Collecting a Specialty. 'DARTON& WHITTEMORB, REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES. Money to loan in any amount on bond and mort gage, at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. lOfl BROADWAY, Cor. Pme St., New York. T^ERDINAND FISH, ' Member Real Eatate Exchange, 149 BROADWAY, cor. LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. Real Estate. Management and Improvement of Estates. Business Property Sold. Bought and Rented. AMERICAN ENCAUSTIC IILINQ CO. Jl (Limited). ■^^ Patentees and Manufacturers of PuiN, Glazed, Pebbled, Inlaid, Embossed, Decok ATED and Mosaic T I L E S for Floors, Walls, Fireplaces, Cabuiet work & Architectural Enrichment. 140 West 33d St., N- Y. ZaneeviUe, Ohio. T S. CONOVER & CO., c/ • WORKERS IN BRASS & FORGED IRON OPEN FIRE-PLACES, GRATES & FENDERS, WOOD MANTELS. Tiles for all Purposea. 28 and 30 West 33d Street, - - New York. 'SOLA mON WORKS. POULSON & EGEE Office and Warerooms Works, 216, 318&2aow. ^dSt., North 10th, 11th and New York, Berry Sts,, Brooklyn, Plain and Ornamental Iron Work, Metal Mantels, Grates, Fire-Place Fittings. Etc. Electro-Plated and Galvano-PIastic Work, Tiling. CWARaWOUT& CO., ' *-^ REAL ESTATE 157 EAST 135th ST., and 247 WEST 135th St., N. ¥ JOHN J. CODY, ' ~~ d REAL ESTATE BROKER 1438 THIRD AT., Bet. Slst and HSd Sts. jyOBERl C. FISHER & CO., Jtl MARBLE. GRANITE, Eto. 9T TO 103 EAST HOUSTON STREET. E RED'K SO UIHACK, * ^ REAL ESTATE. Special attention given to renting and selling ot property in the dry-goods, importing and adjoinliiig wholesale business districts. Main Office, 401 BROADWAY. Branch Offlce, III BROADWAY. JJ