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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 45, no. 1160: June 7, 1890

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870 Record and Guide June" 164tb st, s s, UO w Teller av, two two-story franne dweU'gs, 18,6x43, sbingle roofa; cost, §3,300 eacb; R, H, Moran, 39 Gouverneur afc; ar't, C, C, Cburcbill, Flan 1026, 181st at, n s, 300 w Jerome av, fcwo-story frame dwell'g, 33x5'), shiogle roof; cost, $3,000; A. Marks, 58 Heury sfc; ar't, F, Wandelt. Plan 1037. Cauldwell av, e s, 14T.8 a Boafcon av, two tbree- story and basement frame dwell'gs, 30x40, tin roofs; coat, $5,300 each; Beckley Sc Hargreaves, 851 East 103d sb; ar'fc, C. C. Chnrcbill, Plau 1027. College av, e s, 100 s 104tb sfc, rear, two-story frame stable, 22s26, sbingle roof; cost, SCOO; C. F, Biele, lti4th sl- aud College av; ar't, C, C, Cburcbill. Plan 1035, Southern Boulevard, u e a. 50 s e Decatur av, two-storv [and attic frame dwell'g, 36.6x33.10, shingle roof; cost, $7,000; Weltbea C. Smith, Bedford Park, N. Y.; ar't, E. K, Boui-ue; m'n, W. Hargrave; c'r, G, W. Tompkins. Plan 1033. Washingtou av. No, 1119, rear two-story frame etable, 18x12, tin roof; cust, s;40'i; H, Oxford, on premiaea; ar't, H, Horenburger, Plau 1016, ---------------------i • ►---------------— KIIVGS COWSTY. Plan 1131—Atlantic av, n e cor Gunther pl, six two-story frame (brick dlled) dwell'gs, 10,4x 45, tin roots; total cost, ?'34,000; ow'r anii b'r, Thomns B. Bartholomew, 190 SarafcDgaav; ar'fc, J. L, Young, 1122—Jay St. w s, 50 n Water at, one tbree-story brick atable, 50x100. gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $17,000; Waterbury & Force, on premises; ar't, T, B Jackson; b'r, E, Force. 1123—South 9th st, Nos. ITS and ISO, s s, 100 w Roebling st, twofour-storj brick dwell'gs, 35x7-3, tiu roofs, irou cornices; cost, s 10,000 eacb; Cbris¬ tian Friedman, 174 Soutb Olh sb; ar't C, Reuiz 1124-Soufcb Otb st, n s, IUO w Bedford av, one five-story brick warehouse, 34,3x75, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $4,1100; Jac-ob Jamer, 84 John st, New York; ar't, H, Vollweiler; b'r, uoC selected! U'3.5—Broadway, e a, 75 s Schaeffer sfc, one four- story brick teuem't, 35x05, tiu roof, iron cornice; cost, $10,000; ow'r aod b'r, Geo. Koch, 007 Kos¬ oiuskost; ar't, F. J. Helmle, 1136-10th st, u s, 175e8tb av, six tbree-story and basemeut brick dweU'gs, 19,6x40, tin roofs wooden coruices; total cost, $57,0U0; ow'r and b'r, Thomaa Brown, 641 IUth st; ai-'t, VV. M. Coots, 1127—Pacific st, a s, 300 w New York av, oue twc-story brick dwell'g, 38x55, slate roof, wooden comice; cost, $15,80((; W. S. Ray, 15 Wliiie sf New York; ar't, J. C. Cady ScCo.; b'r E a' Thorpe. 11:^8-lltb ,st, n a, 287 e Stb av, ts-o two-story aud basetnent brick dweU'ga, 30x44, tin roofa wooden cornices; cost, $4,5'0 each; F, O. Peter' son, ou premises. ir29—20th st, ns, 200 e Sth av, oue one-story brick stable, 54x52, tin roof; coat, $3,300; ow'r and ar'fc. Win. Krasber, bth av aud 18th st; m'ns, M, Gibbons & Sous, 1130—Macon at, n a, 300 w Patcheu av, one two-story aud basement brick dwell'g, 30x45, Un roof, woodeu cornice; cost, $5,000; Mary A. Bur¬ rows, 022 Greeue av; ai'ts, I. D, Reyuolds& Son- b'r, S. G, Waltou, USl-^Adama sfc. e s, 150 s M.yrtle av, oue four- atory brick fact^^ry, 25 aud I9,6s9,-;, gravel roof woodeu cornice; cost, $11,000; James Howell on premisea; ar't, W. A. MundeU: b'ra, H. J. Smith and Owen Nolan. 1 i:r3—Macon sfc. n s, 360 w Patcbeu av, two two-atory and basemeut brick dweU'gs, I9.'3s45 tin roofa, wooden coruices; coat, eacb, $4 80o' same as|No, 1130. 1133—Harrison st, n s, '35 w Hicks st, one oue- story brick sbeil, I4x6':l, gravel roof; cost -$300' ow'r, ar'fc and b'r, J, L, Kuapp, 46:- Hicks at, 1134—Eastern Parkway, u s, 40 w Vermont av oue one-story frame shop, 40v30, pine roof; cost' $100: ow'r aud b'r, Andrew Schmitt, 845 Eastern Park way. 113.5—Rockawav av, w s, -35 n Belmout av ore one-story frame atable, 30x50, board roof; cost. $500; George Bleblia, ou premises, 1136—Seigel st. No, 87, n a, oue four-story frame (brick filled) tenem'fc, 25x70, tin roof; cost $7,500: Leua Kosenzweig, L'39 Vau Buren st- ar't' Ernat Dennis, 1137—,54Lh at, u s, 100 e .5th av, oue oue-story franie dwell'g,'^0x30, tiu roof; cost, $300; ow'r and b'r, Sidney Covington, lii97 4ib av. 1138—JetFei-fon st, n a, 175 w Knickerbocker av, two tbree-story frauie dweU'ga, 25x57 tiu roofs; coat, Sl.aOn eacb; G. A. Heumann O'iO Gi-and st; ar't, Beuj, Finkensieper- b'r C Wabler, ' nay-lOthst, as. 100 w oth av, one two-storv framedweU'g. 22x30, tin roof, cost, $7,50; Mai'V Hanrahan, -230 10th st; b'r, Cbaa. E. Sherman 1140—Ewenst, e s, 160 s Richardson st, one a'^on^'^SiT ^''^^f d,w,<;ll'g, 13s20, board root; cost, S50(); E(iward & Alvin T, Walsb, 268 Oaklaud st; b'r, E. A. Chase. 1141—Bedford av, e s, 50 s Allantic av one one-story brick store, 14,6.\100, lin roof iron cor¬ nice; coat, 45110; Engeu^ G. Blackford, Bedford avand Herkimer st; ar'ts aud b'rs, George H Stone and Son. 114-'—4tb av, w s. exteuda from ISfcb to 14th st seveu four-afcoiy briek tenem'ta, '300x87 tiu roofa iron coruices; tofcalcosb, §100,000; Norris & Row¬ ers, 246 131b st; ar't, W. H, Norria 1143-Roger av, e a, 95 a St, Marks'av, one oue- story brick shop, 30 and 38x60, gravel roof wood¬ eu cornice; cost, $500; ow'r and b'r VVm O Thompson, 135 Lefferts pl, . . , 1144-Decatur st, n s, 80 w Sumner av, three two-aud'a^haU-afeery and basement bEickdweU- ngs, 20x4,=;, fcin roofs, iron cornices; totalcost, Slt.OOO; Hannah E. Sfcoutenburg, 391 Jeflersou av; ar't, John L. Young; b'r, Geo. H. Stouteu¬ burg, 1145—Bergen sfc, s a, 310 w Kingston av. five tbree-atory and basement brick dwell'gs, 20ji45, tin roofs, iron coruices; total cost., .S50,UO(); ow'rs and b'rs, Tbeodore Dingeldein & Co., 16 Court st- ar't, J. Mumford. 1146—Soufch Sth St. s s, 66 e Wytbe av, one four- Btory brick dwell'g. 18x70, tin roof, iron cornice- cost, $8,000; J. Hoeft, 68 South Stb st; ar't, Beui Fiukeu'iieper; b'rs, M. Smith and J, Crawford, ' 1147-Monirorst, e s, 143.3 a Vau Cotfc av, oue two-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 20x40 gravelroof; cost, $3,800; J. J, Eagan; ar'fc F Weber. 1148—Atlantic av, n s 175 w Utica av, one oue- story frame aiable, 35x18, tin roof; cost, §75' L. I, C. Jung. 1717 Atlantic av; b'r, P. Werl 1149—North Heury st. w s, 125 n Nassau av. one two-storv aud basement frauie (brick fllled) dweU'g '3Ds4U, gravel roof; cosfc, $,;.4O0: Eliza¬ beth Weber, 582 Lorimer st; ar't, F. Weber. 115U—Johnaou av, n s, 35 e Huinholdt st, one one-afcory frame shop, 19x30, tin roof; cost, $150- ow'r and b'r, Henry Roth, cor Bushwick av and Elm st; ar't, Tb, Engelhardfc. 1151—Cumberlaud st. No. 341, e a, one fchree- story brick dweU'g, 35x38, tiu roof, woodeu cornice; cost, $0,500; Julia M.. Thurber, 435 Waah¬ ington av; ar'ta, J, C. Sc W. E. Dodge; b'rs, J. M. Brown and MiUer & Howe. 11.5-2-Stockholm st, s s, 100 w Evergreen av tbree tbree-story frame (brick fiUeO) dweU'gs' tno 37x00 and one 21x43, tinroofs; totalcost' ¥11,000; ow'r and b'r, Wm. Wolf, 194 Hamburg av; at't, Th, Engelhardt, ^ IIS;;_4-Jd st, n s, 130 w 4th a^, one three-story frame dwell'g, 30x48, tin roof; cost, $t,s0u- ow'r aud b'r, Andren Klam, US 4-3d3l; ar't, A Klani 1151—Logau st,es, 500 u Fulton av. one two- atory and attic frame (brick fllled) dweU'g 20x 34, tin roof; cost, $3,7u:); Jobn C, Hager i:iO Market st, Pattersoui N-J.: b'r. Wm, Hax. 1155—Ralpb av, s w cor Park pl, one one-storv frame atable, 20x10, gravel roof: co3t$',i5; ow'r and b'r, J. H. Bloom, on premises. 1156—4lst at, ss, 100w3d av, one one-story frame shed, 30x45, gravel roof; cost, $175- W F, Riordan; ai-'ta, H. L. Spicer & Sous, 1157—i6th sfc, us, 2'i(l e 5th av, one two-story and atfcic frame dwell'g. 20x45, tin roof- co-t $2,200; MaryCarrao, 3d av and 53d sb; ar'ts H L. Spicer & Sons, 1158—4tb, 40 n 20tb st, two four-,story brick dwell'gs, 29,0x55, fcin roofs, wooden cor¬ nices; cosr, *14,00i ; Daniel Ferry,-,;52 aud 2,54 Courtst; ar'ts, I_D, Reyuolds & Sou; b'r not selected. 1159—Stone av, w a. 6'2.6 a Deau st, two two¬ story and basement frame (brick filled) dwell'gs 18 9x38, tin roofs; cosfc, -^.5.0(.'0; Charlotte Adam=' 2094 Dean st; ar't, Th, Eugelhardt 1160—Putnam av, u s, 100 e Bushwick av, one two-story and mauaard frame (brick filled) dwell¬ mg, 40x4;J, tin roof; cost, $10,0911; Cbarlea Zer¬ wick, cor Wyckoff aud Myrtle avs: ar'ts Th Eugelhardt; b'rs, Karl Schueider and E, Lo'erch' 1161-4thav, a e cor 45th at, one three-story frame (brick fiUedl dwell'g, 3,5,3.-;55, tin roof- coat, $4„500; M, Kenaardy, Nyack, N, Y.; ai-'ta' H, L. Spicer Sc Sons. ' ' 116'3—Cornelia st, u s, 100 e Buahwick av one two-slory and mansard frame (brick filled) dwell¬ mg, 40x43, tinroof; coat, $10,(OU; J. MeU: ar't Th, Eugelhardt: b'r, K, Schneider. 1163—St. Nicholasav, es. So sGreene av oue two-stcry frame dwell'g, 20x;i3, spruce roof; cost Sl,500; ow'r and b'r, J. Murray, 315 Wyckoffav 1104—Linwood st, ws. 175 u Rideewooil av' one two-story and attic frame (brick Hlled) dwell¬ ing, 32.x35. fciu roof; cost, $3,000; Hugh Quinn 10 Bradfordst; ar't, C. Infanger; b'r, P J Fitz¬ simmons. 1165—Vermontst, w a, 100 s Fulton av, one one-story frame carpenter shop, 15xV5, gravel roof; cost. $75; ow'r and b'r, W, A, Sloan Cheatnut st, ' 1166—Hill st, n s. 135 w Railroad av, one fcwo- ?*.'^^^.^ *^,^°^^ ^"^"^^^'S' ^^S'^". l^oai'd roof; coat, ^1,500; JobnRe:cb; ar'fc and b'r, J. Kirchner- ui'n, W, Schwenfeld. ' 1107—Richmond st, e s, 175 n Etna st one two-story and attic franie (Irick fllled) dweU'"- 18 and 30x28, aud one-story exiension 13x14* shingle roofs; cost, $3,000; George Btacb' Logan St. ' 1108—Cornelia st, u s, £00 w Busbwick av three two-story aud basemeut fi-ame (brick fllled) dwell'gs, 10,8x45, tin roofs; cost, total, J9,000; Jobu H. Garrison. ALTERATIOIVS IVEW VORK €ITI. Plan 1136—SOth st. No. 54 E,, fcwo-s'ory exten¬ sion, 10x17, and walls altered; cosfc, $8,000- Em¬ ma B. Riehardsou, ou premises; ar'fc G H Budlong; b'r, J. T. Hall. i ■ ■ 1127-Stone st. No. 32, interior alfcerations p.ud walls altered; cost, $3,000; J, & L, N. Levy 66 West 34th st; ar'fcs, Walgrove cfe Israels 1128—Columbia sb. No. 113, new atore fronfc- eost, S3oO; M. Hamburger, 03 Columbia st- ar't' H. Horeuburger. ' 1139—1th av, Nos. 74-7S, and No, 67 East IOth slreet, interior alterations, new front, uew side- w A ^mi-^^'^r^A repau-s; cost, $4,000; ageuts, W. A White Sc Sons, 115 Broadway; ar't, m'n and c'r, P. Roberts. ' y^°~,9^'^®,°"''''^ ^■^' ^o- ^5' interior aiterationa and walls altered; cost, $700; P. S Eellv 137 Westl.5tbst;ar't, J, B, FrankUn; m'n, N. Con- 11^1—Courtlandtav, e s, 120 n 150th ab, to be moved; coat, $100; C. Werner, UU East 150th st 1133—Delancey st, Ho. 133 E,. windows al¬ tered and skyUght on roof; cost, $50i>; M Kliukowstein, on premises; ar't, F. Wandeit. 1133—7th av, No. 497, interior alteratious; coat, §1,000; G, W, EUis, SO Washington sq Easb' ar't, W, 0, Morck; m'n, J, Fitzgerald: c'r, J Robertson. 1134—West afc. No. 81, infcerior alteration's- cost, $-260; lessee, J. Pettit, 87 Weafc st, 113,5—3d av. No. 19'JO, repair damage by flre and make elevator shaft flreproof; cost, $3,305; estate B. Richardson, 1319 Lexiugton av; ar't W. n. Holmes; m'us and c'rs, Holmes Bros, 1136—l-25tb st. No. 207 E., new store front- cost, $300; Anna C, Friedrick, on premises; ar't. W, H. C, Hornun. 1137—llbh st, No. 36 W,, basement and three- sfcory estension, 14x40; cost, $6,000: agent Dan'l l.ord, 5 East 9th st; ar'l, H. Pahner. 1138—SOth sfc, No. 39W., interior alterations; cost, aht $.^00: Mrs, A, F, Ledoux, on prem¬ ises: ar't, W. Pistor; m'ns and c'rs, Harper & Vermilyea, 1139—Madison av, s w cor r35tb' st, interior aiterafcions for Turkish batb aud walls altered- cost, $'35,000; M, Cobn, 951 Madison av- ar'ts' French, Dison & De Saldern; m'n, J. C. Lyons, 1140—67th st. No, 13 E, bay window iu east wall; cost, $300; A, Btrouae, 108 East 57th at- ar'ts, Hesse Sc Co., m'ns and c'ra, Crockett Sc Weeks. 1141—52dst, No. 65 E,, two-story extension, 13.0x13, aud walls altered; cost, $2,000; Mrs, M S. Perkins, on premisea; ar't, C. J, Perry; c'rs Taussig & Co. J ^'-»''. 1142—93d St. Nos. 211-319 E.. roof raised and walla altered; cost, $l,.5O0;G. Ebret, secor Park av and 94fcb Bt; ar't, J, Kastnei-. 1143—letb av. No. 1490, interior alterations and new atore front; cost, $1,00U; M. E. and K E. Bernbeimer, 344 Wast .SSth st; ar"ts, Lederle & Co.; m'ns, J. Sc L, Weber. 1 !4^t-48th st. No. 311 W,, three-story and base¬ ment evtension. 1-2x33, and rear wall altered' cost, 13,000; ow'r, m'u aud c'r, G, Scholer, on premises; ar'C, M, V, B. Ferdon. 1145—Park av, No, 83, two-story extension, SOx 23.11: cosb, $3,000; Mrs. G, P. Hart, on ptemises- ar'c. t;. S, Luce. ' 1146—49fcbat, No. 30 W., interior alterations aud windows changed; cost, $800; PriscUla D Sl'iane, 17 Weat Slsfc sfc; m'n, J, J. Tucker; c'ra Hoe's Sous, ' . 1147—SOth st, No. 48 W., two-slory and base¬ ment extension, Ssl6, interior alteratious and wallsalfcered; cost, $5,0(0; Josephine G. Wing on premises; ar't, T. Nash. ' 1148-SM st. No. 143 W., exfcension raised two atories; cost, $1,500; R. V, Lewis, ou premises- ar'ts and m'us, F. & W. E. Bloodgood; c'r, J. c' Doremus, 1149-llth st. No. 297 W., cornice, sash and frame changed; cost, $'3,50; S. G. Blakley, ou premises; ar'fc and c'r, G. Baker; m'n. A, S, Knowlton. 1150-lOthav, No. .584-.590, newstore windows- cost, 81,000; trustee, C. E, Strong, 10 Sth av; ai-'fc andc'r. A, Steele; m'u, N. J, Ackermau. 1151—Amaterdam av, s w cor 07th st, one-story extension, 3.5x2.5.0, infcerior alfcerafcions and walla altered; cost, $3,000; E. C. G, Vou Peiu, 314 VVest SStb st; ar't, J, W. Cole; b'rs, Hayes & He- sela. 1152—153d st. No. 6,59 E.,roof raiaed, two-story exteusion, 20x15; cost, ?3,000; J. Kessler, on premises; c'rs, Kramer Bros, 1153—(ireat Jones at. No. 33, interior aliera¬ tions, walls altered and stoop changed; cost $3,00(1; L. A. Robertson, Pien-epout Houae Brooklyn, N, Y.; ar'fc, J. G. Porter. 11,55—Bowery, Nos, 291 nud 393, cellar and threu-story exteusion, 50x31, and walls altered; cust. $10,000; J. Stimmel, on premises; ar't, L F, Heinecke: m'u, J. Scholfler. 11.56—Madison av. No. 1732, repair damage by flre; cost, $7,000; R, Maywald, 1726 Madisonav- ar't, F, Ebeling; c'r, R. Hacket. 1157—Utb at, Nos. 108 and UO E,, interior al¬ terations, walls altered, newstoop and new front; cost, $2,000; lessee, A. Liecbow, UOEast Utb at; ai-'C. J. Kastner. 1158—Broadway, No. 1554, interior alterations, walla altered and uew front; cost, $1,-500; T. I, Stewart, 255 Stb st, Jeraey City; ar't, J. Sexton' 11.59—Broadway, Noa. 76-^-766, raised fcwo stories, aeven-story extension, 23s97, and walls altered; cosfc, .*75,000; S. Ueasau, 140 East 79th st; art's, Schneider Sc Herter. 1160-94tb st. No. 75 W., tank ou roof: cost, abt $'300; J, B. Levacher, ou premise,-. 1101—Bayard sfc. No. 36, interior alterations: cost, abfc $35; F. Hohn, on piemtses. llG2-,28thst, No. 215 W,, interior aiterationa, walls allei ed and new ahow windows; coac, $3S0; J. Palterton, on premiaea. 1103—flOfcb st. No, 18 E,, three-alory extensiou 10x16 and 21; cost, $3,000; Paulice U. Herr¬ mann, on pramiaes; ar'ts. Weber & Drosser. 1164—3d av. No, 283, interior alterations, new store front, etc.; coat. $1,500; M. H, Schieffelin 531 Sfch av; m'u, J. D. Powell; c'r, A. Steel, 1165—Monfcgomery st, a w cor Monroe st, cufc windows in wall; cost, $125; J. Gutermau, 30 Rutgers at; ar't, P, Ebeling. 1166—43d st, Nos, 524-5-28 W., repair damage by fire; cost, $30,000: J. A. We;er, 433 Wesb 43d at; ar't, J. J, Smitb. 1107—73d st. No. 66 W., tbree-story extenaion, 19x31, interior alterations, walls altered and new elevator; cost, $10,000; Charlotte H, Dickiuson, on premises; ar't, J. M. Lawlor; m'n, A. C. Brown; c'r, J, J, Brown, i