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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 46, no. 1170: August 16, 1890

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2L2 Record and Guide. August 16, 1890 to wit, the Zeigler sale of land in New Utrecht and Flatbush, the Lynch sale of pioperty in New Utrecht and Gravesend, and the Wm. P. St. John sale of property in the 26th Ward. In the latter there w^re 1,100 lots, not quite aU of which, however, were sold. Beal Estate Kotes. The Third Avenue Railroad Co. have taken title to a plot containing over twelve city lots fronting on 129th and 130th streets, 100 feet east of 10th avenue. Tbis property is on the next block above their 10th avenue stables. Samuel Smyth was the seller and the consideration was 145,000. Title passed this week on three parcels of 5th avenue realty. No. 72, on the northwest corner of 13th street, with lot 51.7x100, sold to James H. Havens for $159,000; No. 81, with lot 34x128.4, brought $130,000, and No. 98 on the northwest corner of 15th street, lot 32x140, was conveyed to August Limbert, trustee for Frederick C. Gebhardt. Notes about Tazes and Assessments. The number of names assessed for personal property in this city on the rolls at opening were 23,682 in 1888, 26,184 in 1889, 24,030 in 1890; the applications tor reductions in the years given numbered 11,579, 13,174, 12,320; those erased as not liable were (observe the large proportion) 10,494,11,469,10,140, so that tbe total number retained on the Receiver's books was only 13,188,14,715, and for 1890,13,890. Thus less tban 1 in 100 of tbe city's population pay personal taxes. To bring about this ridic¬ ulous condition of affairs 12,320 affidavits were sworn this year before the Tax Commissioners. Tbe number of pieces of real estate taxed in New York City was, iu 1881, 152,630; in 1882,152,211; in 1883,152,182; in 1884, 156,333; in 1885,159,4.32; in 1886,161,617; in 1887,161,334; in 1888, 161,572; in 1889,161,402; in 1890, 161,507, an average increase of about 1,000 pieces a year. Iu New York there is $296,670,500 worth of real estate exempt from taxa¬ tion. In the 12th Ward there is $58,282,800; in the 19th, $57,160,000; in tbe 22d, $43,240,500; in the 6th, $32,541,400; in the 1st, $23,847,200. Proposed Members. The following gentlemen have been posted for membership in the Real Estate Exchange during the week: B. M. Andrews, seconded by Howard G. Badgley; Sylvanus T. Cannon, by A. H. Carpenter, and C. A. Heifer, by T. B. Hyatt. The "Puck" Building to be Extended. Messrs. Keppler, Schwarzmann & Ottman have purchased the property known as No. 281 Mulberry street, which adjoins the Puck building on the south. Tbe lot is somewhat irregular in size and is described as being 22.4x129.10 X south along rear 43.1 x east 42.5 x north 22,0 x east 85.6. It contains a three-story tenement, with a two-story brick building on the rear, and was purchased from Louis C. Havener, Brooklyn, at what figure does not transpire. Adolph Schwarzmann was called upon and in answer to au inquiry as to whether the newly-purchased property would be used as an exten¬ sion to tbe Puck building, said: "Yes, that is our intention. We will make the addition as soon as we learn the result of the rapid transit com¬ mission, wbich has suggested a route that will cut off part of our building. When it is known definitely whether this route will or will not be adopted we will proceed with our plans to erect tbe extension, wbich will be tbe same height as our present building." " A TJsefal and Excellent Paper." Editor Rscobd and Gums: Mrs. Dudley Vield, Jr.'s compliments to the editor of The Real Estate Recobd aitd Guide, and will be much obliged if tbe editor will give orders to have her paper forwarded to her summer residence until further orders. The address is " Mrs. Dudley Field, Belden Avenue, Dobb's Ferry, Westchester Co., N. Y." Mrs. Field would also be glad to be advis^ if at any tiir e tbe subscription sbould run out, as Mrs. Field would wish tb renew it, as she is more and more pleased witb the conduct of The Recobd and considers it a most useful and excellent paper. Dobb's Febbt, Westchester Co , August 13,1890. Hews for Property-Holders. Corporation Counsel Clark has begun proceedings for tbe appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment to ascertain tbe value of lands necessary to be taken for the opening of the following streets and avenues in the 2Sd Ward: Marcher avenue, from Jerome avenue to Featherbed lane; Forest av,6rty 100 feet on both sides of the proposet) street, in sums ranging from 36 cents to $10.01 per lot John H. Rogan, pbarles D. Metz and John N. Emra, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, in the matter of tbe opening of 169th street, from 10th avenue to llth avenue, have awarded two dollars damages to the " unknown owners" of tbe land taken, and have assessed the costs, amounting to $285.80, including the aforesaid two dollars, upon the prop¬ erty on either sida 88 feet 3^ inches to the northward and 90 feet to tbe southward of tbe proposed street, which is to be 60 feet wide. Important to Property-Holderg* BOARD OF ASSESSORS. No. 27 Cbahbsbs SismcT, ) New YOBK, July 29, 1890. f Notice is given to the owner or owners of all houses and lots affected thereby, that the following assessments have been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination by all parties inter¬ ested, who must present their objections in writing, if opposed to the same, within thirty days from date of notice: No. 1.—4th av, e s, bet 72d and 74th sts ) alterations and im- 7:2d st, n and s s, bet Lexington and 4th avs ) provements. No. 2.—2d av, bet Oth and 10th sts. beceivino basins. No. 3.—Mth st, s e cor Oth av. CUBBING AND BECUBBINO, FLAaGINO AND BEFLAOOINO. No. 4.—94th st, botb sides, from Park to Sth avs. ''°- '-JS i: "s I: \»-' ^^ -d ^^^ -«' No. 6.—Sth av, w s, from 143d to 144tb st. No. 7.—Sth av, w s, from 117th to 118th st. ) .5tb av, w s, from I3t:d to 133d st. > 132d st, n s, from 5th to Lenox av. ) No. 8.—65th Bt, from Central Park West to 9tb av. No. 9.—SOth st, both sides, from Av A to East River. No. 10.—96th st, n s, from Lexington to Sd av. No. 11.—100th st, from Manhattan to 9th av. No. 12. —Madison and Park avs, 119th and 120th sts. CBOSSWALKS. No. 13.—7tii av, n and s s 126th st BBGULATINa, GBADINO, ETC. No. 14.—138th st, from Sth to Edgecombe av. FENCING VACANT LOTS. No. 15.—84th and 8.5th sts. Boulevard and 10th av. No. 16.—134tb st, 8 8, from 5tb to Lenox av. PAVING. No. 17.—126th st, from w s St. Nicholas av to w s Oth av. [The limits embraced by such assessments include all the houses and lots situated as follows: No. 1.—Blocks bounded by 69tb and 74th sts, Lexington and 4th avs, exciting s s of 74tb st, and block bounded by 71st and 72d sts, 3d and Lexington avs, and n s of 72d st, from 3d to Lezing¬ ton av. No. 2.—2d av, botb sides, from Oth to 10th st. No. S.—14tb st, s s of, from 5th to 6th av. No. 4.—94th st, botb sides, from 5th to Madison av. | 94tb st, s s, from Madison to Park av. f No. 5.—106th st, ss, extending abt 300 ft easterlv tram 10th av. { 105th st, n s, extending abt 300 ft easterly from lOtb av. ( No. 6.—Sth av, w s, bet 143d and 144th sts, on lot known as block 955, Ward number 34. No. 7.—Sth av, w s, frcnn 1 t7tb to 118th st, and from 132d to 133d st. t ]32d st, n s, from .5th to Lenox av. f No. 8.—65th st, both sides, from Central Park West too Oth av. No. 9.—SOth st, both sides, from Av A to the East Rivo*. No. 10.—96th st, n s, from 3d to Lexington av. No. 11.—100th st, n 8, from Manhattan to Oth av. No. 12.—Madison av, w s, from 119th to 120th st ) 119th st, n s, extending easterly abt 310 ft. v 120th st, s s, extending abt 150 ft easterly from Madiaon av.) No. 13.—To the extent of half the block, fnMU t^ mntherly and southerly intersections of Tth av and 126th st No. 14.—13Sth st, both sides, from Sth to Edgecombe av. No. 15. —84th and 85th sts, Botdevard and lOtb av—block bounded by. No. 16.—134th st, s s, from Sth to Lenox av, on block 618, Ward numbers 61, 62 and G3. No. 17.—126th st, botb sides, from St. Nicholas av to a point distant half way bet Otb and Amsterdam avs, and to, the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.] The above-described list will be transmitted, as provided by law, to the Board of Revisi(Hi and Correction of Assesranents tar confirmation, on the 30tb day of August, 1890. New Yobk, July SI, 1890. SEWEBS. No. 1.—142d at, bet Sth and Edgecombe avs, with alterations and improve¬ ments to curve at .142d st and Sth av; Edgecombe av, bet 141st and 14Sth sts. PAVIKO. No. 2.—14l8t st, from 10th av to Boulevard. No. 3.—lOtii av, from i40th to 151st st