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August 23, 189U Record and Guide. 237 M. m DEvteD TO m- Estate . BuiLDijfc *;J5u(itectvjiv MojseiIou) Deoo^^tm*. Bii5ii/E5S a»Id Themes of CeHe>V^ Ij
rivilege of using a mass of unnecessary verbiage.' If these long forms served to render the transfer more safe there would be some reason in holding to them ; but, as a matter of fact, they benefit nobody except the stationers who sell them. There is no possible doubt about the meaning of the forms prescribed by the Legislature, for the bill after stating tbe forms to be used goes on specifically to define the meaning of the vjarious phrases employed. And if any¬ one thinks that the Legislature usurped a judicial function in thus defining vhe sense in which the form is to be taken, he will find that the English courts have held that Parliament has this right, and there is no reason to suppose that an American court would not pass a similar judgment. Indeed, the English experience in this matter would appear to be conclusive. The use of short, statutory forms of conveyance similar to those contained in the New York Short Form act was sanctioned by the British Law of Prop¬ erty act of IfcSl; and the report on Land Transfer of the Bar Com¬ mittee of Ltjndon in March, 1886, states that the forms prescribed by the above act, though not compulsory, " have been completely adopted into current practice." Certain of the large insurance companies have their own forms elaborated after many years of experience. If they wish to retain them, why they can afford to pay for it. But we liave not the slightest doubt that people to whom |5 means 500 cents will not let custom or a legal preference for useless verbiage stand in the way of using the short forms. These, we understand, are for sale at all the stationery shops. BETWEEN the contradictory and sensational reports in the newspapers, and Vice-President Webb's pleasant way of " stuffing" the reporters, it is by no means easy to understand the precise bearing of the present trouble either as regards the merits of the controversy or its importance. Last week all the papers united in declaring that the strike was at an end; on the Monday of the present week the fact was discovered that a general strike over the whole Van.lerbilt system was pending; and in that con¬ dition it has remained up to the time of writing. Whatever the merits of the controversy or its ultimate result, it is evident that regarding the latest phase of the matter the management of the Central road has lacked both wisdom and discretion. It might have been justified in refusing to arbitrate the dispute, though even that would seem to be a matter of doubt if Vice-President Webb has so perfect a case as he claims. But since the public have such a profound interest in the controversy, since a prolonged and wide¬ spread strike would cause such an enormous inconvenience and loss, it is bit right that they should be allowed aa insight into the merits of the dispute, such as must have been the result of a public questioning of the discharged men by Mr. Powderly and Mr. Webb. But, no; both sides have mounted a very high horse, and are determined to ride it no matter how much inconvenience and money it costs the public. This must not be forgotten in deter¬ mining how far the strike is and will be justifiable. It is useless to argue as some of the papers have argued, that the managers of the Central road are too astute to provoke a strike unnecessarily, particularly one of such great importance, for the counter argument that such an experienced labor leader as Powderly—a man who knows so well the danger of strikes and the crushing effects of failure—would order his men out only when he believed the most vital interests he represented were in danger, has an equal if not a greater force. The presump¬ tion that Mr. Webb is really forcing an issue between organized labor and capital is inevitable. If he had been content with simply antagonizing the Knights of Labor it might be supposed that his quarrel was limited in scope to that organization alone; but as he has been unwise enough to embroil himself with other associa¬ tions, and as these associations have thought the matter of suffi¬ cient importance to go on a sympathetic strike, it is plain that his fight is with labor organization as such. There is, however, another aspect to this matter which Mr. Webb would have done well to consider. There has been of late no little internal dissension among the various labor organizations. The American Federation of Labor and the Knights have been at daggers drawn for some time; the Central Labor Union has been split in half; and in the cloakmakers' strike there were considerable differences among the workingmen. Capitalists would have done well to let this disin-