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INDEX TO THE RECORD AND GUIDE Vol. XLVII. JANUARY-----JUNE, INCLUSIVE. 1891. The folloiving semi-annual Index of the Con¬ veyances and Projected Buildings in New York City, as published in The Record ani> Guide during the first half of 1891, will l>e found of great , value to tlioso. of our subscribers who have pi'e- served all the issues of this paper during that period. Our usual care has been taken to keep the Index up to the same perfect standard which has characterized it in the past. The pages are given on which all the transfers of realty pub¬ lished in Volume XLVII. can be found, and the streets and avenues are so subdivided that few references are required. For instance, transfers of i>roperty on Allen street a]j]Dear in eight issues during the si.-i mouths. Allen street in the Index is subdivided into three parts, so that the least possible trouble need bo incurred, provided it is known between what streets the jn'opei-ty is lo¬ cated. In Ibis volume we have continued to ar- , I'ango the transfers iu such a manner that every street affected cau be soeu at a glance bj' turning to the pages which the Index calls for. Take foi- instance page 13 aud dud thcroou: Broadway, Nos. 1671-1677 i begins.52dst,ns, 435.6 52d st. No. 337 \ e Sth av, runs north 100.3 X cast 89.6 to w s Broadway, x south 101 to 53d st, X west 100.3. The above applies when a piece of property is on the corner of any street or avenue aud nius in depth upon both streets more than 100 feet, or when a plot has buildings fronting on both Streets, and also when the property begins on one street and runs to another. Although manj' of our subscribers have used the lode i for years, some of them do not fully understand the com¬ pleteness of the work. We ai-e frequently told of errors that our readers//im/f they have dis¬ covered, n-hich, upon investigation, prove to be errors of the searcher—not of the Index. For in- stauce, iu the curreut number appeal's the follow¬ ing : New .^t, from Wall st to Exchange pi, 303, 399. 919, the latter being the pages on which transfers on said street may be found. Now, turning to page 909, the average searcher would fail to find the item referred to. because it does not appear in the alphabetical order of streets, A close search shows the item under the head of Broad¬ way, s e s, 33.5 u e Exchange pi, where a plot 35x irreg., i-uuniug through to New st., is conveyed. The Index is, therefore, iu some cases condemned for a supposed omission which is really the strong¬ est evidence of the thoroughness with which it has been compiled. Where such an omission should occasionally seem apparent to the sub¬ scriber, he should search the «'hole jiage, and he will then find the item which is referred to. The Projected Buildings are indexed iu a similar man¬ ner, so that it cau realily be ascertained on what streets improvements have been made. Thoie wishing to keep a file for permauent reference should see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. A suitable binder cau be ob¬ tained at the office of The Record and Guide, 14 and 16 Vesey street; price, one dollar. Below \vill be found a table showiug the bound¬ ary lines of each of the thirteen Sections, and under which all property is now indexed in the Register's office by locality on new land maps of New York Cicy, according to new law, which went into effect Jan. 1, 1891: Sec. 1.—South of Grand and Watts sts, between East and North Rivers. 2,—From Grand and Watts sts to 14th st. East aud North Rivers. 3.—Prom 14th to 4t;th st. East and North Rivers. 4.—Prom 40tb to 9iJth st, west of Oih av and line drawn parallel thereto. 5,—From 40th to 9htb st, east of 6tb av, and line drawn parallel thereto. 6.—From 96tb st to Harlem River, east of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. 7.—From 96tb to 155th st, at Harlem River, west of Lenox av, and line drawn parallel thereto. 8.—Prom 155th st to Spuyten Duyvil Creek, west of Harlem River. !).—Prom Harlem River to 169th st. west of St. Anns and 3d av.*. 10.—From Harlem River to 169th st, east of St. Anns and 3d avs. 11.—Prom ir,9tb st to Pelhamavand Kingsbridge road, bet Bronx and Harlem Kivers. 12.—From Pelham av and Kingsbridge road and city line, bee Bronx River and Broadway. 13.—Prom HarJem River and city line, bet Broad¬ way and Hudson River. CONVEYANCES, Note.—The figures in extra black type—for -instance, pages 2-11, 747 aud 875 under the head of Broadway, between Sth and Uth streets—de- 'note that the transaction on the pages given is Leasehold, or a lease rnuuiug for a long term of years. This explanation is made so that subscrib¬ ers searching Cor transfers in fee can at once dis¬ tinguish between the former and the latter with¬ out referring to the page mentioned. NEW YORK CITY. STREETS. Abington sq |see Bleecker aud Bank sts and 8th avl....91, 399. Academy___128. Allen, from Hester to RivingtOii___89, .532, 740, Riviugton to Stanton___353. 568, 747. Stiutou to Houston___316. 827. Amity lane (uow closed) . 74u, 741 Ann, from Nassau to William. ..402, 1037. Apthorps lane----205,356,441, 534, 57i>, 618, 830, 873, 954. Attorney, from Division to Broome___203, 015. Delancey to Riviugton. . .338, 658, 698, 989. Rivington to Hoviston___89, 139, 16.5. Bank, from Greenwich av to Bleecker st___238, 569, 615. Washington st to 13th av.. ,,573, 787. Barclay, from Broadway to Church st___359. 875, Church st to College pi..., .403. 747, College pi toGroenwich st....443. Barrow, east of Bleeeker___4m, 698, from Bleecker to Bedford___89, 698, 952. Bedford to Ci.immerce___89. Commerce to Hudson___319, GC3. Hudson to W ashiugton___4,:SS. Baxter, from Park row to Park___41, 139.165. Leonard to Franlrliu___316. Canal to Grand___740, 871. Bayard, from Pcu-syth toChrystie___13, 164,203, 787. Cba-ystieto Bowery...,939. Bowery to Elizabeth___740, 871, 953, 956. 994. Elizabeth to Mott.. ..56S, 615,871,952. Mott to 'ijaxter... .13,533. Beach-----13, '■Hi, 2i)3, 871. Beaver, trom Broa iway to Broad___12, 909, 952. Broad to Wilbam___353, 9ll9. Bedford, from Houston to Downing___203, 783. Downing to Carmine... .,S9, 238, 317. Lei'ov to Morton___39, 740, 871. M Orton to Christopher... .41. 485, 69S. Beek' ,}, tj;om Gold to Pearl.. ..353, 787, 837.. Bethii J from Greenwich to Washington... .953. Bleecker, n s, from Bowery to Broadway ., ,89. Mercer to Greene___989. VVoo'terst to .South r>tb av.. ..316. 353, South 5tb aj to MacdoiTga! st___238, 615. Macdougal to Carmine....41, 131, 164,989. Carmine to lOtb___13,523,989. 10th tor!i;arles... 438, 6^8. lltbst toMtb av...,91.a.;8, 53fi. Bloomingdale toad___31'5, 319, 439, 615, Bloomfield,.., •-jr-,5. Bond.,..658, 741,1)53. Boulevard, from 6-tth toO'^th___740, 991, 1037, 7litb to 7Sth.... 164, 837, 953. 8llihto83d....]28, 83d to 84th.... 41, 238, 568, 909. 84th to N6th___'Wi, 871. S«Lh to96tb....3'^3.1037. 96th to lU0th....4S7, 1037, II 0th tol(i2d....317, 1(137. 102d to 1114th,. ..485, 1037. 104th to 100th.... 12«, 1027. 106th to lltth___30S, S7i. IHith toH2th....3.53, 1037. ]3l)th to 135tb.,..4l, 45, 131,203. 135tb to 14inh .. .3.'i7, ,5ii8, 615. 140th to l.Wth.... 377, 787, 953. north of 150th {see lltb av). Bowerv, south of Kayard.. ..238, 485. from Bavord to Canal... .359, 438, 568, 740,747. 791,953, 956. Hester to Grand___403. » Graud to Broome.. ..380, 399,485. 791. w s, Broome to Spring___338, 568. w s. Spring to Houston___989. e s, Stanton to Houston___703. w s. Bond to Great Jones___164. Bridge, from Whitehall to Broad... 698,953. Broad....41. 203, 699. EroadM'ay, south of Wall,.. ,238. 399, 909, from Cedar to Fulton.... 139, 438,1037. Reade to Canal.... 828, 909. Grand to Spring.... 203, 875, Spring to Houston... .377, 787, 837. Houston to Bleecker___741, 871. Bleecker to 4th. ...699 8tb to lltb....341, 747, 875. Hthto2ittb....l67. 238. 3(ith to 23d.. ..93. 443. 663, 698, 703. 23d to 31st....41, 353, 875. 36tb to ihfh.... 164, 203, 319. 45th to4stb....203, 568. 61st to5iith....l3, 991, 1037. ,north of 59tb (also sea Boulevard;.,. 991, 1037. 130th to 133d....203, 953. north of 163d {also see Kirgsbridge road) ....441, 523, 615, 661,698,871, lu37. indeft....875. Broome, from Mangiu to Goerek... .615, 871,909. Lewis to Cannon....353, 837. Cannon to Sheriff.. ,.41, 203, .563. Sheriff to Willett....l2. 41, 658. Willett to Pitt... .12, 203, 399, 668, 658, 698, 741. Pitt to Attorney... .12, 203, 533. Clinton to Norfolk... .43, 129,953 Norfolk to Essex.... 207, 532. Essex to Ludlow.. 4-i.i. 953. Ludlow to Orchard___319. Eldridge to Porsytn___37u, .523, 9>3. Forsyth to Chrysiie... 41,827. Obrystie to Bowery... 39H, 485. Bowery to Mott. . .280, 791. Mott to Elm....615, ;»53, 9>3. Elm to Broad waj'___S68. Broadway to Greene___276, 353. Greene st to South Sth av___164, 69*1, 741. Souin 5th av to Sullivan st___485, 698, Sullivan to Hudson___303, 837. Burling slip----316, 354. Canal, east of Division .. ..568, 61S. from Division to Orchard___90, 615, 693. Orohsrd CO Cbrystie___13, 241, 443. EliKabelb to Mulberry___15, 139. Cenlre to Broadway___Olisi. n s, Mercer to Greene___377, 317 s s, Broadway to Church___1''5. 380. n s. Greene to Wooster___832. n s, Wooster st to South Sth av___787. ns, Thomp,'on to Muilivan___165. s s, Laigh t to Vai ick___953. Varick to Hudson___994, 1030. Hudson to Washington___203, 658. Cannon, from Grand to Broome___165, 303. Delancey to Riviugton___837. Riviugton to Stanton___89. 303, 698, 909, Stanton to Houston___i:;9.' Carmine, from Bleecker to Bedford___238. Catharine, from Henry to Monroe....303, 317. Catharine .•■lip___S37. Cedar, from Pearl to William... .485, 52fi. William to Broadway___338, 403. Broadway to Trinity pi___353, 'M^. Triui'y pi to Washington st... .485, 990. Washington to West___787, 837. Central Park West, from O^d to 65th___89 90 71st to72d___238. 377. 3.53, 523 73d to 7.5th... .485, 573, 698. 76th to 77th,.. .353, 399, 438, 485, 523, 658. Sl'lh to 83d. . 787. • 83d to?5th....l29, 277, 568,61.5. 85th to 33th. .615,953. 8B'.h to91tb,...6l5,T4l. 96thto9Slb ...277,485,698. 98t,h toHi2d,...939. lOOlh tol08tb....6I5, 098. north of 110th (see 8th av). Centre, south of Reade....90. 9c9, from Reade to Leonard___317, 615. White to Canal ...1030. Canal to Grand___238, 48-5, 787. north of Gi-and___15, 953. Chambers, from Centre to Church___45, 833 909. West Broadway to Greeo wich___280, 741. Greenwich to West___403, 953, Charles, from Waverley pi to 4th st___698, 953. Washington to West. ...659. Chatham sq___2U3.