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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 47, no. 1206: April 25, 1891

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AprU 26,1891, Record and Guide. 656 stone residence on the soutbwest corner of West End avenue and 73d street, 34.8x about 70x96, to H. H. Vail for «78,000. John Bannon has sold for Cbas. Buek & Co., twelve lots ou the soutb side of 87th stree', 150 feefc west of Central Park West., about 300x100, to Oppenheiraer & Meizger, on private terms. J. M. Flanagan has sold for Robert Wallace five houses on the south side of SSth street, east of Amsterdam (lOth) avenue, for $117,000; and for Samuel Colcord, six lots on the south side of 84th street, S8 feet east of the Boulevard, for $73,000. Wm. S. Anderson & Co. have sold foi- Robt. S. Andersou aud otbers the three four-story flats and stores, Nos, 3370 to 2374 2d avenue, each 35x84. lOi to Thos, McManus for !!i51,500; for Efhe C, Skinuer the tive-story brick tenement wibh stores, No. 315 East 74th street, lot 35x10-3,3, to Owen Murpb) at S17,50U; for A, B. Ansbacher the three-story and basement private dwelling. No. 167 East 7lst street, 16,8x50x102.a, to Benj, Unger at 816,000: for James Boyce the four-story dwelling. No, 118 East 72d street, lot 18 9x103,3, at 137,500 to Dr, Harry H. Seabrook, and for Dr. Seabrook to James Boyce the three story dwelling. No. lOB'i Lexington avenue, 17x93.11) at «17,500. T. A. Burnett has sold for the Rev. Ed. Karlschmaroff the three-story and basement brown stone front residence. No. 137 East 74th street, nx50x 102.2, to a Mrs. Hyman tor $18,-500, and for Chas. Schlessiuger tbe tbree- Ktory and basement dwelliug. No, 120 EasttJ4thstreet, 30x4,5x100 (leasehold), lo S, Woolf, Riker & Sou have sold for Chas. Buek & Co, the four-story high stoojj residence. No. 77 West 70th street, 20x60x100.5, to Thomas S. Strong for $37,060, Jacob M, Newman has sold the thi-oe-story private house No. 307 West 78th street, 19s.55xl00, for about $25,000, to Mr. Lewis Meudohlson; aud the three-story private bouse No, 317 West 78tb street, 31x55x100, for about 827,500, to a relative of Mr, Geo, D, Wagner, the importer. Broker, Heury Lehn, John N. Golding hassold for the Richardson estete tbe frame dwelling and lot No. 60O East 136th street, 40x100, to C. Derhth. J. W. Kelly hassold for Chas. Lowen & Co, the five-story brown stone apartment house, 25x90x100.5, No, 140 West 63d street, to John J. Myar Jr., for J31,000. Edward R, Teller-has sold for Chas, T, Schlafer thefive-story hrown stone flout tenement, No. 121 East 110th street, 25x85x100, to F, J, Taylor for $34,000. Shaw & Co, have sold for Mi-s, Jennie Clark Clillnior the four-story 25-foot apartment bouse No. Ul West 134th street, to Noah Schwab. Ames & Co. have sold for Chas. Mayne tbe four-story high stoop house No. l36 West S5th street. 18.9x55 and B. P, extension xIOO, to Benj. Wecb¬ sler for *33,000. S. H, Greenbaum has sold for Louisa Newbouer the four-story bigh stoop house No. 103 East 60tb street, 20x50x100, for $33,000. P, Zittel has Mold for Mi-s, E. Graves the three-story high stoop house No, 162 East 63d street, 16x50x100, for *15,750, Folsom Bros, bave sold for Mrs. Jas, M. Drake the four-story residence No, 48 East 78th street, size 30.6x,50xl02.2. LEASES, F. C. Bennett reports that be has leased for J. D. Butler the store in the Lincoln Building, on the northwest coruer of Uuion Square aud 14th street to Mi-s, Theresa Lyuch, tbe diamond merchant, now ou Broad¬ way and 33d street. Tbe is for teu years at $13,000 per annum, W. Jennings Demorest has leased the inside store in tbe altered Mauhat¬ tan Building, on tbe southwest comer of 5th avenue and ISth street, to the Sboninger Piano Manufacturing Company, for three yeai-s at $6,000 per annum. The store is 25x100 in size. The ofBces and studios in tbis build¬ iog have nearly all been rented. John N. Golding has leased for H. C. Fahuestock tbe dwelling No 33 East 51st street, to E, H, Harriman, Brooklyn, George F. Edwards, of 106 Broadway, New York, has sold the three-story frame dweUing, No. 289 Franklin street, on plot 37x100. to A, Schneider ou private lerms. J. P. Sloaue has sold foi- Andrew E. Walkei- the tbree-story fj-ame flat, 25x60x100, at Nos. 31 Oakland street, to Mrs. Ida V. Matthews for $7,100; and for tbe same party No, 33 Oakland street, to Louise Geserick for $7,100. Corwith Bros, have sold the three-story frame dwelling, lti.Sx50, on lot 16,8x100, Ko. 102b Eekford street, for Thos, Haslam to Walter Mallinson for $4,500; the two-story and basement frame dwelliug, 20x36, on lot 30x100, No. 33 Oaklaud street, for Chas. Steel to Lanra A, Biittsfor $3,800. CO.NVBVANUBS. ItiW. IM91, April 17 CO a3 iuu, -iitril 10 to 22 iut, .Sumuer.................................... 473 3S3 Amount iuvolved............................ »3,40MH5 Sl,664,077 Number nomiual............................ 12ti ',K MoaTOAQBs. Number..................................... 39r, SIS Amount involved............................ ltl,329,47l) »l,I68,3-2!i Number at 5 per cent, or less................ ^44 167 Amouut invohed............................. 8350,708 $1,OOS»,359 J'ltOJIU.TBO BUILUINOb. 1800, lewi. April 18 to 34 inc. April 17 DO 2a inc. Number of buildmgs....................... 13J 138 Estimated L-o^t............................ 5,596,165 lliSr,-370 Ont Amoiis the Buildera. The statement has been made that the building committee of the new Metropolitan Club has so tar deflnitely settled its purposes and plans aa to make a selection of architects for the club house to be erected at tbe north¬ east corner of 5lb avenue and 6Cth street. Tbis plot has a frontage on the avenue of ItO (eet with 2CD feep on the street, so that tbere will be ample room for the development of any scheme or ideas in the way of any new departure for the club bouse, With the almost unlimited resources at command, eud with otber potent influenecs at work, it will be interesting to note tbe outcome of the project. The new building wiU undoubtedly be a noteworthy addition to the club houses of the city, holding its own with others of like character on Sth avenue and bearing the imprint of the represeatative men who form the club, McKim, Mead and White will be the architects. E. K. Bourne bas drawn plans for tbe new library building, to be built for the Harlem Library, on the south side of 123d street. 40 feet east of Lenox avenue. The building will be 34x90 in size, flve stories high, wItb a front of hght stone and brick. The librai-y proper will occupy the flrsfc floor entire. This will he arranged with reading, reference, offlce and dis¬ tributing rooms, all of wbich will be finished in native ash and white enamelled woodwork. The library will be provided with accommodations for 40,000 or more books, heated by steam and lighted with electricity, these conveniences being included in the appointments of tbe building throughout, Tbe upper stories will be flnished for bachelor apartments, which are to oe flnished in hard woods and made convenient and attractive in every way. The exact cost of this bailding has not been estimated, but it will not be fai- from $60,000. G. A. Schellenger has plans ou the boards for six (our-story and basement stone dwellings to be built ou the south side of 77th street, 400 feet east of Amsterdam avenue. These houses will be 19 and 30x56 iu size, cabinet trim throughout, with tiled bath-rooms, exposed plumbing, electric bells, light, steam heat, etc. Tbe cost is eslimated at $30,000 eacb, and Mrs. Juha Keunidy is the owner. The same architect has plans under way also for five flve-story brick and stoue flate witb stores to be built for Fred'k Hack ou the northeast corner of Amsterdam avenue and 84th street. Three wUl be 35x79, one 27x77 and one 18x93, The last arranged for one family, while the others will accommodate two families on eacb floor, ihey are to be flnished with all improvements aud will cost $100,000. J. A. Lienau has drawn plans for two flve-story brown stone flats, 50x100, to be built on the southeast corner of Stb avenue and 135th street. These houses will be arranged for two families on each floor and flnished with al! tirst-class appointmen tn. A, C. Monson is the owner, and the cost will be about $50,000, J, C. Burue will be the architect for five brick and stone flats, 35x87, to be built at a cost of $125,000, on the south side of 116th street, 80 feet west of Lexington avenue, for H. C, Tuke and R, C. Biu-ne. The twelve lots on the south side of 87th street, 150 feet west of Central Park West, just purchased by Oppenheimer & Metzger, are to be improved by the erection of four-story private houses. H. J, Hardenbergh has plans on the boards for a tive-story and basement flat, 40x88.9. tobe erected at Nos. 410 and 412 West 34th street, by John Downey, G. Fred. Pelham bas pians for two five-story and basement flats, 33,9x90, lo be built by John Laimbeer, ^t Nos. 343 and 345 West 50th street, at a cost of $54,000: for two four-stcry (high stoop) houses, 18,6x55 aud 10,6x 20 extensions, to be built by J, L, Buttenweine, at Nos. 235 and 337 East 60th street, to-cost about $33,000; and eight flve-story tenements with stores, to be built by Weil & Mayer, on the east side of Stb avenue, he¬ tween 15th and 16th streets, r-overing the block, front, to cost about $150,000. Ed. Cunningham intends to budd five five-atory flats ou tho southeast corner of Manhattan aveuue and 131st street, the coruer to be 35,11x91, and the others lS,9s'iO each. Architect, Hy, Davidson, Schneider & Herter bave plans preparing for a six-story brick aud stone tire-proof flat with stores, 24.4x89, to be built for Weil & Mayer, at No. 57 Bayard street, and to cost $39,000; and another similar flat, 24.3x88, to be built tor the same owners at No. 55 Bayard street, ac a costof $-36,000; also for Weil &. Mayer a flve-story aud basemeut brick and stone flat, 35x89, to cost $36,000, and to be built at 134 Madisou street. In om' issue of March 21 notice appeared of four flats to be built from plans by Cbas, Rentz, at Nos. 33B and 340 West 34th street, 353 and 355 West 25ib street, for J. H, Zimmerman, The owuer bas since abandoned this project and will build on this plot a six-story brick, iron, stone and ten-a cotta warehouse. The building will bo 60x200 iu size, fui-nished with all improvements and to cost $130,000. Cbaries Rentz is the architect, Tbere seems to be something of a movement among architects this spiiu" to up-town locations. Twenty-third street aheady has its full share of pro¬ fessional men of this class, who seem to find it a central point for conduct¬ ing business. P, J. Lauritzen is among the last to make a change, and will establish bimself iu new ofiices at No, 18 East 33d street on or about April 35th. _The contracte have beeu let aud work will be began early in May on tbe eigbt-story aud basement flre-proof building to be built at Nos. 21 and 23 Maiden lane. Plans were flled iu February by J. R, Thomas for this building, which is to be comjileted by the 15th of January, 1893. The frout will be of Milfoi'd granite entu'e to tht> top of second story and cai-ried lip in buff brick and terra cotta. The rear and side walls are to be of the mod¬ ern construction, i. e., haviug tbe irou posts and girders filled in with brick after the frame work bas been set. The floors thi-oughout will be made especially strong, to cai-ry any extra weight in the way of heavy safes, ete. Special attention has been given to hght and air and the least possible use is to be made of woods lor the interior finish. Two elevators will be pro¬ vided, togethei' with other appointments wbich will make this one of the flrst-class office buildings in the section. The buildiug will cost about $175,000, and is to be built for P. K. & W. H. Hays. Edgar Ketchum will make extensive changes in the basement, first atory and front of the apartment bouse on the south side uf 125tb sireet, near 7th aveuue, converting the flrst floor iuto two stores, 19x85 each, and con¬ necting the basement thereto foi- mercantile purposes. A handsome new entrance to tbe upper floors will be placed in the centre of the buUding, This entrance will be Romanesque in style and built of Little Falls sand¬ stone, A new elevator will he added, aud the front walls of the flrst story Cao»tiuu«d on page 657.)