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1044 Record ahd Guid e. June 37, ISflll / l^\ BUILDINGS PROJECTED. NRW TOKK CiTT. SODTH OP 14TH STREET. Attorney st, Nos. ISO-ia"^, four five-storv brk flats, two ■-'5.4x88,(1 and two 21 8x88,(1, tin roofs; eost. abt SlS.OOO eacb: C. March trustee Staats¬ burgh, N. Y,; ar'ls, Snook & Sons; m'ns. An- drus&Soo; c'rs. Demarest & Banta, PlauHl6, Mott st, e s, liy s Broou.e st, ooe-^tory brk stable,- Ii5x19, tiu roof; cosr, Sl,000; lessee, D, 'SaladiQO, 31)LJ Broomest; ar't, F. Ebeling, Plan ■917. IOtb St. Nos. 16n-I68 W. 1 two and four- Cbristopher st, Nos, 47 and i'fX f story brk and stooe buildiugs, ll4.-'> and )i4,iixSK K and 9".4, aspbalt roof; oust. S7:i,000; Henry Hilton, 2S0 Broadway; ar't, E D. Harris. Plau Hut). Eldridge st. No, .15, five-story brk aud stoue flat, dfixW, tiu roof; cost, $20,000; ow'r and li'r, J V. Campbell, 4-.;fi West aTth st; ar't, M. V". B. Ferdou, Plan 1)34. ^ Pranklin st, Nos. 181 and 1^3, six-story brk, iron and stooe buildiog, 30.1s7o..1, tinroof; co*t, $30,000; lessee, H. Heide, 12 Perry st; ar't, H, Eatka, Plan -'62^. Bester st. No 10, five-story brk flat, e.5stj0, tm roof; cost. SlS.OOO; M. Jacobson, l.'iS Clinton st; ar't, F. Ebelioe Plan 9^3. Houstoo st, Nos, 3711 and '17^ E,, five-story brk building, 40.;is4>>.7. tin roof; co.st, 820,000; jMeir- owitz it Altuian, S74 East Houston st; ar't, L, F, Heinecue. Plan y'5. Market st. No, Hi, five-stoiy brk aud stone flat, -iox75 8, (in root; cost, ?20,000; I, Gellas, 37 Essex at;'ar't, C, Rentii, Plan %'ii. Morton st. No. 20, five-story eud basement brk and stoue flat, 'J5x?H, tiu roof; cost, SiM.OOO- J L. Buttenweiser. 'i'll East 60lh st. ar't, G, F. Pel¬ ham; m'u, J. Von Dolsen. Plan §'27. Priucest, No. VI''', sis-;tory brk. iron and stone building, 25xS7, tiu roof; cost, &40,000; J. Keboe, 2iJ5 East ISlh st; ar't, A. Wagner. Plan 9ii4. BETWEEN I4TH AND 61ITH STREETS. iOth St. Nos, 11.1-119 W., five-story bck aod slooe club hou.-e, 79.f)x89.y with estension, tile 'roof: coit,S'200,OOo; a, C. Clark, 7 West 'ild st; ar'D, R. H. Kobertstou, Plan 9lii. 5-d st, Nos, 7^i and 75 E., three-story hrk and stone stable. 'iosliS, tin roof; cost, $I«,(I00; H, U. Fabenstock, 2 Wall sl; ar't, P. L, Ellju^wood; b'r, C, T, Wills, Plan W«. North River, foot 2~i\j\\ st, Pier Kl.. irou shed and offiee, ooe and two sioi-y, 7^x491, iron, wood and tinroof; cost, $70,000; V\'. W, Rossiter, prest., -'*0 7thav, Brooklyn; ar't, (i, B, Mallory. Plan BHTWEKM 59th .=i,N1) IS.'JTB HTKEETS, KAST OF 5th avenue. 93d st, Nos. 54 und 56 E., two tbree-story and basement brk and stone dwell'gs, 18x52, with ex¬ tension, tiu roofs; cost, $I-.<,500 eaeb; W, Keid, U7-JMav; ar't, VV, Reid, Jr. Plin9i2, 3d av, No. Ibvi;;, rear, one-story frame iron and glass slore, SJx-'.^, tiu roof; cost. ffi,200; T. E, Crimoiins, 125 Park av ; ar't, J. H. Fiieud. Plan 905, 2d av. No, n3.S, tive-story nrk flat. 25.3x61).7, tiu roof; cost, $18,000; ow'r and m'u, J, J, Keilly, 431 East 7yth st; ar't, C. H. Israels. Plan y3l. BETWEEN 59th ANI> 12.5TH STREETS, WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WEST AMD 8tH AVENUE. (i7tb st, s s, HO e Colunibus av, six-siory hrk warehouse, -511x98, tiu roof; cost, §50,000; t. Kil- pairick, 1-^34 Madisonav; ar't, G. A. oehelleu^er, Plau 9iti. b3d St. ss, 3a5 e Columbus av, three flve-story stone flits, ^wo ^Us89, one :i5x90.0, tm roots; total cost. $75,000; M.C, Monagbao, 2-Ji East Slst st; ar'ts. OgOeo & «on. Plau yo7, etiih st. No. 130 W,. five-story brk and slone flat, 25-s.>ii, tm roof; ccst, S20,00(i; vV. L, Flana- ga(i,5a West oythsi;ar't, J. Munckwitz PlanyuS. Riverside av or Drive, n e cor ItOth st, two¬ story and attic brk store and terra cotta dweil'g, 57 t)iin,2, tiie und copper roof; ccst, SSO.Oiio; J, Matthews. 25:J tiaie^ av, Brookljn; ar'ts. Lamb & Kicb. PiauOl.'*. llCtb st, s s, (itJ w Sth av, oue-story fark and glass store, ;Vixa5 and 40.11, tin roof; cose, S.,5,0;.C, H. Von Dehsen,;-lUO West UCihst. Plau 919. Rivers'de av or drive, u e oor 78lh st, seven three aod four-story ULd bascuieut brk and slone dwell'g?, sizes irreg,, tiu and siale roofa; total uo-t, S17f^,(NHi; C, R, Robert, Oakdale, L. I.; ar'ts, Buek & Co. Plau SUM. Colun'bus (viib) av, w s. 75.3 n 97th st. five¬ story brk flat, y.5>.0ti, tin roof; cost, Sa2,000; H, .Galway, lii7j ^'d av;ar't, F. J. Miller, Plau 9S5. NORTH OF 125th STREET. Lexington av, n e i^or IWlh st. oue-story frume stable, I00xi9ii, gravel roof; cost, Slfi,O00; lessves, Tbird Av R. K. Co., 9ar Madisou av; ar't, A, Wagner; br, W. E- Eldred, Plau 913, aSD AN1> a4Te WARDS, 136th st, n s, 190 e Southern Boulevard, two- it )i-y brk siable,-^5x27, tiu roof; cost, $2,0011; H, Kieruau, I35th stand tioutheru Boulevard; ar't, A Pfeiffer. Plao 914. Madison av, w s, 2 i3 n Eingsbridge road, 24tb ^ai-d, two-stoiy Irame divell'g, a^xiO; tiu roof; cost, $3,SOU; E. G. Musgrove, lu4 West 103d st; ;b'r, W. 8. MiUer. Plau ail. Prospect av, e s, 69 s 162d st, two tbree-story frame dwell'gs, 15x45, tiu roofs; cost, S:i,.'j()'0 each; Anna Mattmuller, 216 East 8uth st; ai''t, M, J, Garvin. Plau 9:^0. Prospect av, 6 a, 163nl*l5th Bt, three tbree- storv frame dwell'gs, Iti,8x4-3, tiu roofs; cost, S3,000 each; Mary E. McCarthy, 1920 East t(;2d st; ar't, C. C. Churchill: c'r, F, McCarthy. Plan 921. Valentine av. s s, 145 w Southern Boulevard, two-storv frame dwell'g. '22x42 with exiension, tin roof; cost, S9,000; T. Everest, 169 East llltb st; ar'r, L Entzer, Jr. Plan sa3. Walton av, u w oor 15Sth st, two-slory frame buildiug. 25x34. tin roof; cost $3.50; W, G. Rob iuson, l-'iStb st and Gerard av; ar't, T, B. God¬ win, Plan 918. ~ Wasbington av, w s, 324 s 176th st, rear, two¬ story brk stable, 38,11x38 4, tin roof; cost, 9e5,0Oi'; Sarah I. Wyckoff, 1773 Wasbington av; ar't, T, E, Thomson. Plan 9U3. b.i]yus corivTT. Plau 1197—Dumout av, necor Usborn st, one tbree-story frame store and tenem't, 25x55, lin roof; eost, S4,0ll0; S, C. Wilson, 2499 Allantic av. 11VI8—Adams st, se cor Johu st, one six-story brk factory. 1.50,;^ and .54xir'3.3, gravelroof, brk ! cornice; cost, SOi),lHMi; E. W. Bliss, 17 Adams st; ar't, W. B. Tubby; b'rs. M. Reid & Co 1199—Newport st.n s, .59 w Watkius st, one one-story frame dwell'g, 20x30, tin roof; cost, SSiO; Pauline Hartman, Rockawayav. 12uO—Richards it, n w cor Partition st, one four-story frame store and dwell'g, ■in-s.5'6, tin roof; cost, $7,000; Terence bbarkey, 69 Partition st; ar't and c'r, D, J. Lyncb;m'n, J. T.Nelson. laui—Eastern Parkway, u s, 100 e Christopher av.one two-story frame tailor shop, 5lis:'i5, tin roof; ccst, $1,5U0; J. Solomon and H. Goldberg, Belmont av, s e cor Watkins st; ar't. A, J. VVarren. 1202—Jerome st, w s, 125 u Atlantic av, one one-story frame tailor shop, 19,"t30, tin roof; eost, ■SUOii; Jacob Groben, on premises; ar't, C. In¬ fanger. 1 ai'o—Eastern Parkway, u a, 100 e Christopher av, two three-story frame stores and tenem'ts, 25x 5S, tin roofs; cost, eacb, S:i,UtK"i; J. Soloman and H.Goldberg, Belmontav, cor Watkins sl; ar't, A. J, Wsrren. 1204—Gates av, s s, 175 o Knickerbocker av, tno tnree-story frame (brk fliled) stores and tene¬ meuts, a5j;60, tiu roofs; cost, §5,000 each; Heuiy Taylor, 1553 3d av, New York; ar't, E. Weuz. 1205—Bedford av,n w cor North IOtb st, four four-story brk stores and tentm'ts, 2,5x110, tiu roofs, metal cornices; cost, total, *30,36u; Antou Manuel, North 9tb st, near Bedford av; b'r, P, F. Fitzgerald. 1^00-Broadway, Noi. 435 aud 437, u s, 50 w Hewes st, one four-story brk store and lofts, 50x 90, tin roof, iron cornica; cost, $15,000; J, A. Collet, 3:i6 Soutb 9tu st; ar't^, Jordan & Giller; b'r, not selected. 1207—Jamaica a V, u s, .500 e Marketst, one one¬ story and attic brk mortuary offlce building, 40s i-i. tile roof, Slone coruice; cost, §15,000; Cvpress Hill Ceme'ory Corporation, 338 Potier Buriding; ar'ts, Dauuiar& Fischer; b'r, uot selected, 1-JU8—Atlanlic av, s w cor Williams pl, three two story frame stores and dweirgs, 13 a and 1R.6 xiiO, tinroof; cost, S2,lKi0 each; Herbert Bmitb, Highland Boulevard; ai't, A. J. Warren. 1^09-Walkim st. w s, 100 s Eastern Parkway, 26.6J-60, tin roof; cost, S3,500; Adia Palmer, Wat¬ kius st, near Belmoni av; ar't, A. J. VVarren. 1210—uliuion av, No, 415. e s, 2oO s Greene av, one-storv brk biUiard •■oom, 2iJX3tj, tin roof; ccst, Sl,80l'; S, W, Ji..hnston, on premises; b'rs, C. Cameron and H. J. timiih. 1211—Hancocit st. n s, 3S0 e Nostrand av, one four-story aud basement browu stone dwell'g. 21x45, mansard tiu aud shingle roof, iron cor¬ nice; cost,S.'^,000: F. B. Langston, 1239 Bedford av: ar'ts, Laugs'oo & Dahlautler. 121-.;—5th av, s e cor Berkeley pl. four four- story brown stone stores aud teuem'ts, 18.0, 21.6 and 27,0sti
50 w Underhill av'3 two four-storv brk double fliits, 25x52, tin rood's/, wooden cornices; cost, total, §12,000; ow'r aud b'r E. Soderstrom, 086 Bergensi; ar't, VV. H, Wirih X230—Milford st. w s;, 170 u Heeeuian av; one two-story fi-ame shoe factorv, 20sl5, lio roof: cost, $250; Philip Doliard. 45 Willoughby av; b'r, A. Hup.hes. 1231—Butler st, n s, ,50 w Clason av. one four- story brk flat, 2S, )0so5, tiu roof, wooden coruice; cost, SVf.OOO; John Chambers, 721 Butlerst; ar'ts I. D. Reynolds & Son; b'r. C. Nolan. 1232—Vao Cott av, s w cor Rus-ell st, two four- story frame {brk fliled) teuem'ts. 25x63, gravej' roofs; cost. 512,000; Manbeim & Helmuken, 130i Manhattan av; ar't, G, H. Madigau. 1233—Maspttb, Orient. Moi-gan aud Vander vort avs, oue one-storv brl^ ropti factory, 130x24 gravelroof; cost. ?2.O0O; Lawrenca Rope Works on preraises; b'r, G, W. Williams. l-'34—Atlantic av. n s, 120 w New York av, two five-story brk (brk fliled) stores and tenem'ts. 30x li'3, gravel roofs; cost, §25,000; ow'rs and b'rs, L" R, & St. J(hn Wood, 75 New York av; ar't, ~ Vnn Brunt. 1-235-Troy av, w s, 100 n Atlantic av, one one' storv frame shed. 15x37, tiu roof: cost, %im Charles J. Warren, 1,577 Atlantic av; ar't an b'r, J, Walters. 1-236—Bedford av, w s, 136.10 s Myrtle av, one' two-slory brk and Lake Supei-ior stoue fire inick bouse, 25x71, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $11,000; City of Rrooklyn; ar't, Dep't City Works: b'r, A. P. Blixt; 1-237—Troutman st, u s, 102.8 w Wyckoff av, one two-story basement frame (brk filled) tene¬ ment, 25j60, tin roof; cost, $3,,50ii; N, i^erzner, 179 Hopkins st; ar'ts, D. Acker &, Son, U'S"*-Starr st. No 35, one tbree-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $5,000; Mrs. Miller, ou premises; ar'ts, U. Acter & Hou 123H—Cornelia st, n s, 100 e Evergreen av, i>ue one-story frame siable. i:jx-24, felt roof; cost, $-25; Johu Miunihan, 25 Bleecker st, 12411-Ash St. n s, 72 e Manbattau av, one tbree-story frame (brk filled) dwell'g, 28x25, tin roof; cost, $1,500; Mrs. Otto Huber, Meserole st;;' ar'ts, D. j\cker & Son. ALTERATIONS NBW FORK ilTt, Plan 1177—Pitt st, No. 36, rear, interior altera¬ tions for batbirg purposes; .cost, $2,600; S. Ehr¬ licb, on premises; ar't, P. Ebeling, (Corrects error as to cost in last issue ) ll97^5tb av, n e cor 26ih st, uew show -win¬ dows, &c,; cosl, $5,000; R. fie I^rgerot, 44 Eust 26Lh st; ar'ls, Thorp & Knowles. 1198-Madison av, Nos, 1118 and II'W, oue-story and basement extension. 9x14; coat, $4,O0O; F. A. Constableet al, 9 East t^3d st; ar'ts, Scbickel& Co. 1199—odav, Nos. 21SS aud 2190, cellar exca¬ vated, uew foundation, iuterior alterations, uew sbow windows; cost. SI,OOii; lessee, H Kahu, 171 East llOtb st; ar't, E. E. Rogers. 1:'.U0—3d av. No. 219;;, interior slieratious. uew show windows, new cornices; cost, $1,()00; lessee aud ar't, same as last. 12111—v'^tb av, e s, 25 s 1y7th st. repair damage by fire; cost, g8,000: P. Pish, 149 Bread way ; ar'c, J, Muuckwitz; c'r, F. A. Farmer. l;;o-.;—OOlh st, No. 9 E., interior alterations end uew conservatory; cosl, abt $2,500; B. Mainz.,>r, 45 West 49th st; b'rs. Hess & Co. 1-^oa—3d av, n e cor 76ih st, oue-story esten¬ siou, 22x27. interior alttrations, new entrance, &:c.; cost, .?l,,5i,0; J. yaxtou, SiJl Lexington av; ar't, J. Sexton. 12i;4—3d st. No. 87 W., iuterior alteratious sud walh alter*d; cost, 4^700; P. Lederer, 44 AvB; ar'i, VV. Graul. UUS—outh st. No, 237 W., two-story extension, 13x21; cost, $':;,iiOO; P, McCabe, on premises. 1200—JO av, No. 806. extension altered and re-, paired; cost, $.i5; iesree, P. Meeuan, on prom- isiis. \2<^n—M av. No. 3-}33, wallsaltered; cost, S50(); Magdalena Hoeland, on premises; ar't, M. J. Garvin. 1208-Westchester av, No, 88fi, oue-story exteni sion, 25x35: cost, $200; G. A. Cambeis, ou prem- • ises; c'r, G, Gent.