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ESTABUSHED'^JIWPH21SiVl868. WHUrtd mt the Pott-offlet at Nea Tork, N. T*., at •Mond^loMiiKiMar." nil Vol. XLVIII. NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 7, ISUl. SUPPLEMENT. Harlem Supplement. INTRODUCTION. been as yet few buildings erected, tbe march of improvement will soon invade tbat region also. On tbe whole it may be confidently ------- predicted that the flat lands to the east of the ride will be occupied THE district between 135th street and tbe Harlem River, east of witb houses before the ridge will itself—mucb as tbe latter has Wasbington Heights, bas not been advertised so well as tbe been advertised and great as are its advantages. Iq tbe flrst place, West Side, and consequently a person who depends for informa- its improvement will be less hampered by obstacles, such as rock. [■■ OP Lfc. Bank of Harlem Building, West 125tfc Street. J. B McElfatrick & Sons, Architects. tion rather on general impression than special observation might well be surprised in passing through that section to see the extent to^whiob improvements have been pushed. The first ten blocks north of ISSch street are built over as solidly iis most parts of the West Side proper, and although nortb of 135th street there bave which is expensive to remove, and increases the time necessary to building. Tbe fiat lands are far more adapted to immediate improvement. It is true that no little rock will have to be blasted away on some of the streets in the northem part of the district, but tbe amount is si rict ly localized and does not compare in extent