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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 49, no. 1255: April 2, 1892

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April 2, 1892 Record and Guide. 5^3 88 Osborn st. e s, lCO n EaBtem Parkway, 5nx lOO Eail A. OiilespÍH agt Loms Rappi and Louis Bwickel. owners, and Rapps & Scheraiskv. contractors.................. 150 68 29 Pea'l st Nos, 3i8 and 320, Dusenbury Fan- cour agt estate of P, V, Hickey, owner, and Henry Whiie, contrador............ 6 60 29 Halsey st, No". 778 and 780. s s, 160 e Ralph av, 50x100. Geo. P. Jacobs & Co. agi W, H, romell and H. J. Remmert. owners aud contractors................... 380 00 39 Cbauncpy st. s b. 116 e Saratoga av. 19x100. William Schwiemester agt Rachel Fioch. owner, and Joseph M. Pilcher, contrac- tor,,,................................... 163 00 39 Fulton st, No 126, e s. next north of Careq. 25x130 Isee liem. Thomas J, Roper agt John D Goodwin. owner and contractor 156 15 29 Sixth av, e s, extends trnm 15th to 14th st. 210 X írreg. PatriiMt Cooney agt i'Iaudius H. Dumahut, owner and con- tract'ir......................... 66î 00 30 Decaiurst, n s. PO e Howarl av, 300x100. Frederiek Dewald agt .loseuh H. J*uels, owner, and E. F. and G. W. Si>ear, con- t-actors................................. 10 50 1 Fiftveighth 8t, Nos. 131 and 133 E. Jacob Wiiite agt Charles L. Bucki. iMarch 1,1893;................................... 41 83 650 660 169 152 107 30 '^ATiSFieO OIECHIIVICS' LIEAI8. NBW 70RE CITT. March 26 Ninety ninth st. s s. 100 w 8'h av, 60x—. F. A. Ciarĸe agt Hugh McDowell and .Tames Suilivan, (LienflledSept.'29. 18911.......$101 26 Sev-nty-ninth st. Nos. 2i 0-206, s w cor Am- tterdam av. J. M, Russell agt Susanna Victoria Hagan, iNov. 13. 18911......... 103 '36 Samepropprty. Thomas Hagan agt Susan Hagan aud Thomas Osborne. tMarch 14, 18931............................. 1,5C0 28 Bathgate av. .v s. 100 n 18Tlh sr, 114x98, Alexauiier Christie agt Heuiy C. Tbonip- son (Maich3, 1892)..................1,261 28 Samo propeity, Diraock, Fink & t:o. agt Bamp nnd Aiexander Ch.istie. Jr. tJan. 19. 1892'............................ 503 2S*Ninetí-ninth st. ss. '225 w 5th av, 50x—. G. 0,& K, K Walhridgeagt Hugh (lcDoweli, iFeb, I. 1892,........................ íSi'.'íame property. Thos. Roberts Stevenson Co. agtsarae. 'Feb. 9, 189l|___......... 2S*Niue'y-uinth st, No. 13 W,. '25x—. Mitcheli- Vance co, agt same, (March 11.1892)___ 2i*NÍQety-ninth st. No. 14 W,. 25x—, same agt snme. iMarch II. 1691'............... 28*Ninetv-ninth st, no. 13 W., 26x—. George Denerieiu agt same. (March 22, lS93j 89*Mercef st, No. '237, 25x—. D. J. Pecora ard Antonio Dosso agt J. Saiomon & >on and John A O'Hirn. i March 1. 189'l....... S9*3ame property. Theodore Westing agt ,lo- seph Solomou and John O'Hare. Olarch 16. 18'..3i............................. *Tweniy-third st, Nos. 353 and 356VV.,5U| '" To'enty-fourth st, Nos Vss'ãnd' 34o'w.','6Ô f Nils Hanson and six othprs agt Justts H. Zĩíiimerinann aud ( harles Nylin; 7 lieos. Marcii 3'. iK9;i......................... 3'22 00 30îNineiiethst. s s.-200 w Colmubus av, '20tix 100, John Burkeagt Robert Dick. (March 10,1892 ............................. 740 00 30 Goercĸ st, Nos. 101-lOS. 75x100 C. B. Keogh Mf.f, i'o. agt William F. Lennon. iNov. 8, 1891. ............................. 134 00 3lîEig,htyeighth st. n e cor Madison st. 10.lx 36.3. Louis Koller agt William J. Matt- hews, iFeb. 29. l'-92i.............8,073 19 31 Sixtv-istlist. Nos. 4.'-i8 VV. Runco Dosso agt H. Kaabe A Sons. i Feb. 6. 18931. .. . 2'33 00 31 Sixtysixth st, s s. J'25 w 8th av. 5i xlOO. Louís Roehmeagt sameand ICrauB.j^ Uun- ger. (Fpb. 4. 1893.................. 100 26 31 Fortv-fourtii st. Nos. 16-20 w. c, E, Cheney and W. C. W. chil'l ngt .lohn h. White and Chptiey (S:Hp"lt-tt, IJan, 89, 1891i... 1,199 55 31 Same propertv. Passaic Boiirag Mĩil Co. agt same.' iFeb 21.1891' ..............3,465 09 31 Same property, che"ev & Hewlett agt Dr. John s. VVhite. (Apiil 33, 1^91i..... 9.764 84 31 Forty-ninth st, No, 123 vv.,'25x—. Frauk Schaeffler agt Presfîott &^IcLHughliD and Priebe & Co. (A ug, 23, 1S91 >..... 1 '20 00 31 Same property. H. F. Siebold agt same, (Sept. :<. Ih91)...................... 259 83 31 Same propprty. P, McGunnigle & tíou agt same. lOet, 19. iSOIi.................... 49 60 3itNiiithav. w s. l'37u 80th st. 35.6x119. Au- gust Kissling agt Wiliiam Eisenberg. lOct. 7. 1891.......................... 49 20 31}Thirty-niiith st, n B. 135 w Illh av, l'25xI0O. Katherinp N. Smith, G. B. & V. G. Co- burnagt Jolin N. Koster. Ijiily 8 1891i.. 5.8iO 78 31}Thi'ty-niutl. st, ns. 1'25w llth av HOxKO. hufus Darrow agt J. N. Koster and ĸ. N. Smitti&Co. (Aug.';'i. 1891........... r74 30 31íTblrty nioth st, n s. 175 w llth av. 10x100. James alatteryagtsame. (June 39,1891) 17146 Åpril 1 Madison av. s e cor 45th st, l'25.10x1'25. H. M. Williams and F. D. Potter agt The Manhattan Attilr'iic Co , The U. .-, F.lec- tric Ligliting ('o and The Westinghouse ElectiieCo. (Feb. 11, 1H91. ......... 3,4'2Û OO UPier67. North Kiver. Ja.oh Rlngle & Son aiít 9 he Termiual Wareliouse ('o. and The Wallislron Woi'ks. (Keb. 16. 1S92|......11,161 00 'íFier 37, Nnrth Kiver. sarae agt The South- ern Pacifle Co. and The Wailis IroD Works. iFeb. 1G,I892|.......................,.3,'259 00 I Park av, ,- s. lon.8 n 92d st, 10.9x90. J. W, Fiske agt Georre Cody, iMarch 3. 1893). 85 00 1 Oiie Himdreií and sixteenth st. Nos. lOH- 114 H.. liOxlon, Jaines DoDDeily agt Hugh Keilly, (March '29, 18931.............1,750 00 1 GardeD st, es, at intersectioD Snuthern Eou- levard.runs north 1,;5 x east 2,) to Kings- bndge road. x southwest l'2o to southern Boulevard. x eact 30 to beginning. W, E. Toorapson aet Lizzie. Marr and Kate Riley and Deiia B. :\agle. iJan 9.1892).. 335 95 1 Seventy-seventh st, n s. I5'i w West End av, 3 Oxlun. Henrv Schneider agt Francis M. Jencks and Perry E Uall. (March6. 189J.............................-....... 862 86 *Twentv-third st. Nos. S'ĩSaod 855 W, í.0x, 1 Twenty tourih st, Nos. 338 aod 810 W' 50x—........................ W. E, BurtoD agt J. H, Zimmermann gndCbaries Nylm. (MarcbSl, 1892>. ... 75 88 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. í[ *Discharged by drpoBiting amount of líen and in- terest with County Clerk. tDischai'ged by order of Court on flling bond. ĸiHGS couNry. Mar. 30 Vemon av, Nos. 18'2-'86, s s, 340 w Throop av. 60x1(0. Kiliau Bros. agt Robett H. An- dersoD, ownerand contractor. (I.ieu filed Mar. 2'2. ItO^l................ ...... 8350 00 86 Vernon av. s s. 220 w Throop av. 'ÍOxK'O. KilHan Bros. agt Robert H. And<-rsoi>, owner and contractor. (Vlarch 23, 189'1.. 380 00 30 Central av, cor WeirflHld st, 10x60 John K. Christajt I.. J. I.awrence & Co and Edward Lawrence, owners and contrac- tors 'Mar. 26. 1692.; (Depositl ........ 10 37 28 Grove st. n s. ?2S e Central av, 150x100. Ja- cob Willman agt Mary E. Kostev, owner, and Jame8 A. Bili, contractor. (March '28,1893.......................... 1C9 21 •28 Johnson av, No. 35, n s. Israel Jarashow and Louis Kapian agt ----- Rosenthai, ownerand cootractor. (Aug. 22, 18911 .. 60 00 88 Twentieth st, w s. 125 n VaDderUlt st. 'S^x 100, Flatbush. Hobby & Doody agt Mar- garet aud Thomas U.-frernan. owners and contractnrs. (Dec. 21,1691).......... 5'29 61 28 Twelfth av, bet S7th and 68th sts, Biythe- botmie. New Utrecht. Chi istian A. vviDdt agt Mr. Margan. owner. aad Emil Rililer. eoiitractor. (Jan. 89.1892.) nieposit'.,. 87 48 28 Maspeth av, eor Poiter av (see Lien). John M. felaney agt The lĩquily Gas Lipht í o . owner. anc' The í quliy Gas Works Con- struction Co.. coDtracior. (Feb, 4, 18!)2... 833 30 28 Stone av, w b, IWs Eastern Parkway,5ix 10). Jamps O'Counor agt Barnet. Fiank «nd biínoD Rose. owueisaDd coDtractors. íMar. 24, 1892........................... 485 CO 29 State st, n s, 2.50 e Hoyt st, lOOxlOU. T. B. WilMs&Bro, agt Asa C, Browueli aod Dai iel G, Harriman, aBsígm-e, (March 5. 1893i,,, .............................1,068 83 89 Same propertv. Rowell & Saxtan agt same. t.March 4.1892) .................. 814 04 •29 Same propprtv. Watson & piitinger agt same (Alareh 4. 1892)....................6.512 92 •29 Sarae property. Hali sash and Door Co. agtsame. iMareli4, 18921 .............2,060 00 89 Vernon av, s s, 225 w Thioop av, 16 'xK'n, Kelly & Chapell agt Mr. and Mrs, ĸobert H. Anders .n, otvners and coDtractors, (Harch-^. 1832).......................... 108 00 '29 Same property. Same agt same. (March '.i4, 1893).. . ....................... 11)8 00 29 Bergen st, s s. IfO e Kogers av. 132.6x100. VViniam C. O'Keeffe and James H. Mc- Kenna agt Asa C. Brownell. (March 7. 1893)...................................1,800 00 89 Sarae property. Watson & Pittinger agt same. lMar.4,1893i....................1,307 60 89 San e proper-y. James White agt same. (Mar. H, 1892)..........................'2,'250 00 89 Same propertv. Louis Bossert agt same. (Mar.5,lS9;).......................... 308 90 29 Same property. O'Keeffe & McKenna agt same aud D, 0. Harriman assignee. iMar. 18, 18921.......'............1,600 00 29 Sameproperty. Johu Morton & rioDS agt same. v.VIar. 4, le92)___...................4,427 44 •29 Same propertv, Howell & Saxtan agt same, (Mar.7. 1892i................... 50 10 29 Same property. John Morton & Sons agt sarae. iMar. 4. 1892)..................4.437 44 29 State st, d s, '260 e Uoyt st. 100x100. Jacob Jameragt AsaC. Browneil. i.Mar. 5,1892). 867 00 •29 Same property. James Keeuan agt same and D. G. Uarriman. owners and cou- tractors. .Mar. 8. 1892)................ 6,165 00 '29 Same property. The Mosaic Tile Co. agt same. (Mar.7,1893).................. 24100 39 Sarae property. FtaDcis J. McBrien agt same (Mar.7, 1893).....................1,490 00 39 Same property. J.íhn Morton & Sons agt same. iMar. 5, 18'>;)...................4,032 79 39 Same property. The Venetian Blind Co. agt S'irae. (Mar. 7, 1893)............... 135 00 30 Decturst. n s. 100 e Uoward av. íOOxlOO. Ethelbert Karte or Harte agt — Hol- lister and Joseph P. Puels. own.r. and E. F. & G. W. spear,contractors. (March 14.1893.) (Deposit).................. 8 00 30 Same property. Rcbert Tyndall agt same. 'March 14. 189.'.) iDepositl.............. 9 T5 30 Saine propertv. John H. Oarrity agtsame. (March 14,189;.) (Deposili............. 15 50 30 Sarae propeity. Peter Judge agt same. (Maroh 14. 1893.) (DeposiD............. 38 60 ,30 Same propertv. Grantít Mitchellagtsame. (March 14. 169-2.1 'Depositi ........... 30 75 ;)0 Decatu.'st, n s, 134.8 e Honard av, 335.4x 100. Thomas sargent agt same. (March 14.1893.) (Deposit)...................... 12 50 :)0 Decatur 6t. n s, 100 eHowardav. Wiliiam Gordan agc .loseph P, Pueis, owuer and contractor, (.Maich 14, lH9;i ............ 5 00 .30 Watkins Bt. w s. 100 s Sutter av, '25x1'0. Samuel Glaser agt Solomon M ĩri is. own- erandcontiactor. iDec 31.1691)........ lOO 00 30 Bergeu st, s s 100 w Hopkinson av, 85x1(^0. Micbael Kewmann agt K sa and Tonas Koseofeld, owners andcontractors. iNov. 9, 1891).............................. 31 00 30 Belmont av. n e cor Osborn st, 5 'xlOO. Louis Bossert agt Soiomo . Wolt and Louis Kat- ner, owners and contractors. (Mar. i4, lS9i)................................. 9(3 35 30 RaiDh av, n w cor Macon st, ionxl'25. Will- iarn P. Harker agt B. C. & N. H. Kay- mond. owners and contractors iNov. ■28.16911................................. 628 54 30 Macon st. n w corRalph av,'25x100. Fried- lander& Green agt N. H. and B. c. Ray- mond, owners and conlractors. (Jan. 5, 1693) ............................. 435 00 30 Maspeth av, s w cor Porter av, 400x400. North River Blue Stone Co. agt The Equity Gas Ligbt Co.. owner, and Wil.iam O. VVhvte, comractor. (Oct.'23. 1S91).... 333 30 21 Fulton s't, 6 w cor Saratoga av, 8''SlO0. Ko- nalds & Co. ngt Albert Muir, 'dwner aod coofractor. (Mareh ll,189;i........."'.. 677 47 31 Fif th ax, south cor 18th sr, 18,8x74 6. Oliver K. Bucklev. Jr,. agt Margaret Kooi ey, owner, and Frauk RobÍDsoD, coDtractor. (Ápril 15, 189})............,-'iMi •...... 555 00 Thefirst name is thni nf tlie owiter; ar't st'indsfor architect, m'n for tiiason, c'r for curpenter and b'r fur builder. 1 st, Nos. 'il9 and '221 W., two fîve-story brk stone fi-its, 20.1x1*3, tin roofs; cost, $18,000 NEw f ORK cm. 80UTH OP 14TH STRBKT. Catbarine st, s e cor Division st, fivc-iîtory brk flat, 38.7x67.«, slate root; cost, $40,001); W. Rem- sen, 26 Waverley pl; ar't, P. T. Camp. Plan ii'i. (Substituted tor N, B. plan 243.189J ) Moiiroe st, No. 7.S, fîve-slory brk and stone flat, 25x88.5, tin roof; cost. Ji'áO.nOO; M. F. Cus- sack. 233 Llrard st, or't. A Sovestre Flau 477. Madisou Bt, No, 144, tive-story brk ard stone flat, 2.5x88.5, tiu root; crĸt, $20,000; ow'r and ar't. same as Inst. Plan 478. Spruce st, No. 15, eight-story brk. terra cotta and iron store. 24 11x82 and 72.0, concre'te roof • cost, *44,000; W. Ziusfer & ('o , 197 Wdliam st; ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes. Plan 494. Canalst, No. .528, four-story brk huilding, 20 8 xBO, tin roof; cost, abt SS OOii; M. H. Herrman, '39 West llSth st; ar't, F. Haylies. Plan 517. (Sub- stituted for N. B plau No. 213. 18921 Henry st, Ko. 170, five-storif brk and stone flat, •26.IXKS, tin root; cost. $'i",.m', B. Galewsky, oq piemises; ar'ts, Schneider & Herter. Plan .530. Lewis st, No. 94, five-story brk flat, 25x88,6, tin ro-'f; cost, $'23,000; We I & Mayer, 227 East 6( tb st; ar'is, Schneider & Herter. Plau .528. Monigomery st. Nos. 36 aud 38. two five story and basement brk aud stoue flats, 25xH2.5, tiu roofs; cost, $19 001 eaoh; tVeiI & Mayer, ''.'i'ĩ East 6Jtb st; ar'c, G. F. Felham; m'n, J. Van Dohen Flan 521. Norf Ik st. s e cor Btauton st.sir-story hrk nnd 6t< ne flít, 50ji52 3 aud 53, tin root; cost. $3=..0OO; J. L. Buttenwei'er, '227 East 6Utb st; ar't, G. F. Pelham Plan.53í. 2d st, No. 284, five story brk flat, 2=;x93.9, tin roof; cost, $ 3,IKK ; Wpil & Mayer, 5227 Eist tíOth st; ar'ts, iSchneider & Herttr. Plan 52i). BBTWBBN 14TH AND .5'.ITH STRKBT8. 15th ! and eacb; ow'r and m'n, VV. Hankiii. I'i3d st and Nortb River: ar't, J. W. Cole Plan 488. IStb st. No. 341 VV,. fivestory l.rk and stone flttt, •25x81, tin roof; cost. S17 000; W. J. Moore, 516 West .5'íd st; «r't. G. Keisier. Plau 5'íû. 19thst, No. 533 W., frame shed, 16x91.11, tiu roof; cost. $.500; lessee. J. E. Counollv, Fordbam Heights, N Y,: art, W. H, Symouls; m'ns, Au- druss & Sons, c'r, R, Christie. Plau 499 23d st. Nos. lOO aod 102 E,. seven-story stone buildings. .50x98.9. brkrooí; cost. $'20('.000; E T. Gerry, president, 8 East 4*>th sr; ar'ts, Kenwick, Aspiuwall & Renwick. Plan 485. 41thst.nB. 91 e 9th av. tour fivestory stone flats. 27 6aud 27890, lin root; ost. «í7.000eacb; W. F. Robrig, 304 7th av; ar't, J. Hauser. Plan 501. 45th st. s s, 91 e 9th av. iwo five-storv stone flat.s, •29.6x3J, tin roof; cost, ví2!»,000 each; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan .5112. 50tb st, No 238 W., rear, two story brk slable, 31x34.6, lin roof ■ cost, $6.5ii; H. Haaber, 264 West 53d st; ar't, C. Wein. Plan 490. lOth av, No. 76, two-story brk stable, 53.4x 25,10. gravel root; cost, $2 5 0; lessee, Sarah B. Burnett, Avondale, N. J : ar't, G. W. Le Baw; c'r, W. H. Burnett. Plan .500. 43d st, n s, 1.50 e 8th av, five-story brk and stone flit,'25xH7,8, tin root; cost, $'8,uuO; W. J. Moore, 516 West 52d st; ar't, G. Keister. Plan 519, lOth av, No. 227. five-story brk fiat, 24.11x90. tin root; cost, $14 000; ow'r and b'r, J. Appell, •i'il West 23d st; ar't, M. V. B. F.-rdon. PIau5'27. aETWKSN 59TH ANS 1'25TB 8TKEETS, EAST OF 5TH AVENUE. 86th st, u s, IfO w Istav, two five-story stone flats,'2.5x85, liu roofs; cosl, $25.0011 each; J. Mc- Laughlin, 346 East 81st st; ar'c, J. Hauser. Plan 479. 87lh st. s s, 100 w Ist av, two five story stone flsts, •2.5x85. tin roo^s; cost, $'Î5,000 each: ow'r aud ai't, saine as last. Plan 480. lOlth st, No. 244 B . fiame sb'^^d. 10x55. tin roof; cĩst, $300; M, Cziner, on premises; ar't, L, F. Heinecke. Plan 484. 115th st. s s, KO w 2d av, four five-story stone flats, two 25í8'i, two 17.6x80, tin roofs; cost. $1.5,- 000 each: F Schuek, Av A, n w cor 85ih st; ar't, E. Wenz. Plan481. Lexington av, s w cor 87tb st. thrre five-story brk and stone flats, two 19 6>K9, one 27.lx!l6,8, tio roofs; total cost, I75,OPO; J. H. Gray, East 94tb st; ar'ts, Ogden & Son. Plan 496. Ist av, Nos. 1157 aud 11,59, rear, frame sbed, 25 »30; cost. $50: leĩsee, D. P. Chesebro, Southern Boulevard, near 1671 h st. Plan 486. 83d st, Nos. 423 aud 425 E . two five-story stooe flats, 25x79 4, tin root; cost, $'20,0IH) each; J. Jung, 213 East 89th st; ar't, C. Stegmayer. Plan 525. 87th st, n s, 1.^.0 w 2d av, four five-story stoue flats, 'ibx67, tin roots; co.=t, $25.000 each; J. Scbreiner, 110 West 121st st; ar't, J. Hauser. Plan 514. 96th st. s s, I00e2d av. two-story brk stable, 21x 65, gravel roof; cott, $3,000; ow'r and b'r, E. D. Conolly, 675 Leiington av. Plan .520. BETWKEN 59TH AND Ti^TH STREKIS. VVEST OF CENTRAI. PARK WEST AND 8TH AVENUE 65th st. n f. 125 v\- Ceotral Park West, two fiyi?- story stone fi'