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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 10, no. 248: December 14, 1872

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REAL ESTATE RECORD 247 Bends akd Elboavs, kacii. ..,§0 40 10 inoh......... §3 00 3 75 3 " . .. 0 65 0 85 . 1 15 1 50 .. 2 00 12 " .......... 4 " 5 " 15 " ......... IS " .......... 5 00 7 50 6 " . 20 " .......... 8 00 7 " 22 '• .......... 10 00 8 " 24 " ........ 15 00 9 " n 2 in, '3" I 4 « art of ] lODSE . , 2 50 BiUNcriEa. Taps each.* .......,...............§0 .35 ....................... 0 45 ....................... (1 55 TRAPS each. §1 00 1 25 1 75 '5" ............ 0 65 2 50 ' 6 " ............ 0 75 3 50 I IJ. » ............ 0 85 5 00 ' 8 " ............ 1 00 6 00 ' 9," ............ 1 15 7 00 ' 10" Main p 1 12x6, Jranches Avi BEjANCHB.S- per lin , , §1 25 ..... 1 75 ............ 1 30 8 00 1 ba chargea exti-a as pipe. ■ -Sewer Buakohes. sal fooc 15x6. 15 ".......... 2 25 18x0, 2 50 ..... 3 00 18 "........... . 3 00 20x6, 20 "....... 3 50 22x6. 3 50 ..... 4 00 22 "........... 4 00 ■ 24x6. 24 "........... . 4 75 On heavy purchases of the small sizes 20 per cent, dis¬ count, Avith an additional discount for cash accordmg to agreement to the trade only. FOREIGN WOODS.—Duty free. CunAK. Cuba, iP foot (small)............. 11 ® 12 do. ' (large)............... 15 @. . 16 Mexican, iP foot.................. 13 ® 17 Florida, ^ foot.................. 20 ® 60 MAnoaANY. 8t. Domingo, Crotches, ^ ft....... 25 ® 60 St. Domingo, .Ordinary Logs...... 11 @ 15 Port-au-Platt. Crotches........... 25 ® 5i Port-au-Platt, Log-s............... 12 @ 15 Nuevitas......................... 12 ® 14 Mansanilla...................... 12 ® 14 Mexican, Minatitian.............. 12 ® 14 do. Frontera................ 13 @ 16 Honduras........................ 12 @ 15 ROSEAVOOD. Rio Janeiro, ordinary to good, ^ ft. SX® 5 " " good to fine, ^8 lt>...... 5 ® 9 Bahia, ordinary to good, ^ lb....... 3 ® 4 " good to fine, ^ fl).........■.. 4 @ 8 Stahi Wood. Log, ^foot............................ 15 ® 25 Granadilla, ^ ton................. 22 00 @ 24 00 Lignum vitJe, ^ ton............ 25 0^(1 ® 45 45 GLASS. Duty: Cylinder or Window Polished Plate, not over 10 by 15 inches, 1 7-20 cts. 5? sq. foot; larger, and not over 16 by 24 inchos, 14-5 cents ^ aq. foot :larger, and not over 24 by 30 inches, 2X cents ^ aq. foot; above that, and not exceeding 24 by 60 inches, 20 cents ^ sq. foot; aU above that, 40 cents ^ sq. foot; on unpolished Cylinders, Crown and Common Window, not exceeding 10 by 15 inches square, IX: over that, and nofc over 16 by 24, 2; : over that, and not over 24 by 30, 2X; all over that 8 r cents « lb. . Fbench AViNDOAv-J'er box of fifty feet. (Single Thick). Sizes. 1st. 2d, 3d. 4th. 6by Sto 7by 9...,§8— §7— §6 50 §6- Sbyl0tol0byl4.... 9- *8- 7 25 6 50 10byl5tol2by 16.... 9 75 8 75 7 75 7 — 11 by 18 to 16 by 22,...10 25 .9 25 8 25 7 50 15 by 24 to 15 by 32....12 50 1150 10 50 8 50 20 by 28 to 22 bv 30....15 — 13— 11— 9 — 26 by 28 to 22 by 36,.. .16 — 14 50 12 50_____ 24 by 36 to 24 by 40....18 — 16— 13 50_____ 2Sby 33 to 26 by 44....18 50 16 50 14—_____ 28 by 44 to SO by 48....20 50 IS— 15—_____ 30 by 50 to 32 by 52....22 — 20— 16—_____ 32 by 54 to 32 by 58... .26 — 23 — IS 50_____ 34 by 58 to 34 by 60....30 — 27— 22 50_____ R6hy60to40by60....30— 33- 28 50 _____ (Disconnt to the trade, 40 and 10 otf. Double thick from 50 and .50 and 10 off.)' English 30 per cent, discount on lat aud 2d quality, and 40 on 3d and 4th. Piate 25 off. American AsrindOAv:— (Single thick.) ^^ „ Sizes. . Isfc. 2d. 3d. 4th, 6by 8to 7by 9....§6— §5— $4 50 $4— «^yl0tol0byl4...*9_ *8- 7 25 6 50 10 by 15 to 12 by 17.... 9 75 8 75 7 75 7 — 12 bv 18 to 16 by 22... .10 25 9 25 8 25 7 50 1°, u^ ^ *° l^ ^y ?■'- • ■ -12 50 11 50 10 50 8 50 20by28to22by31....15— 13— 11— 8 50 26 by 28 to 22 by 36,...16— 14 50 12 50_____ tl!'^i^°ll''y^°----18- 10- 13 50-------- 28 by .38 to 26 by 44,.. .18 50 16 50 14 —_____ 28 by 44 to 30 by 48....20 60 IS— 15—_____ |OJ'yoOto32by52....22— 20— 16—_____ 24^y^to34by60....30_ 27-22 50 -- 36 by bO to 40 by 60... .36 — 33 — 28 50 _____ (Discount 50 per cent.) GanBN-nousE, Skylight, and Floob Glass, per square loot, net cash. X Fluted Plate.... 3O0. X Kough Plate... 65 V « ■— f. ^ " " ••••^^ ("« ^ •... 40 '?i " " 1 fi ^ Eough « .... 40 f " u ;;•• 1^0 % " .... 50 li^ " " 1 sn HAIE.—Duty free. ^ ..... ^ ^° Cattle, ^ bushel.............. — dh 28 LIME. " ^ ^° JFort Ann,i2°^™°n>Perl>W............. —® 1 35 ( finishing or lump, perbbl___ 1 75 Glen Falls and ) common , per bbl........_@ 1 gg Bald Mountain, ) tjuishing, do. . . __@ 1 75 ManUus, \ fl"?".""' ^o.........' -® 1 25 "' I fmianmg, do......... —® 1 75 liockland, \ ^o'?""""' -^o......... -@ 1 35 'I finishing, do......... —® 1 75 LUMBER.—Duty, §2.00 per M feet. Pme, Uppers..................... 63 00 ® 05 00 Pine, Good Box. 1,000 ft.......... 28 00 ® 30 00 Pine, Common Box, 1.000 ft ...... 25 00 @ 27 00 Pure, Common Bo.x, %, 1,000 ft___ 17 00 ® 20 00 Pine, Tally Plank, II4, 10 inch, •Ii'essed......................... 47 @. 59 Pine, Tally Plank, IX, 2d quality . 88 @ 42 Pine, Tally Plank, IH, culls....... 30 ® 32 Pine, Tally Boards, dressed, good, each........................... 37 ® 40 Pine, Tally Boards, culls, each..... SO ® 32 Pine, Strip Boards, dressed,...... 25 ® .27 Pine, Strip Plank, dressed,....... 30 ® 38 Spruce Boiirds, dressed, each...... 30 @ 32 Spruce Plank, IX inch, dressed, each........................... 35 ® 88 Spruce Plank, 2 Inch, each........ 55 ® 60 Spruce Wall Strips............... 23 ® 25 Spruce .1 olst, 3x8 to 3x12......... 26 00 ® 2S 00 Spnice Joist, 4.x8 to 4x12......... 26 00 ® 28 00 Spruce Scantling................. 26 00 ® 28 00 Hemlock Boards, each............ 23 @ 25 Hemlock Joist, 8x4, each......... 23 @, 24 Hemlock Joist, 4x6, each......... 48 @ 50 Ash, good, 1,000 ft................ 55 00 @ 60 00 O.ak, 1,000 ft...................... 55 00 ® 60 00 Maple, 1,000 ft.................... 45 00 @ 50 00 Chestnut boards, 1 Inch........... 55 00 @ 60 00 Chestnut plank.................. 55 00 ® 60 00 Black Walnut, good, 1,000 ft...... 95 00 ® 115 00 Black Walnut, %, 1,000 ft......... 85 00 ® 108 00 Black "Walnut, selected and season¬ ed. 1,000 ft...................... no 00 ® 130 00 Black Walnut Counters, ^ ft...... 18 (a 85 Cherry, OTod, 1,000 ft............ 80 00 ® 90 00 AVhite Wood, Chair Plank......... 80 00 ® 90 00 White Wood, inch............... 50 oo @ 5.5 00 White Wood, J^ Inch............. 50 00 (ii 62 00 White Wood, )i panels............ 65 00 ® 75 00 Shingles, extra shaved pine, IS inch, perlOOO........................ 9 50 @ 10 00 Bhingles, extra shaved pine, 16 inch, „ per 1000........................ S 50 ® 9 50 Shingles, extra sawed pine, ISinch, ^perlOOO......................... 8 00 @ 9 00 Shingles, clear saAved pine, 18 inch, perlOOO................;....... 7 00 ® T 50 Shingles, Cypress, 24x7,perlOOO .. 27 00 ® — ^ " " 20x6 perlOOO... 17 00 ® 18 00 Lath, Eastern, per 1000........... 2 50 @ — Yellow Pine Dressed Flooring, M. •eet............................ 50 00 © 60 00 Yellow Pine Step Plank, M. feet.. 42 50 ® 50'|00 " Girders, " 40 00 @ 50"00 Locust Posts, 8 feet, per Inch..... 18 @ 20 " 10 " " 23 ® 25 „ 12 " " 28 ® 34 Chestnut Posts, per foot.......;.. 4 @ 4X PLASTER PARIS.—Duty, per cent. ad. val. on calcined. Lump, free. Nova Scotia, Avhite, per ton........ §4 50 @ 5 00 Nova Scotia, blue, ^ ton.......... 4 00 ® 4 50 Calcined. Eastern and City, ^ bbl.. 2 40 ® 2 cO PAINTS AND OILS. Chalk, ip ro..................... x® 1 } iOliina Clay, ^ ton. currency...... 20 00 @ 30 00 Whiting,^ft.................... 85 @ 125 Pans AVhite, English, ^ B)...... 2 @ 2X Zinc, White American, dry.. ... 9 @ OX ^'' " ^ " inoil, pure.. 11^® 12 Lead, " American, dry....... @ 10 , '' „" " in oili pure ® 11^ Lead, Eed American............. 8%@ * 9 Litharge, " ........... iQ @ n Ochre, French, dry gold..... ..... 1 60 @ 2X " in oil, currency............ 6 @ 15" Venetian lied, English............ 2>^@ 254; " " inoil............. 7 "@ 12 Spanish BroAvn,dry............... ]x® IX „ " " inoil............. 6 ® 9 Verniihon, American............. 3 07 @ 110 " Englisb,gold.......... 1 10 (^ 115 " ■ Trieste, gold.......... 90 @ 92^ Chrome Green, genuine, dry...... 10 20 " ^ " '' inoil.... 12 @ 20 Chrome YelloAv, " in oil___ 18 @ 80 Paris Green, pure dry............. 20 ® 35 " " " inoil....... 25 @ 40 SLATE. Purple'Roofing Slate, per square, de¬ livered at New York................ §8 50 ® $9 00 Green Slate, per square, delivered at Ncav York......................... 8 50 @ 9 00 Red Slate, per square, delivered at Nevr York......................... 14 00 ® 15 00 Black Slate, Pennsylvania, per square, delivered at Ncav York............. 6 50 ® 7 00 Peach Bottom, per square, delivered ^ atNoAvYork..............;....... H 00 ©;2 12 00 Intermediates, per square, delivered at Ncav York...................... 6 00 @ 7 00 Royal Blue, Lehigh Valley, per square, - delivered at New York.........___ 6 75 @ 7 00 Slate tUes, IX inch, rubbed, per square foot, delivered...................... .35 @ 38 STONE.—Cargo rates. Ohio Free Stone.—In rough, dehv'd ^ c. ft. —®1.30 • Berea " " " » » —@1,20 Brown stone, Portland, Conn. " 1.25@1.50 " " Belleville, N. J. " 1.00@1.5ft Granite, rough, delivered " " 75c.@i;50 Dorchester, N. B. stone, rough, delivered, per ton, gold.......,................___. n.OO Bluk Stone. Flag, smooth....................................1,3 " rough.........-.........................,'. 8 " .smooth, 4 and 4.6........................'!.17 " rough, 4feet............................'.'..12 Curb, lOinch................................'.la " 12 inch.................................2H " ^4 inch....................................28 " 16 inch................................... 3JJ *' 20inch......;...........................50 " 20 extra.................... ..............90 Curb New Orleans 4 inch, per inchAvide .....■.■2X Sills and Lintels...............................26 " quarry axed......................65 " linished.......................75 " rubbed, unjointed...............65 " " jointed................75 Gutter 12 inch..................................ig "" 14 inch.............................'.'...'.'.20 Bridge, Belgian___.'..................'// '.'..'.'.i'lO " thick...........................'.'..'.'.'.'."..70 NATIVE Stone, Cominon building stone, ^ load........ ,$2 .^0@4 50 Base Stone; 2X length ^ lin, ft,.. . 30® 50 " S 'C - .; gyj^ .jg S}4 " " 70® SO * " " 75@1 00 •iTi " " @i 50 5 '• " 1 75@2 00 6 " " ®2 50 TIN PLATES,—Duty: 25 per cent, ad Vcil. I. C, Charcoal 10 x 14 per box (gold) iflO 75@11 25 I-C. (Joke 10x14 " ... 9 00® 9 75 I. X. Ch.arcoal 10x14 " ... 13 00®13 25 I. C. ( 14x20 " ... 11 25®11 .50 I. X. Charccal 14x20- " ... 13 25®13 50 I.C.Coke 14x20 " ... 10 25®10 50 I. C. Coke, terne 14 x 20 " ... 8 75® 9 25 I.e.Charcoal.terne 14x20 " ... 9 25® 9 75 ZINC—Duty : Sheet, 23^c. ^ tB. Sheet, ^ lb......................... __ ® 10 TIN-LINED LEAD PIPE Is a Bloclt-Txii Pipe, heavily coated Avith solid lead. It is the best and cheapest Water Pipe when strength and durability are con¬ sidered. By its use, iron rust, lead, and zinc poison are all avoided, and genonil nealth promoted. Price 16^ cts. pound for all sizes. Be not de¬ ceived by the Tin-washed or Tin coated imitations. Circulars and sample of pipe sent by mail, free. Ad¬ dress the CoLAVELLs, Shaav & Willaed Me'g Co., No. 213 Centre St.,NeAv York. Also, Manufacturers of BLOOK-TIN PIPE, SHEET BAR TIN, PIG- TIN LEAD, LEAD PIPE, SOLDER, etc. Orders solicited and filled' at sight. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 7 Pine street, Ncav York. PMESTOM 1. Sl^^EET, Eoom 26, Nos. 7 and 9 Warren Street, ATTORNEY FOR "REAL ESTATB RECORD." Mechanics' Liens foreclosed, Titles examined, and allpro- Cieedings affecting Be,al Estate attended to. SLADE & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 23 trnion Square. d&-|KA AAA*° 1^'°'*^ (first Mortgase) on flrst-class $50,000, to buy second Mortgages. Inquire at SCHAPPERT & SCHLACHTER, Biink Oflico, 20 2d Ave., cor. 1st St. TUMBEE. JOHN H. BTJSSELL & CO.. LUMBEE, DEALEES, HAA'B COKSTANTLT ON HAND PIKE AND HA.BD-WOOD LUMBER. COR. 22d STREET AND ELEVENTH AVENUE. '■pHOMAS J. CROMBIE, DEALER IN LUMBER AND TIMBEE OE ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ■ Also, YelloAv Pine Flooring and Step Plank. Yabd—Foot of 92i> Street, E.R., {Box No. 1G3, Meefianics' and Trader^ EmJiange^ NEW YORK.