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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 44, no. 1121: September 7, 1889

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Septeinbei' "T, 1889 Record and Guide. 1S23 Cosman. Cornehua I,^William T Rogers, 11871).................................. 1,84? 83 tDeLouff, "WiUiani A—A D Straus, (18871..., 135 99 tFriedlander, Albert—Nellie E Farrell. ('83) 3,784 83 Fell, Ambrose G—J F Scholes, (1HS7)....... 18S 79 Gerdes, John G—Chas Leiukau. (i88ii)...... H.S 00 Gibbons. Patrick F Ifirm ot George H Kitchen & Co)—J W Haareu. (1889)..... O-IB 3G HolUster, George K—Claus aud Charles J Puckhafer, (18731........................ 218 09 Same-----Horace K Thui-ber. (18731....... 71 10 Hawes, Gilbert K—A E Woodruff. llSt'e},,, 2!,'5 90 Harrison, James—Cbas Lemkao. (1889)___ S3 00 HamiU, Henry F-CL Perkins. (1883)..... 26,638 43 tJex, Wmiam-A DStraiw, (1887) .......... 135 99 Kuntz, Joseph—Eleanor Ferguson. (18801.., 143 etl Knight, Geoi'geC—Andrew P Morrison. ('88). 753 77 Same-----The Metropolitan Telephone and Telegraph Co. (1887).................... 100 71 Kitchen, George H (George) UKitchen&Co) 1 J W Haareu. Kelly. Lawi-ence and John I (1889)........ G46 36 (James Kelly's Sobs) J Lmk, Cornelius-Baetjer & Meyerstein. ('.-iS). 360 60 Same-----same, (1889)...................... 73 77 Levy, Edward A—S C Hathaway. (1888).... 87 00 Lee, Henry M- R T Lamport, (1887)........ 948 32 Moorhouse, Stephen—Chas Lemkau. (1839,1 83 00 Paulson, Leonai'd, Jr—People of State N Y. (1889)................................... 300 00 S;K'it^^^-'=-'^^'*' *^««^>-- '^'' Same-----Patterson Bros. (1889)......... 38 70 Secor, William-T B Case. (1883),......... 75 27 Whittier. Jason H-T B Case. (1883)........ 75 27 'Vacated hy order of Ctfurt, tSuspended on Appeal. tReleased, SUeversed. |1 Satisfied by Execution ♦*DischarKed by Eoing through bankruptcy. KINGS COUNTY. August 30 to September 5—inclusive. Buden, John—J Schlosser, (1889,) (Execu¬ tion)...................................... Campbell, Timothy J—H B Seharmann. (1888).................................... Chavalier. Edwin R—G W Evans. (18S4).,.. Fell, Ambrose G—E Kissam. (1888)......... Gifford, Samuel G—S VV Bowne, (18S1),.., Hogan, James—Amelia BluC Palmer, (1889) King, WilUam G L—W Herod, (1887)....... KraEt, Charles H—S S Haring. (1389)....... Manee, Abraham—S W Boivne. (1831) ..... MLcCrea, WilUam G—Isabella BaU. (1889).,. Nolty, Henry—C H Martin. (Execution) .............................reaUzed 15,00 Reichert, EUaabetli~L Weil, (Ifi83)......... SlOl 75 186 13 31 73 197 78 269 18 71 40 1,048 t.9 ;il3 13 269 18 135 69 on 301 .37 71 40 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITT. Sept. 3 One Hundred and Fifty-first st. No. «11, n s, 135 e Courtlandt av, 35x65, Christian Vorndran agt Bridget Quigley, owner, and Adam Boll, contractor................jliOO 30 3 Ninth av, n e cor 62d st, 150x100. Peter Cheevers agt Wiliiam Rankin, owner, and Patrick Manning, contractor..... lo 05 3 Tintou av, e s, 200 n 147th st, 25x100, Ru¬ land & Stone agt Chai'les Chambers, own¬ er, and James A, McDonald, contractkjr, 118 50 8 Sixty-flfth sfc, Nos, 40 and 4], « s, 200 w 8th av, 5(1x100.a. )I. Degenhardt agt Daniel N. Reeve and Ira H. Tuthill, owners, and Daniel N. Reeve, contractor............. 72 50 3 Nmth st. No, 4G E,, s s, bet Broadway and University pl, Thiei & Moser agt iilrs. Schneider, owner and coutractor.. 60 78 3 Nineteenth sfc. No. 211, ns, 102e3d av, 25x93. (Charles Neai agt Wilham H, Godward] owner and coutiacioi............... 74 18 4 Ninth av, n e cor 52d st, 150x100, WiUiam Mallon agt William Rankm, owner, and Patrick Manning, contractor.............. 17 56 4 One Hundred and Fifty-fii-st st, No, 611, a s, 125 e Courtlandt av, 35x100. Henry Jaeger agC Bridget Quigley, owner, and Adam Boll, contractor........... 1 300 (lo 4 Same property. John Bell & Son agfc same "694 50 4 St. Nicholas av, u e cor 14iitU st, 124.11x05,6 The Windsor Lime Co, agt Geoi'ge Daiker, owner, and John Sheridan, contractor ' 241 '50 4*Niaety-eighth tjt, □ s, 175 e 3d av, lOOslOO William Ritterbosh agt EUzabeth Gessner. owner, and William T. Gessner, contractor 800 00 n Tenth av, n e cor 75th st, i3iixiou. Hugh N. Camp & Sons agt Joseph E. Vande¬ water, owner andeontractor.......... 519 75 .5 Bowery. No, 138, w 3, bet Grand "and Broome sts, 25X10Q, Walter Healey agtM A. Ryau & Bros, debtors, John Bornscein' owner, and John McGuire, lessee ,., 28 00 5 One Hundred and Tbirty-flfth st, s s, 335 w 5tb av, 50x100. C, M, O'Connor agt Carrie Meres, reputed owner, and Frederick R Meres, contractor........... 70 50 R Eighty-first st, No, 301, n 8, GG w West End av, 17x82, The Mitchell Vaace Co. agt E. A. Matthews, owner and contractor 18-"" 15 5 One Hundred and Fourteenth st, Nos 10- 18, s s, 100 e Sth av, raxiOti.n, Ttie TucfcT Elecfcrical Constructiou Co, agt Peter Bebi-ens and Cornelius Link, owners and contractors............... 397 77 5 Gray st, n s, abt 60 w Topping st, 35x100. WiUiam Clarke agt August Noeting owner, and EUas Eddy, contractor........ 35 00 5 Bowery, No. 69, e s, bO n Canal st, 25x115 William J, O'Brien agt Ignaus B. Mer- *Editor Record awd Guide : Db^lB Snt—Tbe lien filed on my preinises on tbe north side of 9Sth street, 175 feet east of 3d avenue, by William Ritterbush for S900, on September 4, 1889, is an unjust claim. Mr Ritterbush contracted to do tbe painting work in my four bouses for $1,200, but failed entirely to do the work or to employ sufScient labor, and the work is not yet completed—one house only being partly doue and the other tbree houses not even commenced—and yet Mr. Ritterbush claims tbe full amount of his contract, I will give him a full opportunity to prove bis claim before the Cbui-fc at a Xerj; early date^ W. J, Gbssnek,, Builder, cadttnte and George Freschi, debtors and lessees..................................... 1187 00 6 Nineteenth st. No. 211, ns, Ifi-J e 3d -av, 35x 92, Cbarles Neai agt William H. God¬ ward, owuer or lessee and contractor___ 81 18 B Sedgwick av. No. 1557, w s, 400 s Riverview terrace, 35xlC0. Ephraim C. Gates agt Carry S, Delury, owner, and Jaraes A. McDonald, contractor.................... 633 33 6 Sedgwick av, w s. 500 s Morris Dock lane, 25x119. Michael O'Connor agt Carrie Dnlury, owner, and James A. McDonald, contraotor.............................. 50 00 6 CUnton st, No. 113, e s, 75 s Delancey st, ^3 x9)x22,2x94. WilUam H, Wh.fte agt Hy¬ man Beck and Morris Gresten, owners and contractors ..........................2,5S4 00 6 Ninety-seventh st. s s, 150 w 9th av, 69x100, Joseph Benedetto atrt George, Thomas aud tdward Jenkins, owners, and Tliomas Jenkins, contractor..................... 154 00 klSGS COIINIT. Aug. SO New Ufcrecht av, s w cor 60th st, 35xe0x25K 50,3, Heury P, Boegeinano agt Gaspar Abruzzo, owner, and samuel H. ivic- Kewen, coutractor........................ on Greeneav, Nos, 1056-1060. (Jenkins & ■ Broadway, Nos. 1258 and 13B0. f Gillies agt Edward F, Gajior, owner and contractor 30 Stone av, n e cor Somei-s st, 100x100. Sara¬ uel E. Decker agt D, W. 1 riggs, owner and coutractor „, Greene av, Nos. lOaij-lOGO. ' Broadway, Nos, 1258 and 1 (Mat thew 131)0, ( Smifch agt Edward F, Gaylor, owner and contractor 31 Ninth st, u e cor Columbia st, 27x100. Pat- trick Learny agt Robert Dillon, owner, and Archie Robinson, contractor......... 31 Forty-eighth st, s s, 200 w 5th av, 30x40. Hyde & Gloade Mfg. Co, agt Victor Pet- tersC'U, owner and contractor......... Sept. « nineteenth st, S s, 175 w 6th av, 25x100.3, J. L. Hickey & Son agt John R. Green, owner and contractor.................... 3 Degraw st, No. 3!7, n e cor Strong pl, 13x 80. Johnson C, McBi-ieu agfc John O, Hall, trustee, owner, and George W, Johnston, contractor...................... 3 Sarae jiroperty, Johu T. Matthews agt same owner and contractor............. „ Greene av, Nos. H)5i>-1060, and...........1 " Broadway, Nos, 1258 and 12G0.............f Christiau F. Mentzinger agt Edward F. Gaylor.............................. .1 Throopav, s e cor Jeffei-son av, 100x100. Edward Ti-acy agt .Stephen J. aud W. F. Sweet, and Isaac W, Wilton, owner, and W, W. Sweet, contractor................ 4 Atlantic av, No. 334, s s, 35x100. HoweU de Saxton agt H. J, Begley, owner, and James O'Connor, couti-acfcor............ 4 Humboldt st, w s, 331.lOn Van Cottay,25x SO, Louis Bossei't agfc Charles Berdux, owner, and Jacob Scboch, contractor..... 4 Diamond st, ss, 3,183,4 e Main st, 50x188, Albert H, McNeill agt Jeunie E, and Peter A. Bogeart, owner and con tractor.................................... 4 Cleveland st, w s, lis n Fulton st, 25x100, Johu R, Hughes agt John B. Scatcbard, owner, and W. H, Wells, contractor...... 4 Veruon av, s s, 300 e Tbroop ay, 5 brown stone buildings, Charles G. Schwartz agt Robert Anderson, owner and contractor., 4 Cleveland st, w s, 175 s Arlingtou av, 25s 100. M. B. Ray & Co. agt John B. S.atcU- ai'd, owner, and Wra. W. Wills, con¬ tractor.................................. 5 Cleveland st, w s, 134,5 n Fultou av, 25x100, Josepb H, Ball agt same ownerand cou¬ tractor.................................. 5 Bushwiek av, extd^ from Stagg st to Ten Eyckat,3ad Regimeut armory. Henry V. Scbnitzspau agt Co'inty of Kings, own¬ er, and Cbarles Eaton, contractor ....... 5 Concord st, ses, 47b s 92d st, 40x100, iS'ew Utrecht. The Bay Ridge Mfg. Co. agfc Gilbert Deserult, owner, aud Henry Ar- hui-g, contractor,,...................... 5 Cleveland av, w s, 130 n Fulton av, 25x100. Frank Secor agt Mr, Scatchard, owner, and Wm. H. Wells, contractor............ 827 10 2,e.'i0 00 405 16 6,080 00 32 50 115 00 ffi200 00 135 00 223 00 005 33 300 00 203 01 203 25 G93 00 219 91 100 00 22 50 34 00 67 33 250 00 35 00 SATISFIKD Mi;CBAiVICS' LIKNS. BEW YORK CITV. Aug. 31 Crosby st, n e cor Houston st, 64.10x112.8, The Crane Elevator Co. agt James B. Breen and Alfred G, Nason, (Lien filed Aug, 27, 1889)............................Sl Sept. a OiiC Hundred and Porty-nintb st, n e, ahout 380 w Courtlandt av, SOxlOO, Manchester & Philbriek agt Jobn Tui'ley aud Joha Y. Anderson. (May 24, 18B9i................. 3 Same properfcy. John Y. Anderson agt JobnTm'ley, 1 July 30, 18S9)............1 8 Tenth av, □ w cur 145tb sfc, 99.11x100. Harry C, Harfc assignee of Maicbo For¬ tunato agt John A, Walker. (Aug. 16, 1839) ...................................... 5 Goerck sfc, No. 28, e s, 100 n Broome st, 25 xlOO. George Mungo agt James F, Flood and Jaraes O'Hare, (July 39,1889)........ 5 One Hundred and Eighteenth st. No, 134, s s, 126 w Le-xington av, 26x100, Gustav E, Banhahn agt Jobn Doe and W. C. Burne. (Aug, 28, 18831.................... 6 Ninth av, n e cor 102d st, 100x100. James K. Irons agt Albert E, Smith and Eben S, Allen and Ferdinaud W. Hofele, firm of Allen&Co, (Aug, 8, 1889).............. G Second av, Becor95tbsfc, 100x100. Tliomas Osboi-ne agt Johu J. KeUy and Daniel Kelly, (Sept, 3, 1889).................... I B Sedgwick av, w s, abt 500 s Morris lane, 25x119, WiUiam Clarke agt Mrs. Carrie Delury aud Jaraes A. McDonald. (Sept. 5, 1889}.................................... 6 Sedgwick av. No, 1557, w s, 400 s Riverview terrace, 26 ft, front,Ruland & Stone agt same. (Sept. 3, 18891.................... B Oue Hundreu and Thirty-fifth st, n s, 110 w 5fch av, 125x09.11. The Windsor Lime Co, agt Carrie E, and Frederick Meres, (June 17,1889) .................................. B Tmtou [av. e s, 200 n 147th st, 25x100. WUUam. Clarke agt Chaa-les Chambers and James, A^ MoDonald, (Sept.. &» .1880K ,150 00 75 S3 091 00 830 46 324 00 55 00 445 00 ,301 00 534 21 85 00 174 20 EINUS COtMT. Aug, 30 Putnam av, s s, 80 e Pateheu av, BBxlOO, Jeremiah Hackett agt Chai'les W, Morton. (Aug, 26, 1889)............................81,050 00 30 Same property. Johu Reilly agt same owner and contiactor. (Aug. 2'i, 1889),,, B50 00 30 Same properfcy, Samuel G. Holland agt same owner and contractor. (Aug. 20, 1889)....................................2.305 00 30 Eleventh st. No. 398, s s, 293.10 w 7fch av, 25x 100. Henry McShane & Co. agt Alexan¬ der G. Calder, owner, and James Simon¬ son, contractor. (Aug. 23, 1889)........... 291 '77 31 Halsey sfc. s w cor Howard av. lOOxlCO. Andrew J, Graham agt Josepb Doug¬ lass and Wm. P, Rae, (Aug, 29, 1889). (Deposit).................................. Ifl 00 Sept. a KaUroad av, w s, 330 s Jamaica av, 73x100. R. Cummings' Sons agt Phoebe J. Cot¬ ter, owner, aad Adam Donaldson, con¬ tractor. (July 16, 1889)..................$161 4a 3 Railroad av, w s, 304 s Jamaica av, 74x100. Same agt same owner and contractor. (Aug, 16, 1689)........................... 161 47 3 Railroad av, w s, 150 s Jamaica av, 50x100. Harapton &. CreveUng agt aame owner andeontractor. (July 5, 1889).......... 380 61 4 Busbwick av. No. 731, WUliam Mogk agt Chr. Berdux, owner, and Jacob Schock, contractor. (Aug. 38. 18891............. 135 29 4 Hamburg av, .s s, 20 e Ralph sc, 20x100. Bernhardt Guensche agt Mario Heinstatt, owner and coutractor. (Aug, 13, 1889)___ 133 00 5 Fulton st, s H, 100 w Hoyt st, 50x126, Jack¬ son & Cowenboven agt Milbank & Le^wis, lessees, and H. A. Bryden, contractor. (Sept. 5, 1889).............................. ar 33 BUILDINGS PROJECTED^ The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect, ni'nfor mason, c'r for carpenter and b'r for bvilder. Copies of the laws relating to the constructiou of buildings in this city can be obtained at the office of The Record and Gxjide in pamphlet form. Price, 3-5 cents. NKW lORK CITT. SOUTH OF 14th street. Cbi'istopher st, s s, l.'iO e Bleecker st, five-story brick and stone flat, 4!l,;}x50, tin roof: cost §2,5,000; John Ryaii, 70 Liberty st: ar't, E L AngeU. Plan 1508. Lewis st. No, laO, flve-story brick workshop, 25 x40, tinroof; cost, $10,000; Ehzabeth achlesin- ger, on premises; ar't, I., F. Haineeke. Plan lo04. 10th sb. No. 239 E., five-storv brick and stone flat, 25x84.10, tin roof; cost, £22,000; Chas. and Aug. RufE, 4S Norfolk st; ar'ts, Schneider & Herter. Plan 1502. Fi-onb st, n e cor Gouverneur st, one-story frame shed, 75x75, tin roof; cost, §2,000; lessees. Herring & Co., 251 Broadway; ar't, T. J. Sheri¬ dan. Plan 1524. Washington st, Nos. 481-487, one and two-story brick wai-ehouse, 84.3x80, tinroof; cost, $2O,00U; J, Fred. Pierson. 24 Westst; ar't, W. H, Beers. Plan liia^. aoath 5th av, No. 5S, flve-story brick store, 25x 69, tinroof; cost, $17,000; Jas. W. Pinchott, 2 Gi-aniercy pl; b'rs, Moran & Ai-mstrong, Plan \5S2. BETWEEN 14th AND 59lH STREETS. 58tb st, s s, 187,0 w gth av, three-story and BJETWEEN 59th AND 125tU STREETS, EAST OP 5th AVENDE. 120tb st, Nos, 417-421 E., one-story frame shed. 30x20, tin roof; cost, §50; George Grossman, 421 Bast st; ar't, A. Fowler. Plan 1519, blttwben 5uth and 125th streets, west of 8th avenue. OOth st, n s, oOO w 8tb av, four foui--story aud basement brick aud stone dwell'gs, 18 and 19x54, slate and tin roofs; cost, $20,000 each; Pred Vau Tine, 433 West 21st st; ar't, N. M. Whipple- b'rs. Squier & Whipple. Plan 1510. Otith bt, s p, 100 e ilth av, nine fom--story brick and stoue dweU'gs, 20x54, tiu and slate roofs; cost, §20,000 each; ow'r, ar't and b'l-s, same as last. Plan 1511, 9eth st, n s, 100 e 9th av, five four-story and basement bi'ick and stone dwell'gs, 21x54, tiu and slate roofs; cost, §20,000 each; ow'r, ar't and b'rs, same aslast. Plan 1512, SSth st, n s, 100 e West End av, seven three- story and basement stone front dwell'gs, 17 and 18x53, tin and slate roofs; cost, $12,000 each; W. 15. Laucbantiu, 221 yth st, Brooklyn; ar't, N. M. Whipple; m'ns, Dunn Bros. Plan 1520. 110th AND 125th streets, BETWEEN OTH AND Sth avenues, 119th st, s s, 2a5 w Sth av, flve three-story and basement stone front dweU'gs. 15x48. tin i-oofs; cost, $7,.500 eacb; Emma A. Stockinger, Wash¬ ington av w s. 118 s 185th st; ar'ts, Cleverdou Sc Putzel. Plan 1503, Lenox av, nwcor 121st st, three-stot-y brick, stoue and terra cotta church, 55x80, slate and tin roof; cost, $30,0u0; Unity Congregation Society, Pi-esident E. T. Rice, 122 West 129th st; ar't, E. B, Atwood. Plan 1509. 23d and 24th wards. Barnet pl, s s, 350 e Barry st, two-story frame dweU'g, 22x47, tin roof; cost, $2,200; Wm. Ham¬ ilton, 54,9 West 30th st; ar't and b'r, C, G. Jor- jenson. Plan 1507. Main st, e s, 485.9 n Westchester av, two-story ftama storehouse^ 34x50^ shingle roof; eo^b.