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March 2-i, 1880 Record and Guide. 391 the property was sold under foreclosure for $61,000. Two tenements on East SOth street, belonging to McGlory, were sold at $13,000 each. Tbe dwelUng, No. 29 West 32d street, 25 x about 70x98.9, went for $37,750. A total of $11,870 wa3 reahzed for twenty-six lots at Belmont, 24th Ward, belonging to tbe esbate of Henry Seggerman. There were no sales of importance yesterday. On Monday, March 35th, Brown & Leviness wiU offer the hotel and grounds on Jerome aad Woodlawn avenues, now known as Wagner's Hotel and formerly Louis Brisl's. The property is to be sold by order of Aaron Ogden, the executor, and it comprises a three-story and basement building, with ten rooms above the first floor and a frontage of ground on Jerome or Central avenue of 125 feet, and on Woodlawu avenne of 200 feet, with an average depth of 348 feet, being equal to more than twenty- one city lots of 2.5x100 each. On Monday, March 25tb, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will offerthe valuable lot, with brick and frame buildings thereon, situate at No. 175 Franklin street, between Hudson and Greenwich streets, near tbe MercantUe Ex¬ change, and the two four-story brick tenements and stores at Nos. 416 and 418 East 10th street. These properties wUl be sold by ordei- of the estate of the late Margaret Van Brunt. On the same day Mr. Harnett wUI sell the lot, with dwelling, at No. 313 East S5th street, near 3d avenue, and the two lots and frame dweUings at Nos. 440 and 443 East ll7th street. On Tuesday, March 2fitb, D. Phcenix Ingraham & Co. will sell, by order of the late Ebenezer B. Belden, eight lots on tbe east side of Morris avenue, between 164tb and 165th streets, with the dwelHng and flne stable thereon. On Tuesday, Marcb Sfith, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will offer the tol- lowing valuable improved properties: The four-story brick buUding and extension at No. 11 West 4th street, being on the northeast corner of Mercer street; tbe five-story brick buUding, with a two-story brick stable, atNo. 66 Irving place, on the northeast corner of ISth street; tbe two four-story brick tenements with stores at Nos. 378 and 380 1st avenue, on the northeast coi-ner of SSd street, and the four-story brick double flat adjoin¬ ing at No, 403 East SSd street; also the two four-story brick tenements with stores at Nos, 586 and 588 2d avenue, adjoining tbe northeast corner of SSd street, and a large plot at Woodside, L. I. As these comprise several good corners, the sale will, no doubt, attract considerable interest. This property is to be sold by order of tbe estate of the late Claus Witschen. On the same day Richard V. Harnett & Co. will seU the foUowing proper¬ ties: The lot, with three-story brick buUding, No, 193 Mercer street, near Bleecker street; the five-story brick tenement with stores at No. 839 1st avenue, on tbe southwest corner of 47th street, to close an estate; tbe two three-story and basement brick stores at Nos. 48G and 488 Grand street; the handsome four-story residence, with fixtures, etc., at No. 10 East 56tb street, near Sth avenue; the first-class four-story house at No. 39 East 63d street, decorated, etc.; the handsome modem residence, with two-story and basement extension, at No. 5 East 7Sd street, uear Sth avenue; and, by order of the executor of tbe estate of Wm. T. Hemmenway, the four-story brick building and store, with two-story brick stable in reai-, on the south¬ west comer of Delancey and East streets; also tbe four-story aud basement brown stone flat at No. 2244 2d avenue, near tbe 116th street "L"road station; and a farm of 1S7 acres, subdivided in plots of five acres each, at Fulshing. L. I., by order of the estate of tbe late Oliver Charlick. On Tuesday, March 26th, A, H. Muller & Son wUl sell, by order of the executors of the late Obadiah Ayres, the properties situated at No. 104 Christopher street, No. 112 7th avenue, No. 321 West STth street. No. 350 East 55tb street, aud Nos. 330, 332 and 334 East 39th street. On Tuesday, March 36th, James C. Lalor wUl offer eight valuable lots on the soutb side of 70th street, between Central Park West and 9th avenue. They ai-e each 25x100,5 in size, and are in the neighborhood of first-class improvements, and within a few minutes' walk of the " L " road station at 72d street and Oth avenue, On Wednesday, March STth, A. H. Muller & Son will sell, by orderof tbe executors, the foui--stoi-y stone front building with extension, at No. 20 East Slst street, near Broadway; the flve-story building at No. 103 Broad street, on the southwest corner of Pearl street; two valuable lots on east side of Oth avenue, between 70tb and 71st sti-eets, and two lots on the north side of 146tb street, between tbe Grand Boulevard and 10th avenue. Ou Wednesday, Mai-ch S7th, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will sell tbe lot at No. 9 Prince sti-eet with the buildings thereon, between the Bowery and .EUzabeth street; the three-story house No. 343 East 86th street; the dweU¬ ing aud store at No. 528 Hudson street, near Charles street; the two five- story tenements at Nos. 82 and 84 Ludlow street, near Eroome street; the handsome four-story residence with fixtures, etc., at No. 3 West 134tb street, adjoining tbe northwest corner of Sth avenue and tbat street and opposite Mount Morris Park; two lots, i-unning through, one on IlSth street and one on 116th-street, between 5th aud Lenox avenues; the four-story house No. 643 Lexington avenue, near 54th street; the valuable flat on the northeast coruerof Nostrand avenue and Madison stieet, Brooklyn; the dwelling ■and lot No. 43St. FeUx street, near Fnlton street, Brooklyn, by order of the executor; and the valuable triangle on the northwest corner of Broad¬ way and Van Buren street, Brooklyn, with the stores and tenements .thereon, to close the estate of John Crosbie, deceased. " On Thursday, March S8th, Richard V. Harnett & Co. will seU the two four-story brick buildings with stores, at Nos. 32 and 34 Old slip, between Front and South strsets, by order of the executors of tbe late Fanny Hendricks ; the dwelling and stable ou the southwest comer of Pike and Hem-y streets ; the two-story building with store, and stable on rear, at No, 338 West 4tb street, on the southwest corner of Horatio street, by order of the estate of Geoi-ge Hallock, deceased, and the modem four-story brown stone front bouse, with fixtures, etc., at No. 114 East 45tb street. On Thursday, March SSth, A, H, Muller & Son will sell the tbree-story and basement stone front house at No. 11 East 124th street, near 5th avenue, and opposite Mount Morris Paik ; and the valuable five-story brick stores and apartments, with plot, at Nos, 309 and 311 3d avenue. On Tuesday, April 2d, James C. Lalor will sell, by order of the estate of the late George Bradisb, about fifty unimproved lots and gores situated on 1st avenue, lOStb, 109th and 110th streets. Seventy per cent; of the purchase money will be allowed to remain on bond and mortgage. On Tuesday, April Sd, Richard V. Hoa-nett & Co. will sell the four-story modern residence, decorated, etc., at No. 340 West 73d street, between the Grand Boulevard and West End avenue, aud near the entrance to River side Drive. Ou Thursday, April 4th, A. H. Muller & Son wUl conduct one of tbe most important sales of the season. It will comprise 98 lots belonging to tbe New York Hospital, around the site of tbe Bloomingdale Asylum, and situated on 10th avenue, tbe Gra.nd Boulevard, 113th, 113th and 114th streets. The lots are all to be restricted, and will be sold on a margin allowing 70 per cent, to remaiu at 5 per cent, interest. Tbe sale is by order of tbe governors of the hospital, and will be absolute and without reserve. The Bloomingdale Asylum is to be i-emoved to White Plains, and tbis will make tbe property to be offered prospectively valuable. It is all on high ground aud weU suited for residence purposes. On Tuesday, April 9th, P, G. Wolbert will sell about 33 acres of land fronting on the Hudson River, and extending to Bergen Line aveuue, being close to the Weehawken Feri-y, and situated in Union Township, N. J. The property will be sold in foui- parcels, and will be auctioned off at Taylor's Hotel, No. 15 Exchange place, Jersey City, at S p.m. on the above date, by order of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey. On Tuesday, April 9th, James L. Wells will conduct an important sale of North New York vacant property, just above the Harlem Bridge and on the line of suburban rapid transit. It comprises 333 lots, suitable for dweUing and business purposes, located on Lincoln, Alexander and Brook avenues, tbe Southern Boulevard, I34tb, 135th, 13Gth, 137th and 13Stb streets, in the SSd Ward. The neighborhood bas all the public impi-ove¬ ments, and is continually increasing in value. The title to all the property is guaranteed. It belongs to the estate of tbe late James Brown. CONVEYANCES. less. 1889 Mar. 16 to 33 inc. Mar. IB to 31 inc. Number...................................... 875 356 Amoimt involved............................. $4,171,314 $5,083,434 Numher nominal............................ C9 80 Number aSd and 24th Wards................. 41 78 Amount involved............................. $83,434 8308,002 Nimiber nominal............................. 14 21 lEORTOAOES. Number...................................... 3.S3 308 Amount involved............................. $3,157,705 $8,063,061 Numberat 5 per cent........................ 120 114 Amount involved............................. $1,117,816 - 81,360,788 Numberat less thau 5 per ceut.............. 25 82 Amount involved............................. 8411,325 $456,860 Number to Bauks, Trust and Ins, Cos______ 38 81 Amount hivolved........................... $037,700 $470,500 PROJEc'teD B(in.MNGS. 1888. 188&, Mar. 17 to SH. Mar. 10 to 33. Numberof bnildings......................... 78 74 Estimated cost.............................. $1,133,200 $1,038,525 Gossip of the Week^ SOUTH OF 59th street. Lespinasse & Friedman have sold for J. J. McComb three lots on tbe south side of 59th street, and tbree lots on the nortb side of 5Sth street, both parcels 1S5 feet west of tith aveuue, to the German Club for $150,000, Morris B. Baer & Co. have sold for John F,. Flagg the four-stoFy English basement brown stone front bouse No. SSS West 34th street, lot 1.5.3x85, for S14,500 ; for Mrs. Margaret Trenor a similar bouse at No. 255 West 38th street, lot 17,6x98.9, for §13,-500; and a tbree-story, high stoop, brownstone house for Mrs. Jackson at No. I(i5 West 22d street, lot 20x100, for $14,750, J, Romaine Brown & Co. and A. L. Mordecai have sold for C. Burdett the four lots on the southeast comer of 57th street and Tth avenue for $117,.500, Jobn Stewart has sold for Mr. Robert Dick tbe three brown stone flats Nos. 39, 41 and 43 Jane street, 26.6x77,6, lot 87.6 each, for tbe sum of $115,500 to Mr. Loriu B. Huse; and for Lorin B. Huse Nos. 7 aud ft Ttb avenue, tbe three-story building, 30.4x59, lor $18,000. The Lorillard estate has sold the plot on tbe noi'th side of SSd street, commencing 84 feet west of 3d avenue, 80x100 in size, to Messrs, Jordan & Moriarty for $66,000. T. S. Clarkson & Co. have sold for E. L, Ludlow No. 178 Madison avenue for $65,000. Broker C. J. Lyon has sold for Mr. Leow the four-story and basement brown stone dwelling No, 53 West 47th street, to O. H. Hayes for $60,000. Joseph Levy & Son bave sold for Theodore Kaliske the four-Etory and basement iron and stone front building, No. 353 Sth avenue, to William Simon for $43,000; for Mr, Baker, the five-story double tenement, No, 509 West 49th street, renting for $1,T00, to Jobu Smith and wife for $1.^,000; and for Rebecca Poole tbe three-story and basement high [stoop dwelling, No. 3S9 West Slst street, to John MacLellan for $15,500, Greenwold & Co. have sold the following properties: The five-story "tenfr- ment No. 374 Spring street to Wm. Steig for $37,000; the three-story brick dwelling, No, 404 Stb avenue, lot 35x100, to Daniel Lawson for $S5,O0O; and the tbree-story private house No. 453 East 5Tth street to Mrs, L. Murpby, for $10,000.' We leoi-n that A, E. Hoyt & Co. have sold for H, W, Deane the brown stone tenement bnilding No. 253 West SSd street for $37,500; and for W. H. Conkiing the property on the corner of llth avenue and 4th street, Mt. Vernon, on pilvate terms, Joseph Waters has sold for Jacob Vorhaus the six-story brick apartment house No, 150 Clinton street, S5x89xl00, to Samuel Joseph on private terms. John C, Mahr & Sons have sold No. 65 4th street, lot SSxlOO, for $32,000. L. Froelich has sold for Mrs. Gottschalk, the three-story, high-stoop, brown atone dwelling, No. 145 East 45th street, SOx43xlOO, for $18,000; for Mi-s, Taylor, the three-story, high-stoop, brownstone dwelling. No. 1051