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May 95, 1889 Record and Guide. 751 Wolff, Armand and ,lales—F A Lauge, ('89) 180 43 WhitCord, Aunie A-Frances V C Fuller. (1889)................................... 166 75 MECHANICS' LIENS. 190 00 500 00 JVKW YORK CITV. May an Eleventh st. No. 63, n s, bet Uuiversity pl and Broadway, 25 ft front, James F, Dolau agt James Fish debtor aud Peter J. Connor, contractor, aud Ascber VVeiu- stein, owner ..............................$490 00 20*Second av, s e cor 95th st, lOOslOO, Horgan & O'Brieu agt John J. Kelly, owner and contractoi-................................1,052 63 30 Seventv-fourth st, s s, 300 e 10th av. five- buildings, eacb 30x60. Adam Mitchleragt Mary J. Coar. owner and contractor — 30 One Himdi'ed nod Fifth st, Nos. 331 aud 323, u s, bet 10th av and Western Boulevard, 50x100, Touy Reinantons agt Thomas Mclnerny, owuer, and Heary Taylor, con¬ tractor.................................. 20 Eleventh St. No, 63. ns,34S.9 w Broadway, 27x103,3, William H. Schmohl agt Ascber Weiusteiu aud Abrabam Stern, owuers, and Ttiomas Finn, James Fish and Pi'ter J, Connor, contractors...................1,463 36 21 Mottst. No, 139, ws, 139 H Grand st, 25,1x100. Jobn Roth and Michael Wielandt agt Isaac J, Maccabi (or Maceabe), owuer and contractor................................ .WO 00 91 Stantou st. No. 330, n s, 50 e Pitt st., 25x100, Tbomas Corcoran aud William Fuller agt Adolpb Newjuau, owner, aud George Whitfield, contractor.................. 150 00 23 Oae Hundred and Eighteenth st, u s, 100 e Stb av, 150x100. Antou Markowita agt C. H. Bliss, owuer, and John Smitb, con¬ tractor.................................. 13 75 33 Madison av, s e cor lllith st, 101x110. Jobn Flynn agt Harry Grabam, owner and contractor.........................,-, 447 80 33 Seventy-fourth st, Nos. 140-148, s s, 400 \v 9th av, 100x102. Joseph J. Yates agt Mary J. Coar and Adam Faeger, owners, aud Mary J. Coar, contractor............ 281 00 33 Seventy-sixth st, NoS- 341 and 343. u s, 225 e "Mav, 50x103, McGratb & Kidney agt Susan A. aud Jauies A, Benson, ownei's, and James A, Benson, contractors........ 40 00 23 Boulevard, s e cor 8'M st, lOOxiOO. Charles Viola agt Frauk Smith, owner and con¬ tractor.................................... 338 61 93 West End or lltU av, n e cor 67tb st, lOSs 103, Maria W, Dittmar agt Charles Horue, owner, and Richard Hoar, contractor— 201 52 33 Fifty-fii-st st, No. 608, s s. bet 10th aud Iltb avs. 95x100, Same agt Johu B. Freudeu- berger, owner, aud Eugeue Coui-tuey, contractor................................ 96 30 Madisou av, s e cor 116th st, 101x83........ 24 Oue Huudred and Sixteenth st, s s, 83 e Madison av, 27x101..................... Alfred M, Heai-n agt Harry Grabam, oivner aud contractor.....................3,437 00 24 One Hundred aud Forty-ninth st, n s, 360 w Courtlandt av, 20x100. Manchester & Philbrick agt Jobn Turley, owuer, John Y. Auderson. contractor, aud P, Rowaue. sub-contractor............................ 94 Ninety-seventb st, Nos. 44^5-J, ss, 300 e Otb av, 99.6x100, Thomas Caunon agt Mary C. McKeuna, owner, and James McKenna, contractor............................... 997 50 24 Madison av, s ecor 116tb st, 101x110, Eh- raan &. Simou agt Harry Graham, reputed owner and contractor.....................1,371 75 94 Ninety-fifth st, s s, 150 w 8tb av, 100x100,11. Hemiau Thurow agt George Holiiday, owuer. and Sparmau & Steiner, con¬ tractors.................................. 24 Sameproperty. August Turk agt same— 94 Same property. Stephen Haug agt same.. 94 Same property, Ricbai'd Scbmedding agt same.................................... 24 Ninety-foiu'th st, n s, 100 w Oth av. EOslOO. Patrick Mahoney agt Jacob Karn, owner, and John H. Babcock, contractor....... 24 Tenth av, e s, 100 n oOth st, 25 ft, frout. Charles Hartman agt John Thornton, owner and contractor. (Contmued by order of Court).......................... 395 00 75 33 15 35 13 75 16 26 10 00 600 45 *Editor Record akd Goide : This lien was filed \vithout cause and they leave tbeh-contract imdone. I will bond tbe lien and con¬ test it. ■ John J, Kelly, RINt^S COIINTT. May 16 Bushwick av, Nos. 1994,1306, 1296a and 1398, cor Eldei-t st, 65,1x55. Thos. H. Radehffe agt Frauk W, Ames, Robert L, Moores, Ophelia E. Griffen, Samuel Feltman, A. C, Beeker aud Rosina Conidin. owuers, and Fi-ank W, Ames, contractor. (Released as to No, 1394)...........................8913 34 17 Eastern Parkway, n a. 60 e Montauk av, 50x 100. Earl A. Gillespie agt Mary Cooney. owner and contractor..................... 277 33 Thatford av, w s, ^5 s Glenmore av, 25x 100.1. 17 Thatford av, w s, 100 s Glenmore av, 50s 100.1, Tbatford av, w s, 175 s Gleumore av, 25x 100.1. Sweeney Bros, agt EliKabeth aud James Phelau, owners and contractors........... 477 77 17 Halsey st, n a, uear Bushwick av, lOOxIOO, Joseph Kellow & Sons agt Geo, W. Cou¬ ine, owner, and Couine & Gormley, con¬ tractors................. ................ 365 00 17 Sixty-sixth st, s s, 280 e 1 Ith av, 00x100, New Uti-echt, Gustav Reicheuback agt Anna and William Oehler, owners aud contract¬ ors .....................-.................. 269 00 17 Same property, Ei-ikAnderson agt same.. 620 00 17 Decatur st, Nos, 31-37- Ei-nst Friede agt M. O. and Mrs. Crumpley, owners aud con¬ tractors .................................. 03 00 17 Eckford st, n s, 100 w Calyer st, 25x100, Henry Israel agt Alfred Sheffler, owner nnd contractor.......................... 60 00 18 Gates av, n s, 30 e Reid av, 30x77, Rudolph Eeimer agt Augustus S, Bedell and Thos. J. Alleu. owuer, and William Stryker, contractor,............................... 874 63 18 McDonough st, s s, 200 w Patcben av, 50x100, McAveney Bros, agt James J- Fleming.,. 665 00 18 Rockaway av, s e cor Eelmont av, SOxlOIU S. Hall agt Samuel Levy and George Rhodebeck, owner and contractor ...... 530 00 30 Garden st, n w cor State st, 38,10x95, Da^ vid M. Gilger agt----- Henderson, owner, and Sylvester Hearing, contractor........ 9 50 20 Forty-third st, u s, 175 w 12tb av, 50x100. Isaac Newtou agt James L. Turner, own¬ er, and John Pbalzcraft aud William Shelly, coutractors ..................... 250 00 30 Fortv-thh-d st, n s, 135 w 12tb av. 50x100. Same agt same owuer and contractor — 340 00 20 Eusbwick av Boulevard, Nos. 1118 and 1120, Hem-y Evans agt Eiizabetb and Peter W, Higginsou. owuers and contractoi'S....... 40 00 20 Same property. Same agt same.......... 49 00 20 Ninety-sixth st, n s, abt 300 w 3d av, 95x100. Hastings & Albers agt Naucy Losee, owner and contractor................... 399 91 31 Greene av, s s, 930 w St. Nicbolas av. 90x 100. William Mogk ngt Eliiabeth wife of Auton Karnein, ownei- aud contractor,,,, 172 9,^ 91 Tillary st, u s, 50,3 w Duffield st, 35x50, Edward Collins agt James Farreil, owner and contractor........................ 17 35 91 Marion st, n s, 173 e Saratopra av. 153x100. Jolm Hennesy agt Lewis Pariner. owner aud contractor............................ 813 00 91 Stuyvesant av, n wcor Quincy i-t. 100x32.^. Jaines J. McCue agt John McDicken, owner and contractor..................... 940 PO 32 Halsey st. n s, 3O0 e Busbwick av, 100x100, E. E. Stewart agt Wm Gormley, Jr., and George W. Coniue, owner and eoutractor. 186 15 33 Caritou av. No. 70, w s, 125 s Pai'k av, 25x 100. Michael Dalton agr. Honora Slatter- ly, owner, and Horgan & Slatterly, con¬ tractors ............................. 650 00 33 Sixteenth st, Nos. 334-352, s s, 107.10 w Stb av, ','OOxlOO. Nevins & Cahill agt Tbe Nassau Land aud Improvement Co., owner, aud Ubristopber C. Firth, con¬ tractor ................................ 333 93 23 Arlington av, n s, 50 w Cleveland st. nOxIOO. Haiis Hansen agt Johu C, Creveling aud Benjamin M, Hampton, owners and cou¬ tractors................................. Sl 00 92 Adelpbi st, w s. 300 8 Willoughby av, lOOx 100, Tbomas J. Mackiusou agt St. Marks Prot. Epis, Chiu-cb, Brooklyn, owner, and James Reilly & Co., contractor........ 1,597 00 23 Rockaway av, s e cor St, Marks av, 77,9x100. Earl A. Gillespie agt Martin Fitzgerald, owner, aud Thomas McMeehan, con¬ tractor ................................... 550 00 3.^ Montieth st, Nos. 57-67. Frank WInteiTath agt H, M, Eiker. owner and contractor-----1,750 00 33 Caritou av, w s, 137.3 s Park av, 25x100. William Schepper agt Honora Slattery, owner, and Horgau & Slattery, con¬ tractors................................. 658 98 KINGS COUNTY. May Iti Halsey st, n s, 980 e Busbwick av, 100x100, Henrv McCloud agt Wm, Gormerly and Grandin Cronin, (S'eb.6,lB89). (Deposit). $18 00 17 Cooper st, s e s, 80 n e Broadway, 116.10x100, Jonn Connelly agt Margaret and Patrick Concannon, owners aud contractors. (Jan, 16, ;889)............................ 454 00 17 Thirteenth av, n w cor 65tb st, 33x100, Bath Beach Junction. Thomas Morgau agt David Schneider and Frank H. Sehulz, owners and contractoi-s, (April 35, 1889).. 35 00 17 Sixly-fifthst, nwcor ISth av, 20x100, Eath Beach, Fred'k W, Starr agt same owners and contractors. (April5, 1880)........... IliT68 17 Sixty-fifth st, u w cor 13th av, Horace B. Allen agt David Schneider and Frank H. Sehulz. owners and contractors- (May 13, 1889)................................... 50 50 18 Tenth af, s e cor IOtb st, 30x80. George Morgan agt Henry Witte, owuer, and Edward M, Eelir, contractor. (Oct. 15, 18881.................................... 709 50 18 Same property. Peter A, Johnson agt same ownei and contractor, (Dec, 7, '88). 115 00 18 Same property, Hobbv Sc Doody agt same owuer aud contractor, (Nov. 16, 13881..,, 361 12 18 Halsey st. Nos. 1055-1063, n s, 380 e Bushwick av, William D, Kelland agt William Gormley aiid George W, rijnine, owner and contractor, (May 13, 1880)............ 317 00 91 Java st, No. 330. s s. 235 e Oakland st, 25x 100, Michael Heraghty agt Mary A, Byi-nes and Mrs, Mary Lupton, (May 11. 1839), (Deposit).............. ........... 150 00 31 De Kalb av, Nos. 1035 and 1037, n s, 125 e Stuyvesaut av, 46.8x100, Obarles G, Kiee agt William J, Clonnolly, owner and con- cractor, (Mar, 13, 1889).................. 950 00 23 Alabama av, w s, 95 u Atlantic av, 30x90, Earl A.Gillespie agt Frederick A. Reid, owner, and Grandin Couine, contractor, (May 16. 1889)........................1,51100 33 \A'ashington av, u w cor St. Marks av. Thomas H. Brown agt Philip Sullivan, ownerand contractor. (May 9, 1889)...... 76 40 33 Cropsey av, s e cor 32d av, runs south 370,4 to Eay, X east 316 x uorth 386.10 to Cropsey av, X west 337,10, James Sutcliffe agt William H. Wesc, owner, and Joel A. Hamilton, contractor. (Nov, 13. 1888).,,. 10 50 92 Same property, James Cropsey sgt same owuer and contractor. (Jau. 19, 1880)..,. 407 00 93 Same property. Robinson & Condit agt same owner and con*,ractor, (Jau. 92, 1889) ...................................... 415 74 93 Gates av, Nos. 1534 and 1536, s e s, 108.11s w Myrtle av, 25x100. George Covert agt Mrs, niiisch en baeher, William Nagle. Diedrich and Aunie Mahlman, (Mar. 23. 1889)...................................... 439 72 23 Myrtle av. No. 143, n s. 80 e Duffleld st, 90x IOO. Howell & Saxtan agt H. A. Black¬ mur and L. Arensberg. (May 13, 1889).... 191 90 SATISFIED MKCHANICS' IIUNS. NffiW YORK CITV. May 18 Raih'oad av, heiug property of the New York & Harlera K. E. bet Fordbam Depot aud Williamsbridge Depot, 150 e Webster av, William McMurtry agt N. Y. Central & Hudsou River R. R. Co., owuer, and Clark Sc O'Brien and Seneca W, Mer¬ ritt, (Jan. 31, 1839) .......................£163 27 18 Foui-th av, n e cor 199d st, 100x96. Micbael Reilly agt John Early. (Feh. 10,1888),... 613 06 30 One Hundred and Eighth st, n e cor River¬ side Drive, 150x50. Michael Reilly agt Elizabeth Bayne* aud Dennis & Booth, (.lune 18, 1688)............................ 3,404 o6 90 Sixty-ninth st. No. 206-912. s s, 136w IOtb av, 195 ft. front. Young, Gerai'd & Co, agt John Colleran and Colleran Bro. (Feb, 1,18S9)...................................3,100 95 Monroe st, No. 140, s s, 70.6 w Jefferson st, 23,0x100...............•.................. Monroe st, No. 136, s s, 117.0 w Jefferson st, 33,6x100............................ Ede Levinson agt Morita or Morris Gold¬ berg, Nathan Scbancupp and Albert Beverly, Jr. (Apri! 15, 1889)............. 30 Same property. Louis Kramer agt same, (Febfl. 1889).......................... 32500 30 Same property. Albert Beverly, Jr,, agt Morris (joldberg and Nathan Scbancupp, (Jan. 38. 1389)............................10,300 00 93 Eighty-second st, Nos, 4-16, s s, bet 5th and Madison avs, Theodore T. Lines agt Ed¬ ward Kiloatrick and Charles Doll. (May 90 175 00 1889). 3<;7 33 33 Seventy-sixth st, n s, 200 w 1st av, 75 ft front. John W, Rapp agt Susan A. and James A, Eeuson. (April 32, 18891....... *0 00 Sixty-seventh st, Nos. y03-2',6, ss, lOOw] ,M 10th av, 900 ft front....................L "''' Sixty-sixth st, Nos. 203-949, ns, 100 w 10th f av, 600 ft frout........................J Cassidy & Adler agt John Ruck and Dan¬ iel Kelly. (May!4,1889).................4,940 83 34 One Hundred and Twenty-seventh st, s s, 930 e 3d av, 60 ft front. Tbomas Tully agt Ann MulhoUand and Thomas King, (Mar. 5,1889).................................1,319 30 94 Same property- Jobn Feehan agt same- (Jan. 10,1889)..........................■:■ 340 00 34 Ryerav,es,985.4nl84thst. Charles Pitchie agt Frank Hodges. (April 1, 1869)........ 414 00 34*One Hundred and Twentv-seventh st, s s, 330 e 3d av, 60 ft frout, Luigi Guiseppe. Steffano and Natalie Cavinato agt Ann aad John MiilnoUaud, (Oct. 30, )8H8),... 900 00 34*Same property. Wight Fire-prooflng Co, agt sarae. (Oct. 39, 1686)................- 49 49 34 Seveuth av. No, 9048, iv s, bet 199d and 193d sts, 30x100. :)Iarcelin Jonlters agt Gilbert Robinson. Jr., William W, Ford and Zacbary T. Weir, (Nov. 23, 1836)......... 49 00 94 Same property. Albert G. Washhm-n agt same, (Jan.31, 1689).................... 32 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name is that of the owner; nr'( stands for architect, m'n for mason and b'r for bvilder. Copies of the laws relating to tbe coustruction of buildings in tbis city ean be obtained at tbe oiEce of The Record and GuroE in pamphlet foi-m. Pi-ice, 2.5 cents. ♦Discharged by depositmg amoimt of lien and interest wifij County Clerk, NEW YORK CITT. SOUTH OF 14th street. Clarkson st, u s, 80 e "West st, in last issue should read name of owuer, Michael Rpgan, 09 Barrow st, instaad. of Micbael Ryau. Flans 867 and 868. Cbei-i-y st, Nos. 55 aud'57. five-story bricb flat aud stores, 37,llx,55,l, tin roof; cost, S'6,000; Martin McCormick, II Jay st; ar'ts, Tbom & Wilson, Plan 893, Franklin st, No. 175, sis-story brick store, 25x 79, aud extension, tin roof; cost. SIO,000; S. (Jbas. Welsh, 111 Bast STthst; ar't, M, V, B. Ferdon; b'r, J. P. Niblo, Flan 913. Morton st, s s, 37 e West st, one-story brick stable, 73x50, gravel roof; cost, -58,500; Christian W. Cbristie; ar't, M, V. B, Ferdon; b'r, D. Dem¬ arest. Plan SSti. Mulberry st. No, 191, flve-stoi-y and basement brickflat, 35x89, tin roof; cost, $18,000; Cbas. Downey, 114tb and U5th sts, bet 2d and 3d avs; ar't. A, I, Finkle, Plan 895, Macdougal st, No, 108, flve-story and basement brick flat, :i5x87, tiu roof; cost, 818,000; E, W, Bro-vvn, IS9 Bleecker st; ar't, P, Jentb. Plau 939, 3d st, Nos. 12',2-I38, s s, 75 e Macdougal st, four- story brick stable, 99.4x94, charcoal tm roof; cost, S45,000; Christina S. Wylie, Morristown, N, J.; ar't, B. E. Lowe; m'n, B, Sheridan; c'r, J. Mui-pby. Plan 908. IStb st, s s, 135 e Dry Dock st, rear, oue-story brick storehouse, 5.6x34, tin roof; cost, §450; Geo. W. Quintard, 4A West33d st; ar't, J. Stroud. Plan 9-20. Av A, Nos. 215 and 317, two flve-story brick flats and stores, 35,10s8W,f5. tin roofs; cost, $30,000 each; Frank Vettel, 38,5 Av A; ar't, B, W. Ber¬ ger; m'n, J. Goerlitz. Plan 906, Greenwich av, Nos. 33 and 34. two five-story brick and stone flats, ,50x125.8, tin roofs; cost, 820,000 each; Jas, McGay, 61 East 54tb st; ar'b, F. GoodeviUe. Plan 937. BETWEEN 14th AND 59TH STREETS. 18tb St, No, 346 W,, five-story brick flat and stores, 26x83. tin roof; cost, SIS.OOO- Helen D. Campman, 146 East 71st st; ar't, J", P. Leo; b'r, J, Fyfe. Plan 9411, 28th st, 3 s, 100 w 1st av 1 oue-story iron front 29th st, n s, IOO w 1st av f cburob, 60x178,6, tin roof; cost, $25,000; Rev, Micbael Daly et al,,336 East -30th st; ar't, T. H. Poole. Plau 890.