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tfianuaiy 33i 1S08 Record and Guide. being 8th av. s w cor llBth st. 100x100. Jo¬ seph KavovitK aet John W. Stevens, own¬ er, and Samuel A. Rotb, contractor...... 26 00 24 Fifth av. u e cor lllth st. 25sl25. Lunney & Mulstay agt Peyser & Eisenberg, own¬ ers, and Dempsey & smith, contractors.. 250 00 Sl Fieth av, n e cor 114th st, ]00sl20. George R. Robbins & Co. agt Simou Peyser, owner, and Simou Pe.yser and William Eisenberg, contractors............................. 539 01 24 Eighth av, w s, 25.11 u l.-ilfh ar. ."iOxlOO, Heury SchaePei' & Co. aet Esther E, Bar¬ ron, owuer, and Martin Barron, agent___ 334 48 34 Eighlielb st, n w eor Columbui av. ,'lOxlon, George Scolleld agt Wm, Eisenberg, own¬ er, and Simon Peyser, conlractor......... 155 00 24 Deloucey st. No. 174, n s, bet Clioton and Attorney st", 35x100. George B. Robbins & Co agt Harry Fishel. owner, and Theo¬ dore, Sebraedpr ft Blohm, contractors___ 122 06 24 Broome st. Nos. 210 and 243. u e cor Ludlow st, 4O,Esl0n. George B. Bobbins & Co. agi M. Jarmulowsky. owner, and Theodore, 8nhraeder& Blohm. contractors....... 2}C 44 21 Bathgateav.ws, 10s3dHt, 25x100. Horatio D. Wiswell and Johu O'Brien agt Daniel Kennelly. ownerand contractor......... 257 16 25 Nineiieth sl, a s, S65 w Cenlral Park Weat, leiislOO.H. John Vogler and William Huq- ger agt Walden P. Anderson, owner and contractor........................1,8^0 00 25 One Hundred and Thirl.vsixtb st, Nos, 201- 263, n s. bet 7th and 8lh avs, Maywood Art Tiie Co. agt Thos, C. Vau Brunt, owner and eoDiraetor....................1.457 07 25 Qisiy-ointh st. No, 53, n s, 20x100 John ■ Dielericb and Frederick Dauer agt Amelia Bader. owner, and Max Eudden- klepper, contractor.................. 35 51] 25 Madison av, n 6 cor llOtb sl, .-iOxlOO. Will¬ iam- Miller agt estate Wm.H. McElroy, dec'd, owner and contractor.......... 1300 1)1) 25 Sixth av. Nos. 106 and 468. e s. 24.8 n 38rh 8t.49.4s4o. James D. Murpbyagt Wiiiiam. Edward, Helen and Amanda Liiulerbach, owners, aud William Lauterbach, con¬ tractor.............. ...................1 810 00 25 Eighly-ilfth st. No, i:38-153. ss, 250 w Col- umhus av, 237x100. Lunuey & Mulstay ■ agt John G. Prague, owner, and Dempsey & Smith, coutrecCors....... . ......... 219 69 25 Bavard st, u s, whole front bet Elizabeth st mid Bowery. 200x101'. Dei Genovese & Towle agt Third Av R, R. Co., owners and contractors......................84.563 50 £8 Broome st, Nob. 210 and 242, n e cor Ludlow st, 43 8x56. Wllllaiii J. Peck agt Schrader & Blohm, owners nnd tontraotors..... 153] 21 26 Madison av.u ecor liHth at, 100x50. Rich¬ ard J. Cullen agt William H. Mcllroy, owner and contractor.......■.......... 204 85 26 Sixty-flffh St. No. 68. s e cor Grand Boule- ■■ -vard. 3.5x100. McKnie'bt Chichester co. agt John Alcotl, owner, and William M. " Walsh, contractor ... ..............1,502 50 26 Nluet.v-liftb sl, s w cor Madi.son av 42 Bs 100.8. Stateu Inland Terra Cotla Co. agt William J. and Mary Mathewa, owners, and William J, Mathews, contractor.....1,232 CO ■28 Delancey st, No, 1T4 n s. SO w Attorney sl S-lslOO. William Peck agt Han-y Fishel, owner, and Schrader & Blobm, con¬ tractor............................. 750 00 ■26 First av. No, 1496. o e cor 78tb st, 28x01. DoraKaliskl agt Herrman Cohn, owner and coutractor___................. n 00 26 Twenty-uiuth st. No. 210. .■< s, bel 2d and 3d avs, Philip Markovirz agt i.izzie E. De Kay, owner, and Julius Meyer, contrac¬ tor..................................... 5.S 00 Kigbth av. No, 13 .............i begins 8th 26 Bleeckersi, No, 42i,.........Vav.eastcor " Abiugdon ,=
it at, four story brk and stone club-house, 50x99. tin roof' cost abr,8i7,00ii; Pontiac Club, 493 West End av ar't J. G. Prague, Plan',14. Manhattan av, s w cor 11.5th st. three five-story brk and stone Rata, 21xbH, 3fi,llx(il.(j and 37x0 ■ 0 tin roofs; coat, $.12.WH'each; T. J. Jenkins 55 Lenox av;ar't. U. M. Walgrove. Plan Oil. Movuiugstdeav, a e cor 115th st. three flve- story hrk and alone Hats, 31,9x97.5x43 4st:7 and 43.8x,53, tin roofs; cost, *32,(ll)li each- ow'r aud ar't, aame as last. I'lan (57. NORTH OF 125th HTRKET. Kingsbridge av, e a, 211 h Tun-ace View av, two-and-a-half-story frame dweU'g, 2^x42 shin¬ gle roof; coHt, 84,500; Fidelia S. Pbinny, 153 West 105tb st; b'r, a. S. Barrian. Flan 73. 8th av, w s, 5u n ISlst at, (ive-slory brk stable 50x96, tin roof; cost. *3I,;h)0; J. H. Leith, 12 Westl33d st; ar't, E. Wenz. Plan 86. . 2/5d and 24th WARDS. 15l8tst, ua, 150 w Morria av, three-story and basement framedweH'g, 24x^0, gratel roof; cost $3,50O; Henrietta Manning, 528 East U2d st' ar't, C. Baxter. Plan 74, Cauldwell av, e s, 118.9 n KJlat st, three three- atory and basement frame tenem'ts, 18.9xSU, tin roofs; cost, a4,500 each; ow'r and c'r, P. J. Owens. SB7 Trinity av; ar't, J. H. Valentine Plan 79. Melrose av, e a, 75 n 159th st, two-story frame dwell'g, 26x31, tin roof; coat, |3,5(JU; P. Procter, Melrose av and t59lh st ; ar't, A. Pfeiffer Plan SO. Martha av, e s. .50 n 2d av, two story frame dwell'g, 18x28, state roof; cost, Sl.BnO; Berlha Tillie, 5S3 Opdyke av; b'r, J. Tillie. Plan f4. Clark pl, s s, 380 7 w Sheridau av. three two¬ story brk and stone dweU'gs, lll.Sx.'^S, tin roofs- cost, 14,000 each; McCool & Zobel, 171Broadwav ar't, P. C. Zobel. PlauS.i. Eagle av. No. 635, three-story frame tenem't, 21x45, tin roof; cost, $3,50:i; ow'r and c'r; E. Doelzer, on premiaes; ar't, VV, Relilcck, Plan 72, 133d at, n s, 32J e Cypress av, four two-story frame dwell'ga, 18x46, tin roof; cost, $2,750 each; C, Hohl, 9as Eaat 133d at; ar't, A. Gareias. Plan 93, Rogera pl, w a, 183 n Westchester av, three two-story frame dwell'gs. 16,8x41, tin rools; coat, I3.20O each; Bridget Welsh, HJ36 Btebbina av; ar't. H, L. 1-eierp. Plan 89. 150th st, n s, 173 w w Morris av, twostory frame dwell'g, &5s3(5.0, tin rtol; cost, $3.5(10; J. McBride, 49 J East Hid st; art. C. A. Miiluer. Plan 87, 1.50th st, n s, 175 w Morris av, reai', one story frame stable, 2.='jx5rt, tar aod gravel roof; cost, $30U; owner and ar't, same aa last. Plan 88, ALTEKVIIOiVS IVGW fORK (ITI. Plan 78—iSd st, Nos. 318-322 W,, repair dam¬ age by fire; cost, 1(1,350; Mrs, O. U. Pease, 2(i9 Weal 84th at; c'r. W, W. Brigbam. 79—3d av, Noa. 2|i53 and 21154. one-atory exten¬ sion, 37.5x40. interior and walls altered and new front; cost, Sr,(HH'; L, Gatea, HiO Eubt lllth st; ar'ts, Boekell & Ron. S(!—8itb st. No. 227 E., one-slory ostensiou. 20.4s.5(i, interior aud walls altered; cost, |;3,5l0; E. C. Sheeby, 8 West 125th ,st; ar'c, T. McJJor- row. Si—Duane st. No, 25, interior ullei-ations; cost, abt $],V0(); W. A. Sbaw etal., 69 West SSth st; ar'ts, Sncok & Sons. 82—Barclay st, Nos. 51 and 53, interior al era- tions; coat, $900; agent, G. W. Donaldson, 51 Clark st, Brooklyn; b'r, T. Bailey. 83—10th av, No, 402, iulerior and walls al¬ tered; COST, *;,0OU; G, H. bartels, ou premises; ar't, C. W. Miller. 84~ljeroy st. No, 7, repair damage by fire; cost, $90; M. D. & E, Miideberger, 80 CaVmine at, agents; c'r, J. GeasBey.