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234 Record and Guide, February 11, 1883 =? Erk, Charles Schreiber and Joseph Herr¬ mann, owners, andKohlrS Lohmann,con¬ tractors. 1 Jan. 23, lS93i.................. 3 Greene av, s s, 3 5 e Nostrand ay, 161x100. Henry Mcdhane Mfg. Co. agt Hector Toul¬ min, owner, and Francis J.Nichols,con¬ tractor. (Dec. ll, 1892) ............ 4 Bergen St. Nos. 10S8-I040,s a 1(^0 e Rogers av. —X—. Frank A. Buell ngt asa C. Brownell, owuer aid contractor. (Nov. 1I.;893).................................. 4tFourlh av. w s, extends from 73d st to 74th Sl, 340x100. New Utrecht. Hobby & Doody agt Martin J. Loftus, owner, and Patrick Cooney, contractor. (Nov, 38, 3893... .................................1 4 Eockaway av. w s. 1^5 s Elate av. 155x100. Abraham Corn sgt Hyman Simon, owner andconiractor. (Jan, 11, li-OS)......... 6 Dumont st. s s. extends from Hackman st to Christopher av, 200x100. Edwaid E, Stewart agt Samuel t^cherowsky aod Samuel Semowitz, owners and contrac¬ tors. CJan,9.1893)..................... 6 Same property. Gustave A. fchmidt agt same and J. Monahan. owners and con¬ tractors, (Jan, 3, 1693'................. 6 Same property. Cohen & Chaisinovicbiagt Samuel .-cherowsky and Samuel ffemo- witz. owners and contractors. (Jan. 6, 18931.................................. 6 Same property. Wcif Salaloritz agtsame owners and contractors. (Jan. 6. 1893).. C Same propsrty. Kate Horowitz agt sime owners and contractors. iJan 9, 18931.. 6 Dumont st. extends from Sackman st to Christopher av, 300x100. Charles Wenz agt Samuel Scherowsky and Samuel Sem¬ owitz, owners and contractors. (Jan. 9, 16931 .................................. 6 Rockaway av. w s. VO s Blake av, 135x irreg. Charles Wenz agt Hyman tiimon, owner, and Emil Reineking, (Jnn, 6, 1&93'................................. 6 Rockaway av, w s. 125 s Blake av, 125x100, Peter Husemenn agt same owner and cottractor, iJsn 16.1693)----- e Rrciiaway av. ws, 775 s Saclielt st. lOrxlfO, Earl A. Giil'-spiHaet Himon Simon, owner andconiractor. (Jan.5.189').......... 1. 6 Bockawayav, w s, 125 s Blabe av. J25xU0. Emil Reinekiog agt same owner and con¬ tractor, iJan. a, 1893).................. e Same property. Same aet same ownerand contractor. (Jan. P, 18931 ............... 6 Graham av. No. 53. Engel & Zimmermann agt Gerson Krakrwer, owner and con- Iroctrr. (Dee. 10.169^1................;. 1. 6 Lafayette av, n e cor Kent a". 50x75. Julius Lucas Sons agt Joseph Waizler, owner, and Stephen and George Rose, contractor, (Sept. 5:3, 1892i............. etSevenlh av, n w cor 7th st, '5x100. Engel¬ hardt & Mayland agt The All Saints Epiactpsl Chuich, owner, and William Maske, contractor, lOct. 3, 1892) .......2. OtFourlh av, n w cor 74Cli st, ajUxinO, New Utrechi. Pairick Cooney agt Marlin J. Lof'US. ownerand contractor. IJ n.4,"9.?i4 ;*jevonteenlhst, e s, 175 s AvC, 4ix'0(i, Flat¬ bush, loskeep & CoooHy agt Peter Law- son, owner, and .Tames Johuson, con¬ tractor. Dec,13,1892) .. ......... 7 Van Voothis s', n w s, 100 s w Cautral av, runs souihwest 380 x northwest 69.3 x northeast 99 s north 42,9 x north 1I8 x soulheast 100. Giovanni Battaagt Barah Rapport, owner, and Pasquale Mirarchi. (Feb. 4. mi<......................... 7 Sama properly, James O'Connors agt same owner and contractor. (Feb. 4, 13931 .................................... BtBroadway, wesl cor Hancock st, runs north¬ west 3!9.'> to Hancock st, X west 163,3 X northwest 95 lo Saratoga av, x — (See Lien>. Jolm C. Orr& Co. agt Roberts. Neeiev, owner, and Wi'liim H. Barlon, contractor, (Feb 3, 18931................ &*.;acljman st, 100 from Usonia av (see Lien), Heres Basik agt Michel Newman, owner and contractor (Jan. 23. 18931 .. 9 Broadway, s s. 19.9 e McDougi.1 st. 75x70.11 x75xr4, Uenry lie bane Mfg. Cn. agt S. Berry ftU'ges, fwner. and H. O. bight ind William H, Barlon, contractors. 475 00 800 CO 434 08 ,747 59 300 00 62 63 504 00 280 CO 90 00 95 00 679 43 3v0 00 100 00 ,860 Olr 800 00 180 SO ,385 00 404 CO ,183 65 ,800 CO 510 09 750 00 500 00 806 60 39 00 .................. 341 8! • Deposits, t Kotid. BUILDINGS PROJECTED, A handsome bcund volume of over 250 pages, coDlaining, (1) The New York Building Law, with Headings, complete Index, Marginal Notes and Colored Illustrations, showing the heights and thickDesses cf walls for ail kinds of build¬ ings; |9) Hegulatious cf the Building Depart¬ ment; (3) Tenement and Lodging House Laws; (4) Law Limiting tbe Heightof Dnelling Houses; (.5) Laws for Extinction and Prevention of Fires, etc.; ((i) Regulations of tbe Department of Pub¬ lic Works; (71 State Factory Inspection Law; (8) Mechanic's Lien Law; (9) Complete Directory of Architects, for New York, Brooklyn, Newark and Jersey City. This valuable book is for sale at Tbe Rhcobd A^D Guma office, 14 and 16 Vesey st. Price, i'i.W. The first name is tliat of the owner; ar't stands for •trcli
itila--r. NEW YORK CITY. bODTB of I4th STHKKI. Hudson st. No. .'ii:-i, tis story brk factorv, SSx R.'>,5: cost. SS'i.UW ; ovt'rs and ar'ts, Cleverd'on & Pinzfl, i:i Aslor pl. Plan 131. I.udlow Bt. Nos. 170 and 178, tno five story brk and slone fla's, 2i.\s.79; cost. $34,000 each; Fay Sc Stacom, 337 Pleasant av; ar't, C. Rentz. Plan 128. Ludlow st, Nos. 110 and 113, two sixstory brk and stone fiat«, 50x77; cost, fa?,000 each;J, Pischel. 23 Norfolk st; ar't, M. Muller. Plan 138. Tth st, No. .'iS, five-story brk and stone flat. S5i 84.6; cost, ¥17,060; A. Ruff, 78 East 4th st; ar't, B. W. Berger, Plan 134. (Substituted for N, B. plan Wo. 91), 1893.) 1st av, n e cor Sth st, five-story brk and stone school, 145x86.9; cost, ^140,000; Mayor, &c.. City Hall; ar't, C. B.J. Snydei, Plan 140. Hudson st, Nos. 169-173, two seven-story brk and stone stores, 46x100; cost, $40,000 each; J, H, Wray, 260 West 127th at; ar't, J. E, Ware. Plan 147. 3d av. No. 105, flve-story brk and atone flat, 21s90; cost, $S3,0«i; A. Ruff, 78 East 4th st; ar'ts, Kurtzer & Rohl. Plan 145. BETWEEN 14th AND 59TH STREETS. 6th av, Nos. 517-519, four-story stone and iron office building, 50x60; cost, $70,00C; Mahler Bros., 505 6th av; ar't, M. C, Merritt. Plan 141. BETWEEN 5STH AMD 125TH STEEETS, EAST OF 5TH AVSNUB. 75th st, BS, 188 e 1st av. two-story brk, stone and terra cotta stable, 23s25: cost, Ji3.0')0; M. CoiTey, 125 Bast llOlh st; ar't, A. Speoce, Plan 130. 2d av. No. 783. one-story stone and glass store, 15.10x25; cost, fi.OOO; J, D. Nordlinger, 63 West 52dst; ar't, M. J. Gsrvic. Plan 135. lOSthst. No, 334 E, five-story and basement brk tenem't. 18 9s81,5: ^ost, $14,00U; H. Horen¬ burger. .52 Ist av; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, Plan 135, BETWEEN 59TH AND 135TH STREETS, WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WEST AND 8TH AVEPJUB. 71st at, n s, 225 w Central Park West, two four¬ story stone and brk dwell'gs, 25ii63 with exten¬ sion; cost, $35,000 each; J. T. & J, A. Farley. 56 West 72d st; ar'ts. Them & Wilson. Plan 143. NORTH OF 135th STREET. Van Corlear pl, w s, 194 s Wicker pl, two-and- a-half-story frame dwell'g, 40,2x35.10; cost, $5,- 000; D. C. Overbaugh, Eingsbridge, N. Y.; ar'i, A, C. Longyear. Plan 14 i. 23d and 34th wards. Creston av, n s, 125 e Donnybrook st, frame tower. 15x15; cost, $600; W. Wicke, 34 East 6Sth st; c'r, G, Armstrong. Plan 129. Melrose av, d w cor 159th st, four three-story frame tensm'ts, 20xs39; cost, $3,000 each; W. Paulus, on premises; ar't, C. F. Lohse, Plan 126 (liubstituted for New Building plan 5T0, 1893.) Tinton av, w s, 80 s 149Lh st, two-story frame shop, 50i30; cost, 11,200; F. W. Ehrsam, 535Tin- ton av ; c'r, G, Stanton. Plan l:i7. EioKsbridge road, ss, 325 w Boston road, one- aud-a-half-slory frame stable, 34x16; cost, J500; A. Loweth, West Farms, N, Y, Plan ,133. 144lh st, n s, lOJ w 3d av, one two-atory brk acd store building, 511x23; one three-story brk and stooe building, 50i55; total cost, 85i',;G. Muller, 89 6th av; ar't, C.;F. Lohse- Plan 144, (Substituted for New Building plan No. 834,1892). Prospect av, w f, 335 a 1.56th st, three story frame dwell'g, 30s54, two-story frame stable, 25xa5; total cost, $7,300; Bertha Schmuck, 17 Stebbins av; ar't, E. Wenz. Plan 146, KINGS COUNTY. Plan 119—Lorimer st, w s, 25 s Frost st, one two-story frame (brk filled) shoe factory and shop, 34x20, gravel roof; cost. $500; Brun&Koch, on premises; b'r, J. Johnson. 1-30—Court St. e s, 75 s 4th pl. one four-story brk store and tenem't, 25s6!i, tin roof iron cornice; cost, S6,00(i; Bernard Bogan, 165 Stalest; b'rs, P. J. Carlin & Co. and Long Sc Barnes. 131—Rockaway av, e s, 125 n Belmont av, one three-story frame (brk fllied) teoem't, 25x55, tin roof ;cost, $4,000; ow'r and c'r, B, Seeman;ar't, H. 8mitb, 123—Pacific Bt, s s, 125 w Saratoga av, eighteen two-slory and basement frame (brk filled] dwell- ing!', 16 8x43. tin roofs; cost, 13 000 each; ow'r and ar'i, J. F, Kentana, 2(.64 Pacific st. 123 —Howard av, n w cor Bergen st, one Ibree- story frame (brk fllied) store and dwell'g, "7.8x60, tin roof; cost, $5,Oou; John C. Hoffmann, Roches¬ ter av, near Bergen st; ar't, P. Elhoff; b'r, J. Dhuy. 124—Linwood st, e s, 175 s Liberty av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 20x42. tin roof; cost, $3,300; George Schade, Barbey st, near Atlantic av: ar'c, L. F. Schillinger; b'r, P. Gunder- man, Jr. 135—Liberty av, s s, 62.6 e Sheffield av. two three-story frame tenem'ts, IS.SuSS and 55,6, tin roofs; total cost, $6,000; ow'r, ar't and c'r, Charles Ries, 56 Wyona st. 126—Harman st, n s, 100 e Knickerbocker av, two tbree-story frame (brk fllied) tenem'is, 25x63, fiu roofs; cost, $5,000 each; Mrs. W. Haurer, 69 - Gold st, New York; ar't, J. Jordan; b'x, J. Ruess. 1<;7—Linden st, n s, 335 w Central av, one one¬ story frame carpenter shop, 14x25, tin roof; cost, $1.50; Henry Mogk, 130 Grove st; a-'t, W. B. Wills; b'r, not selected. 138—Malbone st, s s, 165 e New York av, one two-story brk dwell'g, 20x35, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $1,00»'; Michael Caoli, 16 Gar¬ field pl. 139—Seigel st. No. 91, n s, 125 w Graham av, one four-story brk tailor shop, 25x36, tin roof; S4.20[); S. GodgiDsky, 1460 1st av, NewYork; ar't. J. P. Leo; b'r, J. Tollon. 1.30—Pacific St. s s, 100 w Saratoga av, one two¬ story frame carpenter shop, 18x35, tin roof; cost, S40O; J. F. Kentana. 3(64 Pacificst, 131-—Newell st, w s. 250 n Nassau av, two three-story frame (hrk filled) tenem'ts, 25x55, gravel roof: cost, f4.300 each; ow'r and c'r, David Quinlan, 64 Diamond st; ar't, P. Tillion; m'n, W. P, McGarry. 132—Snediker av, e s, 100 s Belmont av, six two-story frame dweli'ffs, 16.8x44,tin roofs;coat, $3,000; ow'r aud c'r, M, Smith & Son, Christo¬ pher av and Sutter av; ar't, T. Hays; m'n, W. Lynch. 133—Hinsdale st, w s, 100 s Belmont av, six twostory frame dwell'gs, 16,8x44, tin roofs;cost, $2,000; ow'r and c'r, M. Smith & Son, Cbristo pber and Sutter avs; ar't, T, Hays, m'n, \V. Lynch. 134—Kingsland av, e s, 125 n Nassau av, one three-story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 25x50. gravel roof; cost, $5,500; ow'r, ar'c and m'n, C. C, Gately, 139 Bedford av; c'rs, J. A. & W. H Port, 135—59th st, n s, 140 w 4th av, five three-story frame (brk filled) tenem'ts. 2034?, tin roofs; cost, $3,000 each; John H. French, 237 47th st; ar'Cs. H. L. Spicer & Son, 136—'14th st, n s, 300 w Sthav, three three-story frame (brk filled) tenem'ts, SOx.'iO, tin roofs; cost $J,50lleflch; Get.rg6 Lauicger, aU2 Sid st; ar' and b'r, H. Lucke. 137—Reid av, s e cor Maeon st. four four-story brk stores and flats, 20 and ^6,8x70 and 65, tin roofs; cost, $45,000; Wm. Bowers, Fennimore st Platbush. 138—Park av, n w cor Sandford st, one two scory brk forge shop, 20x25, tin roof; cost, $1,000 J. Byk, .501 Hancock st; ar't, F. Hoimberg; b'r, not selected. 139—Flushing av, s s, 50 w Walworth st, one one-story brk boiler house, 13x44, gravel roof cost, $800; Cbarles Parker, on premises; ar'tS; Warren & Billard; b'r, noteelected. 140—Wallaboutst, n s, and Middleton st, s s 50 from junction of said sis, one fcur-stcry iDrk carriage factory, 76 and 65s7l and 31, gravel roof, brk cornice; cost, $3,000; H, Duhamel, 61 Lynch st; ar'f*, D Acker Sc Hon; b'r, not se lect'^d. 141—Huron st, n s, 325 e Oikland st, one-story frame riveting shop, 50x5o, gravel roof; coat, $1,000; H. C, Fischer, 234 Greene al; ar'D, T En gelhardt; b'r, not selected. 143—Bleecker st, n s, 150 e Central av, tw< three-story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 25t57 tin roofs; cost, each, $4.0011; ow'r and b'r, Adaa Metz, 1237 Greene av ; ar't. H. Vollweiler. 143—Hartal, ns, 125 w Knickerbocker av, thre three-story frame (brick fllied) tenem'ts, 25x57 tin roofs; cost, each, $4,500; ow'r and b'r, Johi J Hennemann, 18 North Oxford st; ar't, H Vollweiler. ALTERATIONS NEW rORR €1T». Plan 139—Prince st.No. 178, interior altera tions; cost. $l,00fi; W, Westerfield exr,, 109 Wei 133d st; ar't, H. J. Hardenbergh. 140—6tb av, No. 467, walls altered; cost, $3,000 J. J. O tricher, on premises; ar'c, C. Stegmayer m'n, I. BauT. 141—Leonard st, No. 71. interior alferatioi new front. &c,; cost, abt J4 000; E. W. Bame et al , 6^ William st: ar'c. A Zucker. 143—1391b Et, No. 114 E., tbree-storyextensionl 17,4xi3. and walls altered; cost. $1,500; W. Q' Rork, on premises; ar't, J. W. Limer, 143—Slh av, Nos, 733-737, interior alterations cost. *60'J; lessees, BriII&Co,,on premises; ar'ts D. & J. Jardine 141—80lh st.No. 114 E., one-story extension, 6x13.4; cost, $350; E. Yankaucr, on premises ar'ts, Ogden & Son. 145—Fulton st, Nos. 123 and 125. interior alter-1 ations and new window; cost, 61.500; lessee, B.' ¥. Peyser, on premises; ar'ts, D. & J. Jardine. i (Substituted for Alteration plan No. 517, 1892.) 146—5lh av, s e cor 13th st, walls altered: cost, $250; B, Fitch, 59 4lh av; m'n, W. Mickens; c'r,' W. H. Luyster. 147—167th st, n 3,300 e Stebbins av, one-storj extension, 20x13; cost, $350; ow'r and c"r, W. A. Haight, on premises. 148—9th St. No. 305 E.. interior and walls al¬ tered; cost, $2,00'>; W. Morris, 303 East 9th st; ar't, F. Baylies. 149—East Broadway, No. 273, roof raised aad interior alterations; cost, $1,000; W. Mastersen,i 38 >¥illett st; ar'ts, Boekell & Son.