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663 Record and Guide Apiil 8,18S8 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. 'flan 500—Union at, s s, 75 e Rochester av, one on^-story frame dwell'g, lfl.2x50, tin roof; coat, *900; Susie Dieffenbach, ll S5 St, Marks av; ar't, H. Dieffenbach; b'r, day's work. 501—Russell pl, w s, 10.^ n Atlanticav, one two- atory frame dwell'K, 16x30, tin roof; cost, $500; Qustave Olson, 1«45 Pulton st; ar't, E, Neu¬ schler, 502—Kent av, Nos, 511 and 513, e e, 20 a Divi¬ sion av, one one-story brk factory, 50x100, tin aud gravel roof; cost *4,000; S. Howard's Son, 509 Ivont av; ar't, M, Thomas. 503—Bushwick av, a e cor Himrod st, one three¬ story brk dwell'g, 45 and 36x88„'i, tile and copper roof and coppercornice;co9t, $55,000; John Pope, Richmond, Va ; ar't, G. W, Parsons; b'rs, J. T. Woodruff and L, W, Beaman, Jr,, & Son. 504—Jefferson av, n w a, 20 s w Central av, fom:" two-story frame (bm filled) dwell'ga, 20x45; cost, 83,C400 each; ow'r, ar'C and b'r, Chas. D. Hommel, 41 Woodbine fit. 505—Broadway, n e cor Willoughby av, one four-story brk, terra cotta and Wyoming blue- atone store and warehouae, 72 and 73,6x100, tin roof, Iron cornice; cost, $100,000; Simon Golden¬ berg; ar't, &.. Zucker; b'r, notaelected. Slid-Herkimer st, n a, 261 e Stone av, one two¬ story and basement frame dwell'g, 15x38, tin roof; cost, $3,400; ow'r aud m'n, Thomas .Dona¬ hue, on premises; ar't, W. J. Ryau. - 507—Herkimer st, a a, SOii e Stoue av, one two¬ story and baaement frame dwell'g, 20x38, tin roof; cost, i5,000; ow'rand m'n, Thomaa Dona¬ hue, on premises; ar't, W, J. Ryan. 50&—Columbia st, e s, CS b Uth st, one three- atory brk dwell'g, 2iix45, tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; coat, f6,5fl0; Ella Desmond, 449 Columbia St; ar't, F, E, Corwitb; b'r, notaelected. 509—Pprk av, u a, 28 e Nostrand av, one four- atory brk tenem't, a7x60, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, i9,00(*; Kate Acor, Jefferson av; ar't, J. H. Stevens: b'r, L. Acor. 5[0—North lOtb Bt, s a, SCO e Roebliog st, oue 6wo-3tory frame soda water factory, 47x85. gravel roof; cost. $600; Jobn Kovacs, 333 North 2d st; ar't, B. Finkensieper; b'rs, H. Ackerly aad M. Smith.: 511—Korth 6th st, n a, 175 w Roebling at, one four-story frame ibrk fill-d) tenem't. 2HiB.^, tin roof; cost, «7.50O; Bridget Ck)Stello, 207 North 6tb st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'r, not selected. 518-^Lexington av, No. 74y, one two-story brk stable, 18x36, gravel roof; eoat. abt $1,000: ow'r and ar't, Thomas Walsh, 1)03 Qreene av; b'r, M. Walah. 513-Atlantic av, n ecor Vesta av, oue two¬ story brk store aud dwell'g, 25x60. tin roof, iron cornice: coat, $5,00(1; L, P. Luhra; ar't. C. In¬ fanger: b'r, H. Rocker. 514—Watkina at, e s, 150 n Sutter av, one three- STOry frame tenem't, 35x80, tin roof; cost, $7,000; Eltrlmau & Buraud, Watkins St. 51fp—Myrtleav, B a,S5,ll e Stockholm st, one thrsa-atory frame (brk dlled) store and tenem't, 20x55, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Honry K. Berg- maun, ti2 Stockholm Bl; ar't, H, V'nllv»eiler; b'r, hbt'delected. 516—Drlffga av, a a, 100 e Russell ac, oue three- story frame (brk fliledl tenem't. 25x57, tin roof; coat, 84,500; Michael GroL. on adjoining prtm- Ises; ar't. H, Vollweiler; b'r, notaelected. 5l7~Llbert7 av, s a, .W w Railroad av, one two¬ story frame store and dwell'g, 20x35; tin roof; cost, 83,510; Wm, Q. Osborne. 618—Cleveland st, e s, 300 s Ridgewood av, four two-story and attic frame dwell'gs, 18.9x32. tm roofa: total coat, £ll,00(i: ow'r and b'r, Adolph Weymar, Atlantic av, cor Van Siclenav; ar't, W. Danmar. 519—Belmout av, u e cor Crystal at, one two¬ story ftud attic frame dwell'g, 15 and 24x30, shingle roof; cost, $1,500; ow'r and b'r, Peter G. Kerr, on premises; ar'r, C. Infanger. 630—Franklin st, w s, .50 n Calyer st, oue one¬ story frame blacksmith shop, 25x50; gravel roof; cost, $400; F. McFadden, on premisea; ar't, P. Tilliou; m'u, W. P. McGarry, 531—Oak st, B 8,100 w Frauklin at, one one¬ story frame wire-works, 24.6x60. gravel roof; cost, $400; Chr. Zlesenlss, Java st, cor West st; ar't, j. C Suackenberg. 523—2d st, s B. 80 e 7th av. eleven;[tbree-atory and basement brk and sandatoue dwell'gs. 18,19x:S0 x4^, tin roof', ironcornicea; cost, $------, Heury S. Wood; ar't, K. C. Kawaon; b'r, nut selected, 5a3—Suydam st, n s, 98 e Central av, oue one¬ story frame storage room, 20x22, tin roof; coat, $250; J. Braunranther, 264Humboidt st; ar't, W. B Wills, ■^'J4—Calyer Bt, s 8, a5 w Newel st. one tbree- story frame (brk Slled) teoem't, 25x50, tin roof; coat, $7,000; ow'r and b'r, C. C. Gately, 189 Bed¬ ford av ; ar't, H. W. Billard. 525—Shepherd av, w s, ISO s Ridgewood av, one two-story frame dweli'g, 18x47, tin roof; cost. $2,,500; James Miller, 78 Essex si; ar't, R. T. Short; b'r, J, Q. Bennott. 526—Greeneav. n s, 3iO w Ht. Nicholasav, on© two-story and baaement frame (brk fllied) dwell¬ ing, 21)141, tin roof; cost, $j,700; J oseph Metzger, 1860 Greene av; ar't, W. B. Wills, 5iT—Cleveland Ft, w s, 274 S 8 Pnlton st, one tbree-story frame (brk f.Ued) teuem't, 25x58, tin roof; cost, $4,800; ow'r and b'r, Louis Mehr- mann, -454 Cleveland at; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. 528—Havens pl, s e cor Herkimer st, oue three¬ story frame atore and teuem't, 23x55, gravel roof; cost $3,500; S. E. Weuz, S06$ Bergen st; ar't« Uld b'rs, H. Ramaay & Sob. 629—Moffat st, n a, 80 e Broadway, one one- atory frame Bhed. 20x13. gravel roof; coat, $.50; C, Schermester, Moffat at, cor Broadway. 530—Truxton st, n b, 100 e Stoue av, oue oue- story frame stable, 1^x24, wooden roof; cost, $50; lessee, C. J. Smith, 31 Truxton st, 531—Broadway, u e cor LawtOD st, one four¬ story brk and iron dry goods store, 45x100, tiu roof and iron cornice; coat, $lS,OO0; G. 3. Beales, 841 Greene av; ar't, H. Vollweiler; b'r, not selected, 5S3—State st, s a, 150 w Hicks st, two flve-story brk tenem'ts, 35x57, gravel roof, wooden cor¬ nice; coat, $14,000, MaryE. Lynch, 336 St, Johns pl;ar't, J, McLean. 538—Douglass st, n s, 70 e Hoyt st, one four¬ story brk tenem'r, 33x42, tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost. ¥6,51)0; Jobn McGrath, 2,55 Hoyt st; ar't and b'r, W. J. Conway. 53-1—Decatur st, a a, SoO e Saratoga av, four two and three-story and basement frame {brk flUedi dweil'ss. 30x45, tiu roofs; cost, $12,000; A. Stewart Walsh, 643 Madison st; ar't, C. R. Behrenn, ■ ■ 535—Kingsland av, No. 81, 89 b Richardson st, one one-atory frame stable, 11x25, gravel roof; ccst. $50; ow'r. ar't and b'r, G. B. Hartmann, on premises. 586—Stockholm at. n s, IOO e Knickerbocker av, one one-atory frame stable, 12x15. tin roof; coat, $100; Vingens Herlet. 342 Central av, 537—Hpmiiton av. s s, opposite 16tb at. one three atory frame store aud dwell'g, 19,6x45, tin roof; cost, $3,000; Nelson Bros,, 502 Hamilton av; ar't, C. P. Robedee. 538—Lorimer st, w a, 100 s Frost |st, or>6 one- Btor> fr me shed. 25x100, gravel roof; coat, $700; Patriek Murphy, 127 Roebling st; b'r, E. Woods, 539—Grant av, w s, 'Mi u Atlantic av. one two¬ story frame dwell'g, 20x80, tin roof; cost. $2,000; Wm M. Miller, Suediker av; ar't and c'r, R. M. Fleming; m'n, J. Tostevin. 540—EaJt st, 9 s, 157 e Wyckoff av rear, one oue-story frame printing shop, 20xl5, tm roof; cost, $75; Paul Campbell, on premises. 541—Broadway, u w cor Rockaway av. oue four-story brk store and tenem't, 20x9u, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $12,000; ow'r aud b'r, Robert L. Moore, l45u Broadway; ar't, E. Dennis. 642—Clason av, e s, 60 s Lexington av, oue two-story brk extensiou, 40x85, tin roof, iron cornice; cost. $l0.000;Orange Co. Milk Assoc,, 146 West 25ih at. New York; ar't, J. E. Terhune 543—16th at, u s. 59.9 w 8th av, four tbree-story brk tenem'ts, 19.1x48, tin roofs, wooden cor¬ nices; cost, each, $4,000; Wm, Wiugerath, 391 16th St. 544—3d st, n s, 175 w Sth av, twelve four-story brk aud brownatone tenem'ts, 26,6 and 21.6x74, tin roofs, wooden corfliees; cost, each, $7,500; ow'r and b'r, Charlea Hagedoru, 227 loth st 545—Clason av, w a, 179 n Douglasa st, one four-story brk tenem't, 29x48, tin roof, wooden cornice; coat, $5,000; Patrick Byrne, «60 Pa¬ ciflc Bt. 546—Dikeman st, u s. 200 e Richards st, one four-atory frame teuem't, 25x53, tin roof; cost, $7,500; John Sweeney, ou premiaes; b'r, D. J. Lynch. 547—Kosciusko at, n s, 98 e Speucer st, two four-story brownstoue tenem'ts, 'itt and 20x76, tin roofs, iron cornices;cost, each, $12,000; Doenecke & Bros.. 134 South yth at. 548—Speucer st, e a, 24 s De Kalb av, six four¬ story limestone tenem'ta, 26 and 20x76, tin roots, irou cornicea; coat, each, $12,000; ow'rs, aame aa last. 549—Spencer st, w a, 24 a De Kalb av, six four¬ story limostone teuem'ta, 26 and 20x76, tin roofe, iron corai^s; cost, each, $12,000; ow'rs, iiame as last, 5.W—De Kalb av, s e cor Spencer at, oue four- atory Dorchester stone store and tenem'c, 24x90, tin roof, iron coruice; cost. $15,00i'; ow'rs, aame as last. 551—Bedford av, n e cor Kosciusko at. one four¬ story Dorchester atone atore and tenem't, 24x90, tin roof; cost $15,00('; ow'ra, same aa laat. 552—De Kaib av, s w eor Spencer at, one four- Btory Dorchester stone store and teuem't, 24x90, tin roof, iron cornice; coat, $15,000: ow'rs, same as last. ALTERATIONS. Plan 334—Powell st. e a, 120 d Eastern Park¬ way, two-story frame extensiou. 13x18, tin roof; cost, $400; H. B. Warren, yS Powell st; ar't and c'r, G. N. Maaon; m'n, T. Mears. 265—Cooper st. No. 24, three story brk exten- Blon, 10x14, tin roof; cost, fi800; John Bleufl, on premises; ar't, J. L. Young; o'r, W. McClena- hau. 266—44th at, s a, 2O0 w 4th av, one-atory frame extensiou, 2Cxl7, tin roof; cost, §150; Battle Reller, 185 4ad s'.; c'r, &.. Klam. 267—India Bt, No. 12S, three-story frame exten¬ sion. 9 6x21, Kravel roof; cost, $850; Mrs. Luhrs, 128 India st; ar'ta and c'ra, Randall Sc Miller; m'ns, I. & J, Van Hiper Sc Co, 268—broadway, d s, 100 w Drigga av, add oue story and one-atorybrk extension, B2s2:i, tin roof; cost, 81,500; Johu Schuackenberg, 159 Broadway; ar't, tt. PinKensieper; b'rs, Haar Sc Collins. 2b9—Myrtle av. No. 56, add one story to exten¬ aion: cost, $195; Samuel Layner, loTX Kosciusko at; b'rs, B. Marron and J. Valat 27u—Flushing av, s s, 50 w Hamburg av, oue- story trame extension, 28x7, gravel roof; cost. $^5; Margarethe Cleiumig, 99a Flushing av; b'r, B. Krause. S71-,68d at, s a, 100 w 3d av, one story brk ex- tentiou, Ilx^iO, gravel roof; coat, $800; A Blisa Sc Co., 86 and 86 Bridge st; ar't, C. R. Lea; b'rs, Manson & French. 372—tJnion av, e s, 25 u Powers st, add one story to extension; cost, $400; Frank Borsbacb, 152 Uniou av; b'r, F. Steininger. 273—Buffalo av. No. 76, add one atory to hay window; cost. $23; P. Roya, on premiaea; ar't and b'r, J.- Launey. 274—Palmetto st. b a, 84 e Broadway, one-atory frame exteneion on front, 16x2, tin roof; cost, $200; Schauz & Rotera, 1391 Broadway; ar't, E. Dennis; b'r, W. Maake. 375—Pranklin st, No, '41. frout alterations; cost, $275; Luigi and Q, B, Lagomasiuo; b'rs, Q. Rapisarda aud E, Guastarino. 276-Jay st. No. 187, flat tiu roof; cost, $600; Mra. Mary I. DeWitt, on premises; ar't, J. l*e Witt; b'ra. G. Batty and M. Bove & Co, 277—Cook a*. No. 131, front alteratious; cost, $200; Roth & Smith, 44 Graham av; b'ra, Hal¬ pern Sc Baleisen. 278— Guernsey at, w s, 25 n Nassau av, one- atbry frame extension, 35x40, gravel roof; cost,, $200; ow'r, ar't and b'r, F, Strigreeke, 93 Man¬ hattan av. 279~47th st. No, 244, flat tiu roof; cost, $300; Wm, French, on [premisea; b'rs, J. H. French Sc Bros. 280—5th av. No. 510, one-story brk extenelou, 21x30, new ntore front aud interior alterations; cost, $700; J. Ringel, 276 Clifton pl; ar't, E. Den¬ nis; b'rs, B. J. Deunis & Son. 281—Nassau at. No. 187, flat tin roof; cost, $375; Mary A, Straut, 18? Nassau Bt; b'r, B, W. Bia z ier. 282—Reid av. No. 47, one-atory brk extension. 20x16, tin roof; cost, $500; Frank Audemara, 34S State Bt; c'r. J, Herd. 28S—Claaon av, e s, 270 a Myrtle av, raised B.6 ou brk foundation and one-story brk exteusloD, 2,5x16. tin roof; coat, $3,200; Mr. LUchult, 18S Claaou av. 2,14—Luquer st, No, 191, raised lO.B on brk wall; oost, $800; Jamea Burns, 189 Luquer st; ar't and m'n, J. J. Cody; c'r, tf Hazzard. 285-JohESOU st, No. 81. flat tin roof; cost. $500;. Margaret Hensel, 17 Delancey at, New York; ar't and c'r, J, A. Kelly; m'uo,;E. Joues & Sou. 286—York Bt, No. 174, flat tin roof; cost, $6r0; CarobneNoden, 176 York st: ar't, A. Noden; b'r, J, Gall. 287—Gold Bt, No. 176, rebuild north foundation; cost, $260; Thomas Coyne, ou premises; m'n, ------Miller. 288-Waterbury st, ws, 76 n Maujer st, two¬ story brk entension; 80x23, tin roof; coKt, $800: Pred. H. Von Damm, .;91 Maujer st; c'r, C. F, Caufleld. 3ti9—North Henry Bt, No. 84, e s, l*i4 n Van Pelt av, two-story brk extension, 7.6 and 13.6x19, tin roof; cost, $235; ow'r and h'r, James McKegney, 84 Nortb Henry st; c'r. S. Todd. 290—34th st, n a, 175 e 4th av, raised 10 feet on brk aud frame walls; cost, $2,500; estate of Al¬ bert Woodruff; ar't, W. Miuto. 291—Warreu st, No. 259, two-story brk exten¬ sion. lOxiy, tin roof; cost, $6i.O; H. E. Muller, on premiaes; ar't and c'r, J. J. Freeman; m'n, A. E. Klelnert. 202—Market at, w a, 200 n Fulton st, one-etory frame extension, 12x14, tin roof; cOft, $175-, Tbeo. Spencer, on premises: c'r, W. Laird, 293—Columbia st. No, 67, one-st^ry hrk exten¬ siou, 22x26, tin roof; cost, $60(i; P, J. Morrison, on premises; b'rs, M. Gibbous & Hon. 294—Schenck av. No. 62, oue-ator? brk exten¬ sion. 13x16, tin roof; cost, $400; Mrs. J.T. Sinnott, on premises; b'rs, B. Cook and J. C. Smitn. 395—Tompkins nv, n w cor Floyd st, flat tin roof; cost, il.'jO; Philip Correl, ou premises; b'r, J. Bueger Building Co. 296—Jefferson av. No. 31, one-story and basement brk extension, 8,10 and 14, tin roof; cost, $2,001.; Hi. D. Griswold, on premises; ar't, J. A. Davidson 297—Park pl, No 393, two-story and basement brk extension, 14x2o. tin roof; cost, $1,500; ow'r and ar't, Wm. J. GriflSn, on premises; b'rs, F. J, Ashfleld aod L. Hammond. 298—Jackson st. Nos. 17 aud 19, concrete in cellar; coal $75; Micbael Wood. 15 Jackson st. 299—9th st. No. 118. raised 4 feet on brk wall; cost, $150; bernhard Schmidt, 9th stand 2d av; b'r, uot selected. 300—Columbia st. No. 18, altered for factory, girders, hatchway, &c,; cost, $500; John W, Ma¬ sou, on premises; b'r, J. H, Blood. SOI—Myrtle ov. No. 161, two-story brk exten¬ sion, 24 6s4ti, tin roof, interior alterationa, &c; cost, $l,3l0; L. Arensberg, 143 Myrtle av; b'ra, P, Carlin & Son and F. M, Fogg. 802—Sands Bt, No. 209, new store front; coat, $250; Adam Klee, on premises; b'rs, OUver & David. GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS. April 1 Keyiner, Oeorge to Noah Tebbetts, ------------*♦♦------------ Proceedings of the Board of Aldorm«n Affecting Real Estate. Brooklyu, Aprlia, 1S93, OOLVEBia. Little at, e s. opposite John st. J . Varet sl, n w eor Uraham av. f BLBOTRIO UOHTINa, Greene av, ss, het Lewis and Stuyvesant avs.* ffEHCrNa VACANT LOTB, Claaon av, e s, het De Kalb and WUloughby avs. t ^ ' m;rtl» av, s a, bat Lewis av and Broadway. J ^