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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 51, no. 1310: April 22, 1893

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630 Record and Guide. April 32, 1898 Martin. John S, to The Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Greenwich st. Nos. 303. 3uS and 807: Chambers at, Nos. Iti7 and 169, P. M. April 15, due April 17,1896, 4 %. 130,000 Mackiin, Bethia L,. B. B, wife of and Robert to The Mutual Life Ins. Co, , of New York. Slat Bt, No. 67. n s, 300 e Oth av, ISxlOO.S. April 17, due April 18, 1894.5 «. 13,000 Melvin, Ann. Emma C, WiUiamaP. S. and Os¬ car P. individ. and esrs., &c.. Francis Melvin te The Emigrant Indust. Savings Bank, Lispenard st. No. 19, ns. 35xlOU, AprU 18, 1 year, 4M ^- 10,000 Metropolitan Opera and Real Estete Co. to The United States Mortgage Co, trustee. Broadway, 7th av, 39th st. 4llth st—the block. Secures bonds, AprU IS, due May 1,1903, 5 %^^ 1,000,000 Metropolitan Opera and Real Eatato Co. Con¬ sent of etockholdei's to mortgage to United StBf«s Mortgage Co. as truatee for I,OOO.000 MoUer, Chrislian to Henry Danger. 36th sti. No. 443, n s, 575 w 9th av, 35x98.9. Apnl 15, 5 years, 5 ^, „ -cr ®''*"^ Monaghan. Martin C. to The New York Sa-vings Bank. 99th st, s s. 350 e Columbus av, 2.5x100.11. April 7, due June 1,1896, 4K »■ MUler, Editb McK. wife of and Hoffman to The Mutual Life Ins. Co, of New York. 40ih St. P. M, April 17. 1 vear, 5 J. 18,000 MUler Gertrude B. wife of Charles to Anna L. Stevenson. 67th st, No. 9 E. P. M. April 15, S years, 5 ^. 56.666 Meyer, John P, to Albany County Savings Bank, l3th st, s s, 198 e Stb av, 83x87,8x3a,8 x93,9. Apr. 13, 5 yeara. 5 «. 13,000 Meyer, Adolph to George Ebret, East End BV n w cor SSd st. Store lease, Apr. 10, demand, , ^, ^ ._,^S^ Milliken, Seth M. te James A. Trowbridge. 77th St. P. M, April 14, 3 years, 5 i.. 17,500 Miuray, John A. to Mary wife of John A. Htllwy. Slat st, P. M. AprU 17.1 year ."SA 5,000 Murray, John to Harlem Savings Bans. Amsterdam (tOth) av, w s, 74.11 n l30th Bt, runs west IGO x north abt 0.8 x northeast ^ X east 93 to av, x south 25 to beginning. Apr. 14, lyear, 6 «. 4,000 MacCuUoch, Hugh B. to Philip Sammet. Commerce st. No, 18. P, M. AprU 15, de¬ mand. „ ,. ,M0O Same to same. Same property. P. M. bub. to morts, $13,40(1. April 15, demand. 8,000 McGuckin, Mary E. wife of Henry J. to The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn. Lenox av 6 s extends from 113th at te 114th st, 301,10x135. AprU 13, due May 1, 1^9'^. -^^-^ 230.000 Same to WUliam Coben. Same property. Sub. to last mort, April 18, 1 year. 100,000 Bame to Edward P. Steers as trustee. Same property. Sub. to morts, $300,001', April 14, 50,383 McGinn. John H. to Philip Leipziger. 35th al, P, M. April 17, 3 yeara. 5 % 10,000 McElwain. John. Brooklyn, te Jobn and Janet L. McKay. 41st at. P. M. April 15. -i yeais. McSweeney, Jeremiah to Abial M, Hawkina, Brooklyn. Market sb. Ho, 13^ w s, 35x90. March 25, 3 years. 6,000 Mahler. Louis, Samuel, Jacob and Abraham te The Union Dime Savings Inst, Otb av, fl w cor Slst st, 4y,5xl0u, being Nos. 517 and 519 6th av. UiO-104 West Slst at. 49,5x100. April 30, due May 1,1894. 5 %. 160,000 Same to Philip Walter. Same property.^ Sub. TO laat mort. April 30, 1 year, 15.000 Same to Fanny F, Fran ken heimer. Same nroDerty. Sub. to mort. $100,000. AprU 30, 1 yiZr. 10.000 ManUla, SeUg and Sarab his wife, Springfield, Mass.. to Ernest G, Stedman. 9Uth st. P, M. AprU 13, instaUs. 8,000 Martin, John to The Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 47th st. No. 437, n s. 375 w loth av 18,9x100.5. April 30, dne May !, 1896, 4Ai % *'™*' McArdle, Henry to The Title Guarantee AND Trust Co. Varick st. No. 36, n ecor Beach st, 25x95. April 19, 3 years, S %. 38,000 McKay, Janet L. mortgagor with Frances J. ElUott Holt raortgagee. Extension of mort. April 20. _ .„ nora Meisner, Charles to Johu Koster aud Albert Bial. 88th sb, P. M. April 19, 5 years. 6<. 5,00(1 Mendes. Henry P. to Title Guakaktek and Trust Co, 2Sd ab. No. 126, s s. 349 w tith av, 36x99.9. AprU IS, 3 years, 5 %. 55,1/00 Nathan, Rebecca extrx. Mendez Nathan mort¬ gagee with Laura B. CaldweU mortgagor. Ex¬ tenaion of mortgage. April 17, nora Nicholson, Edward to Minna Levrao. Park av No 1743. e s, 30.11 n 13l3t st. 30x75. AprU IS, 3 years, 5 %. 9,000 Norria, John G, to Margaretta B. Warren et ah trustees Charles C. Warren dec'd, 7th av, P M April 18, due May 1, 189ti, 5 «. gold, 30,000 Norris, Jobn G. to Meyer L, ?iire. Spring st, 8 wcor Mott at, 35.5x93.9x2.5x98.5. Dec. 31, 1892. 1 year, 5 J. ^ „ . ^. ., ^ 10,000 Newman, WUliam and Rosie his wife to Mi¬ chael Fay and WUliam Stacom. Scammel at P M Sub. to morts. $32,000, April 17, inatalla. 9.«W Norton Ai-thur B, to Ascher Weinstein. 4.5th St. P, M. April 17, instaUs. 5,000 OdeU. Mary J. to The Emigrant Indust. SiViNas Bank, Columbus av, e s, 50.5n 9^ »t, 50x100. AprU 18,1 year, 4K ^ 17,000 Ottmann, William and Louia truateea Jacob Ottmann deo'd and Joseph Keppler and Adolph SchwBTzraann to The Brooklyn Savings Bank, Houston at, s w cor Mul¬ berry st, 117.ax258.5 to Jersey st, xI43,11x 324 8, Puck Building. March ], 5 yeara, 4 %. 300,000 O'Brien, John E. mortgagor with The Law¬ yers'Title Ins. Co, of New York mort¬ gagee. Extension of mortgage. Apr. IS, nom O'ReUly, Thomas to Bernheimer Sc Scbmid. 2d av. No. 1543. Saloon lease. Apr. 15, note, demand. 3,000 Ottinger, Marx and Moses to Lorenzo Semple, as Referee, Cedar at. No. Sl, e a; Cedar at. No, 77, e s; Cedar at, No. 79, e s. P, M. Apr, 20, 3 years, 5 %. 16tl,000 Piatt, Henry B, to Francis M, Jencks. West End BV, No. 356. P M, April 20, inatalls, 5i. 6.000 Pohalski, Flora wife of Henry to Casimir de R. Moore. 104th st. P.M. April 15, due April 30, 1898,5 it. 11,000 Panella, Salvatore to Henry W. Benedict and Robert A. Fowler, of Benedict Sc Fowler. 96th st,a 8,198 e Arasterdam av, 39x101.5. Sub, te morts. S131,SU0. Apr. 13,1 year, 5,000 Porges, Max J. to Bernheimer & Schmid. Canal st. No. 203, n w cor MulberiTflt. Sa¬ loon leaae. Apr, 14, noto, demand. 4,000 Protin, Augualine E, to Susie M. Capel. 44th st, s s, 356,3 e Sth av, 18.9x100.5. Leasehold, Apr. 15, due Jan. 3, 1894, 5 %, note, 2,000 Pinard, John A to Sailie J. TanuahUl survi¬ ving guard, of Thoraas H.. "William L , Ed- muna D., Charles F. and SaUie B, TannahiU. 65tb st. No. 44, s s, 180 e Madison av, SOx 100.6. AprillS, dueMay 1, 1895, 5 «. 10,000 Reilly, Ann wifeof and Micbaei to Sidney H, Stuart. 109th at. n e eor 4th av, 27x74. Apr. 14. demand. 3,000 Robinson, John S, to Marie E. Jacobson. fiSd St. P. M. Apr. 13, due Oct. 6,1893. 5,500 Roche, Mary A, vrife of Waltor to Charles W. Doherty, 57th st, P. M. Mar. 14, due Apr, 15, 1896, 5 %. 6,500 RoUmann, John to Bernheimer & Schmid. llth av. No. 613. Saloon leaae. Apr. 14, note, demand. 1,000 Rubenstein, Louis and Samuel J. SUberman to The Washington Life Ins, Co. of New York, Canal st, n w cor Mulberry at. P, M. AprU 14, due June 1, 1898, 5 i. 48,000 Rich, Frieda H. to Wolf Mayer, Slst at. No, 310, s s, 145 e Sd av, runa south 100,5 x east 17.6 X uorth 30 x east 8.6 x north 70,5 to st, X west 30 to beginning. April 17. 3 years. 5 %. 4,000 Roberts, Evelyn H. wife of William L., Prince¬ ton, N, J,, mortgagee with Hugo Lamprecbt mortgagor. Extension of mort, Jan. 16. nom Riedel, Emil H. and Bertba M. to Bernhard G. Amend. Catharine st. No, 26; Henry st. No. 10, being Catharine st, s w cor Henry st, 19,3x95x19x95, Sub, to morts. $33,000. Apr. 17, note. 8,000 Rosendorff, JuUa M, to The Dry Dock Sav¬ ings Inst, yth st, n s, 4uu w Ist av, a,5x9