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May 27, 18B8 Record and Guide. es" ^1 brownstone fronts with terra cotta trimmings and all improvements, aod are estimated to cost $43,000; also for a five-story flat, in similar style of construction, but wilh two stores in the first story, at No. 485 2d avenue, to cost $24,000, Louis J, Rosendorff is the owner. Jobu B. Canuon will build four flve-story flats and stores on the south side of 110th sireet, 50 feet east of 5tb avenue; three houses will be 26 feet front and the otber 19,6, ' Thomas Cowman intends to build two threestory high stoop dwellings, on a plot 541101), north side of 119th street, betweea Sth and Lenox avenues, which he purchased tbis week. Cbarlea Rentz has drawn plans for a seven-atory and baaement brick and stooe store buildiog, to cover the plot fronting 120,8% on Market slip, 28,4,1^ on Water atreet aod 36.B>^ oo Cherry sireet. Morris Levy is tbe owner, and the co3rt is to be $3^,000. The same architect has plaos for a six-siory aud hasement flit, 26x88,6, to be built for Fay & Stacom, at nMo. 27 St. Mark's place. Cost, $38,000. J. B. McElfatrick & Son, arcbitects, have awarded contracts for the re¬ pairs on tbe new Metropolitan Opera House lo L. & E. Weber, masons; E. C. Horn, carpenter, and Kerr Sc Rosario, papier mache. Contracts for iroo work, decorating and fire-proofing have not yet been awarded. L. & E, Weber bave commenced cleariog out the ruina of the old buildiug, Brooklyn. Wm. B. Tubby is the architect for a new museum building, 140x165 feet in size, to be erected opposite Fratt Irstitute by the directors. The material will be stone, brick and terra cotta. The cost ia not astimated. McKim, Mead & White are the accepted arcbitects for the new Museum of Arts and Sciences to be erected on the Eastern Parkway and the com¬ petition for which was decided lalelaatFridaynightby the jury of experts, A, D. F. Hamlin, Robert S. Peabody and George L. Morse. Tbe museum will be simple, dignified and monumental in architectural treatment and freely classical in desiKu. The exterior facides will be of light-colored stone aud tbe court facades of light-colored brick or terra cotta. Tbe entire structure will be fireproof, with fioors of metal, brick and concrete, the hghter portions made of hollow brick and porous terra cotta. Extensive alterations will soon'be commenced iu the Brevoort builiing, at the s.iuihweat corner of Fulion sireet aud Bedford aveoue, under the direclim of P. J. Liuritzen, architect, to fit it for the occupancy of the new dry-goods firm of Wechsler & McNulty. it is proposed to devote tbe three li^wer floors to business purposes, thus making necessary the entire remodeling of the third floor, now occupied by apartments. The relibting will be done in an elaborate manner, aud it is expected to have it ready for occupancy in September next. Out of Town, Newtown, L. I.—Frank A. Collins, of Flushing, is th^ arcbitect for the Presbyterian Ch'irch to be erected here. The dimensions will be 86x103 feet, with light-colored and brownatone as materials. Hopkins & Roberts, of New York, are tbe coutractors. BriOKAN, UIjSTEr Co., N. Y.—Arcbitect Cbas. H. Israels has tbe plans for a frame cbapel, 37i50, to ba erected here by Josiah W. Wentworth, of New York City. It is Intended for use as a place of worship for resident Roman Catholics. Newark, N. J.—Schweitzer & Diemer^ave plana under way forthe fol¬ lowing: A three-story frame convent for St. Michael's Church, to ost $7,000. and to be built on the west side of Belleville avenue, near 4th ave¬ nue; a two-and-a-half-story frame dwelliog, 25x40, with extension, to be built at a cost of $5,000, for W. I. Beatty, on tbe west side of Highland avenue, near Elwood avenue, and altwo-and-a-half-story brick atable, 32x 25, to cost $li,0oO, and to be built on tbe west side of Mt. Pleasant avenue, neir Broad sireet, forS. R. Walters. Nbwahh:, N.J.—Following is a listof the more important plaos filed wilb the Superiutendent of Buildings during tbe past mouth: L. F. Hunt. 3>^-sly fr dwg, 3,x51, Heller Parkway; H. Hunkle, 3-sty fr^dwg, 32x53, car W. Kinney st and Morris av; F, A. Scbaeffer, 4-sly fr leather factory, 5lx 01, 57 Bergeu st; C. Ryman, 2-sty fr factory, 24x35, Orange and Tlh sis; D. Monyack, 4 sty fr s'oie aud dwg, 3Ux.55, 131 Broome st; C. E. Smith, 3 sty fr dwg, 11x14, 175 13th av; MacAndrews & Forlees, 1-sty brk factory, 4 x30, N. 3d and Abingdon avs; Cebuloid Compony, 1-sly brk boili-r room, 4Sxl4S, £5-;9 Asbbridgesl; Wm. Westfall, thi'ee 2-sly brk stores and flats, 3.5x60, 123 Eelleville av; S. Wilson, 2 sty fj dwg, 27x30, cor James and Summit sts; L, M. Emmes, 3}^-sty fr dwg, 23x4';, !; 8 Kewark st; W. Quense, 3-sty fr dwg, i2^44, 86 Newton st; F. Bimbler, 2i^-sty f r dwg, 23x40, 324 Broad st; J. A, Gries, two '^-sly fr dwgs, 22x^8,96-98 3d sl; W, H. Van Houten, 3-Bty fr dwg, 30x31, 3T1 Bummer av; Park Av Coai Co., 2-aty fr storehouse, 30x6J, Sthav and 13th st; S. Newton, 3-sty tr dwg, 23x42. .37 Magazine Bt: C. Yule, 3-sty brk hat factory, 41x38, 40 and 42 Eaglest; G. Gardner, 3 sty brk storeand dwgs, 35x60, 40 Belleville av; A. Raocb, 3-aty fr dwg, 35x50, 262 Littleton av; J. Heoniog, 3-8ty fr flats, 20 x433^, 353 Morrisav; R. Isemann, 3J^-sty fr dwgs, S3»4J, 3t5Bergeast; Celluloid Co , i-sty brk laclory. 32x62, 52 and 51 Ashbridge sl; Mra. A. A. Edgar, 1-jty brk store, 26x85, 10 New at; Geo. Lane, 3-sty fr dwg, 35x4P, 3i8 Rosevilleav; F. Carmello, 3-aty brk dwg, 48s2J, 65 aud 67 Jackson at; A. Smith, 3-Bty fr dwg, 24j4J, 27 Coldeo at; A. Liebhauser, 8-sty fr stores and flats, 43i46, 133 and 134 Bloomfisld av; C. J, Bascb, 2bty fr stable, 30 336, 393 and 395 Mt. Prospect av; A. Jatkowsby, 4 sty fr store and dwgp, ?5x6i. cor Howard and Baldwin sts; J. A, Coles, 2 sty fr dwg, 7ix36, 13b and 140 Newark st; Bondisch & Juditsky, 2K-sty fr dwg, 33x60, 59 Colden st; A. Gartner, 2>^-aty fr dwg, 38x31, cor 14th av and S. 7th Rt; C. Yunkers, 2>^-sly fr dwg, 3x48, 125 Littleton av Morris Mfg. Co., 2-aty brk factory, 20x65. rear, 416 Broad st; T. Davif, 3>^ sty fr dwg. 33x4>, 197 N. 510 al; Mra. Casbill, 3-sty f r dwg, 3Tx£4, 101 Congress st; Reuter Chemical Co , 1-siy frfactory, ;UxlOO, River road; W. H. Bayre, 3-8ty brk flats, S7s6l', cor lllh and Oiauge ets; C.J. Halster, 3-Ety fr flits, 37x37, 6 lat st; M, M, Widerspahn, 3-3ty fr store and dwg, 3Ss35, rear, 55 Montgomery sl; C. Redman, 3-sty brk dwg, 22x43, 4(j9 Central av ; D, H. Hicks, 2>^-sty fr dwg, 20x30, ■<66 Summer av; B. B. Huff & Sons, 3 sty fr warehouse, 50x80, cor lltb st and D., L. & W . K, B. ev; M. Vingeozo, 4-sty brk storeand dwg,'iiiG6, 19 Lock st; J. Heorich, Saly brk dwg, 23x57, 3,50 Fairmount av ; C. Trautwerz, 3-sty fr store and dwg, 3ix6'J, cor 18th av aod Bergen st; G. Binile, 3 sty fr dwg, 34x^4, cor Waverly pl aod Charlton st; H, Smilh, 4-sty fr factory, 23»38, Bleecker flt; F, Meisol, 4-sty fr store and dwg, 31x65, 71 Prioce al; L, Keifer, 3-sty fr dwg, 22x46, 263 Fairmount av ; A. Buizmuellen. 2^4 sty fr dwg, 33x40, 113 S, 8th st; P. Ballantine & Sons, 2-sly brk wagon shed, 48x113, cor Froot and Fultou sts; J. Coyle, 3-sty fr iwg, 33s45, 51 Ist st; H. A. Looker, 3 sty fr dwg, 37x45, 133 Brunswick st; J. Holle, Jr., 3 sty fr dwg, 33x73, 57 13th av; T. Kistoer, 3 sty fr dwg, 23x58, 55 ISlh av; A, J. Holle, 3-8ty fr dwg, 33x72, 53 13lh av;C. Scbureraunn, 2K-sty fr dwg, 33s: 5S, 27 Avon av ; R. Btioson, 3X-sty fr dwg, 22x55, 18 Reade st; J. Houi;s, 2>^-Bty fr dwg, 34x48, 16 Carteret st: P. Smith, 3-sly fr store and dwg, aix 43, Weabitt st; M, Rachlin, 3-sty fr store aod dwg, 35x54,87 Livingaton st; M, Rachlin, two 3-sty fr dwgs, 35x54,85 aod 89 Livingston st; Reiley Broa,, 3sly fr shop. 30x30, s w cor Mt, Prospect av and Irving st; G, Boehm, 3-sty frdwg, 83x43, 95 Winans av; A. Schulmann, 3 sly fr dwgs, 25x53, 95 Wallace st; E. Wolf, u-sty brk dwg, 33x58, 3)3 Eim st; BailaDiioe Sc Co., 2 sty brk stable, 63x91, Iferry st; F, W, Speer, 3 sly brk dwg, 35x46, 49 Astor st; W. E, Blewett, Jr., three 3-sty fr dwg, 57x46, Monlclair av; E. P. Heller, 2 sty fr dwgs, S6s43, Ridge st; V. Q Da Bois, 2i^ aty fr dwgs, 40 so'.', Heller Parkway. —■ ■—■ -m Fine FiiaiEg of AU Eiod?. There has recently been added to The Record and Guide newspaper plant a complete Book ard Job outfit, and we are i.ow prepaxad to esti¬ mate for and execute all orders. Commercial, Real Estate and Archi¬ tectural Printing of a high order, promptly delivered, will l.^ -i feature of this department, A postal card addressed to The Record and Guide Frees, No. 14 Barclay atreet, or Nos. 14 to 16 Vesey street, will insure the attendance of a competent representative to give estimates, etc. Ordeis by mail will receive tbe same attention as if giveu personally. {Advertisements strictly in accordance with this title -will be inserted at the practically nominal rate of 10 CENTS per line ogate). In figuring for themselves advertisers may count seven words for each line, the address to be taken as one line. Tlie object of this department is to bring buyers and sellers into communication unin cvMomers, Advertisements must be marked " Want aiid O^ers Column," and sent to the office of publication, Nos. 14 and 16 Vesey Street, not later than 3 P. M. Friday.) WANTS. \irANTED.—Poaition witb carpenter and builder by '' a young maa lliorougbly competent to tiike off accurately items from plana and malce out eslimales therefroni. Address, bUPEEINTEWDENT, "Record and Guide" office. TITANTED.—Competent real eslale broker lo take •* enKrocQarue ot selling lots ia a well-estahlisbed nearby villa park, WARE ESTATE, 451 Cobmibua av. 4 N opporlunily is wanted by a gentlemen in frood .**- flnaocial standing lo commence in an established Teal esiate business; a branch of a reputable concern or tbe manaeemenc of an eaiate preferred; corre¬ spondence W|1J he treated «bsoluteiy coDfldential, Address, m, 0., this cfflce. OFFERS, Divelllngs and Flals. SiLff, or to'.let—Nice eigbt-room cottage and stable; Bouthein Boulevard, near Weslchester av«nue trolley line. mayaJ-uE. 3D av., near IDBth st —Five-story store and teDemeoi; easy terms; uiiEbt exchaDtre. May20-iaw4w SAMUEL MXON. CO Broadway. Iiuproved Properly, AVENUE C corner," near loth st,, four-story irou building; miglit exchauKS. MayiO-Iawlw aAMUEL NIXON, 60 Broadway, TO lease.—25,000 sq. ft of floor space for factory purposes; three floors; new building with power lipht ou all sides: steam beated, J. EKEBER'S BONS. lOTtb st anO Isl av. Terms reasonable. This buildioK completed with all improvements and is one ofthe best factories in ihis city. Marcli- ut. OFFERS. Vncant Lois. LOT3.—Several plots of lots, witb or without loan. J|;ka^NK HARDY. April i'2-v.-t. R. WEdl'UROOli MYERS, 195 Columtius V. Mf^cellaneoiiN. FOft sale-i7 Iron I-Ueams, Ifa-iocb, 18 to2-ift locft; cheap, 11, c. BrtlGUS, i;S6 Water St., Brooklyo. TO LET—Small loft, No. 300 Eaet tUtli st; power if wanted. MajaC-uf. "IJRINTING-BOOK, NEWS AND J03, RECOKD AND GUIDE PBE3S, 14 Barclay, and M, 16 Vesey sta. rriHB COLUMBUS HISTORICAL GUIDE. Twenty-flve centa a copy. Record i>-pGv}PB,