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June 17, 186B Record and Guide. 963 a 3,100 w Manhattan av, 19x100.)], Same agtsame,............................ 14 Elton av, s e cor 159tb st, 48x100. George Fiencke agt Adam Jansou, owner— ,,., 15 One Hundred and Eightytifih st, n a, 150 w Amsterdam av, 100x100. Louis Marelius agfc Andrew Marshall, owner, and Fred- prick Cole, contracior ................. 15 Suffolk st, Nos. 101 and 163, ws.200sHous- ton st, 50x100, Geo. B, Robbms & Co, agt Kirchner Se Kurzenknabe, owners and contractors........................... 16 Fifty-eighth st, No. 114. s s. 140 e 4th av, 20 xlCO, Rossman & Bracken agt Sarab B. Weed, owner............................ 15 One Hundred and Third st, u a, 180 w Park av. 125x100. The Union Slone Works agt John S, Rcotl. owner and contractor. (Couliuued from June 25,1893).......... Morria av I begina 15 One Hundred aud Fifty-fourlh st > Morris One Hundred and Fifty-fifth st | av.ne cor 154lh fit, nms north 2flO to 155'h st, x east 95 x soufh 300xwest 95 to beginning. E. & R. Smilh agt Mary E. Algie, owner, ani Disken & Smith, contractors....... 15 Same property. Disken Se Smilh agt same owner ai^d Louis Morino, contractor...... 15 Madisonav. Nos, 136aml 138, s w cor Sistst, 50x100. Edward Kennedy agt Peter M, Ramsey, owner, and James H, Lancaster, contractor ............................. 15 Amaterdam av. s e cor 85th st, tOOxb'O, Best & O'Reilly agt Elizabelh Johnston, owner, and Richard E. Johnston, con¬ tractor............................ 10 One Hundred and Eighleeuth at. n B, 100.8 w 10th av. 150x—. Michael Sess & Co, agt Eli>;abeth Johnston, owner, and William H. ilrowning. cont'actor............... 16 Stebbins av. w s, 143 ii lU,5lh st. 25x100. Jobn F. Eichler agt Annie Swan, ownep, aud Robert snreaton, conirai^tor ...... 16 Vnn Corlear pl, Nos. 132 and 133, sws, 400 a Wicker pl, 45.10x80x57.3x60. Giuseppe Eilippone. agt Messrs. Depp & Schaeffer, owners, and James Reynofds. contractor. 10 Same properly. Carlo Persico agt same owners andconiractor............... 16 Same property. Stefano Filippono agt sameowneraand contractor ............ 16 Suffolk at, Nos. 161 and 103, w s, 200 e Hous¬ ton St. 51'slOO. Joseph Dimaluson igt Heury O. Kh'cbner and Ludwig Kurzen¬ knabe, owners, and Kirchner & Km'Ken- knabeilcontractors...................... 138 00 300 00 SO 00 9S4 13 850 00 042 80 100 00 350 00 83 75 40 75 310 00 359 30 100 50 00 00 67 50 175 50 SATISFIED MECHANIC'S LIENS. miw VORK oTT» Juue 6 One Hundred aud Thirty-seventh st. Noa. 702-708, B B, 375 B Willia av, lOOxlUO. Thomis-Roherls-StevcQSOn Co. agt Eliza¬ belb J. Wellwood. Tbia lien was filed ■fuue 5 nnd satisfied June 0 aud should have appeared last week under rialisfied Liens..............................._____$859 -3^ 1 spilt at. No. 15, w B. f'O a Broome. Louis Bossert agt Abraham Silversobn (t-'olo- mon Ladioaki by assigni. (April 20 '93i,4.825 00 Crimmins av, u e cor 141sl si., 01.5x104. Paul G. Decker agt George J. Garland. (Oct. 19, 1B92)............................ 330 00 3 Eighty-third st, Nos. 213 and 216. n s. 177.11 6 3d av. 50.10x102.3. Thomas Brown agt The Evangelical Lutheran Imraauuels Churcb and Jacob A. Zimmermann. (Junel.1893)........................ 515 70 14 Thu-d st, No. 327, n s, 50 w Av D. 4ixl00. Henry Arlt agt Marks & Korber et al, iMorris Eerger by assign), (March 13. 1893>................................ 10 00 14 Same properly. Louis AronowitK agt same (same hv assign) (March 13, lfi9<) _____ 350 00 14 Third ar. No. 41. n a, 50 w Av D, 19x—. The 0. B. Keogh Mfg. Oo. ogt same (same by assigni. (March 14, 1893i.......... ,___ 104 25 14*One Hundred and Fifty-second st. No. 474, s a, bet Railroad and Morris avs, 25x—. William fsimpsou agt Frank Miller and Tuckson & Cunniughnm. (Feb 9,18931.. 18 50 15 Downing st, n e cor Bedford st, 25s70. Hol¬ brook Bros, agt Bartholomew F. Kenney aud J.H.Brown. (June8, 1893).......... 110 41 15 Ono Hundred .and Thirty-fourth st, Nob. 593-^06, 8 s, 145 e Alexandur av, 75»100. Jesse Reynolds agt Johu E.O'Brien. (Dec. 20,1890)............................... 936 00 15 Seventy-second st, Nos. 24S--jin, n s, 325 e Weat End av, 75x100. J. P. Duffy Se Co. by John H. Duffy as admr. agt J. W, Stokes and C. A. Rich and ano. (Nov, 2,1893)................................. 84 38 15*+Park av, u w cor;65th st, lOOxlO'i. Louis Dre.yer agt Thoraas J. McLaughlin, (June K, 1893).............................. 902 21 lowest End av. w s, 75,Ss97ih st, 50x100. Wiiiiam Whiltal sgt Josepb F. Vaude- , water fjune 13, 1893)................. 250 00 10 Eighty-seventh sf, No- 128 W. Ball & Oo. agtWilliamM. Newman. (Feb 6,1803),. 400 00 lejOne Hundred and Sixth st, n s, 205.0 w 9t.h av, 50x100. James Noble and Frederick Qaussagi Samuel Stern, owner, and Smyth Se Robinson, contractors, (May 29,1893) 1,932 50 * Discharged by deposit. tDischarged by order of Com't. '*^Editor Record anu Guidk: The lieu for S903.21 filed against my property, e5th street and'Park aveuue, by Louis Dreyer, on June ]4th 1893, was flled before a bill waa presented. I deposited theamount of said lien in the County Clerk's office on tbe following day and I shall hold Mr. Dreyet for Thomas J. MoLinoHLiN. BUILDINGS PROJBCTED. A handsome bound volume of over 350 pagas, containing, (1) The New Tork Buil(]iDg Law, ■with Headings, complete Index, Marginal Notes and Colored lUustratione, showing the beigtlts and thickneasea of walls for all kinda of build¬ ings; (3) Regulations of the Building Depart¬ ment; (3) Tenement and Lodging House Laws; (4) Law Limitiug the Heightof Dwelling Houaea; 'b) Laws for Extinction and Prevention of Fires, etc.; (6) Regulations of the Department of Pub¬ lic Works; (7) State Factory Inspection Law; (8) Mechanic'a Lien Law; (9) Complete Directory of Architects, for New York, Brooklyn, Newark and Jersey City. This valuable hook is for sale at The Record and Guide offlce, 14 and 16 Vesey st, Prifw. t3,ft0. The first natne is that of the owner; ar''t stands for architect.m^n for mason, c'r for carpenter and b'r for liuilder. Wlien character of roof is not mentioned it is to be understood tliat the roof is to be of tin. NEW YORK CITY. SOUTH OF 14th SIBBST. Weat Broadwav, Nos. 157-163, ten-story brk ahop,-'iOx90, gravel roof: coat, $75,(XHi; B. Raw¬ itser Sc Co,, 138 Duane st; ar'ts, Brunner Sc Try- on. Flan 847. Bleecker st, Nos. 137-135. two seven-story brk andiron warehouses, 50x100; coat, |75-(Hlti each; L, M. Jones, 803 Lexington av; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel. Plan 858, Delancey at. No. 377, six-story and basement brk acd iron ahop, 18,9x53.fi; cost, $^,300; Betty Simona, 349 E. 55th at; ar't, F. L. Blom. Plan 865. Jaue at. No, 85, two-story brk and stone dwell¬ ing, 16.8x55; cost, $5,000; agent, I. iSuhr, .501 E 16ih st; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, Plan8b4. Pier foot E. Sd at, frameshed,05x10; cost, JbOO; Departmeut of Doctts. Plau S48, l3th st. No. S3 W., seven-atory brk ard stone flat, 36,6x73 10; cost, $33,000; G. A, Hearn, 46 E. tiMth st; ar'ts, yuook Sc Sona. Plan 851. 13th St. n a, 70 e Av D, two-story iron coal pocket, 40x64; coat, 18.500; lessee, F. Ubciotrauk, 339 E. Uth at; ar'ts, Kurtner & RohL Plau H55. Rivington at, Nos, 78-84. six-atory brk fiat, 35.7x83,7; cost. 135,000; 13. Jarmulowskv, lOa E. 60ib st; ar't, M, Jarmulowsky. Plan 877. Houston st, No. 137 W., six-story brk and stone flat, 35x95; cost, *38,000; O. B. McManus, 244 Adama at, Brooklyn; ar'ts, Snook & Sons; m'n, Andrusss & Son. Plan RTO. St. Marks pl. No. 37. five-story and basemeut brk and atone flat, 26x114.8; cost, $'^8,000; Fay & Stacom, 337 Pleasant av. Plan iOS. BETWaEN 14th and 5yTH STREETS. S6th Bt, n a, 320 6 2d av, six-Story brk factory, 74.4x40.4; cost, *20,000; T. Shnver Sc Co., on premises; ar't. Roraeyn Sc Htever. Plan &44. 1st av, Nos. 674 aud 676, two-atory brk and stone factory, 4',).4x45, gravel roof; cost, $3,00''; E. J. McCluskey, ou premises; ar't, Jordan Sc Giller. Plan 863. 33d at. No. 50 W,, four-story and basement brk aud atone dwell'g, IS).8x49 witb extension; cost, $25,250; J. W. Henning, Tusedo, N. Y.; ar't, J. B. Lord: b'rs, Graham & Sons. Plau 866. BBTWBBN 59TB AND 135Te STRKETS, EAST OB 5TH AVBNUB!. t05tb at, s s, 125 e lat av, oue-story brk aud atone storage, 40x301.10, gravel roof; cost, S3,00<'; M. C. Henry, 510 E. 83d st; ar't, A. C. Schie- linger. Plan 849. I^exington av, n w cor 118th st, seven-atory brk and atone store and flat, 40x86; cost, $416,000; H. C. Tuke, 116 E, 116th st; ar't, J. C. Burne. Plan 843, 66th st. No, 410 E,, two-story brk warehouse, 35x100, gravel roof; cost, $3,400; W. A, Cameron, treasurer, 408 E. 66tb st; ar't, A. Pfeiffer. Plan 853. 95th St. Nos. 333 and 334E., one story brk office, 13x17; cost, $5oO; H. Epstein, 334 Henry st; ar't, S. Bass. Plan 856. East River froot, bet 115thand UHth ots, tbree- story frame coal hoist, 18x18; cost, S3,000; R. H. Nevins, att'y, 534 E. 115th st; c'ra, Brewster & Co Plan 860. 60th Pt, a s, 135 e lat av, two two-story bru aod stone 'factories and stable, 35x45 and 35x3(), total cost, $5,000; lessee, P. A. Broe, 151 E. SOth at; ar't, W. H, Volckening; b'r, J. A. O'Oonnor. Plan 873. BETWBEN 59th AKD 135TH STKEETS, WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WTEBT AND 8TH AVENDE. 66tb st, n a, 37,5 e Amsterdam av, four flve' story atoue flata, irreg. ai^es; total coat, 1108,000; J, O'Brien, bth av, s w cor 3Stli at; ar't, G. Keis¬ ter. Plan 859. 86th st, n a, 304 w West End av, five five-atory brk and stone dwell'gs, 30 and 18x70 6, with ex¬ tensions; cost, 1^35,000 eacb; Citv Real Estate Co., 146 Broadway; ar't, C. P. H. Gilbert, Plan 853. 106th at, a s, 150 e Coiumbusav, three five-atory brk and Blone flats, 27.6, 37 and 30.6x89,8; total cost, $70,000; P. Krupp, 313 W. 117th st; ar't, F. Baylies. Plan 87a. West End av, s e cor 92d at, six four-and-a- half-story brk and atone dwell'gs, one 30.8x56, flve 16s56; total coat, «95,00( ; T. A. Squier, 314 W. 104th at; ar't. C. True. Plan 859. NORTH OF 135th STREET. 13th av, e s, 30 u 13lBt st, frame shed, 80x40; cost, $300; W, Sheehan, n w ppf },2tii fty ftnd 13i8tflt. P]Bjjg50, Amsterdam av. No. 1738, frame ahed, 26x8,4; cost, $50; J. Scheele. on premises. Plan 857. Amsterdam av, n w cor HOth sft, two flve- atory brk and atone flata, -^buM; cost, $34,000 each; P. J. Algie, 19 W. 135th at; ar't, A. Spenee. Plan 874. Amsterdam av, w s, 35 n 14nth st, aix five story brk and atone flats. 35x75; cost, $18,000 each; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 875. 3.3d and 34th WABDS. Croton av, o s, 275 w Franklin av, two-and-a- balf-etory frame dwell'g, 25x46, shingle roof; cost, $1,5C0; ow'r and b'r. .L Kieran, 431 E. Oyth st; ar't, J. B. Franklin Plan 845. Warmion av, s e cor Elsmere pl, two-^tory and attic frame dwell'g. 2^x38, shinKle roof; cot, $3 - 500; W, C Egao. 65 E. 106th -tt; ar't, C. M. Dis- acsway; b'r, J. H. Metzler, P an846. Bathgate av, o s, 164 s 176th st, tbree-story frame tenem't. 33x70; cost, i;4.5f0; Mrs. O. iS De Wolfe, 1913 Fulton av; ar't, R.E, Rogers. Plan 861. Tinton av, e s. 150 n Ifilst st, two three-atory frame dwell'gs, 13.4 and 18^40; total cost, S7,000; Christiua Buchta, 29 Sd av; ar't, C, F. Lohse. Plan 863. (Substituted for New Buildines, plan 645,1893,) McCombs Dam road, e s, uear 174t;h st, two¬ story frame dwell'g. 30s36: cost, $2,000; W. Hehre, l,52d sr and Kiver House; ar'b, A. Hunter; b'rs. Arthur & Co. Plan 854, Stebbina at, ws. 33 n I67th st, three three story frame tenem'ts, 18s46, .50 and .55; cost, |;4,.500 eacn; Mary P, Wilson, on premises; ar't, J. J. Vreeland; m'n, W. A. Wilson. Plau 876. Intervaleav, s w cor 169th st, tw^'-atory frame dwell'g, 54x33; cost. $3,000; W. R. Bowman, 331 E. 125th st, PlaaS7l. Prospect av, e s, 617 n Samuel at, two two-story frame dwell'gs, 16 6g39; cost, $2,000 each; Mrs. A. Ohn, 169th st and Boulevard. Plan 867. Stebbins av,e a, 283 n Freeman st, two-story frame dwell'g, 31x42; cost, SS.OO" ; P. Prankow- abi, 313 E. 104tb sc; ar't. A, Pfeiffer. Plan 873. tl/riiKATIOIVS NEW VOKK i;iTV. Plan I OSS—Lexington av. No. 337, raiaed one Btory, twostory extension, 8>8,2, interior and front alterations; cost, $7,.500; R U. Jobnson, 33 E. 17th Bt; ar'ts, Babb, Conk Sc Willard. 1092—5th av, Nn. 2180, repair damage by fire; cost. $1,500; J, J, McKenna exr., 434 E. 23d st; ar't, J. 8. O'Meara. 1093—52d st. No 317 W., new iron stairs, in¬ terior and falls altered; cost, $1,300- Mayor, City Hall; ar't, C, B. J. Snyder 1094—54th st. No. 135 W., new iron stairs- cost, $600; Mayor, City Hall; ar't. C. B. J. Snyder. 1095—I77tb an, a B, bet Vise aud Postdorf avs, new fire escape and walls altered; coat, $400; Mayor, City Hall; ar't, O. B. J. Snyder. 1096—;-ilst st. No. 31 E., raised one story with two stcry and Viasement extension, 19x43.6, light shaft on fourth story of flre-proof hollow tiie. interior and wall altered; cost, $10,001 ; t. Will¬ iams, 31 East 31st Rt; ar't, & P. Cbappell. 1097—13Iat at. No, 140 W., three-story and base¬ ment extension, 15)i30, interiorand wallsalterea, cost, $3,000; M. Freedman, on premises: ar't. C E. Miller 1098-56th at,, No. .50 W., two-story extension, 9.6x15; cost, ?t,5''0; Mrs. C- L Acker. 117 W. 7.5th st; ar't, P. A. Minuth; m'n, P. Muldoon; c'r, A. Kitchen. ]n99~39th Bt, No. 66 W., raiaed two stories, in¬ terior alterations; cost, $1,800; S. B. Ulman, on premises; ar't, K, B. LanEston. 1100—3rt av, No, 19^1, interior alterations; coat $300; R H. L. Townaend, 337 Madison av; ar'ts NeviUe Sc Bagge. 1101—East Broadway, No. 26fi, new plate glass front; co'', $12.5; L. Goodman, 7 Montgomery st- ar't, F. Ebehng. 1102—67tb st, n s. 68.4 e Uth av, tive-story ex¬ tensiou, 26x100.5, and walls attere't; cost, $16.- OW; C. Horn, on premises; at'ts, De Lemos & Cordes 1103—56th st. No, 34 W,, new flues; cost, $300; G. Mosle, on preraises; m'n, J. IVl. Dodd, Jr. 1104—29th st. No. 113 E., raised one atory aud front rebuilt; cost, $l.'Wi; Sara L. Thurston, on nremises; m'n. G. D. Hilyard; c'ra. Cox & Cameron. 110.5—Ehzabeth st. No. 80, elevator shaft, interior alterations; cost, $1,000; Consolidated Gas Co,, Elizabeth st, n e cor Hester .st; m'ns, Tostevin'.^ Sons, 11(16-Union av. No. 889, one-story extension, 16.9x3£i; coat, $150; T. Balke, on premises; ar't, C. P. ijohse; m'n, C Hari'ington; c'r. E, Jonea. 1107—Park av. e s, bet 67th and 68lh sta, in¬ terior alterations, new abylight; cost, S3,0lMi; H. Calkins, pres't, 147 West 49th st; ar't, J. E, Ter¬ hune. 1108-Cherry st. No 17, interior and front alterations; coal, $300; J, W. Healy, on premisea; c'r, J. Powera. 1109—34th st. No, 441 W,, interiorand walla altered; cost, $500; estate B, McQuade, 573 Broome st. UIO—33d at. No. 156 E., tbree-story extension, 17,5x23,10; cost $5,000; P, Zimmermann, 3,55 ad Bt; ar't, A. H, Blankeuatein. llU^Bowery, No. .'J95, interior and wallsal¬ tered, new front; cost, $4,500; lesaee, H. Miller 337 E. llth gt; ar'te, Kurtzer Sc Kohl; c'r, H. Bruggen, UlS-WiUiajsi stf Spa K3.-33, yoof houae altered