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Real estate record and builders' guide: *

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Xll Record and Guide. f-jAMMOND & GRUET, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, NINTH WARD PROPERTY A SPEf'l.\LTY, Rents collected and estates managed. Telephone, 13.37 HI. S.31 HUDSON STREET. WARE & GIBBS, WEST SIDE REAL ESTATE. Special attention to collection of rents. 4.51 Columbus Avenue, between Slst and 82d Sts. WILLIAM E. WAEE. ALBERT B. GIBBS. SCOTT BROS., REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, NIAGARA BUILDING, Room 1,137 Broadway. MEMBEKS of THE EEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Walter E. Scott. David S. Meyer. ALFRED E. MARLING, REAL ESTATE, 64 CEDAK STREET, Opposite Mutual Life. Member Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room (Limited). JOHN N. GOLDING, AUCTIONEER AND EEAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 11 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. Formerly with Adrian H. Muller & Son. K/IILLS, WHITEHOUSE & HALL, ''" 17 EAST 42d STREET. REAL ESTATE ON FIFTH AVE. AND VICINITY. Hudson River, Westchester Co. Z!onnecticut, "Berkshires" and the East, EULiENE LIVINGSTO.N' CLAKKSON. HERMAN LEROV EDGAK. FUGENE L. CLARKSON, REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENT SECURITIKS AND LOANS (Consolidated Exchange Building.) 60 BROADWAY AM. 25 NEW ST., NEW YORK. A large aiuonut of nioucy tn lo:inou iKuid aud mort- gage, ou lirst-clnss New S'nrli r'itv Tirni>ert\' ;it 4i._'f,i. WILLIAM H. FALCONER, REAL ESTATE, Established 1853. 100 FOURTH AVENUE, near 12tli St. William B. Read. theo. k. wilmeruing. t. peaksall field. acou8tds bradhurst field. WILMERDING & FIELD, Real Estate, Mortgages and Insurance 69 West 36th Street. Down town office. 32 Nassau Street, Room 519. STEPHEN H. TYNG, JR., REAL ESTATE, 25 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. BEDFORD SECTION A SPECIALTY. JAMES R. ROSS, REAL ESTATE, 494 NOSTRAND AVE., cor. Halsey St., Telephone, Bedford 68. BROOK L'i'N. Entire charge taken of Brooklyn property aud carefully managed. .O*^""""" '"•'ST 00 ^ 234 FIFTH AVE., COR. 27th ST. Branch Office, 18 Wall St. and 3 Nassau St. Capital and Surplus, - - $1,000,000 DESIGNATED LEGAL DEPOSITORY. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Deposits received subject to checks on demand, which pass through the Clearing-House like those upon any city bank. Safe deposit boxes to rent in FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF VAULT. Acts as Executor Administrator, Guardian, Receiver, Registrar, Transfer and Financial Agent, and accepts other trusts in confonnity with the law of any State or of th(: United States. Business and Personal Accounts Solicited. JOHN P. TOWNSEND, President. CHARLES T. BARNEY, Vice-President. JOSEPH T. BROWN, 2d Vice-President. Directors. Joseph S. Auerbach, E. V. Loew, Harry B. Holllns, Henry F. Dimock. Jacob Hays, John P. Townaend. Chas. T. Barney, Charles F. Watson, A. Foster Higgms, David H. King. Jr. Robert G. Remscn. Frederick G. Bourne, Henry W. T. Mali, Robert Maclav, Andrew H. Sands, C. Lawrence Perkins, James H. Breslin, Edward Wood, Gen. George J. Magec. Win. A. Beadlcston. Townsend Burden, Alfred L. White, John S Tilney, . Chas R. Flint. Frederick L. Eldridge, Secretary, J. Henbt Townsend, Assistant Seeretary. FLEMING BLACKCROSS PORTLAND, CEMENT ROMAN, — KEENE'S, VICAT CEMENT. AND BRICK COMPANY MORTAR COLORS ENGLISH ENAMELED BRICKS. 23 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. QE RM AN-AMERICAN REAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEE CO. George W. Qhintard, Prc-iideut. Office, 36 and 38 NASSAU STREET. (Mutual Life Building.) 189 MONTAGUE STREET, BEOOKLYX. Examines and guarantees titles to real estate autl attends to the dra\ving of necessary legal papers. PITZSIMONS & SMITH, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 67 Liberty Street, 1477 Bro.ujway, Adj. the Exchange. Bet. 42d & 43d Sts. Loans on real estate. Rents Collected, thos. p. eitzsimons. n. y. delancey t. smith. J. H. HUNT. H. M. Wendell. HUNT & WENDELL, Members Real Estate Exchange. 245 COLUMBUS AVENUE (near 72d St.) Telephone Call. 179 Columbus. Special attention given to the sale, rental and gen¬ eral management of Real Estate. LOANS NEGOTIATED. RORGSTEDE & KLENKE, 207-209 East 54th St., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Renting and collecting a specialty. Notary Public. Member of Real Estate Exchange. Telephone CaU: 60, 38th Street. J. D. TRENHOLM. E. DE FOREST SIMMONS. XRENHOLM & SIMMONS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 5th Avenue, northeast comer 42d St., Office No. 7, Special Agents American Surety Company. GEORGE J. KENNY & BRO. Succ^fisors to Juiiics Kenny & Son, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. so EAST HOUSTON STREET, One door west of Bowery, NEW YORK Entire management of property a specialty. ONON & MACDONALD, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 62 WEST 33d STREET, NEW YORK. lOHN P. WINDOLPH, '-' EEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 62 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK I ARTHUR FISCHER & CO., '-' ■ EEAL ESTATE AND MOETGAGES No. 126 West 40th St., near Broadway. G B H ROOKE & GEORGER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 54 WEST 34th STREET. OMER BOSTWICK & CO,, Experienced Managers of Tenement Property 243 Columbus .\ve., near 72d St. No. 101 East 86th Street, Cor. Park Avenue. PORWITH BROS., ^^ REAL ESTATE, 309 MANHATTAN AVE., BROOKLYN, E. D. RONALD TAYLOR, GRANOLITHIC and ASPHALT Pavements for Sidewalks, Areas, Yard and Floors. Office, 15 State Street, N. Y. Telephone, 1990 Cort. Send for estimates. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. large and small AMOUNTS. TITLE GUARANTEE ^^ TRUST CO O ^- BENNET, ■ APPEAISEE OF EEAL ESTATE, 150 BROADWAY, Cor. Liberty Street. EEAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND MORTGAGE BECKER. I have money to loan on mortgage at lowest rate. Member Real Est