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Febmai-y 3, 1894 Record and Guide. 167 ^^ ESTABLISHED-^ MAR.CH 2l»i^ 1868. Dev&teD to f^L Estate .BuiLoif/o Ap.cii'iTECTdFi.E.KouseHoidDEQCffiATioil, Bi/sii/ess Alto Themes oFGEftei^L Ij'fiEi^.Esi. PRICE, PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. Published every .Saturday. Telephone,.....- Cortlandt 137o Commiinicattona should be addreaaed to C. W. SWEET, 14-16 Vesey Street. J. 1, LINDSEY, Business Manager. Brooklyn Office, 27H-282 Washington Street, Opp. Post Office. " Entered at the Post-offlce at Neiv Tork. N. T.,ai second-class matter." Vol. LIII. FEBRUARY 3, 1894. No. 1,351 For additional Brooklyn matter, see Brooklyn Department immediately following New .lersey records {page 195). WITH all the dullness that appears on the surface there is no doubt that business is slowly improving. This is not a time of year when rapid progress can be expected; if the record of failures are less aud the reports of trade fi'om different centres are not couched iu the gloomy terms that have been characteristic of them for so long a time we ought to be satisfied and encouraged. The prob.ible falling otf in the voliune of money coming to New York ouglit (.also to be signiticiint of a better state of things throughout the country, and further stim¬ ulation will be occasioned in