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Real estate record and builders' guide: Index: v. 54 (July-December, Inclusive, 1894)

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index to I^ecord and Guide: Vol. LIV. For New York Conveyances, Projected Buildings and Advertisers. NOS. 1373 TO 1398. JULY-----DECEMBER, INCLUSIVE. 1894. The followihg'-semi-auhual Iiidex of the Conve.vances and Projected Buildinga in Kew York City, as puhlished in TiiK RkcOKD and Guide during the last half of 1894. will be found of great value to those of our aub- acribers who have preserved all the iaauea of thia paper during that period. Care has been taken to keep the Index up to the same atandard which haa characterized it in the past. The pages are given on which all the tranafers of realty published in Volume LIV. can be found, and the streets and avenues are 80 subdivided that few references are re¬ quired. For instance, transfers of property on Bank atreet appear in four issues during the six months. Bank atreet in the Index is subdi¬ vided into three parts, so that the least possi¬ ble trouble need be incurred, provided it is known between what streets the property ia located. In this volume we have continued to arrange the transfers in such a manner that almost everj' street aftected (below the Harlen.) can be seen at a glance by turning to the pages which the Index calls for. Take for instance page 11 and iind thereon: Reaver st. No 22 ) begins Beaver st, s a, Marketfield st S 140.11 w Broad st, 21.4 X61.7 to Marketiield at. s22.3s58.11, 4- sty brk store. The above applies when a piece of property is on the corner of any street or avenue below the Harlem River and runs in depth upon both streets more than 100 feet, or when a plot has buildings fronting on both atreeta, and also when the property begins on one street and runs to another. Although many of our sub¬ scribers have used the Index for years, some of them do not fully understand the com¬ pleteness of tlie work. We are fretiuently told of errors that our readers thuik they have dis¬ covered, which, upon investigation, prove to be errors of the aearcher—not of the Index. For instance, in the current uumber apuears the following: Armaud place (23d and 24th Wards), 15, the latter being the page on which a tran.sfer on aaid atreet may be found. Now. turning to page 15, the average searcher would fail tofiDdtbeitemreferred to, because it does not appear in the alphabetical order of afreets. A close search shows the item under the head of Sedgwick av, n w s. 173 s w Perot st. runs n w 99 X a w 50 X n w 85 to a e a Armand pi, X a w 73.4 X s e 184 to Sedgwick av. x n e 122 to beginning. The Index is, therefore, in aome caaes con¬ demned for a supposed error which is really the strongest evidence of the thoroughneaa with which ithas been compiled. Where auch an omiaaion should occasionally seem apparent to the subscriber, he ahould search the whole page, and he will then iind the item which is referred to. The Projected Buildings are in¬ dexed in a similar manner, so that it can readily be ascertained on what streets im. provements have been made. Those wiahing to keep a Ule for permanent reference ahorrld see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. Cost of binding, $2.00 per volume. A suitable temporary binder, hold¬ ing one volume, can be obtained at the ofSee of The Record and Guide, 14 and 16 Vesey atreet; price, one dollar. Annexed will be found a table ahowing the boundary line8, also the number of blocka con¬ tained iu each of the thirteen Sectiona, and under which all property ia now indexed in the Register's office by locality on new land maps of New York City, according to law. which went into effect .Tan. 1, 1891. The tax maps are alao ari'anged in a correspond¬ ing manner. Section ■ - ■- . . ... 1.—South of Grand and Watts sts, between East and North Rivera. Blocks 1 to 315 incl. 2.—From Grand and Watta sts to'lifh st. East and North Rivers. BlQck8,3i6 to 660 incl. 3.—From 14th to 40th st. East and North Rivers. Blocks 661 to 992 incl 4.—From 40th to 96th st, west of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 993 to 1256 incl. 5.—From 40th to 96th st, east of etliav, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocka 1257 to 1592 incl. 6.—From 96th st to Harlem River, eaat of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 1593 to 1819 incl. 7.—From 96th to ISSth st. at Harlem River, west of Lenox av, and i'--"-'-awn parallel therefiiT"Bioi.j.-<{ ggg -■i^ incl. 8.—From 135th st to Spuyten Duyvil Creet, west of Harlem River. Blocks 2105 to 2239 incl. 9.—From Harlem River to 169th at, west of St. Anns and 3d avs. Blocks 2260 to 2542 incl. 10.—From Harlem River to 169th st, eaat of St. Anns and 3d avs. Blocka 2343 to 2781incL 11.—From 169th st to Pelhani av and Kinga- bridge roads, bet Bronx and Harlem Rivera. Blocks 2782 to 3243 incl. 12.—From Pelham av and Kingabridge road and city line, bet Bronx River and Broadway. Blocks 3246 to 3401 incl. 13.—From Harlem River and city line, bet Broadway and Hudson River. Blocka 3402 to 3428 incl. CONVErANCES. Note.—The figures in parenthesis—for in¬ stance, page (970] under the head of Allen street, , from Delancey to Stanton atreet — denote that the tranaaction on the page given is Leasehold, an as.signment of lease or a leaae running for a long term of yeara. Thia explanation ia made ao that subscribers searching for transfera in fee can at once distinguish between the former and the latter without referring to the pages mentioned. NEW YORK CITY. STIIEETS. Abingdon sq,,. .593, 889, 891. 968. Academy....509, 807. Albany___552. Alien, south of Grand... .392, 807, 889. from Grand to Delancey...'.163, 763, 842. - . . . Delancey to Stanton....683. 926.(970). Attorney, w s. south of Grand----129, 763. 80,7. - north of Stanton:.. .295. 842, Bank, s a, from Waveiley pi to West 4fch at ....11. n 8, Greenwich to Washington—636. a a, Greenwich to Washington___683. 719. Barclay,.-.92. Barroiv. 8 s. from West 4tli to Bleecker___ 636. n a, Bleecker to Bedford.., .360, 434. 88, Bleecker to Bedford....52, 466. a a. Commerce to Hudson___392, 926. Batavia___52. ., ,.. Baxter....392, 842. Beaver; from Broadway to-Broad st___11, 889. '- "- William to Pea,rr. -. .466. 807. Bedford,,,. 295. ";.■-- Bethuue___53. Birmingham,,. ,6,36. Bleecker, s s, f rom Wooster at to SoQth5th av ,...812. e a, Christopher to West 10th....763. w a, West 10th to Perry...,(55),92, 967. pioomingdale road___807, 842. Bond, n B..,,52, 434. as,., .11. 129, 552. Boulevard, from 60th to 63d... .719, 889. 64tb to 66th..-.467, 926. 7.Sdto 76th,,..(151, 163. 969. 88thtoS9tli...,231. 683. 9l3tto 104th,,.. 199. 889.967. 1071-11 to 111th.,.,S!i3. 591. 113th to 116th....11. 926. 116th to 120tti....ll. 467. 130th to 136th.,..509, 926. 144th to 149th.,., 509, 807, 969. 150th to 132d.,,,52, 434. north of 15«fch,,,, 231. 263,593,969. Bowery, e a. from Hesler to Grand----295, 842. 889. Delancey to Rivingtou....467, (469), 719. Stanton to Houston___593, Broad.,..683. 763. 889. Broadway, e 8. from Wall to Pine .,.593. w 8, Cortlandt to Dev .,. ,(233). (267). (640) w a. Leonard to Franklin —1)67. e a. Spring to Prince----o93, 926. w a. Prince to Houston___466. 636. w 8, 4th st lo Clinton pi___636. 807, 842. w a, Clinton pi to 91,h st... .(640). (686), (722), (970). 11th to 121b....199, 76.3, 807. 12ih to iwth .. 763. 807. 22dto23d . (362). es. 28thto29tli.,.,1362). 38th to 41st..,, (394), (511). 719. 45th to 50th....(5111, 552, 637. .f^Sd to56th.,..636. 719,889. 62d to 63d,., ,710. 12!)th to 131st.,,,231, 683. Academy to 215th,,,.92. 889. Broome, n 3, from Tompkius to Goercfc___ 295, 467. 967. „ . . 8 8. Goerck to Lewis — 683. B s. Cannon to Columbia., 467. n 8. Sheriff to Wjllett, ...265, 636. 8 a. Attorney to Clinton___(686). n 8. Norlolk to Es«ex,.., 92. 807, 889; -. EJdridge to Forsyth.,. .11, 360, 434. ■ -'S a. .683, «42. Elm at to Broadway,,.,637. 683. 967. Wooster to Thompson,:. .92. (267), 889. Sullivan to Hudson., .,328, 636.-926.: - Burling slip___11. Canal, from East Broadway to Elizabeth — 92, (354), 84g, Mott t-} Broadway,.,. 199. (554), 807. Broadway to Hudson... ,231, 467. 926. Greenwich to Washington___967. Cannon, from Stanton to Houston___265, 328, 842, 967, (970). Catharine ,,,199, 360, 926. Cedar, ,..129. 843. Central Park West, w a, from 74th to 76th ...-552,926. w 8, 84th to 85th.,..360,, 434. w a, 89th to 96th,,.. 129, 842. w 8, 104th to l07th.... 11, 509, 763. Centre....l9fl. 467. Chambers, from Church to West Broadway ....265. (554). College pi to Washington st___(166), (330). Charles, ..,163, 763. Charlton....163. Cherry, from Dover to Market.., ,(267). 926. Pike to Jefterson.... 231. 552, 967. 8 8, Montgomery to Go ivernenr___719. n a, Scammel to Jackson___889. 8 8. Scammel to Jackson___11. 328. 509. ...... Chrjatopher, from Greenwich av to Bleecker at,,..92, 231, 552. n a, Greenwich to Wcehawken___392, (470). Chrystie, e a, from Division to Canal___ 328. (596). e 8, Hester to Broome___11.842. w 8, Hester to Broome___11.434. e s, Rtvington .to Houston.. .'.92, 5,93. ;. Clark..,.683. Cliff.,..636, Clinton, from Stanton to Delancey___328,- 636. e a, Broome to East Broadway___360. 889. Madison st to East River.,.. 163, (766), 926. Coeniies slip, w 3, ^rom-Pearl to-Frontr... 295. 360, (436).-(554).--"- -"- ■: -w,a;F.routto-South....763.807,842. Columbia, e a. from Broome to Delancey___ 163.199, 295. w 8, Delancey to Rivington....-636.- - Rivington to'Stanton...;3fl2. 434. 719', 967. ■,.'■;.: Stanton to Ho«ston-:-..ll. Cominerce....52, 129,'842. Congress___163. Cooper....11, 328. Cortlandt,...92 I /