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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 54, no. 1381: September 1, 1894

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epteniljor 1, 18^4 t Record and Guide. 301 Hall, owner, and Anmiuciata and G Antonio Piieci, coutraetors................300 00 August 29, HOth st, s s. 175 e CulumDus av. 50x100.11. A B Bonneville agt Tobias Kaiser, owner and coniractor..............................25C 50 148th St. U.S. :i35 w Amsterdam av. 110.x 99,11. .Tames N Stout agt Rertha Thur¬ ston, owner, anrt Henrv RaL'nlsky, con¬ tractor......................................134 23 Inwood av, c s, 550 s Wolf pl. 20xao. Wm G Mll^r,^y a^t Christopher C McUrane, owner and contractor......................901 50 Columlms av, s w cor 88th st, 50.8x100. ■ The N Y Gas Fixlnre Co a^t Henry C Irons, owner aud contract-u'...............280 00 Perry av, w s. 50 s Ozark st, if extended, 25x113. EUcn Pcekatctilarie L Bradley, owner, and William Bradley, contractor.. 54 12 August 30. 7tU St. n c cor Av C, 35.3x4g,9. KemietU Mcl.ieod agl Mrs Julia S G Porter and Amelia SehickiiiiK. owners, and .iiisiin (iunnison. contractor...................... Lil.icrty st, No (ii). n s, aht 150 e iiroiulway, .—X—. McEiieruy ib Hilton a-t Eriii.1 Schneider, owner and eoutractoi'........ Bowerv, No 362, ws, 21.2 s 4tli st, 21,2x ()9,8xl4.3.':—x3.2x—. East Coast RooQns Co agt Estate 'Wilson UcCendorJ', owner, and W LcoDefcndorf asexr.............. Amsterdam av, s e cor 85tli st, 75x100. Johu Gleason agt Charles Loman. owner, and Gcortrc Cameron, cmitractoi'......... SpriO;!.' sf. 11 c cor Miirion st. 2.'ixl09x25.2x 109. AllK-rt Tiioriie agt James E March, owner and contractor...................... Rivimrtou sl. No 52, n w cor ICj'dririge sf, 20x75. Bci.^ife Lorenac a^t Walter Fox and Hattie Clark otherwise Rautii, (iwucrs anil eon trad ors................... Inwooil av. e s, 550 ? Wolt pl, 25x70.6v:{3.4 x9S9. Fr.mkFHeal airt Christopher C McGranc, owner, a'ld Wm II .Murray, cou- tracinr...............................'....... Same pn>[icrty. Artelherl S Nichols agt aame........................................ Same property. THenst & Linck ay;tHame.. Samo pruperiy. Siunc a'.'t sftme owner, and Michl G Waller, contractor................ Porry av. w s, lOO s Old road, 25x100 to Drive. Frank rUrt'isi.'a^'t Mari.a J, IJrad- ley. owner, and John W Bradley, con¬ tractor...................................... AUGU-'T 31. 295 00 615 81 256 65 120 00 430 00 125 00 32S 47 30 00 ■13 32 93 98 180 00 Janson pl. w s, 218 s Terrace View av, 2o i XlOO....................................I Jansen pl,ws, 293 s Tcn-ace View av, j 100x100..................................) Janies L Martin apt Artslaw A YatuUe and Charlc; H E\ell. owners and con¬ tractors..................................... Inwood av, e s, 55ii .-^ Woll' pl. 25.';7.*i. Mil¬ ler .t Hanson a;;t Clivi.-.tophi'r C Me- tfraue. owner, and William Murray, con¬ tractor. .,............................'....... 1.56th st. No (;i2. ss, 37 fl e Conrtlaudt a v. 25x100. Edward McCann a^t Bcunet Wifkauskv. owner and contractor......... 48th St. No 24. s s, :J4k.8 w r>tli av. 25x100. JosepU Gallick ant Dallas B Pratt, owuer, and Untler & Miilmuey, sab-contractors.. Same property. Butler & Mahony ast Dal¬ las B Pratt, owner, and 'William Wallace, contractiir................................1, 117tlisf, No 132. ss, bet 3d and Lcxiagton avs, 25x100.11. .lames S Buhcrfs" agt Sarali .Murrav, owuer and contractor...,, 3flav, NoS.Tl. P s. 74.1 8 37th St. 24.8x100. James.I Markey agf .\uuie Fox, owner and contractor............................. Colunibiifi av. Nos 572 and 574, s w cor SSth st, 50x100. Chas H Nichols agt Hi-nry C Irons, owner aud contractor..... Proapect av, .\o 767, w ,s. 7."j n 156tli st, '25x 100. The iMidoleiiort Mfg Co agt B Sey- born and Edwanl Bissing'er, owners, ahd Alice A Taylor, contractor................. 101 70 5;{ 75 95 85 120 00 010 00 50 00 63 40 315 86 300 no SATISFIED MECHANIC'S LIENS. NEW YORK. August 25, ■;2dav, n (> cor20tli st, 100x98.3. Atsx R Brown agt N Y Po.^t (irartoatc Mcdicnl School and Hospital. (Lien tllod May 26, 1894).................................;....!H.'?25 00 ISame propertv. TW Morris & Coagt same. (Ang 15, 1894)............................1,031 12 {Same property. Paltersou Broa agt same. (Aug 13.1894).,............................627 34 ACGCST 27. Clinton 111. No IG. s s. ri:f.6 w Mercer sl. 24.8x121. \V H Htissev & Son agt M'm H Taylor aud Jainea McDermott. (Jau 19,18941..................................... Tth av, n o eor 2iith sf, 50x100. Xlios S Godwin ngt A Kclleriiouse. Meyer L Sire anrt i: l<'' Krowniim-. I Jnlv 26.1891>___2, ;2d av. 11 c cor 20f!i sl, 10ok98,3. Gustave W Autenrieth agt N Y Post Gtartuntc Moilical School aud Hospital. (Aug l.'-t. 189i)..................................^..1, ;3ame propertv. Wm U Leut agt same. (May 12, 18941............................. :Sanie property. Wilijon, Adains & Co agt same. (Aug 14,1894)....................1, *Movmuff3lde a v. a ecor llOth st, 26..5x87. Robt .1 Rray agt Wm H SImmison aurt Josepli F Gallagher. (AUi; 2, 1891)...... :39t.h st, Nos 609 and 611. n s, 125 w 11th nv, 50x98.9. Rutiis DaiTowagt John N Koster nud KN 8niith ^ Co. (.Vug 22. 1891)................................."..... ;Snuie propi-rtv. James flattery agf same. (June 29,1891)............................. ;39thRt,n s, 125w llthav, 125x100. Smith & Coburn agt same, (July 8,1891)....,5, Ml 93 655 (iO 103 95 148 52 502 06 114 6-1 571 171 886 August 28. Smith st. No 222, n o eor Market slip, 26x lOJ. IJcmictt .■*! Anderson agt Harr.y Uoo anrt Thos A Aiuhrose. (July 24, 1893).,. 19 50 5?th St. No 114 E. Jacob Winter agt Siirnh B Weed and Geo E Y'arrington. "iJulv 1, 1893)........................................201 75 ;94th fli. Nos 68-74, s e, 80 w Park av.lOOx 30. Luigi Jaoouilto agf Peter Fuchs, (April 5, 1894), and 15 other lieu.^, total amt..........................................243 20 "Pond pl, s s, alit 200 c Russell st, nlit lOOx —. Louis Gierke agt Mrs Annie Hil! nnd John Wilson. (Aug 25, 1894).............. 49 87 august 29. 7th av. e s. whole front bot 56th and 57tli sts. abt 200x100. Jack.*on ArehiTcctaral Iron Works agt Music Hall Co. New York (Lint), and Longstall A- Hmd. (Ang 21, 1891)........................................ 21 00 Amsterdam av, 8 e cor 85th st, l"0xl0(). Jolm Watt agtCharlesLowaiiandncorge Cameron. (Aug 25, 189!).................350 00 ;i49th st, II s, ^65 e Boidevard, I6.«x—. .Tohn Carew agt M S Shaw and 1' W Mc¬ carty. (June 27,18941.................... 7ri 00 Aror.iT :to. lOtttli St. 320-:i26, n s, abt 320 e 2d'av. 90x100. Driscoll & Milvauey agt Mat¬ thew Coogan and .Tames Evaus. (.Mitrcli 23,1894).'...................................100 00 Tth av, o 3. whole front bet 5Uth and 57tli sts. aht 200x100. Willson, Adauis & Co ngt Music Hall Co, New York (Lim), and Longstafl'&Hnrd. (Aug]4, 1891 ........208 su Same property, Giistnv W .Vntcnrirth (Willson, Adams ib Co, by assiiini ai;i same. (Aug 13. 1894).....................iso oo August 31. 84thst. Nos 107-111. n s. 144.8 w Cidiim- ims av. I20x^. Eugeno Mimsel! it Co agt Williani Gunn and Andrew Grant. (July 25. 1894)..............................2:iU 00 Same properly. Donlon A- Miller Mlg Co aL-t Wilham Giuin. (June 12.1894) ......301 00 Same properl v. Daily ifc Carlson agt same. (June 11.1894).............................400 00 Same property. Pliili)>p Biersclienck agt same. 'Junel-'., 189 i).....................303 00 Same property. The Prince & Kiukel Iron Works airt Martlia and William Gnun. (Jnly 10, 189-1)............................1,700 11 Snme in'opcrty. Same agt same. (Julv 12, lS9(i.....................................1,700 41 Morris a v,u c cor 18Ist st, oOxiriO. Win I, H nil pt man agt Louis Lutz and F Leonard. (Jnly 31, 1894)............................ 76 04 "Discharered liv dcuosit, JDischargert liy liond. BUELDmCS PROJECTED. A hand.some bound volume ot over 250 pages, containing, (1) The NewYork Building Law, with Headings, complete Index. Margi¬ nal Notes and Colored Illustration.s, showing the heightsaud ot walls for all tmds of buildings; (2) Kegiihitious of the Building Departuient: (3) Teneineut aud Lodg¬ ing House Laws; 14) Law Limitinathe Height of Dwelling Houses: (6! Law.s for Extiuctiou and Prevention o£ Fires, etc.; (6) Eogulations of the Department of Public Works; (7) State Factory Inspection Law; (8) Mechauic's Lien Law; (9) Conipleto Directory ot Archi- tecta. for New York, Brooklyn, Newark and fer.sey City, This valuable book l.s for .sale at TiiK Ekcouo AXD CJiiiDH oftice, 14 audio Vosey St. Price, $2.00. Tlie first name is Ihat of (he owner ; ar'l stands for archil'eel, m'n for mason, e'r far carpenter and b'r for builder. When charucler of roof is iiol mentioned it ix lo be understood that the roof is to be of tin. NEW YORK CITY. SOUTH OF llTH STRBET. I'lau 11)57—12tli St. No 512 E. 3-sty brlc flat, 2i>xtll.3: cost, ^'23.000; .loliu Richard, (Ul premises; ar't, Max Muller. lOdS—Pier 33, East liiver. foot of Oliver st. l-siv corrugated iron freight shed, 37.(ix 200, eo'vrngated iron runf: cost. *2,500; City of New York; Long Islaud K li Co, lessees; ar't and b'r, Berliu Irou IJridge Co. BETWEEN 14TU AND 5i>Tll STRHET.S. 1050—5;5th .st, No 405 E. l-stv lirk macliiue shop, 25.0x20; cost,^$800; Peter Uoelger, on premises; ar't, ,J Kastner. BETWEBX 50T1I AXD 125TU STREETS, E.VST OF nXU AVENUE. lOnO—72d at; No 9 K. 4-8ty and baseuiotit buft'brk and Indiana limestone dwell'g, .^0.4 X102.2, siate aud tiu roof; cost, $100,000; Keury T Sloan, 40 W .■j4lh .st; ar'ts, Carrere &. Hastings. 1 104!)—107th .st, s s, 100 w 4th av, two u- ety brk and brownstone flats. 25xS(5; cost, .$17,00(1 each: Mary E Garrett, 157 W l!;Jd st; ar't, J II '\'ul(^utiu6; ui'n, John (jault. HKi8—3d av. No 2082, rear, l-sty (fempor- arv) franie aud corrugated irou portrait gal- lory, I4s2ll, tin aud glass roof; cost, ^250; A H P Archer, 7 W 127th et; ar't, A .'^pouce. 59Tn TO 123Tn streets, west of cextral PARK WEST AND STU AVENUE. 10,^8—71st St.s B, 225 w 'We't End av three. 3-sty and baaetueut brk aud browustoue dwell'gs, I7x.'j,5, with 10 ft extension ; eost, $13.0UU each: Wm Hradlev. .'iSO W 48tli st; ar't, Arthur .1 Horgan ; lu'u. .Tames Bradley. 104K—]O.Uh Kt, u s. 275 w Columbus av, 1 -sty aud basement brk and browustoue trim church, iiOxlOO.l], rock asphalt ou roof of K McGuire. 111.-1.^—117111 St. s s, 100 w 8th av, 2-stv brk stable, 25x08; cost, $0,000; Marv N Towns- cud, 302 W 73d st; ar't, Jas W Cole. NORTH OF 125Tn street. 1050—Fort "Wasliiuglou IJidire road, e f, abt ou line of 180th s(. 1-stv bvk studio, 28x 08.8; $1,000; .los Potter estate, Geo G Uernard. 330 W 57th st. lessee; ar't, Ld P" Casey; b'rs, F Mapes & Sou. 23d and 24Tn "WAlius. 1054--Fordliain pl, s s, 175 w Grand av, 2h-aty frame dwell'g, 24x47.0. sbinglo roof ■, $5,000; Elizaheth McMullau, 24'' E 4!)t!i st; ai-'t, PeterN Harder. 1051—OpdyUe .St. n a, 300 6 Katonah av, 2-sty aud attic frame dwell'g. 35x40; cost i^S.OOO; Kobt Catcrson, 105 E'85th st- ar't John C liabeock. 1052—133d st, ss, 270 w'W'illow av. three 3-sty frame feiicm'ts, 10.8x02.0 ; cost, .$5,000 each; .loserih A Brautigaiu, 820 Trinity av ; ar't, 11 Horenburger. 105;{—l-'ditb St. No 642 E, l-sty frame stor¬ age shed, 12x12; cost, $10; Bcuct VVitkow- sky. ou premises. 1001—Chisholm st. o s. 235 .s Jeuuinga st 2-sly Iraine dwclTg. 20x32: cost. $J,"000- nw'raud ar'l. .loseph E iintterworth, '33',10 3d av, ID'iO-Oaklaud pi, s s, 125 c Frauklin av. 2-sty frame dwell'g, 20x45; cost. $3,000: Clayli'uA Hecker, 1872 Washington av ; no ar't or li'r givi'u. 1003—Ciotona (Franklin) av. c s, 50 s Oak- laud pl, 2-sty I'rame dwclFg, 20x34: cost *2,500; Leib, 1927 W.ashington av; c r, 1 .1 Blair. 1002—Locust av, 6 8, from 139th to llOtli St. 3-sry brk factoiy, 143x75, gravel iwif- cost, itcnoo; Sninuel Bailie tt^on, 211 K 2''d st; ar't, FD Miller. 1004—Prospect av, e s, 25 s Elsmere pi 2- sty franie dwell'g, 20x42, shingle roof; eost $;^,500; Thos Fell, 320 HeurV ,st; ar't and c'r, T .1 Blair. 1000-174th St. n w cor Eastburn av. 3-stv fcaine dwell'g, 23x50; cost, $5,000; Ueor'^e Voegler. Eastburn av aud 173d st; ar'ts. F J Miller &, Co. 1007—175th st, s s, 40 \v Fraukiiu av, 2-stv ami attic frame dwell'g, 20x32; cost, $3 50O- Mary Seifert, 175th st, 250 ft e Prospect av * arts. F ,) Miller & C'o. 10G9-3d av, w s, 402 u 109th st. two 2-flty fraiui^ (lweirg.S and stores. 25.x43.(l an \\' 145t!i St. aud Kate Y Ferri.s, 41 W OOth ,st ■ ar't, Richard R Davis. 1070—Uuion av. s w cor 150tU st, 2-sty and attic trauu' dwell'g, 20x40, extensiou, i3xi5 sliiugle roof; cost, $7,000; Anuie Leahv Denman id and Forreat av; ar't. M .T Garvin' ALTERATIONS. Plan 1201—1th St. No 241 W.alter peak root to Hut. Iiuild uew light shatr., auer i.j.r- titious, front wall takeu down aud rebuJt- cost, $2,500: Sarah F, Warner, onpremies' ar't. M;ix Muller. 12(12—Sth av. No 115, uew elevator built Irom basement to top Ibior, also new,side walk elevator; cost, $10,000; HenriettaOonstaljle estate. Fred A Constable trustee. 5th av and IOth st; ar'ts. William Schickel^ Co 1203—55tli sf. No 305 E, add I feot to present building, build 4-stv brk extension 13x30, new vent aud duiiib-wriiter shaft front wall takeu down and i'eluiiit, entraneu altered; cost, $9,000; Mra Lonisa Weber 500 Park av; ar't, Chas .1 Perry. 1204-IntervaIo av, w s, 20l's Homo st, pot up uew partitions cost, $150; Matilda Bengtson. 1227 rtimpson st; b'r, Bengt Bengtson. 1205—Park row, Ko 75, build fiame sfcruc- lurcon roof of extension for .small electric engine: cost. $200: Al Adam.s, Brooklyn; ar't aud b'r, Robert West, 120G-S2iLst, No 311 W, add 1 sty to nres- eiit exteusiou, uew doorway oiisecoutl sty; I