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932 Record and Guide. Docember 22, l8i»-i erty, 12tb Ward, runs n w 190 xsw 254.1 xae 161.8 x n e 20».(itoNicholapl, X n along same as it curves 62.10 to lie ginning. Dec 18, 3 years. 4,500 Same to Aldison Brown and auo exrs and trustees Chas H Noyes. Same iiroperty. Dec 18, demand. " ' .'uoO Newman. Mary wife of Gustave to Catb A De Peyster. 166tb at. P M. Dee 17. due May 1. 1898, 5 %. 2.000 New York Bauk Note Co to Tub Lawyers' Surety- Co of New Y'ork. Oth av, a w cor Waverley pl, runa w HO x s,34 x e 2.2 x a 13.B X e 80 to av, x n 47.2; 6th av, w s. 47.2 a Waverley pl. 20x80. Dec 19. Secures undertaking on appeal. 27.733 Norris, John G to Lucy S .Scribner and ano trnstees willof Aun;i 1[ K.Skidmore. 5.s{h st, aecor Madison av, 20x50.5. Dec 20, 5 years. 4I2 %• 35.000 O'Connor, Thos H to J'hic Mutual Lite Ixs Co of New Y''ork. Morningside av, s wcorllOth 8t, 100.11x150. Dec 19. 1 i'ear. 5 %. See Convey.s. 35.000 d, Abner H, Philarlelphia. Pa, to (ier¬ trude Jordau. 12tli St. P M. Dec 13. inatalls. 4.000 O'Neill. Sarah A to Beruheimer & Schninl, lat av. No 861. Saloon lease. Dee 10, note, deuiand. 2.500 O'Reilly, John J to PeterDoelger, 2d av, No 768. n e cor 41st st. Saloon lease. Dec 18, demand. 5,000 Parks, Emma L to Jeiuics M Weutz trustee will of Joseph H Weiler. Oth.av, No 342, e B, 24.8 n 2l8t St. 22.2x95. Snb to mort $20,000. Dec 14. due July 1. 1897.4 \\.. 5,000 Peck, Edwin H and Walter .1 to Kate A Peek. 144tli st, a a, 178 e Amsterdam av, 17x99.11. Dec 11. 3 years, 5 %. 9.000 Pernetti, Arsenio to Giiisepne and Nicola Lauritano. of I>auritaiio Bros. Mulheri'v st. No 78. 25x100. Dec 18. (i months. l.tiOO Pickering. Ellen M wife of and jobn to Eliz R Wellington. 130th at, s s. 100 e Boulevard. 50x99.11. Dec 13. 1 year. 2,300 Pohalski, Uora wife ot Heury to Tiilk Guar,\jSTee and Trust Co. Lcxinston av.No 1652. P M. Nov 26, due Dec 1, 1897,412%- 5,000 Same to Bernard Scbiaiiowsky. Same prop¬ erty. P M. Sub to last mort. Nov 26, dne Dec 17, 1896. 1,500 Same to same. Lexington av. No 1050. ti w cor 104th St. P M. Nov 26, dne Dec ] 7. 1896. 1,500 Plympton. Gilbert M to Letitia S Sands trustee willof Jobu Campbell for Marv Smith and remain derm en. 32d st. P M. Nov 17. 3 years. 4i2%- gold, 40.000 Pringle. Saml M and David W Fenton to New York Guaraxti'^e and 1 vDemnity Co. 12tb st. No 73, n s, 145 e l!tli av. 24.6x103.3. Doc 14, 3 years, 4 %. 10.600 Ran. Georgo to The Title Guahantke axd Trust Co. 6tli .st. No 34], n a. 100 w 1st av, 25x113.5. Dec 20, dueDec 31, 1S09, 5 %. 23.000 Regan, Delia and Calbarine Greenlield to Souhie V Talmage, Brooklyn. Elizabetli st,Noll, wa. 150 u Bayard st. 25x94. Nov 16. 1 year. 5 %. l.OOO Keiche. Herinanu to The Farmers' Loan AND Trust Co. Park row. No 05. s a. 34.2 e Nortii William at, runa e 19.5 x s 15 x s eO.8 X a 49.1 x w 23.6 x n 72.11 to begin¬ ning ; Williani st. No 233, n a. 72.9 w Duane st. 28x88x25x«8. Dec 20, 5 yeara, 4 %. 35.000 Rodgers, J C to H K Porter & Co. 1 loco¬ motive engine. Oet 20. 03 days. 2,076 Roaenthal, Sarauel to Peter Doelger, Canal at. No 80, n -w cor Eldridge st. Store lease. Dec 13. demand. 5,000 Rosentbal, Mark. Krooklym to Maurice Levy. Delaucey st. No 13u, s s, 25 e Nor¬ folk'st, 25x75, Dec 17, 1 year, 5.500 Saint Mary's Free Hospital for Children to Eliza M Bailey. 34 tb st. n s. 100 w 9tli av, 50x98.9. Dec 13, 5 years. 4t.> %. 15.000 Schumann, Gustav to Nathau Spiegel, 18tn at, 8 a, 244 6 2d av, 20x78. Dec 20, I year. 1,300 Schumacher,Henry to The Irish Emigraut Society. St Nicholas av. No -107. e s, 289.4 "^9 133d st, 19.11x125, Dec 15, 1 year, 4^2 11.000 Scrilmer. Charlea and Artbur H, of Charles Scribner's Sons, to Uxton Tru.st Co of New York. 5th av. e s. 62 4 n 2ist st, u9 x75x61,3x87.7. Dec 14, 5 yeara. 4 %. 200,000 Seelig, Adolph to John H Taylor. 2d av. No 88. u e COT 5th st. 25x75. Dec 14, due Dec—.1897, 5%. 5,000 Seitz. Prank A to The Uxited States Trust Co of New York. 12th at, n a. 20f!,4 w Broadwav, 50x103.3x52.1x117.5, Dec 20, due Juue 15, 1896. 4io %, 55,000 Simmons, Sarah R wife ol and Chaa E to Gideon Fountain. Lexiugtonav. n w eor 59th st, 20.5x65. Dec 15, 5 years. 10,263 Smith, Saml W B. Mt Vernon, N Y, to John Lynch. Amsterdam av, w s, 25.11 n lOOtb st, 23x99 to centre line of Old Bloominsidale road closed, x 25x99.9. Deo 15, 3 years, 5 %. '^5.000 Same to Geo A Barker et al exra and trus¬ tees George Bell. Amsterdam av, w a, 50.11 u 100th st, 25x98.8 to centre liue Old Bloomingdale road cloaed, x 25x09. Dec 15, 3 years, 5 %. 25,000 Steiner, David to Jules Weber. 34th st. P M. Deo 20, 1 year. 15,000 Stei-nw, Sophie wifeof and Simon to Rosa lii-. Gottlieb. Gustav and Max L Kaulinann exra i-eoiiold Kaufmaun. 86th st. s s. 105 w Cohiuibns av, 20x102.2. Pec 20, 3 years, 4i.j 'id. 20,000 Taylor, Sarah E to George Karsch. 83d at. No 160 W. P M. Dec 17, due Dec 13. 1896, 5 %. .-J.OOO riii^ United States Mortgage Co mortgagee ivith fiauk Bnilding Co of Harleni mort¬ gagor. Extension of moit. Dec 13. nom The Churi'li of St Jo.sepli of Vnrkvilb; to The 1';mig]!a\t Indust Savings Baxk. W7tli St. s 8, 96.1 e 1st av, runs s U0.8 x e 85 X sU.si.jxe 25 xn 10.8x0 19.10 xn M0.8 tl. .St. X w 159.HI to heginniiii;. Dec IS. 1 year, 41-2 %. OO.boO I'bicle, l.ouis to Beadlestou & Woerz, a corporation. 3d av. No 1349, s e cor 77tli St. Store lease. Dec 17. demand. 3,500 Vau Rensselaer, May K wife of .(ohn K to The Lawyers' Mortgage Ixs <;o. 29tli st.ss. 162.6 w 4tb av. 20.10x08.li. Dec 18. 3 years, 4I4 %. 15,000 \ on <»anther, Theodore to Germax-A.meiu- GAN Real E-s-i-ate Title Gua haxi'ee Co. 62dst. P M. Dec 3, dne Juue 1, ,1895. 50,000 \'aii Reii.saelaer, Louiaa to Johu H Higgins et al trusteea -will of Nathl D Higgins dec'd. 37th st, a s, 226 e 5tli av. 2Gx 98.9. Uee 20. 3 yeara, 4 "u. 12.000 Vieioi.Carl to TfiE Germania P"ire Jxs Co. 5(itb st. No 5B, 8 a, 100 e Madisou av. 22x100.3. Di^c 18, 1 vear. ih %■ '25.0VO Wagner, Albert to Jacoii Hirsb. Wonster st, Nos sij au'l 88; Spriug st. Nos l:i4 aud 130; iii'iug Wooster at, cs, 51 a Spring at, rnns e 34.".^ x n 51 x e 49.1 x s 27 x w 3.1 X s 74 X w 100.2 to Wooster sl. x n 50; Wooster st. No 84, c s, 100.11 a i-iprin" sf ■/3 1x100.2x24.10x100.0. Dec 14. dne Oct 17, 1806. 75.000 -Sametosame. Sanie property, P M. Dec 14, dill' tier, 17. isyo. ' 4l;.50O Walker, Elizabeth wife ot and Jo.siah to Warreu M Merrill, 35th at.n s, 130 w 10th av. 75x98.9. Dec 20, 1 year, 5 "„. Wall, Emma formerly Van Duaen to Andw R Robiii.son. 54th st. No 261, n s, 62.0 c Sth av, l.S.9x62.11. Sub to mort $8,800. Dec 14. due Ang ■-6, 1895. gold, 300 Ward, ('ai-ijline S to Hamilton Bank ol" New York City. Liberty at. n s, aij lot of t'atalyne Fowler, runs s e along Liberty .st^ 41.9 xue 1H.7 to Maiden lane, x n w 3;-i.9 X s w 31, being kuown as No 76 Maiden lane. I3 part. Secures credits. Dec 15. 5,600 Watson, .lolm H to The Manhattan Liee Ins Co :ith av.s c ror 77tli st. 27.2x 100. Dec IS. 1 yt^ar. 5 %. 50,000 Watt, Grace to Lyman G and Jo.seph B Hlooiiiiiigdale. Leuox av, s w cor 144th st, runs w 7.^0 to 7th av, x 99. n, Dec is, 9 years, ,1 %, 73,000 Wellwood, Lliz J to Tbe .1 L Mott Iron Works, Sfltli St. n s, 100 w Ueutral Park We.-it, 75x100,8, Sub to morts $108,90(1. Dec 15, 3 montlis, 7,273 Wetterer. William l.o Eweu Mclntyre. Dsth st, I' M. Dec 17, lyear, 4^2 %. 22,000 Wetterer, William to Wm A Slreet. 19tu St. P M. Dee 14. 1 year, 5 %. 40 000 Same to liobt CLe Rov. 18tb .'t. PM Dec 10,2 yeai-a, 5 %. 80.000 Wirth. Henry .1 to Louis Benziger. New Brighton. B I. ritt st, e s. 175 s Kiving¬ ton at, 25x100. Dec 19, 5 years, 5 "o . „ '25,000 Same lo Henry Dreyer. Hoboken. N J ■Same pmiierty. Snb to last mort. Dec 19, due ,Jiilv 1, 1897. 7.000 Wittner, Hulda to Haunah Greeuebaiim. AvA, No 1018. PM. Decl7. dne Janl. 1897. 3 %. 1,400 Whitney, Uhas C to Bernbeimer & Scbmid. lOtli av. No 284. Saloou kase. DeclO. note, liemand. 1 nno Woltf, Natliau to The Emigrant Ixdust Savings Bank. 79tli st. No 164. a a. 130 e Lexington av. 20x102.2. Dec 17,1 year, *^"''J- 14,000 Woolley, Emiua J wife of and Janies \ S to Title Guaraxtee axd 'J'ritst Co 70t:h st, No 75. 11 s, 133 w Pnrk av. 17x 102.2, DeclO. due Dec 20, 1897, 4 %. Wnndt, .Michl W to Bernboimer i Scliiniii Amsterdam av. No 1974. Saloon lease Dee 17, uote, demaud, 1,490 Young, Bort.ram L to Rd .vin S Y'onng guard of Wm 8 Youug. J40tb st. s s. 12j o IOth av, 125x99.11. Dec 15. 2 years, 5 "„. 3.000 ionng, George mortgagee with Guiditta Caviuato mortgagor. IJxtension of mort. Dec 19. „„,„ 23d and 2Ath WAHDS. Babeock, (!eo E and Ellen L bis wife to Jo¬ .seph Mcsseraehmitt. 151st st, s s. 350 w Courtlandtav. 25x118.6. Dec 13. 1 year. Bell, Tbos H to Kate B Murray. 145tb at P M. Dee 13. 2years. (i obo Bisland. Alfred V l.o Jaines G Bisland ()gdeii av. s e s, ■/ 5 s w Union st, 25\ 125 May 29, ISSH, I year, 5 "0. 2 000 Bruus, John to John K Zeltner. Ursula pl ws, 83.Is Travers st. 00x125, Secures rents. Dec 14, demand. 500 Carv, ]-;i;cn F wife of and Ralph H to .lohn EiMiill r. Carlstadt, N J. 153d at s s ! 15 w Mton av, 25x100. iDee 17, 3 yeara, -> ''i- 4,500 Covls. Jobn and Jnliua Bruning to .Maggie Moelter. Gerard at. P M. Dec 10. due Jau 1. 18im. 3 %. 600 Decker, (ieorge to Paul G Decker, leist St. n c cor I inton av, 35.8x100. Dec 17, dne Jan 1. ISOti. 500 Frey. Freda to Harlem Savixgs Baxk. Jennings sl. No UI59. n s. 112.2 w Biiato-W st, 25x177,1x25x175.7. Dee lo, 1 year, 3 %. 1.300 Freudenmacher, Helena to Harlem Sav- isiis Bank. 154tli st. n a,233.4 w Court- limd av, lO.sxlOO. Dec 11.: vuar, 5 %, 2.300 Heck. .lacob R lo Frederick Bos'--. Clinton av. P M. DeclO. lyear. I^OO Jolmstou. Kobt A to Central Tri-.-st Co of Now York. Parcel at Riverdale, 24tli Ward, bounded n by land of E D Ran¬ doljih, e by Bettuer's lane, including all title tbereto, s by land next descnhed and w by Ilndson liiver and land under waK-r. contaiiis 1) 4-10 a'-res; parcel at same idaec hounded u by land above de¬ scribed, e by ei'iitre line o'f Bettuer'a lane, s by lanils of iieirs of James E Bettner and w liy Hudsun River, niih land under water, contains'.t :{.'i-100 acres. Dec. 17, I year. 65,000 8a'iie 1,0 Michl J Lavelle. o iioc jiiopei-ty. Dec 17, lyear. /,220 Same to Horace B Ball. Sauie property. Dec 17, 1 year. 2,750 .lolmaton. John to Silas D Gilford exr and triist'-e t:h:irles Bath^aie, St \nuB av, II w eoi- 139th St. 00,4x341.9x9x 339.2. Dec 17, 3 years. 5 ?„. 7..500 Kavssur. l.onia W to Haklem Savixgs Bank. Brook av. w a, 114.3 n 168th st, 0 lota, each 17.8x90. 6 morts, each $3,0OC. Dec 13, 1 year. 5 "i.. 18,0oii Keun, James to Tcachera' Co-operative Buihliug and Loan A.saoc, Oaklaud pl. P M. Dec 19, insialls, 5 %. 4,0'50 Laydeu, .Mary wilcof,loh]i to Harry Kem- merer exr Sii-aii Kemmerer. Lotl block 467 map of subdivisiou of property of Lyman I'lflany. beiug part of Fox estate 2;id Ward, begins at a w point or comer of said bloek 407, i'ornied by intemection of w boundaiy liue with s boundary line of said block, runs n along aaid w"lionn- dary liue, wbicb is e s Tiflany st, 100 x c IS,7 s s 08.3 X w 25,0. Dec 15, due July 1, 1897. :ioo Leckler, Peti:r to Priscilla 8 Purser, Y'on¬ kera. N Y, Elton av, s w cor 159th st, 5t> xioo. Dec 20, 2 years, 5 %. I.OOO McCone, Lizzie A wife o: Alex Cto John M Linck. Vyseav^e s. 150 n Freemau .st, 4 lols, each 2aKlOO, 4 morts, each $2,500. Dec 19, 3 veara. See Conveys. 10,000 Same toTwenty-tbird Ward Land Impt Co. Sameproperty. P M. Sub to above morts. 4 lid nioi'ls, each $ftj0. Dec 17, due Dee 1, l N95, 5 %. 3,400 Meyer, Cliarles to .lohn A aod Eliza C .Steurer esrs Jacob Steurer, llSthst, u s, 150 e Courtlandtav. 25x106.6. Dec 19. due Jau 3. 1900. 5 "„. 4,000 Mohn, Cbas A, .lersey City, N J. to Beru- lu'imei- & Sehmid. 3'l av. No 3165. Sa¬ loou lease. Uee, 14. note, demaud. 950 Mulligan, ;Patii<-k to Denis D Collins. Pro-ipcct av, e s. present line. 102 u West- cheater av. rnus e 36 3 x s 36.3 lo West- cheater av. X e lot X u Hlo < e 2.3 xnw 83.4 to Pro.'ipect av.x s w 107 3,alao strin ill front of above exteuding from csof I'rosiieet av as laid out to be wide-ucd to present e s tiicreof as oriLfinullv laid out, being 17.5x107.3x17.0x107.3. Dec 17, 5 years, 5 %. 11,000 Mniidt, Helena to Sophia Frietricb, Brook¬ lyn. Ryer St, ses. lot 402 map of bnild¬ iug lots at Fordliaui. uart farm of (Charles Berrian, 24tb Ward. 25x141.6x25x143.4. Dec 20, 1 year. 500 .Neilsun, Thomas mortgagee with Joseph McQuade mortgagor. Extension of mort and reiease. Oct 10. 1894. uom Nolan. Cliarles. Pb!ladelp..ia, Penu, to Jolin J Houghton. Ambler, Pa Fonlliam to Williamsbridge road, w s. part lut 1 map of land of Josiah Brigg,*. West Farms, bet Iaml hereby coiiveyea and laud of R W Diekiuson. runs along last land n w 350.6 X 11 c 440.6 X a e 123.(i x s e 3H) to roail. X a w 16 X s w 159 x s w 60 x s W 14/.0; Williamsbridge road, n e cor Ridge sl. 330,10x178 to 1st av, x3:^0 to Ridge st, x w 196. Dee 12, 1 year, 5 % 2.5,000 «)'Doiinell. Joseph P to Frederick Emanuel. Topping st.w s, 380 n 174tli st, 3 lots, each 16,8x100. 3 morts, each $2,500. Dec 17, 5 years, L>i-2%. . 7.500 Runk. Ahby to T'weletu Ward Savings Bank. Webster av. P M. Dec 17. 1 year. ;:> "b 1.000 Sehoonmaker. Edwd T to Title Guaran¬ tee AND Trust Co. Kingshridge road proposal, c a. 3itl.4 n Irom a point of curve iu said proposed e s of sai