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MtiTcb 2, 1895 Record and Guide. 321 fUll; Dev&teD to f^L Estate . 0ulLDI^'G j\R,crfrTEenjnE .hfousnloiD D£aa|(7nt Bt/siriss Afi) Themes of GEifef^il iHrsi^Ji. PRICE, PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. Published every Saturday, TBLEPHONB,......COBTLAtOJT 1370 OommunloiitlonB should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 14-16 Vesey Street. J. 1. LINDSEY. Buainess Manager. Bbookltn Office, 276-282 Washington Street, Opp. Post Offiob. "Entered at ihe Post-office at New York, if. T.. as second-class matter." Vol. LV. MARCH 2, 1895. No. 1,407 For additional Brooklyn matter, see Brooklyn Department immediateli' folhwina New Jeraey records {page 351). Tj^EBEUARY with its storms and atiikea and floancial stress, -A. the estreme effects of which were averted ouly by the Gov ermuent bond sale, ia not a month to which the business man will look back with satisfaction, yet fhe volume of busiuess done was probably larger than in the same month last year, but with prices phenomenally low. With the opening of March there are indications of fractionally better piices for most commodities. But any improvement that may be in sight depends for its ful¬ fillment upon at least a steadiness in the mouey market. The a^oumment of Congress has always been a matter for con^atu- lation of late years for fear of the mischief that that inaugust body is capable of. The session just closing is so remarkable for its sins of omission that its dismissal into the infinities is accompanied with more contempt than it has hitherto beeu pos¬ sible for any public body to earn even by trying very hard, as some other Congresses by commission of sins against the public prosperity have done. Its close ought to increase whatever measJiro Ox ciji:i;-"c:?eo oj-drbserfitljieiia