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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 55, no. 1413: April 13, 1895

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61i Record and Guide, April 13, 1895 Roller, Chas—Isabella E Conway. Spaulding, Abel H F i ~ ...... I 1895.,.,742 08 W [ Walter Carter exr John ; Spaulding. 1895.172 47 Spaulding, Abel SpauldiuK, Lorenzo Spaulding, Justin Spaulding, Jolin E Spaniding. Heznie J Same-----Board of Home Missions of Prealiy terian Church in US of A. 1895...............'..119 47 JSchuater. George exr Adam Pchepp—August VonHermanni. 1894......................436 63 SemUen. Frederick—WE Clearv. 1895.....355 66 Staab, Fi-edericit-T H Mulch, "i887........368 10 Stranss. .«nnon -WilUam Wil*ou. 1888.....133 75 Sonthern Boulevard R R Co-P N Spoffoid iu¬ divid ami as exr Paul Suofford, 1895.....362 65 Same-----T W Pe.arsall irustee Paul Spoffoid, 1895..........................................581 79 Turl, Jeannette and Joseph H exra JohnjTurl—S D Van Bokkelen. 1895.................10,458 50 'Tennien, Sarah J and Kittie E—Ele.inor P Gage. 1892.........................................'J82 08 Talbot, Harriet L ) Walter Carter exr Johu Turner, Abbie H L s, 1895... .172 47 Same-----Board of Home Missions oi Presbyterian Church in U S of A. 1895...........119 47 Vail, Herbert—Oyster Bav Bauk, 1893 291 45 Vietor, Geo F and Carl — Joseph Hertafleld. 1895.........................................107 95 VanSchaicb, EUKCne-G E Pasco, 1894..,169 87 Westermayer, Edward—G N Manchester, 1878. ..............................................343 58 Weiss, Wm 8—HE Clallin Co. 1894........388 06 Watson, Cath S—Walter Carter exr John Spauld¬ ing. 1895..................................172 47 Same-----Board of Home Missions of Presbvleriau Churchin U S of A. 1895.................119 47 ^Wapner. Adam e,xr Adam. Scbepp—August Vou Herraanni. 1.S94...........................436 62 I Wallach, Karl M — Manhattan Eailwav Co, 1895.........................................719 68 ■^Whitraaun, Edmund 8 .ind Alfred—E L Johu¬ sou, 1894..................................305 76 Zeisler, Jolm—Albert Cappelle. 1895........95 70 'Vacated by order of Court. tSuapended on Ap¬ peal. lEeleased. SEeversal. llSatisfled by Exe- ontion. MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITY. Aprii. 6. 64tb st, Nos 28-32, s s, 225 w Central Park West. 75x100, Auguat Nipwobner agt Luther F Hartwell and N Y Architectural Iron Works ,. ..............................................$58 00 E>3d St. No 538, s a. 250 e nth av. 25xl50s25x 153, Jobn Held afftBeriha Volbeuiu.g. (Lien continued from April 7,1894).............85 00 81st St. Ko 29, n a, 4-.i5 w Central Park West. 1 25X102,2........................ ........... 82d st, 8 s, 425 w Central Park West, 25s | 102,2............................................I Herter Bros agt John Doe and Uriah Lott..... ............................................9,134 34 181st st,n a, 125 w Jerome av, 25x100. Charles James agt Otto Metz aud Frederick Koaton,,., ..............40 00 22d St. iSo 126. s s, 95 w Lexington av. 20x98.9, Morris Eschwege agt Chaa W Cooper aud Geo A, Jr, andMary Freeman..................476 52 April 8. 62d st, ss, 100 e llth av, 100x100. HWKane & Co aet Henry O and Marcy Kirchuer and Ludwis Kurzenknabe....................1 0'5 00 Same property. Same agtsame aud Christian Brann and Carrie Welsh..........,......i o2b 00 Same property. Empire Iron Works agt Kircb¬ ner & Kurzenknabe.......................686 39 Ist av.No 2030. e a. sos 105th st. 25x100. Saml D Tomback agt Jnlin Miller.................18 51 99tU st, 3 s, 160 e 3d .iv, 50x100, Chas M O'Con¬ nor nst Frederick Bornkamp................45 50 APRIL 9. 62dst, N08 244-250, a s, 100 e West End av lOixH'O, Wm E Pruden agt Kircbner & Kur¬ zenknabe....................................545 13 Same property. Thos J Kelly aj:t Chri.stiau Braun, .Mary and Henry O tCirchner, Carrie Welsh and Ludwig Kurzenknabe and John P Kelly.......................................192 oo Same properly. Jnseph Kelly act same... ,19i 00 Same property. John P KeUy agt same, except J P Kelly...............................1,450 00 Columbus av, u w cor 95tb st, 25x100. John¬ stone &Cadien asrt Fredk V Osthoff and John McDermott............................... 76 19 '78th st, s s, 130.3 e Riverside Drive, 50x100. JamesG Wilson ast Clarence True.. ., 2 000 00 2,1th st. No 313, u s. 200 e 2d av. 25x100. Sie- brandNiewenhnua awt Albert aud JnhuJMc- Cord, Almira Diiseuberrv, Snsau A Hortou and E Frank Hall..................... 687 85 Henry St. No 69, u a, 25x100. Jacob Edelmau ast Pbilip H Samilsou, Jeremiah Mosea and John Doe....................................100 00 April 10. 25th st, No 313. n s, 200 e 2d av. 25x100. Sie- brandNieweniious aet Albert and Jobn J Mc¬ Cord. Almira Du.-enberry. Susan A Hortoo and E Frank Hall.............................(JS7 85 JPrankiin -t. No 40, u w cor Elm st, 35xSo. Law¬ rence Houhhan agt Herman F Ahrens and Baithasar Diehl..................... 1 U45 oo 62d st, Nos 24 l-'J50, s s, loO c Wrst End av. 100 xIoO, Union Stove Works agt Kirchuer & Kur?enknab"...... ..................... 1764 00 167th St. n s, whole front bet Frankliu and Ful- Apku. 11, 1895. ■• Editor of The Rkcobd and Guide : Tho lien of Jaraes G. Wilson against me for $2,000 which appears iu to-day's issue of The Record AND Guion is uu.juat and without cause. Hir. Wilson is in debt fo me of over $1,000. The lien will be bonded. Cl.^rijkce Truf. '. Editor Record and (5hide :' The lien filed against Baltbasar Diehl Is unjust. Tbe lien should he against Diehl & Ahrens as part¬ ners. The claimant'a money is ready as soon aa the work is completed. Diehl & AiiitENa. ton avs, 111x244x86x86x262, Patk J Condon agt Cburch of St Auguatine formerly Irustees of St Aiignstines Eoman Catholic Church, City NewYork................................20.417'95 133d st, Nos 1000-1004 E, Geo M Banks agt Jo¬ seph A Brautigam aud Andw J smith......19 50 Same property. Richard Carroll agt same.,, 22 50 62d St. B s, 100 e West End av, 200x100. Hvde & Gload Mfg Co agt Kirchuer & Kurzenknabe and Christian Bratm.....................1,200 00 Sarae property; Robinson Stoneware Co agt Henry O and Mary Kirchuer. Ludwig Kurzen¬ knabe, Carrie Wel^h and Chiistian Braun...... ...........................................2.856 00 62d st, s s, 200 e llth .-iv. 100x100. R W Kane &Co agt same............................1.500 00 April 11, 133d st or Southern Eoulevard.Nos 599-605,n s, 250 e Alexander av, 80x100, G Olsen